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Chapter 8: Chapter 7: The Sacking of King’s Landing

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The Warden of the North's tent that had previously been brewing a light hearted atmosphere was introduced to a new element known as anxiousness.

The already anxious Eli could no longer keep still after word suddenly passed to him that the Lannsiter's had gathered their bannerman to defend the king.

Ned, flanked by three of his esteemed northern lords, courteously motioned for them to step aside, and his companions graciously complied as they discerned the noble purpose behind this act to honor the venerable man known as Eli.

"Eli, even if we leave now, the rebel army will not make it in time to stop the Lannister's bannermen from assisting the crown, however your worries are for naught since they're there to assist the mad king which will keep Elia safe." Ned tried to dissuade Eli of any worries and assure him of his sister's safety but the man wouldn't be calmed down with only mere words.

"No! If the rebel army is set to collide with the Lannisters then Elia and her children will inevitably be caught up in the battle!" Eli knew war all too well, especially what resulted from the bystanders who always seemed to be caught up in the middle.

Aware of the perilous nature of the battle, Eli understood that if Elia were to become entangled in the conflict, her destiny would undoubtedly lead to her untimely demise.

"Understand Eli, Robert is injured and still unconscious from his battle along with the heartbreak of losing Lyanna-"

"Ned do not lie to me, the reason you are so hesitant about marching now is because of that child." Eli interrupted Ned's easing words as the wolf closed his jaws completely shut.

Despite his discreet attempts to conceal the child, Eli caught a fleeting glimpse and comprehended the truth, fully aware that Ned was not the kind of man to engage in extramarital affairs, and no amount of persuasion could convince him otherwise.


"Is it Lyanna's?" Eli inquired only to have Ned look away, unable to face Eli's peering gaze.

Over the past year, their original relationship of contractor and contractee had formed into a solid brotherhood from the grueling battles where they had to depend on each other just to survive to see the sun rise and set.

This is how Eli came to know the warden of the north, Ned Stark.

On the other hand for Robert, when Eli gazed upon the foolhardy man who would charge into the depth of hell for his comrades, he held within high regard.

In the realm of valor, Eli acknowledged and respected Robert as a fearless warrior, yet when it came to matters of personal character, he struggled to find the same admiration or regard for him.

Over these countless grueling battles fought together, Eli saw the true horror in Robert's words which others passed off as nonsensical drunken ramblings, Eli saw another reality.

As the rebellion progressed, Robert became more and more firm in those supposed ramblings until Eli could no longer see any form of mercy in those dead brown eyes.

Eli's conviction grew stronger as the wheels of time decayed until he became almost certain that if Elia and her children were to fall into the clutches of Robert Baratheon, their fate would be sealed in death.

"Eli you mustn't tell a soul for if Robert finds out, he will personally kill that child and-"


"WHAT ABOUT MY SISTER AND HER CHILDREN!" A surge of madness engulfed Eli as he unleashed a thunderous roar, his eyes ablaze with an unsettling intensity as not even the fearless wolf could meet those eyes.

"I am sorry my friend, but I cannot leave right now." Ned, knowing full well the meaning of his words, closed his eyes in despair as a dry chuckle resounded in the tent.

"Do not offer me an empty apology, I understand your intentions well." Eli smiled though no trace of happiness could be seen in the arch of his lips as he turned his back to Ned.

"But as you would sacrifice someone else's family for your own, so will I." Eli side-eyed Ned, giving him a subtle warning as Ned continued to gaze away in shame.

Walking out of the tent, the golden company saw Eli's urgent figure which didn't match that of surrounding excitement.

Confusion riddled their faces as they had basically just received a king's reward yet Eli only showed worry and despair.

"Commander what is wrong-"

"Stay here and guard Robert, I am going to king's landing." Eli briefly ordered the stunned sellswords.


"Ha!" Eli no longer had any intentions of continuing the one sided conversation, whipping his trusty steed Cinnamon with his sight only focused in the coming distance.

The journey never seemed to tire Eli as he only had one expression constantly eclipsing his face at all times until the horizon appeared before him revealing King's Landing.

As the gates began to creak open, Eli's urgency surged, compelling him to hasten his entry into the city before the defenders could establish their strategic positions against the rebel army.

However, the carefully laid plans and Eli's perspective on the situation were abruptly overturned as a resounding proclamation echoed through the air, shaking the very foundation of his understanding.

Tywin, located at the center of the fold, unlike Eli, smiled widely upon seeing the gates slowly open as he unleashed his sword.




Eli's heart thumped out of his chest after hearing this order as the soldiers all rushed into the castle not with chivalry but with greed, lust, and bloodthirst all encompassing their faces.

'Come on! COME ON!' Eli's constant shouts in his head only became louder upon seeing the gates start to close behind the Lannister bannermen.



Eli whipped the disgruntled Cinnamon as his heart started to tear with every second his eyes didn't lay upon a safe Elia.

Cinnamon furiously rode through the castle gates right as it was about to close revealing Eli's eyes to a storm of pillaging only attributed to the likes of barbarians.

Gritting his teeth, Eli ignored the countless tragedies happening around him and instead focused on the famous Red Keep before him.

'Hold on Elia.'

Amidst the siege falling upon the castle, Elia, the princess, was desperately trying to escape the very place that gave her title and all of the power she previously held.

"THERE SHE IS!" A shout sounded in front of Elia who held her two infant children closely in her embrace.

Elia's eyes shook in unbridled fear as she looked around in a panic before seeing an empty chamber and rushing immediately into its embrace.


Slamming the doors behind her, she followed it up by locking the two wooden doors before setting her children in the nearby cradle.

Then once free, she desperately tried to barricade the doorway as a sea of shouts echoed on the other side


Elia stumbled backwards upon an overwhelming force suddenly pounding against the double doors that held as a mediation between the opposing side.

The furious poundings only got worse as tears started flowing from Elia's eyes at the cruel reality thrust upon her.

From a free bird, to then caged, to then clipped, and finally to be killed as she took a step back as the door exploded open.

There under the horror of Elia's teary eyes stood a large mountain of a man who only showed the lust for blood.

