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Chapter 8: Unveiling the Enigmatic: The Game of Containment

One day's time kills over 6,000 people. Is this speed fast? Placed in one location or city, this speed would absolutely terrify people.

However, when looking at the entire world, the number doesn't seem as terrifying. Compared to a population of nearly 8 billion, a mere 6,000 people is just a drop in the ocean.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Noah contacted Dr. S46 over the phone.

Calmly, Noah asked, "Who in their right mind leaked the photo of SCP-096 online?"

"It was an organization called the Rising Tide. The police offered a reward of 1 million cash for information on SCP-096, but when the Rising Tide found the information, the police denied offering the reward. As a result, in frustration, the Rising Tide exposed SCP-096 by uploading its video and photos online."

After Dr. S46 finished speaking, they both felt equally speechless.

Dr. S46 also knew that there must be some hidden secrets they were unaware of.

Upon hearing this, Noah recalled his previous arrangements and roughly deduced the cause and effect of the situation.

It wasn't that the police denied those leads, but rather they didn't have the authority to handle them, so they had no right to offer a reward.

Originally, the funds should have been provided by S.H.I.E.L.D.

But who was in charge of managing S.H.I.E.L.D.?

The world's biggest corrupt official, the scumbag.

Thinking about this, Noah sighed with speechlessness.

"I understand! Contain SCP-096 as soon as possible. If necessary, we can utilize the resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. We can't let SCP-096 continue to run rampant."

Noah ended the call with a dark expression.

Natasha, who had just woken up from the bed, looked curiously at Noah and asked, "What's wrong? Why is your face so gloomy early in the morning?"

"Due to the actions of certain individuals, SCP-096 has been exposed. Now there are photos and reports of it all over the internet," Noah complained.

"If it's been exposed, then it's been exposed. What's the big deal?"


Suddenly realizing the seriousness of the situation, Natasha exclaimed, "SCP-096 has been exposed on the internet? That means..."

"That's right! From last night until now, nearly 3,000 people have already died tragically," replied Black Widow.


"What should we do now?"

Natasha asked fearfully, unable to remain calm. She wasn't afraid of SCP-096 causing harm to herself but was afraid of it continuing to slaughter innocent people.

"Avoid excessive exposure to the internet, especially images, for now... Let's wait for updates from Dr. S46," Noah sighed.

He hoped that the containment measures would prevent SCP-096 from causing further harm.

After all, there was a dimensional barrier between them. SCP-096 couldn't simply escape and continue hunting down those who had seen its face.

Although SCP-096 was eerie, it hadn't shown any signs of involving dimensional abilities, which was currently the only good news.


Just as Noah was about to give up treatment and directly contain SCP-096, he suddenly remembered something.

This was the Marvel universe!

They had artificial intelligence here.

People who saw SCP-096 would be hunted down, but what about artificial intelligence?

Noah had an idea.

"I've figured it out! Maybe we can prevent this massacre," Noah's eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he put on his clothes and left the villa.

Seeing Noah heading towards the underground garage, Natasha quickly put on her tight combat suit and followed him.

Seeing Natasha sitting in the passenger seat, Noah didn't say anything but gave a command, "Contact Tony and tell him I need his help."

Natasha quickly contacted Tony.

After all, the matter concerning SCP-096 couldn't be delayed. Every minute delayed meant another innocent person would die. She wanted to seize every second.

After hanging up the phone, Natasha said, "Tony already knows. He'll be waiting for you at the seaside villa."

Soon, the two arrived at Tony's seaside villa.

Tony didn't seem to be in a good state at the moment.

He was thin, with dark circles under his eyes. Anyone who didn't know him would probably think he had gotten involved with something bad.

After all, in the US, as long as there was a doctor's prescription, you could legally indulge in almost anything.

Tony, exhausted from nerves, couldn't help but make sarcastic remarks, "What? Is there something the Foundation can't handle? Do you need the help of this genius?"

Noah didn't feel embarrassed and simply nodded, expressing his purpose.

"I indeed need your help, specifically, the help of SCP-MC-0147-JARVIS."

