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Chapter 18: The Ring Of Necromancy [2]

Chapter 18: The Ring Of Necromancy [2]

"J-just who are you?", the old man asked Zain with a low and surprised tone.



"I am..."

The old man's eyes widened in disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding before him. His mind couldn't fathom the existence of someone younger yet stronger than himself.

Zain maintained a mysterious air about him as he responded to the old man's question. With a calm yet assertive tone, he simply stated, "I am just a passerby, you don't need to know about me. I just want the ring... give it to me now."

The elderly fellow refused to budge without getting even the slightest detail about Zain. Finally, he relented with a sigh, muttering, "Alright, fine. Can I atleast get your name?"

He knew all too well the power and danger that the ring possessed, even if he didn't fully comprehend its true abilities. Reluctance filled his eyes as he weighed the consequences of handing it over to someone he barely knew.

Aware of the old man's potential intentions, Zain's gaze hardened, revealing a resolve within him. He understood the risks involved and the potential harm that could befall those close to him.

With a determined expression, he made a silent decision to conceal his true identity from now on, realizing that it was imperative to protect himself and those around him.

Zain pondered for a moment and then decided to reveal a simple yet believable name to the old man. With a composed expression, he looked straight into the old man's eyes and stated, "My name is Luke."

The old man studied Zain's face for a brief moment, searching for any signs of deception. After a silent pause, he seemed to accept the given name, albeit with a hint of skepticism lingering in his eyes. It was a calculated risk that Zain had taken, offering a false identity to protect himself and those connected to him.

The old man's curiosity sparked as he pondered Luke's background. He couldn't help but wonder about the young man's hidden story and the reasons behind his quest for the Ring of Necromancy.

"Now will you give me the ring or not?"

Zain's impatience grew as he awaited the old man's response. He had already wasted enough time, and his determination to obtain the Ring of Necromancy was unwavering.

The old man's eyes met Zain's, contemplating his request. He could sense the urgency in Zain's tone and the unwavering resolve in his eyes.

He had seen many seekers come and go, driven by the allure of power, only to be consumed by it. He wanted to ensure that Zain understood the gravity of his request.

"Y-yes... but are you sure?" the old man questioned, his voice laced with concern.

Zain just nodded in reply.

"Fine..follow me," the old man instructed, his steps slow and deliberate. As Zain trailed behind him, they entered a dimly lit area of the shop. The air was heavy with dust, and the shelves were lined with forgotten artifacts covered in layers of grime.

The old man navigated through the cluttered space with ease, his steps guided by a familiarity that came from years of tending to these ancient treasures. Cobwebs clung to the corners, and the scent of aged books and musty relics filled the air.

"Just a moment, I'll get it, it. Wait here…" the old man said with a hint of anticipation in his voice. He left Zain standing amidst the relics and disappeared into another section of the shop, searching for the elusive item.

As Zain waited, his curiosity grew. He wondered what other hidden treasures lay within the depths of the old man's shop. It felt like stepping into a forgotten world, a sanctuary for relics that held both historical significance and mystical power.

It was a treasure trove of antiquities and mystical artifacts, each item holding a story waiting to be discovered. Dust-covered tomes lined the shelves, their faded titles hinting at lost knowledge and forgotten realms.

Zain's eyes sparkled with excitement as he spotted other intriguing objects that piqued his curiosity. A worn-out tome caught his attention, its pages filled with faded incantations and forgotten spells.

A peculiar amulet, shimmering with a mystic light, seemed to call out to him, its powers waiting to be unleashed. And there, tucked away in a glass case, a pair of ornate gauntlets exuded an aura of strength and resilience.

His heart raced with anticipation, realizing that this old shop held more than just the ring he sought.

It was as if fate had guided him to this hidden haven, offering him a chance to acquire the very items he had been searching for. It was a stroke of luck, an opportunity too rare to pass up.