His eyes never wandered but stayed on Elia for a while until they loomed over to her children causing her to interactively get between them.

"Foolish princess." A mocking wide grin strung across his face while gazing at the scene before him.

Elia knew she couldn't stop this man from doing whatever he wanted yet her weak figure conveyed other intentions as it shivered though it stood as a wall between her loving children and this mountain of a man.

Amidst the cacophony of the surroundings, a tense silence enveloped the scene as the two locked eyes, their gazes locked in an intense standoff that seemed to transcend the world around them. The man, sporting a chilling smile brimming with malice, fixated on his prey, his intent to kill unmistakably etched upon his face.

"After I kill your children, I'll give you a taste of my manhood while covered in their blood and flesh before finally killing you with the very hands that stroked your-ACK!"



The man's words were suddenly cut off by a sword impaling his thigh causing a loud banging noise to reverberate from the mountain falling to its knees.

Unbeknownst to him, his disregard for everything else, consumed solely by fantasies of how this princess would yield to his every whim, would ultimately seal his own downfall.

"Elias?!" Elia, confused at the figure who shouldn't be there, called out to her twin as she started to cry tears of joy.




Eli, already disgusted by this man who threatened to harm his sister, slashed down and with one fell swoop this mountain's head had succumbed to his steel blade.

Wronged, the head rolled away to the side as it couldn't understand how its life seemed to be reduced to an execution style death that didn't befit a warrior like himself.

"Elia, there is no time to waste, we must leave NOW!" Eli rushed towards Elia to help her up as she touched his face instead of standing.

"I can't believe you saved me Elias, thank you so much." Elia's face contorted in gratefulness as Eli winked, sporting a familiar cheeky smile that she had only seen in her past memories.

"Anything for my darling twin sister." Eli chuckled, grabbing his nephew and niece into both his arms.

"This is a weird way for them to meet their uncle now isn't it?" Eli joked as Elia chuckled along at her twin's long forgotten humor.

"Oh before I forget, it's Eli now." Eli corrected his misinformed sister who rolled her teary eyes.

"C'mon." Eli then grabbed Elia as they rushed out of the room only to see the complete destruction Eli left in his wake.

Elia's eyes widened in shock as she beheld the merciless slashes that accentuated the fallen Lannister soldiers, their blood staining the walls in a gruesome tableau.

"THERE SHE IS!" A crowd of knights shouted as Eli gritted his teeth before turning his back to try and whisk his family away into the opposite direction.

"THERE ELIA, WE MUST MOVE!" Eli pulled Elia whilst holding both her children who desperately cried for the bloodshed to stop.

Countless footsteps echoed along the hallways with disparaging shouts sounding off one after another.

The steel armor clanged furiously as it marked the desperate chase between the two sides as neither seemed to want to give in.

As Eli rounded yet another corner, his weary gaze was drawn to a grand pair of double doors that loomed before him.

In his fatigue, he momentarily mistook them for the sought-after exit, his hopes rising before reality dashed them once again.


Undeterred, Eli didn't even pause to reach for the handle. Summoning every ounce of strength, he propelled himself forward, his shoulder crashing into the unyielding doors, which groaned and protested as they begrudgingly swung open.

"Ah!" Without a trace of mercy, Eli forcefully hurled Elia through the doorway, her small form sliding across the floor as her niece and nephew tumbled down beside her.

In a final act of desperation, Eli slammed the very doors he had just opened, sealing them shut with an ominous finality.


Then Eli closed down the barricade that hung next to the double doors causing the two objects to be forced shit without being able to serve its only purpose.


"Not now Elia we must escape-"

"Elias?" A cocky voice rang out leaving Eli petrified.

As Eli turned his head, a creeping realization washed over him like a cold wave. Instead of the longed-for exit, he found himself standing in a chamber befitting royalty, his gaze irresistibly drawn to the majestic throne that dominated the room along with the man who sat arrogantly in it.

Instead of the king like one would expect, there sat a single blond haired man stroking his chin at the scene playing out in front of him.

Eli's eyes trailed downwards only to see the already cold dead corpse of the man who would be forever solidified as the mad king.

"Don't give me any hints, alright?" The man lightly chuckled, leaning forward from the darkness that shrouded the throne revealing himself to be Jaime Lannister.

"So if your princess Elia and she's calling you Eilas, then that means that you are the supposed dead prince of Dorne known as 'The Golden Sword Of Dorne', correct?" Jaime arrogantly spoke as he lifted himself from the iron throne.

Every motion the figure made exuded an aura of composed authority, as if they were the epitome of control.

His face radiated a disconcerting blend of unwavering confidence and unmistakable arrogance befitting a lion.




The doors let out a wail as the men on the other side threatened to break it open at any moment yet Eli's entire focus wasn't on the door but that of Jaime.

"Elia, go to the side with your children." Eli coldly ordered as his sister quickly followed without hesitation.

"So I was right about you, the seven must have looked kindly upon my actions if I'm able to meet you in the flesh since I deeply admire all the many accolades you've accumulated throughout your life." Jaime smiled enthusiastically yet his eyes flared in the intense urge for battle.

Eli didn't respond and waited for Elia to make her way towards the farthest reaches that the throne room extended too though Jaime only scoffed while drawing his sword.

"I am a knight not a fiend." Jaime didn't like Eli's misconception of him that already seemed to form.

With a deliberate gesture, Jaime directed his sword towards Eli, ready for confrontation of swords.

However, his brow furrowed in displeasure as he noticed that the attention commanded by the golden sword was not solely fixated on him.

Instead, the princess trying desperately to emerge herself with the presence of the shadow, had unknowingly started to siphon off a part of Eli's focus making Jaime greatly displeased.

"Do you think I'll believe your words-"

"Then let me show you instead of telling you." Jaime interrupted Eli, knowing full well that he wouldn't get the duel he desired if this prolonged, and slowly walked to his side.

"May I?" Jaime gestured to the door yet Eli only drew his sword in response.

"Do you take me as a fool?" Eli scoffed since letting Jaime even remotely near the door seemed like suicide.