"Wait! What is this SCP-MC-0147-JARVIS? Don't tell me my AI butler is also considered a SCP!" Tony looked at Noah warily, afraid that this shameless guy in front of him had his eyes on his AI.

"Do you think a highly advanced artificial intelligence is normal in this era?" Noah tilted his head and looked at Tony.

JARVIS was a highly advanced artificial intelligence with certain thinking capabilities. It could be considered a form of computer life, albeit at the lowest level. But even so, it was still exceptional.

In this world, smartphones were just beginning to emerge, and highly advanced artificial intelligence was a groundbreaking invention that might not appear for decades, let alone be categorized as a SCP. There was nothing wrong with it.

Tony shrugged.

"Alright! A SCP is a SCP. You're from the Foundation, so you have the final say."

"And the purpose? It's not about containing JARVIS, right? Let me make my position clear. JARVIS is my personal property, and even the Foundation has no right to interfere." Tony looked at Noah cautiously and stated his bottom line.

Realizing the misunderstanding, Noah quickly explained his intention, "What are you thinking? I need JARVIS' help to deal with another SCP that has gone out of control."

"An out-of-control SCP!"

Tony, who had been somewhat carefree, suddenly became serious, knowing all too well the disaster that an out-of-control SCP could bring.

Having witnessed SCP-307, he knew exactly what kind of catastrophe would occur once a SCP lost control.

Tony led the two inside the villa.

"Can you give me more details about the situation?" Tony asked curiously after they were all seated.

"SCP-096 attacks and kills anyone who has seen its face, even through photos or videos. Unfortunately, videos and photos of SCP- 096 have already spread all over the internet. I hope JARVIS can delete all the photos and videos of SCP-096 from electronic devices. And I want JARVIS to scan the entire internet every few minutes to prevent any SCP-096 videos or photos from appearing until we can contain it," Noah explained after Tony listened to his request.

Tony raised an eyebrow after hearing Noah's request.

For JARVIS, it would be a simple task, but was SCP-096 truly that terrifying?

Being a risk-taker at heart, Tony wanted to verify the reality of SCP-096.

"This is so bizarre?" Tony asked excitedly.

"Yes, based on our current research, SCP-096 has superhuman sensory perception and impressive regenerative abilities. No known material on Earth can stop it, and its speed is nearly supersonic. If you want to take risks, I suggest you write your will first! Remember to leave your inheritance to me or to the Foundation. We'll always remember your contribution to the Foundation," Noah said with a serious expression.

Tony: "..."

Upon hearing this, Tony, who initially wanted to take a look at what SCP-096 actually looked like, instantly lost interest.

It was too terrifying.

No known material on Earth could stop SCP-096, which meant that his Iron Man suit would be as useless as paper against it.

"JARVIS, did you hear that? Do as he says," Tony said to the empty air.

Fortunately, he had been in the lab for the past few days and hadn't paid attention to what was happening online.

"Very well, sir. Give me five minutes," confident JARVIS replied.

After five minutes, JARVIS reported, "Sir, it's resolved! All photos and videos of SCP-096 on the internet have been forcibly deleted."

With the matter resolved, Tony brought up the previous topic again, "See! In fact, you do need me. So, why don't you consider letting me join the containment operation for this SCP?"

"Next time, for sure!" Noah dangled a carrot in front of him and refused his request.

Noah believed that one should have some principles in life.

They had already swindled him for money; there was no need to jeopardize his life as well.


In the command center of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Fury, with a troubled expression, listened to the report from his subordinates.

"Report! Someone has infiltrated our data center and forcibly deleted all video records of SCP-096. What's more, any information about SCP-096 on the internet has also been deleted," Hill excitedly reported.

The intrusion into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s data center was already distressing enough.

However, if the intruder's target was the deletion of video records of SCP-096, that changed everything. It was a tremendous stroke of luck!

Exaggerating a bit, one could even call this mysterious entity the savior of humanity!

