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100% Womanized

Chapter 2: Chapter Two

It was still hard to accept, despite all the evidence that Ermano now was Elena, it was hard to go from he to she so suddenly.

His death was too sudden, almost unbelievable, how did a rich millionaire like him end up dying to a tragic accident?

That's not even mentioning the situation he was in, why had this person tried to kill themselves, where had they gone?

Why was he the one to be emprisoned in this body, he had no interest in women, so this was more than awkward.

Not to mention that he had no idea how to make this body function properly, how would he deal with menstruation?

A heavy groan left him as he sat back, looking at the ceiling with sadness, he already missed his secretary.

Did she mourn him?

He closed his eyes for a moment, wondering who would have shown up to his funeral, if there even would have been one.

He had no idea, the doctor had completely refused to give him any details regard the subject as to avoid making his 'dreams' a reality.

It had been only a day since he had woken up, doctors had been very kind to him so far, the food and the cleaness of the place was left to be desired however.

He wondered how someone could end up in this kind of place, how someone would want to be treated in a place like this.

He also wondered why this woman had tried to take her life, she clearly was beautiful, why hadn't she tried to become a model or even work in the acting industry.

Unfortunately, those answers would never be discovered, he would never get to know from the girl herself.

"Good morning, Elena. I heard the doctor talking with reception, it seems you will be getting discharged today!" The nurse said as she walked in, a groan escaping him as she walked over, removing the IV gently.

"That's not a good morning then. Where am I even supposed to go?" He grumble, crossing his arms as he looked out the window, there was a huge issue with him leaving.

He had no idea where Elena lived, who her family was, where she worked.

"Well, I do believe that we found one family member, his name is Julian Callaway, he would be your brother in law. You used to have a sister, but she passed away a year ago, he was her husband. He will come pick you up." The nurse said, making him groan.

Now on top of having to deal with this new identity, he needed to meet family members?

As much as he had worried about where he was going to go, he wasn't ready to just meet up with someone who knew this girl on a personal level.

"When will this Julian be here?"

"In about 30 minutes, I brought you some clothes to put on." The nurse said as she pulled out a purple tight crop top, along with a pair of tight legging shorts.

"You don't expect me to wear such profanities... Right?"

"Thats all we had for spare clothes." The nurse said with a bit of a dead pan, it irritated him to have to wear something like this, but since he had no other choice, he would have to wear them.

He took the clothes reluctantly, making his way to the bathroom, he sighed as he took off the gown, taking his body into a better view.

He could see a large scar starting from his left waist, going all the way to his right shoulder, a scar that was left by the train.

He could tell that his body had nice curves, his breast were plump and round, his butt was firm and fit, this Elena must've broken hearts when she was alive.

He quickly changed into the clothes that had been given to him, groaning as his chest area refused to cooperate, desperately trying to fight the shirt.

He finally managed to fit it on, his breast threatening to burst out of the shirt, it made him blush in embarrassment.

"Why are these so fucking big? I mean I know its not that big, but goodness!" He yelled to himself, walking out of the bathroom in fury, nervous to meet this brother in law.

"May I come in?" A husky voice coming from outside the door echoed, making Ermano freeze, gulping as he turned to face the door.

"Y-Yeah... You can come in." He said, his voice jumping a bit as he felt embarrassed to be dressed so inappropriately, in front of his brother in law none the less.

The man walked in, eyes locking with Ermano's before the guy blushed, turning around to face the wall.

"E-Elena... What clothes are those?" He said embarrassed, covering his eyes as Ermano covered his chest, feeling way too conscious of this new body.

"They had no other clothes... Sorry." He mumbled, feeling exposed like never before, was this how women felt all the time?

Julian quickly turned around with a hand covering his eyes, he took off his leather jacket and gently put it on Ermano's shoulders, it was warm and smelled so sweet.

"Thank you..."

"You don't have to... Man, I forgot how much you looked like her." Julian said as he cupped Ermano's face, a blush covering his cheek before he saw a flash of pain in the man's eyes.

"Come on... Let me get you home." Julian said as he gently took Ermano by the shoulders, he sign the release papers, making sure that everything was ready to go and soon enough, he sat him into the car.

Julian went around and opened his door before sitting down, looking sad as he stared into the distance.

"Why did you do that... Elena... I would have come to help you. You know I would have. God, when I got the call, I thought I wasn't gonna get to say goodbye... That I was gonna..." Julian choked out as he covered his eyes, by the way his shoulders were moving, it looked like he was desperately trying to keep himself together.

"I'm sorry..." Was all Ermano could think of saying, he had no recollection of the events that took place, nor did he have memory of this life.

That didn't stop him from feeling guilty, having caused this kind man so much pain, it was clear he cared a lot about Elena.