"No, I admire you too much to think in that way, which is why I would like to duel you for the rights to leave here alive." Jaime's proclamation utterly shocked Eli for a second before he regained his bearings.

"I cannot do that even if-"

"I swear on the sword?" Jaime raised an eyebrow yet his words conveyed an utmost sincerity causing Eli to scrunch his eyebrows while looking at the dead king.

"I might be a kingslayer and a traitor to my values as a kingsguard, but I would never betray the sword in which I hold." Jaime knew that the action of slaying his own king would forever stain his legacy however he didn't care for he would always believe, even in the far future, that what he did was right on this very day.

"Listen Elias, you can decline but if the pounding on that door prolongs any longer then your life as well as your dear sister, will inevitably fold." Jaime showed Eli that he in fact didn't have an option while giving him the reality of the scenario playing out before the two, leaving Eli grit his teeth.

Eli knew, deep down, that even if he tried to say he was with the rebellion they wouldn't even listen to his words and would instead kill him as well as his sister if given the chance leading him to close his eyes.

"It's Eli." Eli steeled his resolve while taking a step backwards to guard Elia.

"Is that what you are going by now? Very well, little things like these are of no matter." Jaime shrugged while strolling over to the barricaded doors.




"Ser Jaime?" A bannerman hit the door only to recoil at the last possible second resulting in a small thud at hearing Jaime's voice.

"Are you in trouble-"

"I'm fine so cease your actions of banging against the doors." Jaime commanded, pointing to the door while slightly chuckling to Eli who raised an eyebrow at the friendly behavior.

"But Ser Jaime we-"

"You will do as I say or I will tell my father, your lord, that you've disrespected my knighthood." Jaime unabashedly threatened the lowly bannerman who cowarded from the other side of the door at the mere thought.

"Yes Ser Jaime." The soldier pursued his lips yet stopped all acts of continuing.

The bannerman gazed at his comrades only to receive shrugs and others who pretended not to see him

"Neat right?" Jaime joked once more to Eli as the latter was still a little taken aback.

"Why are you doing this?" Eli couldn't help but let out unconsciously and Jaime shrugged.

"Listen, this upcoming battle holds no joy, no allure, if your mind is burdened with constant worry about external distractions. Instead, I urge you to harness your complete concentration, channeling it solely towards the pursuit of victory in this duel as it will decide your dear sister's life." Jaime pointed his sword towards Elia as she cowered at the sight of the razor sharp steel.

"Then let us begin." Eli squinted, taking a step forward as Jaime's eyes highlighted his battle spirit.

Elia tightly gripped her dearest children, praying to any gods that would listen for Eli's victory.

Slowly, Eli and Jaime started walking in a circle as they each tried to analyze the other to no avail.

"I must say, you are better than I ever imagined." Jaime complimented Eli as his opponent nodded in return.

"You are not bad yourself, your name is Ser Jaime correct?" Eli inquired as Jaime nodded his head upon hearing his name.

"Then I shall remember you as the noble man that allowed me to save my sister!" Eli proclaimed, lunging with his sword at the helm ready to commence the fight.


Jaime's grin widened as their swords collided, the resounding clash of steel reverberating through the air.

Both fighters were driven by desperation, unwilling to face the bitter taste of defeat in this fierce contest.

Jaime's strikes were swift and precise, while Eli's movements exuded grace and elegance. Where Eli's force carried a brutal intensity, Jaime's attacks possessed a noble finesse.

They appeared strikingly similar, yet their approaches were starkly contrasting, each refusing to reveal any weakness in their exchanges.

In a swift motion, Jaime pivoted his foot, thrusting his sword forward. But Eli's body gracefully ducked beneath it, the glimmering steel reflecting his agile figure.

Seizing the opportunity, Eli launched his leg into the air, kicking the sword aloft, causing Jaime to clench his teeth before widening his eyes in surprise.

Instead of charging forward, Eli swiftly hurled his sword at Jaime.

In that split second, Jaime realized he wouldn't have enough time to bring his own sword down to block the oncoming projectile, forcing him to release his grip on it.


A slight cut mark appeared on Jaime's cheek as he narrowly avoided the blow only to have the feeling of cold steel placed upon his neck once his vision returned back to Eli.

Eli using this opportunity made haste and grabbed Jaime's sword mid-air before placing it directly on his throat.

"It was a good bout." Jaime closed his eyes with a smile at the misconception of his knight's tale seemingly about to make its end here.

"Yes it was, let us do it again sometime." Eli then surprisingly released the sword from Jaime's throat causing Jaime's eyes to open in pure and utter bafflement.

"What are you-"

"I was wrong, I thought you were some sort of arrogant traitor who would slay his own king but now know you're not." Eli showed a wide smile to Jaime as the latter stood frozen as his true nature was about to unravel.

"Then I thought you were trying to spare yourself a life that would be filled with the treachery of slaying his own king only to be surprised when I saw was a man who wanted to live." Eli chuckled, holstering the sword on his shoulder.

"I bet that even if you won, you would've spared my sister which is why I'll return the favor by letting you live as long as you remain quiet." Eli heartily laughed as Jaime's mouth hung agape.

"Elias we need to leave from the kings private exit-"

"NO!" Jaime yelled out causing Eli to press the sword back to his throat.

"What are you-"

"My father is no fool and has most likely already planted men waiting at the exit." Jaime's explanation made Eli surprised.

"I can take-"

"Two hundred?"


"Then what-"

"Stay in the throne room and keep me hostage." Jaime's bold words resounded from his steadfast expression as Eli laughed.

"Until what? We starve?" Eli joked but Jaime rolled his eyes.

"No, until the rebel army arrives and storms the castle." Jaime put his pointer finger on the tip of Eli's sword though it was still unmoving.

Eli became silent while weighing both options however in the end though reluctant, dropped his sword.

"Would you like to play cards while we wait?" Eli asked, pulling out a clean deck of cards from his shirt causing Jaime to laugh at the fact Eli beat him whilst holstering such an item.

"I'd be honored." Jaime nudged Eli's side causing the latter to chuckle.

Elia from the side, still riddled with confusion, continued to hold her babies closely while looking at Jaime with fierce eyes.

