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Chapter 251: Chapter 251: Crushing the Daimyō

Donned in a pristine Hokage robe, Dan stood tall.

With countless eyes looking up to him, he leaped down from the Hokage Mansion. Floating in the air, his robe billowing, he descended gracefully, reminiscent of a celestial being gracing the mortal realm.

Amidst the reverent gazes of the Uchiha clan members, Dan strolled leisurely, his face calm as he approached the Daimyō of the Land of Fire.

"Uchiha Dan, I was wrong to dismiss you from your position as the Hokage's advisor last time. I... I apologize to you and the Uchiha clan..." The Daimyō, with a look of terror, stammered.

Dan halted.

"How do you plan to... apologize?" He looked down at the Daimyō, his tone playful.

The Daimyō shuddered and quickly responded, "The traitors of Konoha, including Hiruzen Sarutobi, are hiding in a secluded temple in the mountains. They plan to use the Reanimation Jutsu to resurrect the previous Hokage and then oppose the Uchiha clan. My man, Dairiku, can guide the Uchiha to eliminate these traitors."

Hearing his name, the monk Dairiku, trembling, approached Dan, bowed respectfully, and presented a map with both hands.

Dan glanced at the map and casually handed it to Fugaku beside him, continuing to question the Daimyō, "Is that all?"

Clearly, such an apology was insufficient to satisfy the Sixth Hokage.

The Daimyō hesitated, then quickly added, "Furthermore, if you agree to help me reclaim my throne, I can triple Konoha's military funding. I promise never to interfere in Konoha's internal affairs again, including the appointment of the Hokage..."

He spoke at length, essentially expressing his hope for a partnership between the Uchiha clan and the Daimyō's court to jointly govern the Land of Fire, aiming for mutual benefit.

In front of Dan, the Daimyō humbled himself, almost to the point of groveling.

Hearing his terms, Fugaku and others were tempted.

Indeed, governing a vast nation isn't easy. The Uchiha excel in combat, but managing even Konoha is a challenge for them. If they assist the Daimyō in reclaiming his throne, with his influence, they could quickly assemble a vast bureaucracy and rebuild the Daimyō's court.

The Daimyō promised that within a year, he could restore peace and prosperity to the Land of Fire. By then, the resources and military funding Konoha could obtain from the Land of Fire would be much greater.

Moreover, the Daimyō willingly diminished his own power, content to be subordinate to the Hokage.

In a way, he became a puppet of the Uchiha, a tool for them to control the Land of Fire.

Faced with the Daimyō's concessions, would Dan agree?

For a moment, the square was silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the Hokage's response.

Dan's decision would shape the fate of both Konoha and the Land of Fire.

After a brief contemplation, Dan, with his usual calm demeanor, looked at the Daimyō and replied:

"The Land of Fire has already fallen. The so-called 'one country, one village' system no longer exists. From now on, Konoha will stand independently in the ninja world, not affiliated with any nation and not forming alliances with other powers. As for you, you're nothing but a parasite feeding off the people. It's time for you to exit the stage of history."

As Dan finished, a hint of killing intent flashed in his indifferent eyes.

The Daimyō's face turned ashen. A chill ran from his feet to the top of his head, leaving him cold all over.

Under Dan's deathly threat, the Daimyō's extreme fear gradually turned into extreme rage.

"Uchiha Dan!" He shouted, his voice filled with anger and indignation, pointing shakily at Dan. "Do you really want to cross that line? A person should know their place and not overstep. You're a lowly ninja, while I am a noble Daimyō. How dare you threaten to kill me? Beware of going to hell after death!"

Dan chuckled, "Really? If killing you means going to hell, I'd like to see if my fists can make the King of Hell behave."

Arrogant and dismissive, that was Uchiha Dan.

No sooner had he spoken than a massive surge of chakra, like a whirlwind, erupted from Dan, transforming into tangible black energy, taking the form of Susanoo.