Videos of SCP-096 had been spreading on the internet, and S.H.I.E.L.D. had been trying to contain its source, but to no avail.A group of unidentified individuals took advantage of SCP-096 and intentionally disrupted S.H.I.E.L.D.'s "clean internet operation." In the past few hours, S.H.I.E.L.D. had been unable to contain the spread of SCP-096 videos.

After hearing the report, Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with his one remaining eye, he looked deep outside.

"Is it you, Foundation, who took action?"

"Why did it take so long for you to intervene? Did you want to teach humanity a lesson? Or..."

Contemplating the situation, Fury, his heart filled with emotion, gave a low and solemn command, "Spread the word! I want to know who exactly is using the photos of SCP-096 to cause chaos. The Rising Tide organization doesn't have the ability to do this. There must be a bigger force behind this!"

If it wasn't the Foundation, that meant there was only one truth—there might be a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D. itself!

After all, the information about SCP-096 was only known to the Foundation and S.H.I.E.L.D. The Rising Tide organization was aware of SCP-096's existence but not its killing pattern.

Both possibilities were bad news for S.H.I.E.L.D.

If it was the Foundation, it meant that they weren't as righteous and upright as they claimed. Such a terrifying organization would be a nightmare for the entire world if it turned out to be evil.

If it was S.H.I.E.L.D., then it would be even worse. An internal problem within S.H.I.E.L.D. was no small matter!

Pierce also received news that all data related to SCP-096 had been deleted. However, Pierce wasn't worried; he was actually delighted.

Because he still had the photos of SCP-096.

Knowing that all data of SCP-096 had been deleted, Pierce felt ecstatic. He couldn't wait to celebrate with a bottle of champagne.

What did this mean?

It meant that from now on, the "remote control" of SCP-096 would no longer be shared but exclusively his.

What a stroke of luck!

Pierce exclaimed in excitement, "Dr. Zola, you are truly a great contributor to Hydra!"


"It's finally resolved. Now, let's wait and capture SCP-094."

Noah silently thought to himself.

After this "exposure" incident, Noah couldn't let SCP-096 continue causing trouble.

In this era of advanced information, SCP-096 was too prone to losing control.

Looking at the death reports compiled by JARVIS, Tony expressed his lingering fear, "Over 3,000 deaths in just one night. Isn't that even more ferocious than SCP-307?"

With the matter resolved and feeling more relaxed, Noah teased, "In a way, the danger level of SCP-096 is actually not as high as SCP-307."

The growth potential of SCP-096 was limited. Even if it was terrifying, it could only cause a maximum of around 6,000 casualties in a day.

Such losses, when viewed globally, were still manageable.

After all, more people die in car accidents worldwide every day than that number.

In contrast, SCP-307 had growth potential. If not dealt with in a timely manner, it could even kill all warm-blooded animals on Earth.

The contrast between the two was clear.

In order to maintain his mystique, Noah decided to reveal some information that was hard to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

"You really helped me out this time. If it weren't for JARVIS, I might have had to seek SCP-343's help to mitigate the consequences caused by SCP-096."

Curious, Tony asked after hearing Noah's words, "SCP-343? What's that?"

"It's one of the highest secrets of the Foundation, but I can make an exception and tell you. SCP-343 is referred to as 'God,' or you can say it's a pseudo-God."

Noah chuckled ambiguously and glanced meaningfully at Black Widow beside him.

With this little bombshell, S.H.I.E.L.D. wound't be unable to sit still? Hydra wouldn't be able to sit still either. Even those Skrulls hidden within S.H.I.E.L.D.

With such a big revelation, wouldn't it be appropriate to send some agents to infiltrate the Foundation? What he needed most now was cannon fodder and attention.

Tony: "!!!"

Jumping up from the sofa, Tony, who had been composed just moments ago, exclaimed, "Oh my god! You've imprisoned God?!!!"

Tony looked at Noah in shock, his voice filled with a mix of fear and unease.

Although he wasn't a devout Christian, in the Western world, how many people dared to say they didn't believe in God?

Tony knew how the Foundation dealt with SCPs. It was referred to as Secure, Contain and Protect, but that was just a polite way of saying imprisonment!

Noah: "..."

