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Chapter 14: You're Only A Maid, Right?


The arrival of a grand carriage signaled the presence of a guest at Lambhart Manor. The coachman swiftly made his way to the carriage door, his gloved hand reaching out to open it. With a practiced motion, he swung the door open, revealing the occupant within.

Erica, her nerves palpable, sat inside the carriage, her eyes darting anxiously in every direction. She was on edge, her heart threatening to burst from her chest.

Stepping out of the carriage, her gaze fell upon the grand Lambhart Manor. While her own family's estate may have been larger, there was an imposing aura emanating from the mansion that made it appear towering in her eyes.

"...So this is his residence," she mused quietly, a mix of awe and anticipation filling her thoughts.

After taking the initial step, Erica's anxiety surged, causing her to come to a halt. Inhaling deeply, she attempted to steady her racing thoughts. The coachman and the estate guard exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity deepening at her perplexing behavior. Yet, undeterred by their confusion, Erica summoned the courage to take the second step, only to find herself pausing once more. Another deep breath escaped her trembling lips as she battled with her swirling emotions.

Her mind raced with self-doubt and questions flooded her thoughts. 'What should I do? It has been so long since I last saw him. Are my appearance and attire presentable? Does my hair look fine? Do my clothes convey the right impression? Do I emit any unpleasant odors?'

Insecurity gnawed at her, each concern magnified by her racing pulse.

Now that she had taken the bold step of venturing to Lambhart Estate in place of her sister, doubt began to seep into her every pore. Panic crept into her being as she questioned the wisdom of her decision, unsure if she had made the right choice in taking this leap of faith.

As Erica mustered the courage to take her third step, a maid suddenly appeared at her side, interrupting her internal turmoil. The maid, adorned with silver hair and warm yellowish-brown eyes, exuded an air of efficiency and elegance. With her hair neatly tied up in a bun, she radiated a sense of composure and professionalism.

"My lady, I apologize for the interruption. Continuing in this manner will only result in wasted time. Allow me to assist you. I have brought a parasol to shield you from the sun. Your skin is luminous, and as a member of the nobility, it is vital to maintain your appearance."

Erica, taken aback by the maid's unexpected presence, mustered a timid response. "O-Oh, I see..."

With practiced grace, the maid unfurled the parasol, its canopy spreading like a delicate, protective wing. She skillfully positioned it, ensuring that Erica remained shielded from the relentless rays of the sun. The parasol's shadow caressed Erica's features, offering respite from the harsh glare.

"Welcome to the Lambhart estate, Miss Bluerose," a warm voice greeted her as soon as she crossed the threshold. Inside, she was met by another maid, whose brown hair gracefully cascaded just above her shoulders.

However, it was hard not to notice the maid's prominent... assets.

She couldn't help but be mesmerized by their size, momentarily lost in her thoughts. "So big," she whispered to herself, caught up in the sight.

Lost in her thoughts, she failed to realize that her prolonged gaze hadn't gone unnoticed. The brown-haired maid, feeling the weight of Erica's stare, finally spoke up.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong? You seem to be fixated on something."

"Huh?! Ah! Uh... N-Nothing! I mean, I wasn't... I wasn't doing anything wrong!" Erica's voice quivered as her hands waved in frantic denial, desperately trying to convey her innocence.

The maid tilted her head. "Is that so?"

Erica nodded vigorously, her wide eyes pleading for understanding.

Deciding not to press the matter further, the maid relented. "Well, if that's the case, then we should proceed. The young lord awaits you in that room. Allow me to accompany you."

"O-Okay," Erica managed to stammer, her nerves still jittery.

With a graceful bow, the white-haired maid excused herself. The brown-haired maid, after expressing gratitude for her colleague's assistance, began leading the way towards the room where Erica's desired encounter awaited.