"Look... I lost your sister last summer... You were there for me. I am only standing here because of you... Let me help you. Don't do this to me okay? Don't leave me alone." He said with tears streaming down his face as he gave him a deep stare, one that seemed so full of emotions.

"A-Alright..." He managed to say, looking away as Julian smiled a bit, turning the key into the engine to start the car.

The ride was quiet and long, there was a lot of forestry to look at on the way there, it was almost relaxing, he couldn't remember the last time he had seen so many trees.

He had grown up in London, never having gotten around the world much, trees were more of a decoration there.


"Elena..." Julian whispered next to his ear, a hand gently caressing his cheek as he slowly opened his eyes, it seemed he had dozed off at some point because Julian was standing outside on his side of the car.

"Did we arrive yet..?"

"No, I just wanted to wake you so we can grab something to eat... You must be hungry." He said softly as he let go of Ermano's cheek, keeping his hand palm up in front of him.

Ermano frowned before gently taking his hand, being helped out of the car like a gentleman should with a lady.

"I wasn't sure what you would like to eat, is McDonald's okay?" Julian asked with a soft expression, it was almost as if he always looked at him with empathy unlike the doctors who simply pittied him, it was a nice change.

"Yeah, I haven't had McDonald's in so long." Ermano chuckled out, covering his mouth as he did so, a warm expression showed on Julian's face when he did.

It surprised Ermano just how fond Julian seemed to be of Elena, he wondered just how close these two had been in the past, when she was still in the body.

Julian shut the door behind him, making their way to the McDonald's that was in front of them, he gently opened the door for him before walking behind.

With how much money he was making, Ermano had stopped coming to places like these, sticking to fancy restaurants or gourmets.

It felt bizarre, coming to a place where things were cheap and greasy, not that he was going to be picky in the situation he was in.

They walked to the counter before Ermano frowned, looking at the menu, he had no idea what he wanted.

"Hi, welcome to McDonald's! What can I get ya?"

"Um, I will be taking a crispy chicken wrap with a medium cherry cola, no ice. What do you you want Elena?" Julian ordered before turning to Ermano, a gulp passed his throat as he looked at the menu, so many options yet so much calories.

He didn't know what was safest to eat.

"Um... I... Eh.."

"Do you want something small? I know you don't usually have a big stomach." Julian said as he pushed some strands behind Ermano's ear.

"U-uh... Sure... um. I'll take a cheese burger with a small fry... And maybe... A small white soda." Her ordered, the person frowning a bit before making the order.

The order came minutes later, Julian quickly grabbing the trays before guiding Ermano to a table where they could eat.

Ermano still felt very conscious of his exposed body, closing the coat a bit more on himself, he could feel the dirty stares of men around the room, having him displayed like this was just free eye candy to them.

"Is something wrong...?" Julian asked in worry, putting down his wrap to look directly at Ermano.

"I just don't enjoy being gawked at." He said, looking down at his lap where he could see the thick thighs he now had.

Julian chuckled a bit and stood up, coming around the table and sitting by Ermano who's eyes widened in surprise as the man put his arm on Ermano's shoulders.

"There, now no one will dare look at you. Is that better?" Julian asked in a soft tone, as if he was afraid to scare Elena away from him, it was a sweet gesture that Ermano deeply appreciated.

It did make him a bit conscious of their proximity, it was weird for Ermano to be the smaller figure next to a man, he was used to being the dominant one.

They ate their meal quietly, the food being the most disgusting thing Ermano had had in a long time.

He couldn't believe the creators of McDonald's had such horrible quality, what had happened to America, where was the food they were so proud of?

"You're making a weird face there, is everything okay?" Julian asked as he finished his food, looking over to the barely touched cheeseburger, Ermano had only managed to eat the fries as they tasted delicious.

"This taste atrocious." Ermano said while pointing at the cheeseburger, getting a laugh out of Julian who smiled at him.

"Elena, it's McDonald's. It's always tasted this way, what's changed?"

"I guess I expect better."

"You're funny." Julian said as he finished his coca cola, Ermano was already feeling sick to his stomach.

"Hey Julian?"


"Where do I live..?" Ermano asked, rubbing the back of his neck where his fingers met long silky hair.

"You don't remember..? Well, how do I put this. You were evicted last month... You couldn't pay rent so you were living on the street... I looked for you, but you went missing... If I had known sooner..." Julian said as his hand gripped Ermano's shoulder tightly, it was clear Julian regretted not being there for Elena.

"Ah... The doctor said I had head trauma. I don't remember anything..." He said to Julian, looking up to be met with worried eyes.

"You... You remember nothing..? Like... At all?"

"Not a single thing."