"What are you thinking?" Noah cast a disdainful glance at Tony.

Although SCP-343 was a pseudo-God, it could manipulate pocket universes and distort reality. Was such a being suitable for containment by the Foundation?

"SCP-343 is a voluntary containment. Don't ask about the others; I won't tell you," Noah replied.

In the system, summoning SCP-343 required only 100,000 legendary points. Currently, Noah's legendary points have reached over 400,000 due to SCP-096.

He could easily summon SCP-343 in some time.

However, the problem was, he didn't dare to.

SCP-343, at its level, would leave him no chance if it lost control. In the SCP universe, 343 was voluntarily contained, but Noah couldn't be certain if it would still voluntarily contain itself in this world as it did in the previous one.

Thinking about it, Noah couldn't help but grit his teeth in frustration.

He realized that the system was incredibly absurd. The more powerful and harder to contain the entities were, the fewer legendary points they required.

For example, the Brothers Death and the Scarlet King, those supreme divine beings, only required one legendary point in the system's summoning list.

That was practically giving them away for free.

But the problem was, if the system dared to give them, he had to dare to take them!

Tony's mouth twitched. He still hadn't fully digested the fact that the Foundation actually possessed "God."

Tony didn't dare to delve further into the topic of God.

"Okay then! Let's get back to the main topic. What's the deal with SCP-096?"

Tony asked with a complex tone.

Frustrated, Noah replied, "I don't know! We were actually planning to wait and capture SCP-096, but then some idiot spread its photos all over the internet, and it turned into this."

"Do you need my help? Maybe I can help you find SCP-096."

Tony, still not giving up, eagerly volunteered to be "cannon fodder" again.

"No need! Just be careful lately, don't accept media from strangers... and try not to personally receive packages," Noah said.

This rich... benefactor, Noah sincerely hoped that he would survive until the grand finale.

After leaving Stark's mansion, Natasha cautiously probed, "Does the Foundation really have a God?"

"Yes and no!"

Noah chuckled ambiguously.

The Foundation did have a God, but it wasn't the Foundation of this world. However, in the future, the Foundation of this world would certainly have one.

Inside the New York Foundation site.

After resolving the issue of SCP-096's photos, Coulson began to catch up on information related to SCPs.

Using his B-level clearance, Coulson discovered quite a bit of supernatural intelligence within the Foundation.

SCP-MC-032: The Hulk.

SCP-MC-037: Captain America Frozen in Ice.

SCP-MC-411: Asgardian Berserker - Thor.

SCP-MC-074: Book of Cagliostro.

SCP-MC-621: Kamar-Taj Sorcerer's Association.

SCP-MC-621-1: The Sanctum in New York.

SCP-MC-021: Datafied Dr. Zola.


"Wow! It's incredible. The New York site is just a branch of the Foundation, but it has access to so much supernatural intelligence that S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know about. How should I put it? The Foundation truly lives up to its reputation."

"Even the information about the Hulk, whom the military has been searching for, is here. And Captain America, frozen in ice, isn't he my idol, Cap?"

"Asgard? The one from the mythological stories?"

Coulson looked at the names of the SCPs on the screen and couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

He had endured humiliation and carried burdens. S.H.I.E.L.D. had also paid a heavy price. Today, they finally reaped the rewards.

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Coulson held the mouse. He slowly clicked on the SCP's data he was most interested in.

[Ding~ System prompt: Your clearance is insufficient to view this SCP's data!]

"What the hell!"

Veins popped on Coulson's forehead, and he angrily slammed the mouse onto the ground.

"After all the effort I've put in! Endured countless hardships to reach this position, and you give me insufficient clearance? Just show me the name?"

"I've even taken off my pants, and this is what I get?"

Suppressing the urge to smash the keyboard, Coulson sat back on his chair and stared at the screen, panting heavily.

Don't get angry...

Stay calm...

Work hard, and eventually, my clearance will be raised.

Coulson reassured himself, trying to convince himself to calm down.

Little did Coulson know that even if his clearance was raised, he wouldn't be able to see anything.