Time passed and after realizing his son was being held hostage, Tywin took all manpower from the entrance of the great hall until Ned arrived with Robert in tow.

Unlike how history should have played out, Robert heard of Eli's rush towards king's landing and ordered to be brought along thinking that Eli's intentions were selfless for his rule but instead it was for his own gain.

"ELI! IT IS ROBERT! OPEN THE DOOR AND DON'T WORRY BECAUSE I CLEARED UP THE CONFUSION!" Robert joyfully chuckled after the misconception that Eli had killed the mad king and was holding the favorite child of Tywin, Jaime Lannister, hostage.

Ned however knew of the true situation that was probably unfolding on the other side of the doors and bit his lip knowing this might be bloody.

Eli took a deep breath knowing that the image Robert had built up in his mind would eventually crumble once he learned the truth.

"Good luck." Jaime patted his shoulder while tying a cloth over his hands to make his appearance as a hostage more convincing.

Walking over, Eli lifted the barricade which let Robert immediately enter, his face was somewhat pale as the bags under his eyes seemed to age him about ten years.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA-'' Robert bursted out in laughter at the sight of the mad king slain and Tywin's golden boy in restraints though once they trailed to Elia, they froze.


"Robert, I need to tell you something." Eli stopped Robert from unsheathing his sword as Ned closed his eyes from the side.

"It can wait after I slay that whore-"

"She's my sister!" Eli shouted as the rebel army, the Lannister bannermen, and last but not least the golden company that fought alongside Eli all widened their eyes.

"What?" Robert became baffled at the thought as his eyes turned towards Elia.

"So you are that wildcard Oberyn-"

"No, Robert, I'm Elias Martell." Eli sighed and dropped another bomb shell that served to explode the surroundings expressions even more though all of them showed awe including the golden company once the realization settled.

"But your-"

"Dead? Yeah, I faked it." Eli shrugged however instead of understanding, Robert exploded in anger.

"I WILL BE YOUR KING! YET YOU DARE STOP ME FROM KILLING THAT MURDERS WIFE AND CHILDREN!" Robert, still overcome with the grief of the love of his life dying, exploded at Eli.

"Robert I threw that title away so your not my king-"


"Robert, I cannot do that." Eli's saddened expression made Robert feel betrayed as he grit his teeth.

"You promised me a king's prize, right? I want you to let my sister and her children go into permanent exile." Eli saw Robert turn away while pacing back and forth.

"Do you think I can permit a kings reward to a kingslayer-"

"Actually your 'majesty', I was the one who slayed the mad king." Jaime chimed in from the side as Tywin Lannister's eyes bulged.

"JAIME, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Tywin barged into the throne room as Jaime undid the poor restraints he himself made.

"I am the king slayer!" Jaime announced like a badge of honor as the knights all gasped.


"Sir Jaime is a kingslayer?"

Whispers started to travel between the crowd, gazes that previously looked at him full of admiration were no more as they turned to animosity in a split second but Jaime didn't care.

Regret would never stain Jaime's smile especially for such an action of killing a king who threatened to burn his own people.

"Robert please, if you permit it I'll take them and personally make sure you never see another Targaryen again." Eli pleaded in desperation as Robert bitterly laughed.

"Fine I'll permit it, if you cut off your right hand and give it to me as a trophy for-" Robert sarcastically spoke though before he could finish, blood stained the great hall.

Eyes shook at the display of Eli, with no hesitation whatsoever, cutting off his right hand before picking it up and getting onto one knee.

"ELIAS!" Elia shrieked in pain at seeing her twin brother cut off his hand for her yet Eli didn't say a word.

The air grew heavy with silence, as everyone present marveled at the sheer determination it required for him to maintain his composure.

Not a word was uttered, for the sight of blood steadily dripping from his hand, raised defiantly in the air towards the speechless Robert, commanded a reverent hush.

"King Robert, please accept this trophy for your succession to your coming throne." Eli bowed his head, no shame in any of his action, as he would do anything for his family even the ones who considered him dead.

The storms of sadness constantly brewed in Robert's eyes at the man he considered to be a dear friend, the man who saved his ass countless times in battle, to have to cut off his sword hand and present it to him for the sole purpose of saving someone he loved.

'I'm a bastard.' Robert's eyes shifted towards the mad king as his actions seemed to resemble his.

"I...............I accept." Robert, with a heavy heart, accepted Eli's hand as the latter bowed once more.

"Thank you for your mercy King Robert." Eli then walked towards Elia who had a constant stream of tears run down her cheeks.

"Come on sister, let me bring you to your new home." Eli gave Elia a toothy smile that stated that she wouldn't have to cry any longer yet she only balled more.


"Yes." Elia whimpered as she rushed into Eli's arms.

"However as King, I cannot overlook the golden company's contribution and will still permit them a king reward." Robert's booming voice resounded as the golden company let out a sigh of relief though still showed sadness once they saw the blood continuously dripping from Eli's arm.

Eli nodded to Ned though the man barely had the courage to even face Eli let alone make contact with him.

Feeling as if this might be the last time they meet, Ned couldn't bear to let their brotherhood to conclude in such a manner, prompting him to take a step forward.

While he understood that Eli still regarded him with the same regard, an unsettling sensation gnawed at his stomach, compelling him to address the issue rather than allowing it to fester

"Eli before you go take this." Ned reached into his black coat before revealing an iron plate illuminated with countless drawings of wolves.

"This is?"

"As you make your journey back to your ships still docked in the north. If by some misfortune you encounter any trouble, show them this. This signifies that you are a friend of the north which will allow for safe passage." Ned gently handed the thin plate to Eli who gazed up confusedly but understood once he saw the surrounding northmen.

No Northman dared to view Eli as a coward or show him disrespect, for these men held warriors in high esteem. However, witnessing Eli's self-sacrificial act, deliberately maiming himself for the sake of his bloodline, dispelled any lingering doubts. In the North, where family values held paramount importance, hesitation ceased and respect for Eli solidified without question.

Eli seeing the unwavering respect didn't hide away but appreciated them in return, he had fought valiantly with these men over the years and had also come to appreciate the northern way.

