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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Beginning Of An Eventful Night

We reached the main doors, letting Abbi take the lead, we entered what could only be described as money oozing from every corner of the main entrance.

Gold statues of animals, paintings lining the walls, and a team of maids that looked to be there specifically to greet guests.

I felt a tug on my arm as Abbi wanted to explore the place right away. I nodded my head and she sprinted off, leaving the maids confused as they were supposed to escort us through the house on a tour.

"Yeah sorry about that, she doesn't get out much."

The woman that seemed to be the head maid smiled and shook her head, "That's fine, I just hope she doesn't break anything. Master Elon doesn't react well when things are out of place."

"I can feel that, I would lose my mind if expensive stuff like this were broken by random people," I replied, looking up at a huge, crystal chandelier.

"Not that, just when things are broken they have to be replaced or fixed, and Master hates when things are out of place."

I looked at her with a curious glint in my eyes, "Yeah that sucks as well, but wouldn't the cost of replacing these things be enormous?" asking while pointing at the various rare paintings and gold decorations.

"We have many other originals in storage, the Master mainly hates the downtime in between the breakage occurring and the replacement."

"Wait, hold up, you mean to say you have more stored somewhere? Of stuff like this?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the paintings alone would go for millions of dollars at auction, while the gold statues, I don't even want to know how much they would cost.

"Yes we have many more, although they are not the exact originals, they are recreations made by their architects," the head maid replied, looking at me like I just blew in from Stupid Town.

Remember what I said about having too much money? Well if you don't understand you do now. The fact that someone has so much money that the downtime of replacing expense art, art that if sold would have a normal family set up for a life in luxury, is a greater inconvenience than the loss of the art itself, my head can't handle it.

As I stood there contemplating my career choices and pitiful financial situation, I heard Abbi's voice ring out, "Ayden! I finally found our room, come up and see it! You'll be shocked when you do!"

Snapping me out of my self-wallowing, I followed the source of her voice until after riding in a glass elevator and walking past countless rooms I found her.

"Hehe, check it out!"

She giggled as she pushed open the huge double doors, and…. well, you know those old cartoons where the character sees something so crazy their jaw unhinges and hits the floor? Yeah, I just about recreated those scenes.

Before me was our 'room'. If you could even call it that. What I was standing in was the equivalent of a luxury Manhattan penthouse. Complete with a full chefs kitchen with all new appliances, living room with a massive 120" curved-screen TV, and a dining room with plates and silverware all set out beforehand.

Strolling through the door, I entered the kitchen first. All brand new, top of the line appliances lined the walls, a massive island counter graced the middle of what could only be described as the late Ramsey's wet dream. Set up in a way that capitalized on functionality and style, this kitchen looked like a 5 star chef would pop out of the closet and say, "Welcome sir, shall I start you out with an organic salad with ingredients sourced from farms not two miles away?"

Ok maybe that was a bad way of describing it.

After taking my fill of the kitchen I walked over to the dining room, and there I was even more surprised. The plates and silverware set out looked about as elegant as a fantasy queen and probably cost as much as cars. The table itself was a fine oak, polished to perfection with quotes and carvings under the coating. After giving myself an aneurysm trying to understand the poems carved into the table, I looked at the chairs. Matching oak trim lined the chair, outlining the leather cushions that looked comfortable enough to put a baby to sleep. Everything scream luxury and I stood there thinking to myself, 'Damn, and to think I thought my recliner at home was comfy, the damn dining room chairs are so soft you could sleep on them.'

Not knowing if my concept of money really meant much anymore, the living room was surprisingly the most normal, besides the luxurious chairs and couches that were placed around the room. It looked at least halfway normal, minus the massive TV that I'm almost positive would give you eye damage.

Not trying to spend too much time in there, I went to find Abbi, checking each and every room along the way. And boy oh boy, did it not disappoint.

Game rooms, private bars, virtual golf simulators, racing simulators, VR pods for those metaverse games people online always seem to rave about. Everything you could think of that you may want or need, this place had it. While right before the end of the hallway, the door on the right that said 'Bathroom' on the door peaked my interest.

'Swear to god if the bathroom is as nice as the rest of the place, I might die of envy.'

Opening the door I was greeted with, "A simple changing room?"

Looking at the walls I could see shelves and cubby spaces for towels and clothes storage. On the left was a washer/dryer combination machine, which is nice considering you just need to put your laundry in there and for get it. Hell, it even has its own mechanical arm attachments that will fold the laundry for you, so all you need to do is throw the clothes in and pick them up after its done.