It was the familiar muscular Susanoo, clad in armor, its muscles bulging. What was different this time was that it had evolved, now possessing a lower half and legs.

In the Daimyō's horrified gaze, the Susanoo kept growing, from ten meters, to twenty, to fifty, and soon surpassed the height of the Hokage Mansion, and it didn't stop.

Finally, the Susanoo stood a staggering hundred meters tall.

It towered like a mountain, exuding a terrifying aura. The people of Konoha seemed like ants before it.

And Dan appeared atop Susanoo's head, looking down upon the world like a god.

"This form... It's almost like the legendary complete Susanoo..." Fugaku murmured, looking up at the towering Susanoo in awe.

According to clan records, only an Uchiha with the pinnacle of Mangekyō Sharingan abilities, combined with immense chakra, could unlock the complete form of Susanoo.

After Uchiha Madara, Dan was the second to achieve this feat.

What is the Hokage planning to do?

Facing the hundred-meter-tall Susanoo, many of Konoha's ninjas and villagers, like the Daimyō, were filled with fear and trepidation.

Many were panic-stricken, instinctively retreating, wanting to distance themselves from this colossal entity.

Dan's gaze shifted beyond the village.

In the distance stood a mountain.


With a mere glance, the muscular Susanoo slowly raised an arm, its fingers spread wide. A massive energy converged in its palm.

Forming a black Rinnegan.


Under countless watchful eyes, the Rinnegan shot out from Susanoo's palm, streaking across the sky like a black meteor.

Finally, it struck the distant mountain peak.


A deafening explosion, accompanied by the blinding light from the Rinnegan's detonation, forced everyone to shut their eyes. The world was engulfed in a blinding white.

When the light faded and the villagers of Konoha gradually regained their senses, many were frozen in shock.

The mountain that had stood outside the village for decades was gone. As if a god of immense power had simply relocated it.

In reality, the destructive force of the black Rinnegan had obliterated it, leveling it to the ground.

Is this... the power of a human ninja?

Witnessing this, the Daimyō collapsed, even wetting himself.

The villagers of Konoha, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, were left in awe and reverence for the Hokage.

Most had never been to a battlefield or witnessed Dan's power firsthand, until now.

Uchiha Dan is a god!

Only a god could possess such earth-shattering power.

Compared to this divine might, the Daimyō, a mere mortal ruler, seemed suddenly insignificant.


The Susanoo moved again, slowly lifting a foot.

"No, don't... Uchiha Dan, you can't do this!"

The Daimyō let out a wail, trying to flee. But he and his guards were paralyzed with fear, their bodies unresponsive.

They could only watch in despair as Susanoo's massive foot descended upon them.


With that footfall, the Daimyō's pleas were silenced.

Moments later, when the foot was lifted, there was no trace of the Daimyō and his men. Only a mix of flesh, bones, and thick blood remained.

"Uchiha Dan... he crushed the Daimyō..."

Hiruzen swallowed hard, his aged face filled with shock.

Having lived for so many years and seen countless events, this act still left him deeply shaken.

Publicly crushing the Daimyō as if he were an ant.

Perhaps not even the once-dominant Uchiha Madara would have done such a thing. Only Dan could act so brazenly, breaking all norms and constraints.

The first to recover were the Uchiha clan.

"Long live the Hokage!"

Fugaku raised his arm in a cheer, and the rest of the clan joined in, their spirits high.

Soon after, the villagers and ninjas of Konoha also erupted in cheers, their expressions fervent.

Hiruzen had miscalculated.

Indeed, Dan had publicly executed the Daimyō in a brutal manner.

However, instead of instilling fear and concern among the villagers, Dan's overwhelming power had them completely subdued.

Might makes right.

The towering Susanoo began to shrink until it vanished.

Dan glanced at the remains of the Daimyō on the ground, waved his sleeve, and confidently walked into the Hokage Mansion.

