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Chapter 7: Bambi Met Another Alpha

Bambi quickly checked his watch, only to see that 30 minutes had already passed. He knew he couldn't stay here for long, as Apollo and his pack would soon catch up to him.


As he caught his breath and tried to think logically, Bambi assessed his surroundings. He had three choices or rather, three directions he could run to. The first option was to head south towards the woods, where there was a rumored strong cove that would take in any survivors seeking refuge. But the problem was that the woods were full of dangerous creatures and mutants that could easily snap someone like Bambi in half.


His second option was to run towards the north, towards the hills where a native tribe lived in secrecy. However, their seclusion also meant that they were not welcoming to outsiders. Bambi wasn't sure if he wanted to take his chances with a tribe that might see him as a threat.


His third option was to run west, towards the highway. This seemed like the most feasible option for Bambi. There were plenty of abandoned houses and buildings he could hide in, but the only problem was that it would be easy for Apollo and his pack to track him down. They were known for their relentless pursuit of their prey.


Bambi was leaning towards the third option when suddenly, before he could make a decision, a strong hand pressed against his shoulder. Another hand covered his mouth, causing him to immediately struggle and fight back. He sniffed a scent, an Alpha's scent and immediately felt like shitting bricks.


His mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. He knew he couldn't outrun an Alpha, especially one as powerful as this woman. But he also couldn't just stand there and let her do whatever she wanted with him. He had to think of something, and fast.


As he was about to make a move, the woman's grip on his shoulder tightened, and she leaned in closer to him. Bambi could feel her hot breath on his neck as she whispered, "I've been watching you."

"I know you're looking for a place to hide, a place where you can be safe. And I can offer you that."


The woman's voice was smooth and commanding, leaving no room for argument. She was clearly an alpha, and her presence exuded power and authority. Bambi couldn't help but feel small and insignificant in her presence.


The woman let go of him and Bambi turned around to face her. He couldn't see her face as she was dressed in all black, with a hood and a black mask covering everything but her eyes. And those eyes were a striking scarlet color, sharp and dangerous. Bambi couldn't help but wonder if she was an Alpha, just like Apollo and his pack.


"An Alpha?" Bambi asked, when he noticed the woman grunt before her eyebrows crinkled in amusement. 


"You shouldn't be playing with an Alpha's heart like that, little Bambi." 


Bambi stood frozen in shock and disbelief as he looked at the mysterious woman in front of him. Her scarlet eyes seemed to burn into his soul, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and admiration at the same time. How did she know his name? And what did she mean by playing with an Alpha's heart?


The woman chuckled, her voice smooth and alluring. "I know a lot about you, little Bambi," she said, amusement evident in her tone. "I've been watching you for a while now."


Bambi's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. He had so many questions but before he could ask any, the woman spoke again.


"One of the rarest types of Omegas left," She muttered while still keeping her gaze on him. "A Male Omega."


Right then and there, Bambi decided if he should make a run for it. Sure, he didn't know what powers this Alpha possessed but he was sure that he could shake her off. . . or could he? Realistically speaking, he'd be lucky to have a couple bones left if she caught him. . . if she turned out to be like Apollo, or rather any of these deranged Alphas that think they can do whatever they want with an Omega.


On that note, why did he have to be born as an Omega? Shit's just getting shittier now. 


His musings were cut short when the tall, female Alpha decided to speak again.


"You know," she said, her tone serious now. "You're already running to your death by considering your options."


"What?" Bambi said, like a dumb mule.

"Running south, to the woods, would be a death sentence. The mutants and creatures that inhabit those woods would eat a little Omega like you for dinner, but not before fucking you balls deep first."


"And running north to the native tribe?" The woman let out a short chuckle, like he was a little kid who dreamed of flying in the sky. "Trust me. You don't want to go there."


"Your last option would be to get on the highway, but. . . .that would make it too easy for that blondie to find you."


"But, I'm sure you already know all of this," The woman finalized. 


Just like that, Bambi's heart sank. He thought himself smart, yet a random Alpha in an alleyway had managed to guess all of his escape plans which meant that Apollo would definitely have caught him too as a fellow Alpha. 


"Fuck," Bambi cursed. His mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. He needed to find a safe place, a place where he could hide and be protected. But with his options dwindling, he felt like he was running out of time. 


Bambi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He needed to stay composed if he wanted to get out of this situation alive.


"Who are you?" he finally managed to ask, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "Wait no, before that, how the hell do you know my name?"


The woman let out a low chuckle, her hands still resting on his shoulders. "I know a lot of things, little Bambi. Besides. . .what you need to know is that," She shrugged.


"I can help you," she said, her voice calm and reassuring.


Bambi was skeptical. Who was this woman? How did she know his name? And why was she dressed in all black with a mask covering her face?


The woman seemed to sense his thoughts and answered before he could ask. "I have my reasons for being disguised like this."


Bambi didn't care. "How can you help me?" he asked cautiously.


The woman lowered her hood, revealing a shock of wild, messy scarlet hair. Bambi noticed that despite her dominant presence, there was a hint of kindness in her eyes.


"I have a safe place for little Omegas like you," she said. "A place where you will be protected and accepted. And most importantly, cherished."


"Yeah, not the first time, I've heard that," Bambi said, stepping one foot back. "You do realize how sketchy all this shit is, right? We're literally in an alleyway."


"Perhaps," the woman said, again with that sparkle in her ruby red eyes. Like she knew something he didn't. "But, wouldn't you risk a gamble with a stranger?"


"Or, would you rather the blondie catch you?" The woman said, before taking out a snickers bar from her pocket, and snapping her fingers. In an instant, the snicker bar was gone, and in its place, a little, beeping machine. 


Bambi heard something drop from his pants, as he looked down to see that it was the snickers bar. He immediately looked back at the woman, twice on guard. "What the fuck did you just do?!"


"Oh come on," The woman chuckled, with that low, deep voice of hers. "Don't tell me you can't figure out what I just did, little Bambi."


The gears in Bambi's head turned as he looked at the tiny, beeping machine in her hands, and the snickers on the floor before he made the connection. "That fucking-"


"Blondie had you on the tracker this entire time," The woman flipped the little tracker before crushing it in her hands, as she blew the mechanical contents away. "A little service on the house. Consider it a token of trust."


Bambi huffed and puffed, still going over the fact that Apollo put a fucking tracker on him, and how he would have been royally fucked if this woman hadn't helped him realize. That was it. He had enough of playing along with these fucking Alphas. If he wanted to beat an Alpha, he would have to use another Alpha, even if it meant a random, scarlet-head he met in the alleyway. 


Just like the woman said, he was going to take the fucking gamble.


"What's the catch?" Bambi asked, staring directly into the woman's red eyes.


He didn't know how, but he could feel her smiling behind her mask before she turned around. 


"Follow me."


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Norobo Norobo

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