Minutes passed, and Zain's anticipation grew with each passing second. He could hear the faint sound of objects being shifted and the soft murmurings of the old man, his voice filled with determination.

'Hmm, perhaps now I understand why such a heavy aura envelops this place,' Zain mused, his eyes fixated on an artifact that commanded his attention. It stood proudly in front of him, emanating an ancient and potent energy that sent shivers down his spine.

It was a small bracelet, adorned with pristine white beads and a solitary black crystal, glistening with an enigmatic allure. There was an inexplicable magnetism that emanated from the bracelet, beckoning him closer, as if it held a profound significance that resonated deep within his soul.

Zain had always found himself irresistibly drawn to objects with dark hues, their mysterious nature captivating his attention. The contrast between the brilliant white beads and the enigmatic black crystal was a sight that seemed to hold a captivating tale, waiting to be unraveled.

As Zain's fingers brushed against the surface of the bracelet, he couldn't help but notice an intense, ominous aura emanating from it. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced before, a potent mixture of fascination and apprehension.

The bracelet pulsed with a dark, mesmerizing power, drawing him further into its enigmatic depths. The black crystal seemed to hold a swirling vortex of secrets, whispering tales of forgotten realms and untold wonders. It was as if the very essence of ancient magic had been woven into its delicate design, urging him to unravel its hidden mysteries.

'Take me...'

'Take me...'

However, Zain's willpower remained steadfast, immune to the seductive whispers that resonated from the artifact. His decision to acquire the bracelet was not driven by its enchanting temptation, but rather by a deep intuition that the ring and the bracelet were meant to be together.

He believed that the two artifacts, when united, would unleash a combined power greater than the sum of their individual strengths.

Zain was not one to succumb to the shallow allurements of petty temptations.

"Here... this is what you wanted, right?" The old man's voice broke through the silence as he suddenly materialized before Zain, holding the ring aloft.

The ring, bathed in an ethereal glow, radiated an air of ancient power. Its intricate design, embellished with arcane runes, suggested a history steeped in mysticism and dark secrets. As the old man presented it to Zain, the ring seemed to pulsate with a life of its own, beckoning him to claim its formidable power.

As the old man presented the ring to Zain, his eyes were drawn to the peculiar glove the old man wore. Its exhaustive design and enchanting aura hinted at its ability to nullify magic—an attribute that instantly piqued Zain's interest.

Zain's gaze shifted from the captivating ring to the glove, contemplating its potential. The convergence of the ring's ancient power and the glove's magical nullification made for a compelling combination.

"Ya... thanks," Zain said, his voice filled with gratitude. With a swift and decisive motion, he reached out and firmly grasped the ring in his left hand. The moment his fingers closed around the artifact, a surge of energy coursed through him, as if the ring recognized his touch

"No! Don't hold it with your bare hands!" the old man's panicked voice echoed through the shop.

His eyes widened with fear as he witnessed Zain's bold act of grasping the ring without any protective measures. The old man knew all too well the dangerous consequences of such an action, but to his surprise, Zain remained unaffected.

In fact Zain seemed perfectly fine.

"You... how? How are you able to hold this without wearing the glove?"

Intrigued by Zain's ability to handle the ring without the protective glove, the old man's voice quivered with curiosity. He couldn't comprehend how this young man defied the known rules and remained unscathed.

Zain turned his gaze towards the old man, a glimmer of mystery dancing in his eyes.

Zain's impatience to explore the other treasures within the store grew, overshadowing any desire to entertain the old man's question. With a wry grin, he brushed off the inquiry with a hint of playful sarcasm in his voice.

"If I were to hold it with a glove then how the heck would I wear it?"

Zain's cheeky response left the old man speechless, caught off guard by the young man's witty remark. He stood there, momentarily dumbfounded, unable to find a counterargument to Zain's logic. The corners of his mouth twitched as he fought back a smile, realizing the absurdity of his own suggestion.

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