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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 The Grocery Store Opens and Owl's Letter 

There was a flash of light and Ryan found himself not in his bedroom, but in a room about twenty square meters long. Three walls were lined with shelves. The shelves were empty except on the shelf facing the door were three plants the size of your hand. Except for the shelves, the only thing in the house is a light on top and a counter and chairs in the center.

Ryan went to the door and opened it, only to find that it was a gray fog. He tried to look outside, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier over the door and he couldn't get out.

This was the World's grocery store, where goods would be placed on the shelves and the owner's own products would be available at will, such as weekly plants. But there was a price to be paid for using the goods that customers traded.

Every time you travel to another world, you start or return from here. When a guest or mission arrives, Ryan will be alerted to enter the shop, but otherwise he can enter the shop as long as he is not in combat mode. Currently, the only worlds available are Plants vs. Zombies, with enough energy to get there and back every 10 days. Now, he can leave and return to the real world whenever he wants.After Ryan read the profile, he chose to leave the grocery store, and after a flash of light, Ryan went back to his bedroom. He looked at the alarm clock on his desk. He'd been in the world of plants vs. zombies for five or six hours, and now it said he'd only been gone for an hour. It looks like the quest world and the main world have different time flow rates, but that's just as well, so people don't disappear all the time and it's hard to explain.

Since it was still a long time before dawn, Ryan packed up and went to bed. In his dream, he dreamed that he had gained countless riches and power from the grocery store, and had opened the passage to his hometown, and then lived a happy and salty life.

Just as Ryan dreams of sunning himself on a Hawaiian beach with his adoptive family, his alarm goes off. Ryan relished his dream, sighed, and got up to wash up in the bathroom.

On his way out, Ryan found three or four gift boxes, supposedly for his birthday, lying in the hallway by the door. He flipped over the card. It said, Happy Birthday to our son.

Ryan grinned happily as he carried them into his room and walked up the stairs to the first floor.

Downstairs, Lady Sally had finished her breakfast, and Mr Lambert was strolling down the stairs when the postman's bell rang at the door.

'Ryan, get the mail. I think this month's supermarket posters may have arrived.' Sally calls from the kitchen.

Ryan put on his shoes and opened the door to the mailbox on the front lawn.

When she opened it, there were four letters: a poster for a discount from a nearby supermarket, a letter to her father from an editor at a publishing house, and a postcard from her mother's worker on a trip to Thailand. The last was a letter addressed to Ryan.

Lane's pupils dilated as he read the letter, for the envelope was made of rare parchment paper without a stamp. On it was written in bright green ink: Lane, Small Bedroom, second floor, 12 Quebec Street, Greenwich, London. Mr. Leung took it.

With trembling hands, he turns the envelope, which has a wax seal on the back, a shield coat of arms and a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surrounded by a capital "H".

Though he has forgotten many things over the past ten years, he has never forgotten his favorite childhood novel, Harry Potter.

It was clear that the letter was from Hogwarts. As for the possibility of a prank, this is 1991, before Rowling's novel was even written, so how could anyone possibly use this prank?As for not realizing he was a wizard before, Ryan thinks it's probably because he's an adult soul with a good handle on emotions, so there isn't the magical riot that most child wizards experience when they lose control of their emotions.

Originally given the system yesterday, Ryan planned to use it to make a fortune and eventually try to find his way back home.

As a result, today he received his acceptance letter from Hogwarts, and another secret door has been opened for Ryan. He felt as though the events of the past two days had led to one another, and that a lifetime of surprises had come to an end.

It seemed that the world was not an ordinary world, as he had thought it was for ten years, but a magical one.

I went back to my house to hand my other letters to my parents and finished my breakfast absentmindedly. Ryan went back to his house and opened the wax seal with a knife. Sure enough, there was the familiar letter.

Hogwarts School of Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore.

(President of the International Magical Federation, President of the Wizarding Association, and

First Class Magician of the Order of Merlin)

Dear Mr. Lane,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A list of books and equipment required is enclosed.

The term is scheduled to begin on September 1. We will look forward to hearing from your owl by July 31.

Deputy Principal (Female)

Minerva Maguire

A list of book appendices and a list of new items are attached.

Ryan carried the letter back to the living room, where his father was sitting on the couch watching TV and his mother was looking at a supermarket discount poster.

Seeing Ryan walk into the living room with an open letter, Mr. Lambert looked away from the TV screen and asked, "What's the matter, dear, did a girl write to you?""No, it isn't." Ryan replied, and handed the letter to Mr. Lambert. "I just got a weird acceptance letter."

Lambert and Sally took the letter.

Five minutes later.

"This can't be a prank, can it? "Asked Mr Lambert, looking shocked.

'Indeed, magic, that sort of thing, doesn't sound real.' 'echoed Lady Sally.

Ryan was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

"Any company?" Mr. Lambert got up, went out and opened the door.

In the doorway stood a somewhat balding, middle-aged man with red hair, wearing a suit of twenty years old style.

"Hello, you're Ryan. Liang's guardian?" The other person spoke warmly.

"Hello, I'm his father. Can I help you?" 'asked Mr Lambert.

'Arthur Weasley, a member of the Ministry of Magic, is here about your son's studies.' 'replied the man.

'Yes, please come in.' Mr. Lambert stepped aside and invited Arthur in. Then he said, "Excuse me,

where did you say my child was going to school?"

'Hogwarts,' he said. 'said Arthur.' I went to Hogwarts. '

Lady Sally heard this and said in surprise, "Is Wizardry school real?"

"Of course it is. Hogwarts is the best school of witchcraft and Wizardry in Europe. Almost every magical boy wizard in England goes there."

Mr Lambert looked down at Lane and asked : "Do you think you want to go to this school?"

Lane replied, "Since I was supposed to have magic powers, it was necessary to go there and learn how to master them. After all, powers can be dangerous if they are not used."

After the father and son had finished speaking, Mr. Lambert turned to Arthur and said, "Well, if that's true I'm OK with my child going to Hogwarts in principle, but I want to be sure first. So can you tell me where this letter says Diagon Alley is?"

'Of course, you're more receptive than most Muggle parents already. Diagon Alley runs through the back yard of the Leaky Cauldron. "Arthur waved his wand and the words appeared in the white paper on the table: 26 Charing Cross, London.

"This is where the Leaky Cauldron stands. Take your children. He can see here." Then, as though on a sudden thought, Arthur pulled a ticket out of his coat pocket and said, "This is your train ticket to Hogwarts. Keep it close. The platform is at the pole between platforms nine and ten. If you get there early, you'll see the other wizards who are going to school, and you'll know how to get in."

Arthur waved goodbye to the three men, then stepped out of the doorway behind a bush, waved at them, and disappeared with a bang on the front lawn.

Well, not everyone gets the messianic shopping experience, Ryan thought.

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