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Chapter 8: A Step Into Hell Part 2

This is the longest chapter I've written so far.

. . .

Ada and I wandered the halls of the mighty castle of the Starlight family. I was in a state of awe that made me walk very carefully and could not enjoy the grandeur of the place because of it.

I vaguely felt powerful auras pressing on me from afar, as if thousands of needles were poking at me from everywhere... I couldn't even estimate their number. The number of places that contained this number of monsters in one place was mostly counted on the fingers.

I walked with my head bowed, knowing that I was being watched by these giants, so I didn't dare do anything stupid... at least not now.

So it was normal to meet so many people. Most of them bowed politely in front of us, but anyone would have noticed the venomous looks they were giving me.

Sometimes I wondered why they hated Fry so much, but I already knew the answer because I had his memories.

"Well, well, look who we have here... isn't this the family's only shame?"

My thoughts were interrupted by a male voice coming from the front. I followed the sound, and my eyes fell on a boy standing at the end of the corridor—pure white hair with a rounded coiffure and gray eyes, dressed in elegant, aristocratic clothes in the perfect mix of blue, white, and gray. Behind him stood a beautiful girl with the same characteristics, except that she was shorter than him. I did not need to be a genius to know that they were two brothers, given the similarity between them and the way the girl stood in the back with her head hanging to the side.

'Who was this? And what did he just say? Shame of the family?'

I scrolled through Fry's memories to see who it was, but Ada, who was standing in front, took the initiative as usual.

"It's been a while... Emond, and Klana... you've grown so wonderfully..."

'Ah yes... the two in front of me were twins, Frey's cousin ... both his own age..'

In response to Ada, the girl made a nod and a malicious smile on her face, while the boy, Emond, took light steps.

"You've become so much prettier, Miss Ada. It's great to see you again... but i've been talking to Fry."

"What's the matter, Cousin? Why are you hiding behind your sister? Aren't you a man? Ha?" Emond pointed lightly at me.

Wow, look at this. I never expected to see someone talk like that to Fry before... I don't remember writing anything about twins right in front of me... which means I was facing the unknown right now... Characters that are there or not...

Stood next to Ada with a smile, I replied, "Yes, yes, I am here, Cousin. How have you been?"

Emond frowned before smirking as well. "I see you're quite pleased with your smile. Is the position of Lord so alluring?"

I shrugged and responded, "Yes, I'm thrilled. In fact, I'm so happy that I want to shout, 'I am Lord' for everyone to hear... Aren't you happy too, Emond?"

Stepping forward, I confronted Emond face to face. "Your beloved cousin is officially becoming the Lord of this family... I'm sure you must be overjoyed... Am I right?"

Emond's face displayed a whirlwind of emotions, transitioning from mockery to a frown, and then to anger. From the sidelines, his sister wore a cheerful expression, as if enjoying the spectacle, while Ada seemed prepared to intervene if necessary.

Emond advanced and stood before me, as if we were about to clash. " Aren't you ashamed? After everything you've done and your pitiful qualifications... You still have the audacity to show your face here..."

"You really think you're capable of becoming the Lord? Someone as tactless and worthless as you," Emond angrily retorted, while his sister continued to smile.

"Yes, I do. After all, who is more qualified than me? You?" I provocatively replied.

Before he could respond, Ada's slender hand from behind stopped Emond. We both turned to see her with a serious expression. Emond composed himself, taking a few steps back before laughing lightly.

"So, Fry... You think a dark-feature user like yourself is qualified, huh?" Emond taunted.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not... Who knows?" I replied.

I had been provoking Emond at every opportunity, but this time he seemed to have a counter plan, as he slyly smiled.

"Then why don't you prove your worth, Fry?"

"Hmm? And how do we do that?" I asked, curious about his challenge.

"That's simple," he gestured towards me and himself, saying, "You and I, one-on-one. I want to see how powerful the family lord is. Shall we?"

Seeing Emond's confident stance, I couldn't help but frown. My gaze shifted to his waist, where a longsword rested in its scabbard. In front of Emond, who believed he had me cornered, I tilted my head in an ignorant manner.

"Why would I do something like that?"

"What did you say?"

"I'm telling you, I don't have to prove anything to people like you... Aymond. Now step aside, I don't have the whole day to play with you."

I disregarded Emond's confusion and proceeded, calling Ada.

"Come on, Ada."


In an instant, we left the twins behind and continued forward. Emond couldn't control himself as he shouted, "Fry, you coward! Come back here!"