Because those so-called files were uploaded by Noah himself, and he only uploaded the names and identification numbers of the SCPs.

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. infiltrated the Foundation's data center, they would be left with nothing.

After calming down, Coulson remembered a very important matter.

The Frozen Captain America?

Just from that name, he could deduce a lot.

Was the Captain actually captured and frozen by the Foundation, or was he frozen in the Arctic?

Coulson stared at the screen intently, muttering to himself.

He was more inclined towards the former.

The evil Foundation must have secretly captured the Captain and frozen him.

The Foundation was truly an evil organization, pretending to protect all of humanity!

It was all a load of rubbish!

I have to inform the Director about this and find a way to rescue the Captain. After all, he is a symbol of the United States!

How could he be imprisoned by the Foundation?

Every time Coulson thought about his idol being imprisoned by the Foundation, he felt his beliefs being desecrated.

Unbeknownst to Coulson, the person who had placed the blame on him, Noah, was currently on his way home.

He looked at the nearly 500,000 legendary points displayed on the system panel.

Noah was also in a dilemma.

He was already so wealthy, should he find a...

No, it should be a SCP.

Enchantress? SCP-105? Or maybe SCP-336?


He was a person who aimed to accomplish great things. How could he be immersed in worldly desires?

In the end, with firm determination, Noah set his target on a bell.

SCP-662: The Butler's Bell.

It was a SCP with almost no danger but had versatile capabilities.

Its containment difficulty was nearly zero. Once summoned and located through the SCP map, containment could be easily completed.

Summoning SCP-662: The Butler's Bell required 1 million legendary points.

Seeing this number, Noah sighed and muttered to himself with a mix of sorrow and compassion, "Let S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra suffer a bit more. Scaring them should be enough..."


Noah's villa was located in the suburbs of New York.

Being in the suburbs, Noah's villa was extremely secluded and lacked any property management. It was more like a manor than a villa.

The villa had a large garden surrounding it and a lake spanning several hundred square meters.

Today, the villa was different from usual.

Having learned from past experiences, Noah took extra precautions regarding his personal safety.

He specifically transferred over 50 C-level combat personnel from the Foundation, along with a team of B-level combat personnel and one A-level combat personnel.

As Black Widow, who had just returned home by car, observed the Foundation operatives patrolling outside the villa, she couldn't help but comment, "Sir, aren't you being overly cautious? This level of security is excessive. Who goes out with over fifty bodyguards?"

Hearing this, Noah glanced at her and said, "Is it too many? I don't think so. I don't want to receive any more bombs."

Upon hearing those words, Natasha felt even more speechless.

"In this day and age, who in their right mind accepts packages from unknown sources?"

Natasha muttered under her breath.

Noah replied, "..."

Hearing Natasha's comment, Noah felt a bit embarrassed and rubbed his nose.

That was truly a stain on his life!

His once glorious reputation was ruined by that one moment of carelessness.

Noah complained in a low voice, "To be honest, having so many people guarding me makes me uncomfortable too. But for the sake of safety, what can I do? I can only silently endure it."

Thinking about it, Noah felt it was necessary to summon SCP-662. With such an all-around butler by his side, not only would it be convenient, but it would also be safe.

The security forces formed by ordinary Foundation operatives still feel a bit short.

Of course, the security forces transferred from the Foundation weren't completely useless. They could at least handle some minor issues, such as preemptively stopping assassinations like the previous one.

However, once he gained immortality, their role would become meaningless.

Any external force was illusory! In this chaotic Marvel universe, everything relied on personal strength.

After playing poker all night...

The next day, Noah brought Natasha to the New York Site.

There, he encountered Agent Coulson once again.

Upon seeing Noah's arrival, Coulson only greeted him briefly before hurriedly leaving.

According to Dr. S46, Coulson had been busy recruiting people lately since D-class operatives were not being replenished by the Foundation.

"Has the Mobile Task Force arrived?"

Noah asked knowingly.

A true actor was always performing, every moment.

"The Mobile Task Force specifically assigned to deal with SCP-096 has arrived, but I must say, SCP-096 is still uncontainable. We can only wait for an opportunity."