"Oh, Ser Jaime your sword-" Eli, about to leave, until he suddenly remembered the sword placed at his hip which in fact didn't belong to him.

"Keep it because I'm keeping yours." Jaime arrogantly smiled, trying desperately to hide the immense sadness that shone in his eyes as they kept staring at his wound.

"Ha, very well." Eli smiled, walking out the double door as the golden company walked behind him.

Jaime walked over to the sword while petting the cut on his cheek with a smile only to see Robert staring daggers at him.

"You got your prize didn't you? A reward befitting a king, your trusted friend's sword hand." Jaime hung the sword of a man he probably respected more than his own father on his shoulders while walking past Robert.

"Bastard." Jaime whispered in a tone that only Robert could hear yet the man couldn't refute him.

"King Robert I apologize for my son's actions but he only wanted to help the realm-"

"Dip this is gold." Robert shoved Eli's hand to Tywin who widened his eyes.

"Accuse me your majesty-"

"DID I STUTTER OR DOES THE SUPPOSED GOLDEN LION NEED CLARIFICATION! DIP THIS HAND IN GOLD!" Robert roared in anger as his eyes became bloodshot, Tywin only smiled in response yet inside the old lion was continuously cursing him.

"Yes your majesty-"

"I don't want to hear your words that always tend to wipe someone's ass, just get on with it." Robert huffed, turning his back to the golden lion already sharpening his fangs.

However, in the corner of Robert's turned eyes, he watched Eli walk away gracefully as the blood dripped onto his new castle's floors until he was out of sight.

Closing his eyes, Robert relished all the memories of old before opening them to a new light.

"MY FIRST COMMAND IS A GAG ORDER TO ALL THOSE WHO SAW ELIA! SHE AS WELL AS HER CHILDREN DIED HERE, UNDERSTOOD!" Robert commanded as no bannerman dared go against the king's first order.

"TO A NEW AGE WITHOUT TYRANNY!" Robert shouted as the previously down troughted bannermen all smiled widely.


"Eli, hey Eli!" Jaime couldn't sit in the hall and decided to run after Eli.

The golden company instinctively reached for their sword only to have their movements halted by Eli's new stump.

"Ser Jaime-"

"Yeah, yeah, 'What are you doing here?' let's skip the bafflement, I need to inquire about something." Jaime waved Eli off before becoming serious.

"Why did you do it? Why did you throw away your swordsmanship so fast?" Jaime asked the question that would always seem to haunt him at night.

Jaime was a true knight at heart and although at most times he was arrogant, Jaime always held chivalry in high regard and always strived to be the best knight he could.

Still, the young Jaime couldn't understand how Eli could just give it all up so quickly.

Jaime understood to a certain degree since if it was Cersei then he also would cut off his hand but it would take some time for him to still do so.

"Because Jaime, I could stomach the thought of never picking up a sword with my right hand again but I couldn't stomach the thought of losing Elia." Eli cheerfully responded while pulling Elia closer.

"But you-"

"Also, who says I lost my swordsmanship?" Eli showed a weird expression to Jaime who reciprocated it upon hearing the words.

Then Jaime's eyes widened in disbelief at Eli grabbing Jaime's sword and elegantly swung it through the air.

The wind seemed to part ways with his strikes as even the men of the golden company watched in awe at the beauty of his swordsmanship.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jaime let out a crazed laugh, clutching his head as Eli rested the sword on his shoulder.

Shaking his head, Eli gestured for them to leave as Jaime continued his laughter.

"I WANT A REMATCH ONE DAY ELI! YOU OWE ME ONE!" Jaime shouted with a gleeful smile to Eli.

"ANYTIME ANYWHERE!" Eli shouted back without moving his head.

Jaime heartily clutched his stomach, wiping away the tears while watching Eli walk off into sunset.

"I can't wait for the day our swords clash again."

Under the command of Eli, the resolute leader, the Golden Company embarked on their arduous journey northward, retracing the path back to where their ships had been anchored for an extended duration.

"When will we leave for Essos Eli?" Elia inquired after understanding the ships were around a two days ride away on horseback.

"You will be leaving with the rest of the golden company once we arrive at the ships while I stay in the north for a bit." Eli turned back to his sister with a resolute smile as Elia showed a nervous expression though was immediately patted on the head in response.

"Don't worry little sister, Santino is a trusted friend of mine and will look after you in my stead." Eli gleefully pointed with his new stump towards Santino.

"Don't worry Elia, I'll make sure you return to the golden company without a scratch." Santino's pirate smile rang out however the princess gave out a nervous chuckle in response.

"Elia, don't you trust your savior? I mean I cut off my hand for you." Eli nudged Elia, making her slowly form a sad smile while heaving a sigh.

"You're never going to let me live that down are you?" Elia could only imagine the teasing and favors in the future as Eli smiled widely in confirmation.

"Of course, I'll hold this over you until I die." Eli laughed heartily, proning the others who listened in from the side to follow their commander as blissful laughter continued to rang out throughout the journey.

2 days later

"Elias-I mean Eli, are you sure you're not coming with us?" Elia asked, holding her children in both arms as they seemingly already settled into their new lives.

"Elia, I'm only staying here for a week or two and anyways you'll be fine. But if your wondering about being alone, my darling wife and handsome son will keep you company once you arrive." Eli eased Elia though she felt like this was only another excuse for him to brag about his loving family.

"You really cannot help yourself when it comes to your family?." Elia joyfully chuckled as Eli thought for a second then shrugged.

"You will see what I mean once you meet them dear little sister." Eli didn't elaborate before waving goodbye, mounting his trusty steed though gave a slight nod to Santino who immediately understood.

"Tell them I'll be home soon!" Eli shouted towards Elia, kicking Cinnamon's side prompting him to start running.


Elia watched the slowly disappearing figure though instead of any dissatisfaction, her eyes conveyed complete and unwavering gratitude.

"Aye, he's a real wildcard isn't he?" Santino leaned over the side, watching Eli's descent into the treeline as Elia shook her head.

"It seems as time ticks, he becomes more and more unpredictable." Elia replied only for both of them to laugh in agreement to both their own questions.