From the sidelines, Ada spoke, "You handled that well."

I shrugged. "I suppose so."

Emond was just a kid, so it was the best way to deal with him. After all, I wasn't free to babysit a sixteen-year-old. And I was certain that I would lose if I confronted him.

I didn't know how strong Emond was, but I was certain he was stronger than me. The Starlight family members all used the family's 'stardust' technique, and one of the minimum requirements was possessing the light property. Emond had likely spent his entire childhood training, making my defeat a foregone conclusion.

Despite my training for the past month and raising my rank to F, it still paled in comparison to the other family members.

. . .

. . .

Moving forward, we reached a massive door adorned with symbols of the Starlight family.

"This is the office of the family guardian"

The family guardian?

Although I had access to Fry's memories,It was like a huge file containing a lot of information

Ada, noticing my ignorance, responded expressionlessly, "The family guardian. He's the second most powerful person in the family after the elders. He has served the family for decades and, despite being considered a servant, he commands respect due to his strength. He recently achieved S-rank status."

I was taken aback. An S-rank servant? That would make him equivalent to an internationally recognized hero. Yet here he was, merely a servant within the Starlight Family. Perhaps I had underestimated them.

Ada lightly knocked on the door, and it swung open immediately, revealing an elderly man standing tall in a black tuxedo. He exuded elegance, with his left hand on the doorknob and his right behind his back. A light beard adorned his chin, his long hair tied back, and his piercing gaze scanned me from head to toe.

"Miss Ada... Lord Frey," the servant bowed gracefully and gestured inside. "Please come in. I have been expecting you."

"Thank you, Vulcan."

Ada smiled while I nodded lightly as well and we entered the office..

However, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Being greeted by an S-class awakener when I was just an F-class awakened made me feel out of place.

We took our seats on an elegant sofa, with servant Vulcan seated across from us, a table between us. The office was well-organized, with a tidy workspace and a door leading to an attached bathroom. The room exuded spaciousness and elegance.

Noticing the tea and appetizers on the table, I realized that Vulcan had prepared them in anticipation of our arrival. Everything seemed freshly arranged just moments before we entered. I couldn't help but admire his attention to detail.

As Vulcan raised his cup, I followed suit and took a sip of the tea he had prepared. It turned out to be the most delicious tea I had ever tasted. Trying to compose myself, I shifted my focus back to the old servant, who had been unwaveringly observing me.

Ada decided to break the ice and take the initiative. "It seems you were waiting for us, Vulcan."

Vulcan replied, "Indeed. I have been observing you since the moment you arrived, Miss Ada."

"As expected of the guardian," Ada remarked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Inwardly, I sighed, realizing that I had indeed been under observation. I attempted to evade Vulcan's penetrating gaze that refused to leave me.

The servant leaned forward, clenching his fist. "I assume you are here for Lord Frey's enthronement..."

I nodded in affirmation.

"Following the family tradition, Lord Frey will appear before the family elders in a council, where most of the Starlights will be present to witness the birth of a new lord," Vulcan explained, turning his gaze towards me. "You have the right to bring one companion with you to engage in an open dialogue with the elders of the family."

before you are officially appointed Lord of the Starlight Family," Vulcan reiterated, seeking confirmation.

Once again, I nodded, unable to find my voice in the presence of this old servant.

"Very well... the council will be held tomorrow. But today, we have a small party to celebrate your coming of age," Vulcan informed me.

"You are free to do as you please, and your rooms are already prepared. With this, I believe I have finished explaining your lordship's schedule."

I nodded for the third time,

"Yes, I understand. Thank you,"

Ada turned to me, implying that we were done and should leave the room. However, before we could exit, Vulcan interjected.

"Before you go, Miss Ada, may I have a moment alone with Lord Frey?" Vulcan requested.

Ada flinched briefly, glancing at me. I was just as surprised and clueless about the old servant's intentions.

And so, I found myself nodding for the fourth time, but this time to Ada.

'It's okay... Let's see what you have to say, old man,' I thought to myself.

Ada hesitantly left the room, leaving me alone with Vulcan.

A minute of silence passed between us. Even though he was a servant, I dared not speak first. He was older than me, even if I combined my previous age with my current one. Moreover, he had the power to end me with a mere flick of his finger.

Vulcan fiddled with his cup in hand, breaking the silence.

"Lord Frey... do you know who I am?" he asked.

I maintained a blank expression and responded, "You are the greatest guardian of this family."

"That's right," Vulcan nodded.