At the opposite end of the room was a Japanese style sliding door. Walking to it and pulling it open, what greeted me was an indoor hot springs. To the left were the showers, lined and stocked with soap and other self-care products. On the right was a massive, hot springs type bath that had a flat screen control panel on the wall. Moving closer I could see that it had a multitude of controls. Heating and cooling, jet pressure, detoxification, and a bunch of other controls that frankly, seem like overkill.

However, on the opposite wall was a holographic display. After looking around I spotted the remote I turned it on. Surround-sound speakers came to life with a pleasant sound, lighting up the hologram screen with a plethora of entertainment options and different settings.

'Wow, looks like you can watch or listen to whatever you want.'

After messing with the remote for a while and confirming you could play certain 'feature films' on the hologram I shut it down and exited the bathroom.

Walking to the final door that was slightly ajar, I pushed it open and found that this was the master bedroom. Looking around at the room I could see that it was, well by comparison, pretty simple. Double king-sized bed placed against the wall with a large TV across from it. On either side of the bed were night stands and doors that led to large walk-in closets, stocked to the brim with various styles of clothing and different types of shoes. It all seemed to be pretty normal stuff, albeit a lot fancier than your average home. Yet, there's still one place I haven't looked at.

Looking to the side I see a pair of double doors, they were already open and the curtains were swaying in the evening breeze. I took my steps slow, walking through the curtains, and the sight that greeted me…well…. it could only be described as…


Standing against the backdrop of the setting sun, with rays of red, gold, and orange, Abbi stood. Her back was turned towards me, her golden blonde hair swaying in the wind. A pretty sun dress with floral patterns lining her body swayed gently, giving her an ethereal look. She turned her head, giving me a side long look and a silly grin plastered on her face, "What do you think, breathtaking, right?"



"You are…"

"Hmm? What did you say? You're too quiet sometimes, you need to speak up!" she said as she turned back around to face the sun, which was slowly but surely retreating into the sea.

I slowly approached and slid my hands around her waist, resting my chin on the top of her head. After feeling this she leans back into my embrace, closing her eyes, "It's beautiful isn't it? The way the sun looks, the waves moving along the water's surface, it looks like a water-colored painted sky."


That's all I could say, the view and the feeling of her against me, you would think that heaven's doors had opened. The light breeze hit my face, feeling like I was in the perfect scene of a movie, about to profess my love to the main heroine. But there was none of that, nothing like that at all. No words need to be spoken as it was already enough to just be there. Looking down I could see Abbi's eyes were closed.

"Hey, why aren't you watching the sunset?" I asked as she nuzzled herself deeper into my embrace.

"Because, it's pretty and all, but being in your arms is more than enough for me."


I was stunned, every thought in my head escaped and all that remained was the sound of her gentle breathing and my pounding heart.

To hell with the fact that we haven't slept together, to hell with it all. I'm buying this girl a ring, she deserves it, more than anyone else in the world.

"I love you, Abigail."

"I love you too, Ayden."

Tightening my embrace, I buried my head in her shoulder, my face redder than a chili pepper. Although I couldn't see it, I could tell she was just as embarrassed.

After some time spent just standing there enjoying each-others company, she spoke up, "I think its time for me to go get ready, we have a big night ahead of us and I want to look my best."

Not wanting to let her go I kissed he ear, making her jump in my arms.

"But I don't want you to leave."

"C-c-come on Ayden, we have to go!" she cutely stammered out before wiggling out of my arms.

With a sad look in my eyes, I relented and let her go. She skipped to the doors leading into the room and hid behind the curtains. She gave me a look that would stop any man's heart mid-beat and said, "Tonight, after the party is over, I-I-I…." her voice kept getting softer and softer.

"I wanna do it."




I think I just had a stroke.

She noticed my mouth hanging open and, flushed red in embarrassment, retreated behind the curtains and disappeared from my sight.


Silence ensued as I stared at the spot she left at for a good five minutes. After my heart started beating at a semi-normal rate again, I looked out into the sea and took in a deep breath of the ocean air.

'Tonight's going to be pretty eventful isn't it?'

"Haaaa," I sighed and eventually turned back and walked into the room, closing the balcony doors. I looked at the doors one last time, after which I turned and went to the closet to find something to wear.

'Got to look sharp tonight, I can't disappoint her.'

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