Eli never looked back at the departure of the ships as the father and husband's main goal showed its purpose in the direction he rode.

Following the trails ahead, anyone who gazed at any map that detailed the north would know that his destination only led to one place, famous across the realm, the wall.

The quest for his beloved son's dragon egg commenced as any and all thoughts became overwhelmed with the intention of giving Aegon all the tools he would need to enter the game of thrones.

The horse galloped across the terrain as the headstones showed itself not as markers but as the snow became denser and denser.

The days passed yet never hastened his journey while continuing to trek deeper into the grueling weather until after two weeks he finally arrived at the wall.

"Stop!" Guardsmen stopped Eli's snow stained figure yet their eyes widened and bearish action halted upon seeing the Stark's sigil suddenly pulled from his coat.

"Ah! I apologize for-"

"It is of no problem, before I returned to my land I wanted to see the famous wall built by Bran the builder." Eli lied in soft undertones, he spoke with a disguised and elegant voice which made them assume him of noble heritage.

Contrary to popular belief, seeing nobles visit the wall wasn't anything new since many nobles considered this a tourist attraction.

"Do you need any assi-"

"No but can you watch over Cinnamon? Thanks!" Eli didn't wait and handed the reins over to the guard before strolling into the compound asif he owned the place.

Walking around, he saw the men constantly waddling around, draped in the same black overcoats while wearing a sword on their waist.

They stared at the foreigner entering their sacred keep however Eli's smile never wavered at the clear outside treatment surrounding him as it only served to make him feel more comfortable.

"Excuse me, do you happen to know where Maester Aemon is currently residing at this moment?" Eli walked up to the first lone man standing about to inquire for his real purpose.

"Wha-Of course sir, he's-" The man at first snarled at the being bothered until his gaze reached Eli while immediately assuming him of noble blood causing him to acquiesce while answering the question immediately.

30 minutes later




"Come in." A soft yet noble voice let out as Eli opened the door to an old man calmly inscribing text onto a black leather book.

"Are you a new recruit or a noble or both-"

"No Maester Aemon, I am just a simple sellsword." Eli reassured him since unlike everyone else, he didn't want to have a misconception form that could later deter the conversation so Eli sought to rectify any misunderstandings with him now.

Aemon raised his head from the depth of his book only for his eyes to drift not towards Eli's face but the bloody stump that previously held Eli's right hand.

"How many copper coins does it take to hire a simple sellsword like yourself?" Aemon joked with a light hearted tone, Eli hearing this didn't take any offense but instead laughed heartily.

"Copper? Maester Aemon, I never do a job that doesn't pay in gold." Eli flashed him a smile before strolling over to the seat in front of him.

"My men wouldn't have let you in unless you had at least some credentials so please speak, what is it you want simple sellsword?" Aemon easily read through Eli but especially his smile since he's seen that smile only in people who desire or covert something that is not theirs to begin with.

"A man who desires for the conversation to get straight to the point I see? Very well, I want that dragon egg you're hiding." Eli leaned across the desk as Aemon's eyes widened before wiping the tells off his face to remain neutral.

"I do not know what you're speaking of-"

"Maester Aemon, I have it on good authority that you possess a dragon egg that I need." Eli didn't want to play games as well, causing Aemon to squint his eyes while inspecting his figure carefully.

"What is your name?" Aemon's authority resonated from the depths of his husky voice implying that the time for games were over.


"I have never heard of someone named 'Eli' marrying a targaryen."

"That's because I didn't."



"Then is your employer some rich noble who's-"

"Does it matter?" Eli inquired though Aemon closed his eyes while mouthing the word Eli.

"I suppose it doesn't, but why should I even humor you? A crippled man with no blood to the Targeryan name, however the way you talk is as if I owe you one yet we've met nor have you done me any favors, so please enlighten me." Aemon didn't see the logic in even acknowledging the eggs existence for he did not even know this sellsword.

"I'll tell you why if you swear on your duty that this conversation never leaves this room." Eli stated his condition as Aemon eyebrows scrunched.

"Very bold aren't you." Aemon's gruff voice let out though didn't show signs of refusing.

"I think you have to be if you want to live in my kind of work." Eli shrugged, leaning back in his chair whilst holding his smile firm.

"Hmph, very well the confines of this conversation will not leave this room." Aemon gestured for Eli to start prompting him to nod.

"Maester Aemon, you must have heard of Robert's victory, correct?" Eli leaned in and Aemon conveyed a look of sadness.

"Yes, I have heard that the Targaryens are no more." Aemon might have given away any chance at the crown but that didn't mean the tragedy didn't hurt him dearly.

For all his sacrifices came for the good of his family, he gave away everything so that his family would prosper but in the end the dragon's pride consumed their families before eating away at themselves.

"What if I told you that your words aren't entirely true?" Eli saw the heartache plastered across Aemon's face and sought to use his noble deeds to benefit himself.

"The Targaryens fell-"

"Yes but the blood flows." Eli crossed his arms as Aemon surveyed him once again before focusing on his tan skin.

"Is Princess Elia and her children alive?" Aemon knew of the young caged bird and her untimely sacrifice as it reminded him of his own.

"Though they can no longer bear the Targeryan name, the blood of your family still flows because of this." Eli pointed gracefully to his new acquired stump causing Aemon to flinch.


"Long story short Maester Aemon, I sacrificed my sword hand to save my little sister and her darling children." Eli didn't lie but just left out the part where his other hand also could wield the sword.

Aemon gazed at Eli for a long time, his previous rude thoughts that had been brewing from the constant arrogance had been thrown after seeing his clear sacrifice.

"Eli, you will never understand my gratitude for what you have done however forcing those children to covet that bloody throne is-"

"Huh? Oh, no the egg isn't for my niece nor is it for my nephew and before you think anymore thoughts, I do not wish for them to seek out the iron throne." Eli waved his hand to stop yet another misconception which caused Aemon to become confused beyond belief if that was not the reason.

"Then?" Aemon wished to know the secret that Eli would never tell, for his son's safety was more important than having the upper hand in the conversation.

"Does it matter if it's not a Targeryan?" Eli once again inquired as Aemon then started to think.