Julian's eyes fell down to the floor, a frown on his face as he nodded, looking like he was being torn from the inside.

"Is everything okay?"

"You don't... You dont remember me at all... Do you..?" Julian asked, eyes brimming with tears, it caught him off guard, seeing such sadness in his eyes.

"I may not remember you, but I would like to... I... I like you a lot. You seem nice." Ermano tried to correct himself, the expression of sadness slowly turned hopeful at his words, making Ermano sigh in relief.

"I'm glad you think so... I just wished... I wished you hadn't lost all of our memories." Julian said with a sadness that hit deep in Ermano's chest, as if something inside of him was hurting from those words.

They quickly put their things to the trash, Ermano kept his soda, drinking it slowly as he headed to the bathroom, he didn't know yet exactly how to use this body of his.

He sat on the toilet, awkwardly trying to pee, he eventually managed after ten minutes of trying, figuring that it was all about focusing rather than letting go like a man would.

He finished up and washed his hands before making his way out, bumping into a large tattooed man.

"Hey! Watch where you're going bitch." The man said before Ermano sent him a glare.

"And what if I don't? Who are you to call me a bitch?" Ermano said in anger, surprised by the audacity of this ugly man.

"What did you fucking say? You fucking whore, I'll teach you!" The man said grabbing Ermano's hair, his eyes widening as the man pulled Elena's hair up, making his eyes water from the sudden pain.

What was wrong with people here? How could someone be so violent over exchanged words like this!?

"Not so chatty anymore aye!?" The man yelled as he lifted Ermano off the ground, a scream leaving his lips as pain shot through his body.

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Julian yelled before the man dropped Ermano who fell on his knees with a few strands of his hair falling to the floor.

"It's okay, I was just teaching this whore her place in this world." The man said before spitting at Ermano, who barely avoided the disgusting liquid.

In a split second, Julian's fist had collided with the ugly man's jaw, he quickly gripped the tattooed man and hit his face repeatedly, pure anger on his face before Ermano's grabbed his arm.

"S-Stop... You're going to kill him..." He managed out of his trembling mouth, his body in shock from the assault.

"This fucker hurt you!"

"I-I know... You made him pay... He's not even c-conscious anymore." Ermano said as Julian slowly turned to face the passed out bloody man in his grasp.

He groaned before dropping the man, gently scooping Ermano into his arms in a bridal fashion, his hold was gentle yet strong, it made Ermano's body finally calm down from the shock.

"Let's just go." He grumbled out as he made his way towards the exit, some of the people still watching in awe at the interaction that had occured.

He gently put Ermano down, opening the door making sure his seat belt was on before shutting the door softly behind him.

The rest of the ride had been quiet, Ermano hadn't dared say a word in fear of upsetting Julian even further than he already was.

Soon enough, they arrived to a city, it was pretty small but still was a considerable size, it had a completely different look from the one he was at a few minutes ago.

"Where are we..?" Ermano asked as he looked out the window, eyes scanning the city, it beauty already shining in the night.

"Grand rapids... I live on fox hollow." He said calmly, his hand gripping the wheel tightly, he clearly was upset and Ermano didn't know what to do to help him.

In an attempt to calm him down, Ermano reached out to him, gently putting his hand on Julian's arm, his expression softened immediately, his eyes quickly glancing at Ermano before looking back on the road, knuckles now relaxed.

They finally made it to his house, Julian slowly parked his car in the garage before stepping out, opening the door for Ermano to come out.

They made their way inside, the house was warm and full of inviting colours, it brought forth comfort and reassurance to Ermano, it was a lovely family home.

As ermano took off his shoes, he noticed some pictures on the wall, one caught his attention soon enough, it was Elena's sister and Julian kissing, it looked so endearing.

As he made his way toward the living room, he noticed a few that rested on a desk, one of them seemed to be from their marriage, and there was also one of her during pregnancy.

"Aww, is that my sister?" Ermano asked, gently picking up the picture, passing his fingers on the woman's face.

"Yes, that was Emily. She was 6 months pregnant in the picture." Julian said with a smile, picking the picture up as his eyes teared up.

"So you're a father? Which was it? A boy or a girl?" Ermano asked before Julian's face darkened, his expression turning cold as he put the photo back down and walked closer to Ermano, giving him a shiver.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Do you need to take a bath? I can prepare one for you." He said with a dry tone, something having clearly shifted in his demeanor.

"Julian?" Ermano said, trying to reach for him only for his wrist to be caught, a threatening look in Julian's eyes.

"Do you need one or not."

"I think... I would like one." Ermano said as Julian let go, turning around to climb up to the second floor, leaving a terrified Ermano downstairs.

What had ruined his mood so quickly?

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