Erica followed a few steps behind, her gaze inadvertently drawn to the maid's presence. There was an air of maturity that emanated from her, an intriguing aura that captivated Erica's attention. And was it just a trick of the light, or did the maid's skin possess an ethereal glow, as if illuminated from within?

'No, it must have been a trick of the light,' she concluded, and redirected her attention to the task at hand.

Finally, they reached the door. A firm knock resounded three times, followed by the voice of a young boy, his voice carrying the distinct timbre of one undergoing the transition of puberty. "Enter," he commanded from within.

With a twist of the doorknob, the maid confidently pushed open the door, granting Erica an unobstructed view of the room. Tentatively, Erica stepped across the threshold and entered the room, only to be taken aback when she noticed the maid following closely behind.

"Eh?" The word slipped out of Erica's lips, her brows furrowing with confusion.

She couldn't comprehend the maid's audacity in entering the room without her lord's explicit permission. Wasn't she merely a servant bound by the boundaries of her role?

"...Why are you entering? You're only a maid, right?"

"Eh?" The brown-haired maid echoed her own confused mutter, a flicker of surprise crossing her features.

The reason behind the maid's entrance was rooted in a simple truth: her purpose was to assist her lord. Their history together had shaped a unique dynamic where it was customary for her to be present in the same room, unless, of course, it involved exclusive gatherings where commoners were barred entry.

Maya, the brown-haired maid, had faithfully stood by her lord's side since he was a mere five years old. Throughout the years, their bond had grown strong, forging an unbreakable connection. Thus, it felt natural for her to be by his side, even during important meetings or encounters with others.

Yet, a fleeting thought crossed Maya's mind, stirring a quiet doubt within her. What if the customary boundaries observed among the nobility did not actually prohibit her presence in such situations? Could it be that her unwavering loyalty had unintentionally led her to cross unspoken lines?

Maya's head bowed further, weighed down by a sudden rush of regret. If her presence in the room was indeed a breach of decorum, it would undoubtedly lead Erica, the young noblewoman, to question her lord's ability to guide his maids, to perceive him as lacking in the realm of propriety.

The realization dawned upon her that, due to their long-standing companionship and her role as a constant support, she may have unwittingly caused harm to her young lord's reputation.

Lost in her remorse, Maya's thoughts were interrupted as Cian, her young lord, finally spoke.

"She's my personal maid, so isn't it natural for her to be by my side?" Cian's words rang out, firm and resolute. His understanding of their relationship was clear. He continued, "Besides, she functions as my secretary, providing support in various matters. It's only natural for her to be present when I engage in certain affairs, isn't it?"

Maya lifted her gaze, her eyes welling up with tears. Cian's approval of her presence brought her a sense of relief, yet a persistent unease continued to gnaw at her mind.

'You're only a maid, right?'

Yes, that was her role—to tend to his needs and desires, to provide unwavering support in various matters. She was the one who brought him meals, assisted in cleaning his back, and helped him change his clothes. Her duties were those of a maid, and she understood the boundaries that came with her position.

But there were lines she should never cross.

Memories of the incident in the bathroom resurfaced, casting a shadow over her thoughts. It was a moment that breached the boundaries of their relationship, when her actions veered into a realm that surpassed the ordinary duties of a maid. The Lambhart manor, known for its unconventional nature, did not easily embrace the concept of normality, yet even within their unique circumstances, Maya recognized that certain boundaries remained intact.

Maya possessed limited knowledge about the concept of sex and the meaning behind the word itself. However, a faint understanding lingered within her, suggesting that what had transpired in the bathroom was an act of procreation—a sacred bond shared only between lovers. It was a realm that a maid and her lord should never have ventured into.

The weight of this realization pressed heavily upon Maya, reminding her of her place. She was, after all, still a maid, albeit a far from ordinary one. She couldn't allow herself to forget that fact, no matter how deep their connection ran.

While Maya was lost in her thoughts, Cian began speaking, drawing the attention of both Erica and Maya.