As he passed Fugaku, he gave a few instructions, to which the latter nodded.

"The inauguration ceremony of the Sixth Hokage is now concluded. Everyone, disperse and attend to your duties."

Fugaku raised his voice, ordering the villagers gathered around the square to disperse.

He then approached the former Kage, informing them, "The Sixth is waiting for you in the conference room. If you have any matters to discuss, you can meet him now."


The Four Kage nodded in agreement, their hearts filled with unease and varying degrees of anxiety.

After all, they had just witnessed the scene where the Daimyō's negotiations with Dan broke down, and he was crushed underfoot.

Ten minutes later.

The Four Kage entered the conference room.

Dan, with his back to them, was examining a large map of the shinobi world hanging on the wall.

The four exchanged glances, none daring to speak. They waited silently, like students awaiting a reprimand from their teacher.


After studying the map for a while, Dan slowly turned around, his gaze sweeping over the Four Kage. He knew very well the purpose of their visit.

He began straightforwardly, "I know why you're here.

As I told the Daimyō earlier, from today onwards, the Hidden Leaf will remain permanently neutral and will not participate in any shinobi conflicts.

Moreover, the Leaf will only retain territory within a hundred-kilometer radius centered on the village and will not expand further.

The Uchiha promise not to use military force to invade other villages and will not intervene in your internal conflicts in any way.

Do you all understand?"

Dan's words left the Four Kage momentarily stunned, then elated.

Could such good fortune really exist?

According to Dan, the territories of the Land of Fire that had been divided among the major nations didn't need to be returned.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan would no longer vie for dominance in the shinobi world. They would, like the samurai of the Land of Iron, voluntarily exit the shinobi stage.


Dan was clearly not some great philanthropist. Behind his generosity, there must be conditions.

"What can we and our villages do for you and the Leaf, Sixth Hokage?" Ōnoki, the Tsuchikage, took the initiative to inquire respectfully.

"It's simple. Each of the four major villages and their respective nations will tribute 250 million ryō to the Leaf every year in exchange for the Leaf's absolute neutrality," Dan said, unfolding a scroll in front of them. "If there are no issues, sign here."

The Four Kage exchanged glances.

Then, Mei Terumī, the Mizukage, was the first to pick up a pen and sign her name on the scroll, her cold voice stating, "I believe the Sixth Hokage is a man of his word."

A, the Raikage, and Ōnoki followed suit, signing without hesitation.

After all.

There was no need for Dan to deliberately deceive them.

With the strength of Dan and the Uchiha clan, unifying the five major nations and wiping out the four major villages was just a matter of time.

This was something the Four Kage understood very well.


Dan seemed to have no interest in unifying the shinobi world, and he didn't even bother to reclaim the Land of Fire. As for the reason—

Perhaps he truly didn't want to spend too much energy and time managing a vast nation.

250 million ryō a year.

In exchange for vast fertile territories of the Land of Fire and the Uchiha clan's promise of neutrality.

It was a worthwhile deal.

Thinking of the successful negotiations, the Four Kage breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anything else?" Dan asked, implying that it was time for them to leave.

After a moment's thought, Ōnoki took the initiative to say, "I hope the Hidden Rock and the Hidden Leaf can maintain economic and cultural exchanges in the future."

In Ōnoki's understanding, Dan's claim of the Leaf's neutrality didn't mean the Leaf would isolate itself from the world.

Maintaining contact with the Leaf, preferably in a relatively friendly relationship, was essential.

"Of course," Dan agreed, adding, "The doors of the Leaf are always open, welcoming guests who come with good intentions."

"Then we'll take our leave." With matters settled, the Four Kage departed one after the other, each hurrying on their way home.

However, a few minutes later.

With a creak, a slender, pristine hand pushed open the conference room door.

The Mizukage, Mei Terumī, had returned.

"Master," she began, kneeling before Dan. Her eyes, at some point, had transformed into the pattern of the Sharingan.

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