"I guess not but even if I gave you the egg it wouldn't do anything." Aemon held his head as a headache started to form at the constant swirl of confusion riddling his brain.

"But you-"


With swift movements, Aemon opened the drawer to his side, revealing a pristine white rock that he placed in front of both of them.

Eli's eyebrow arched in surprise upon seeing the peculiar object, intrigued by its presence resulting in the sentence coming out of his mouth to change entirely.

"A rock?" Eli inquired, inspecting the chiseled white rock with some carving that appeared to be scale-like.

"No Eli, this is the dragon egg." Aemon sighed, making Eli baffled before deeping his gaze.

"But its-"

"Dead? Yes I know." Aemon slightly shook his head as Eli showed a look of disbelief.

"It can't be, you must by lying-"

"Originally, I was going to destroy it since the rumors aren't worth the price of keeping this collectors item, however since it seems you desperately need it more than I, then you can have it." Aemon gestured for Eli to take it as the latter slowly went to pick up the ice cold egg.

"It was found on the other side of the wall by some scouts on the night's watch. They brought me the mysterious rock which I soon discovered to be a dragon egg of the olden days. I tried to stop the needless rumors from spreading but I guess it was all for not." Aemon leaned back in the chair as Eli sighed.

"I know it is not my place but please take care of my distant relatives-"

"Don't worry Maester Aemon, they will be able to live a warm comfortable life free from the shackles of the iron throne." Eli grabbed the rock and placed it neatly into his satchel.

Standing up, Eli bowed in respect as his figure drifted towards the door and as his only hand wrapped around the handle, Aemon opened his mouth.

"Thank you." Aemon felt compelled to show his gratitude, making Eli stop in his tracks.

"I didn't do it for the Targaryen bloodline-"

"Regardless, your actions are greatly appreciated by me and for my thanks I will never utter a word of our conversation." Aemon gratefully spoke since having some semblance of his family still alive would let him sleep better at night.

"Then I'll see you if fate allows for it, Maester Aemon." Eli flashed a cheeky smile while waving to Aemon.

"Farewell on your journey Elias Martell." Aemon's reply only made Eli laughter resound all throughout the hallway though instead of leaving, Eli needed to quench his curiosity.

"When did you know?" Eli politely asked, resulting in Aemon stroking his beard.

"Good question, when did I know?" Aemon rhetorically answered, making Eli laugh even harder out the door.

Aemon continued to stroke his beard, vast amounts of wisdom flowed through his eyes before they drifted towards the window.

"So House of Blackfyre still remains." Aemon whispered to himself, peering out the window as the snow melted once it reached the stone.

Aemon wasn't a fool, the man knew and experienced too much to rarely be left speechless.

Throughout the conversation, Aemon had been carefully analyzing every piece of detail he could.

From the fact he was a sellsword bearing slight golden colors to the prospect of Eli's desire for a dragon egg.

This remained merely a theory though a secret Aemon vowed to keep to himself, bound by his own name.

Though not a Targaryen by name no longer, the fiery essence of the dragon coursed through his veins, intertwining with the pride that ran deep within their bloodline.

"It seems that I still have much left to see."

Eli couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment as he discovered the supposed dragon egg to be a simple rock nestling in his satchel.

However, despite this minor setback, Eli had achieved his purpose for venturing to this place and as he embarked on his journey back to Winterfell, fate intervened, and he unexpectedly crossed paths with Ned once more.


"Ned." Eli stopped Cinnamon who huffed in frustration since it was in the zone after reaching a runner's high.

"Eli, can we converse?" Ned's heart was burdened with overwhelming guilt, unwilling to let their potential final encounter conclude on such a somber note and sought out Eli before they would part ways.

"Hmmmmm, very well but make it quick." Eli showed slight displeasure at seeing Ned's appearance however also felt a bit bitter for how their last conversation ended.

Ned then led Eli towards Winterfell before he once again marveled at the brilliantly made castle created personally by Bran The Builder.

Winterfell was built as a huge castle complex spanning several acres, defended by two massive walls of grey granite with a wide moat between them.

The outer wall is eighty feet high, while the inner is one hundred feet high, with a wide moat once again in between them.

There are guard turrets on the outer wall and more than thirty watch turrets on the crenelated inner walls.

The great main gates have a gatehouse made of two huge crenelated bulwarks which flank the arched gate and a drawbridge that opens into the market square of the winter town.

"How is this castle always so warm?" Eli thought out loud and Ned laughed in response to the common question now resonating from his friend's mouth.

"Bran The Builder built Winterfell on top of a hot spring, it is how we can stand for so long when winter comes." Ned boasted about the castle his family lived in for generations.

"Tsk, rich bastard." Eli playfully scoffed as Ned smiled though didn't deny him since the Starks had a massive generational wealth.

The Starks were often misjudged by many nobles who assumed them to be a destitute house, as the Starks never seem to boast about their wealth or flaunt their prosperity which in turn led to the rumors.

The reason for the rumors stemmed from the fact that the Starks chose not to adorn everything with gold, displaying their frugality in spending.

Their attire may resemble that of a minor house, further contributing to the perception of their modesty. Yet, it is precisely these qualities that make it easy to overlook the immense power they possess.

Ned led Eli through Winterfell and finally into their manner before arriving in his study which Ned still felt uncomfortable residing in which didn't go unnoticed by Eli.

"Are you still under the shock of having to truly come to terms with everything?" Eli patted Ned's shoulder as the wolf anxiously chuckled.

"Is it obvious?" Ned asked and Eli nodded in response leaving his head to duck.

"You know, people congratulated me upon the news of my brother's strangulation by the mad king." Ned's lips quivered in despair leaving Eli to sigh.

"It only goes to show you that you're one of the good ones, Ned." Eli jerked Ned around to shake him out of his sadden daze.

"You think?" Ned asked, still feeling unworthy of his position though Eli firmly nodded while taking a seat.

"Of course, unlike those haughty nobles who incessantly covet power that is not rightfully theirs, your noble character is adorned with a virtue that renders you deserving of the authority entrusted upon your shoulders, compassion." Eli rested his head on his stump while cheering up Ned.