"Now, then. I suppose this is the first time in a year that I have seen you, Erica," Cian remarked, his words laced with a touch of surprise.

Erica's eyes widened in astonishment. "Huh?"

Confusion clouded Cian's features as he inquired, "Huh? What's the matter?"

Caught off guard, Erica hesitated before responding. "N-No, it's just that... you know I'm Erica?"

Erica's surprise stemmed from her assumption that Cian would have difficulty distinguishing between her and her twin sister, Alea, after a whole year of separation. Her mind raced, panic gripping her as she pondered the implications.

'W-W-What should I do? I didn't expect him to still be able to tell us apart, even though we haven't seen each other in so long. He was expecting Alea, but it's me who arrived instead. What if he refuses to speak with me, thinking I'm not the one he was anticipating?'

Erica, who found herself presented with this golden opportunity to reunite with Cian, felt her panic intensify. 'I need to say something...,' she thought. She lowered her head, her fists clenched tightly atop her thighs, searching for the right words to express her emotions.

As Erica wrestled with her inner turmoil, Cian's voice cut through the tension. "Well, I can distinguish between the two of you," he reassured her. "In truth, it's not that both of you are so strikingly similar that it's uncanny. Your distinct personalities set you apart."

Hearing Cian's words, Erica's gaze lifted, meeting his eyes. A rush of heat surged through her, causing her heart to tremble within her chest.

With her cheeks flushed, Erica mustered the courage to speak. "You're the only one who can tell us apart," she confessed. "Even our parents struggle to discern which of us is which. When they see me, they automatically assume I'm Alea. It's only when I correct them, saying that I'm Erica, that they acknowledge my existence."

Erica and Alea were twin sisters, but their stark differences often led others to overlook Erica. Alea possessed a vibrant presence that captured everyone's attention, leaving Erica feeling overshadowed and unnoticed. The relentless pursuit of recognition led Erica to put forth her best efforts, but her mediocrity in various endeavors left her feeling invisible.

To exacerbate matters, their parents also exhibited a clear preference for Alea. Every encounter began with them calling Erica by her sister's name, Alea. The disappointment on their faces upon her correction was palpable, a testament to their favoritism toward Alea, the child who met their expectations and held their affections.

She recounted the moments when their parents had unintentionally favored Alea. Erica would be initially addressed as Alea, only to correct them and reveal her true identity. In those moments, she couldn't help but notice the fleeting disappointment that flashed in her parents' eyes. It was a painful reminder that, in their eyes, Alea was the favored child, the one who held greater promise.

Feeling as though Alea was stealing everything from her, Erica had been driven to push herself harder, yearning to be noticed and appreciated. However, her efforts often went unnoticed or unrecognized, leaving her feeling insignificant in comparison.

Erica couldn't contain her joy upon hearing Cian say her name before Alea's, even though he had been informed that Alea would be the one arriving. It warmed her heart to know that he recognized her presence and acknowledged her, despite the initial mix-up.

"I'm incredibly grateful that you can tell us apart, Lord Cian. And I truly value the fact that you acknowledge my presence here, even though you were initially informed of my sister's arrival."

"It was only my father who informed me, and it seems he mistook you for Alea as well. But, Erica, I want you to know that I'm not disappointed to see you. On the contrary, I'm far from disappointed. I've been eagerly waiting to meet you again after such a long time. So, please don't worry. Even though I was informed that Alea was the one coming, I already considered the possibility that my father might be mistaken. You are more than welcome to enjoy your stay here in our estate."

Erica's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she absorbed Cian's words. The changing tone of his voice, a sign of his adolescence, made it challenging to discern who was speaking. However, amidst the changes, the way he said her name remained a constant melody that resonated deeply within her.

'...Oh, that's why I love you, Lord Cian,' Erica silently confessed in her heart, the strength of her feelings for him growing with each passing moment.

While Erica's heart soared with affection, Maya, the brown-haired maid, observed their exchange with a pained expression on her face.

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