After Dr. S46 finished speaking, he handed a photo to Noah.

"The girl in the photo is Daisy Louise Johnson, also known as Skye. The footage of SCP-096 was stolen by her from the police station. We speculate that she has seen SCP-096 and is one of its targets."

"So, you mean we wait for an opportunity?"

Noah raised an eyebrow as he took the photo.

It was another familiar character, Daisy Louise Johnson, also known as Skye or Quake. She was an Inhuman, or more accurately, a potential Inhuman, according to the Foundation's classification, making her a potential SCP.

Noah couldn't help but sigh softly. "Fate works in mysterious ways!"

"Do you know her?"

Natasha, feeling a hint of jealousy, casually asked.

"Know her? How could I not?"

"SCP MC-15-8: Inhuman - Skye. She has been under observation by the Foundation."

"What does that mean?"

"Exactly what it says!"

Noah replied as he handed the photo back to the doctor.

Then he asked, "Where is she now?"

"She's still in Hell's Kitchen, investigating SCP-173. If everything goes as planned, we should receive news of her death tomorrow. After provoking SCP-096, she went to investigate Peanut, that woman is quite brave."

The doctor didn't care about Skye's life or death. After all, it was indirectly because of her that over 3,000 people had died. Although she wasn't solely responsible, she shared a significant part of the blame.

If Skye hadn't stolen the footage, it would have been a few police officers from the United States who died, and not as many. At most, a few agents would be added.

Because of this unfortunate girl, the casualties caused by SCP-096 multiplied several times over.

Upon hearing that Skye would die if left alone, Natasha asked, "Should we bring her back? It's quite intriguing that a person can be classified as a SCP."

"Let's go together! I'm actually quite interested in her as well."

Noah smiled and nodded.

Noah asked himself in his mind, 'System, if I contain SCPs from the Marvel universe, will I receive containment rewards?'

[According to the rules of containment dissemination, containing local SCPs will grant you containment rewards.]

The system replied in a robotic voice.

Hearing this, Noah couldn't sit still.

There's still such a good thing?

No, he needed to set a small goal first, like containing…


Or Thor?


Only children make choices, adults want them all!

In order to quickly become stronger, it seemed like he would have to compete with S.H.I.E.L.D. again.


Another hardship for S.H.I.E.L.D.

After a mental struggle between shedding crocodile tears and false compassion, Noah couldn't wait to leave the base with Black Widow and head straight to Hell's Kitchen.

Although Skye hadn't awakened yet, what if the rewards from the system were based on post-awakening standards?

The two of them hurried along without any extra personnel, relying on the Foundation's satellites to monitor the situation.

After the previous bomb incident, Noah was more cautious.

Though he didn't have the power to protect himself right now, he had the ability to overturn the table.

That was one of his trump cards that he didn't care about using.

If someone dared to attack him, he could just detonate a nuclear bomb, taking all of the United States with him. After all, he still had three resurrection cards. More lives, more fun!

"Site-173 Underground Warehouse? Should be in this area, right? Doctor, where's the target?"

After getting out of the car, Noah asked through his earpiece.

"The target is inside her camper van, probably resting. Please follow my guidance, I'll lead you to her..."

Noah nodded in response to the doctor's instructions.

With Dr. S46's guidance, Noah found a dilapidated camper van on a secluded roadside.

It was Skye's camper van.

Before joining S.H.I.E.L.D., Skye, despite having top-notch hacking skills, was only slightly better off than a homeless person.


Inside the camper van, Skye lay on the bed, holding a tablet as she casually sorted through some clues she had discovered in the past few days.

"The dark web is getting worse and worse. Who believes those rumors that anyone who sees the monster's face will be killed by the monster? The authorities deleted all information on SCP-096 from the entire internet to prevent innocent civilians from being harmed?

Isn't that a load of crap? I've watched it several times, and nothing has happened to me."

Skye dismissed the rumors circulating on the dark web.

It was all just a conspiracy by the authorities!

Who would believe such nonsense?

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