"I've said this to you before but men tend to become attracted to leaders whose talents for the sword shine like the rising sun, but that doesn't make them a leader." Eli closed his eyes, thinking of all those greedy nobles who lusted over his potential over the sword as his right to be the head of House Martell in disgust.

"You're confused and scared at the mistakes you will inevitably make, however no one is born a leader because true leaders are only forged through heartache and failures." Eli opened his eyes to see Ned intently gazing at him.

"Ned you will let people down but that doesn't mean you can't go back to lift them up, you are human and a human is naturally entitled to making mistakes." Eli rolled his eyes all over the room before returning them back to Ned.

"Feel better?" Eli asked with a smile only to have Ned chuckle in response.

"Immensely." Ned then sat down at the heart of the chair which had a black dire wolf skin covering its entirety.

"Oh before I forget here is the-"

"Keep it." Ned, seeing the sigil, put up his hand, causing Eli to look a bit surprised.

"Are you sure?" Eli asked, recalling the plaque back into his coat.

"Positive." Ned assured, causing the plaque to cease from his sights.

"Then what is it you want to say to me Ned? I want to make it quick since the only thing on my mind is my beautiful wife and brilliant son." Eli gestured to him to hurry up, leaving Ned to laugh once more.

"Very well, the reason for my willingness to intervene with your reunion was to pick up where we left off."

"Do you want me to take Lyanna's child with me or?"

"Heavens no." Ned waved his hand signaling that wasn't the reason for this conversation.

"This isn't about that but I wanted to apologize for leaving you out to dry." Ned grabbed his hands tightly before ducking his head.

"Don't be." Ned, who was about to give a heartfelt apology, suddenly stopped upon hearing Eli's words.


"Don't be, I would've done the same in your shoes, which I did." Eli shrugged since his actions more or less correlated with Ned's.

"But I-"

"You put your family first and as a man, I can completely respect your decision." Eli spoke his true beliefs since he was the man of his family after all.

"Though I didn't agree at the time, it doesn't mean that it wasn't the right thing to do as the head of your household." Eli continued while thinking of Viressa.

"Hell, I became a sellsword for the love of my life even though in actuality I hate fighting." Eli's easy going words made Ned shocked.

"Really?" Ned said in exasperation since Eli seemed to be the type who lusted for the battlefield.

"Listen, just because I'm good at killing people doesn't mean I like it." Eli frowned, lecturing Ned with his stump.

"Anyways Ned, though we had our differences I really enjoyed our time together and don't look at you less for your actions." Eli stood up causing Ned to immediately mirror his actions.

"Eli, I also consider you one of the most noble men I have ever been privy to meeting." Ned conveyed his true intentions to Eli since he saw him as a great man who held true to his belief which reminded him greatly of a northman.

"You flatter me." Eli held out his hand as Ned firmly gripped it.

"I'm serious Eli, you always will have a friend with the starks and the north, don't forget that." Ned smiled, causing Eli to chuckle.

"I won't." Eli chuckled as Ned slung his arm around his shoulder.

"Then at least let me walk you to your ship before you go." Ned exclaimed as Eli thought for a while though didn't see the trouble in it.

Though right as the two wanted to leave they were suddenly stopped once the door opened revealing a beautiful woman with thick auburn hair, blue eyes, and a large protruding belly.

"Ned?" The woman, surprised at seeing the unexpected visitor, instinctively exclaimed her husband's name for clarification.

"Ah, Eli this is my wife Caityln Stark, Caitlyn this is Eli the one I told you about." Ned quickly introduced Eli as Caitlyn had a look of realization.

"Oh my! Greetings, I am Lady Stark." Caitlyn curtsied while introducing herself.

"Lady Stark, though our meeting was short, it was nice meeting you." Eli showed no intentions of sticking around and waved to her, signaling his intent to leave.

"Caitlyn dear, Eli is in a sort of a rush to return home and I'm going to escort him to the docks before saying my final farewell." Ned nervously told Caitlyn who nodded slightly.

"May I have a moment of your time when you return?" Caitlyn inquired as Ned vigorously shook his head.

"Of course! You can have it all!" Ned boastfully proclaimed leaving Eli feeling a little awkward at the exchange of the two who were supposedly married.

Then Ned started pulling Eli away with great haste while the latter gave him a weird look until he could no longer take the curiosity.

"What was that?" Eli asked, clearly obvious to the awkward atmosphere between the supposed husband and wife.


"It's complicated." Ned rubbed his forehead, Eli seeing that it might be a touchy subject didn't mean to intrude.

"My apologies-"

"It's just that after I brought the baby home and said that he was my bastard, our already shaky marriage hit an even deeper rough patch." Ned explained though it only made Eli become more confused.

"Why don't you confess the truth to her-"

"I can't." Ned bit his lip, he didn't say why but Eli could see the tell tale signs painting across his face.

"You don't trust her, do you?" Eli became surprised at this result allowing Ned to let out a deep breath once more.

"We've only known each other for a short time and most of that time we spent together was when she was to be wed to my brother." Ned explained his hesitancy in telling Caitlyn the truth, leaving Eli to actually agree.

"But most of all, I gave my word to Lyanna that I would protect him and although you found out, it was due your own deduction." Ned was firm in his words and Eli nodded since it was his decision.

Ned would never compromise the unwavering honor that defined the Stark family. However, when it came to his loved ones, he was willing to relinquish everything, for that was the steadfast belief that guided his actions.

"I respect your will but I hope you can live with the consequences." Eli said upon seeing the dock in front of him.

"I have too, for Lyanna." Ned held firm, he would take the hits that the nobles might throw at him in the future because that is what family did for each other, at least that's what his family did for one another.

As they walked, Ned movements started to halt as Eli's only served to strut forward with more resolve

"Farewell friend." Ned said his goodbyes though Eli didn't stop and instead slightly turned his head so that Ned could see half of his face.

"Until next time." Eli smirked, causing Ned to slowly show him a smile.

Ned stood out on the harbor until his boat sailed into the distance out of his pure respect for Eli before turning his back.

'Until next time.'

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