"But that is also incorrect," Vulcan stated, contradicting my previous understanding. I couldn't help but wonder what he meant

"Yes... people can call me by various titles like guardian or Vulcan warrior, but in the end, it doesn't matter," Vulcan explained.

"I have always been and will continue to be the servant of the lord."

"Lord's servant," I repeated, trying to grasp the significance of his words.

"Yes, that's right," Vulcan affirmed. "In other words, starting from tomorrow, I will be your servant."

The idea of an awakened S-class individual serving as my servant began to overwhelm me with its implications, but Vulcan interrupted my thoughts.

"Let us discuss the previous lords before you, Sir Frey," Vulcan suggested, rising from his seat and walking toward his desk with his hands behind his back.

"I served as the servant of the Second Lord, Aizen Starlight, your grandfather, until the end of his life. And I continued to serve the Third Lord, Abraham Starlight, your father, throughout his entire life,"

Vulcan revealed. "And now, I am still alive to serve you. Do you understand what that means?"

I remained silent, unsure of the people he was referring to and the significance behind his words. Fortunately, Vulcan continued without waiting for my response.

"It means that I am a failure, an incompetent servant who outlived his masters. Not once, but twice," Vulcan confessed, his tone heavy with self-disdain.

He turned to face me once again, his gaze fixed upon me.

"Both your grandfather and your father were great warriors, virtuous individuals who gave their lives for this family and for the world," Vulcan emphasized. "They died on the battlefield, saving worthless souls like mine and countless others."

Vulcan now stood just a few steps away from me, seemingly erasing the physical distance between us. He paid no heed to my confusion as he continued to speak.

"But what about you, Lord Frey?" I flinched upon hearing his question.

"What about me?" I replied, filled with uncertainty.

"Lord Frey, tell me, what do you see?" Vulcan pressed.

"What do I see?" I repeated

my eyes widening as I observed and felt the unfolding events.

The room began to violently shake as the destructive aura of an S-class fighter surrounded me. The visible power enveloped Vulcan, causing the old servant to vanish within the swirling aura. His eyes still gleamed through the remnants of the dissipating energy as he pointed at me.

I remained motionless, frozen in place, as I witnessed the disaster unfolding before me.

It was the first time in this world that I felt true fear.

"Fry Starlight, this old servant has only one wish in his life," Vulcan declared.

"This time... I desire to meet my demise before my next master."

"But mark my words... if, by any means..."

The intensity of the pressure increased with each word, threatening to blow my F-class body.

"If you bring about the downfall of this family, for which my masters shed blood... if you dishonor their heritage... if you dishonor their name... then be certain!"

"I will kill you, and then I will take my own life..."

As I stared at this terrifying presence, my eyes widened, my heart raced uncontrollably, and my entire body trembled.


"Ha ha.."


I heard a knock on the door from the side, indicating Ada's attempt to enter, but the old man's strength prevented her from doing so.

Laughter filled the room, but it didn't come from the old man; it was me who was laughing. What had he just said? kill me....I opened both my hands and let out a sharp scream as loud as I could.

"Go ahead, do it! Kill me!"

"What?" Vulcan couldn't believe what he was hearing.

That old bastard, who wanted to live anyway?!

I was just a person clinging to a thin thread of hope, a madman chasing a flicker of light at the end of a dark tunnel.

"Do you think I want to live in this damned world? Let's do it... At least I won't have to do something as crazy as what lies ahead..."

Suppressing the tremor that ran through my body, I flashed a terrifying smile at the old man.

"Come on, you bastards... Do it!"

"F*ck you and your masters..."

Suddenly, Vulcan stopped himself, and the overwhelming pressure vanished. He immediately bowed deeply and apologized loudly.

"I apologize, Lord Starlight... Please punish me!"

Vulcan expressed his astonishment and apologized, never expecting such a reaction, especially from the cowardly Frey.

"Punish you? Get up, old man... I am not your master."

Vulcan lifted his head as I rose from my seat, and Ada had hurriedly entered the room.

I looked coldly at Vulcan.

"I don't need a servant, nor did I want one in the first place... Fear not, I am not the rightful Lord to begin with..."

Old Vulcan flinched at my words.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll get your answer tomorrow."

Without waiting for his response, I walked out of the room, leaving Vulcan behind.


Ada confronted the old servant with an indignant expression. "You dared to threaten my brother. Rest assured, I will not forget this."

Immediately, Ada followed me, leaving Vulcan bewildered in the background.

He continued to gaze at my back until the end.

He had only one question in his mind: "What happened to Lord Frey?"

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