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Chapter 21: Wolf Brawl

The full moon was high in the sky, illuminating the dark forest with its silver light. In the distance, a haunting howl echoed through the trees, followed by another, deeper and more menacing. A grey werewolf had caught the scent of a black werewolf and was on the hunt, chasing it down.

The grey werewolf was a powerful beast, standing nearly six feet tall on its hind legs. Its fur was a mottled grey, blending in perfectly with the shadows of the forest. Its eyes glowed with an eerie yellow light, and its razor-sharp teeth gleamed in the moonlight.

The black werewolf, on the other hand, was smaller but no less dangerous. Its fur was as dark as midnight, and its eyes burned with a fierce yellow light. The grey werewolf knew that catching it would be no easy feat as from what the black werewolf has shown, it knew it was quite very cunning and too smart for a new werewolf.

Despite this, the grey werewolf was determined to catch its prey. It followed the scent trail through the forest, leaping over fallen trees and dodging through the underbrush. The chase lasted for what seemed like hours, but finally, the grey werewolf caught sight of the black werewolf up ahead.

The black werewolf had stopped to catch its breath, its sides heaving with exhaustion. It turned to face the grey werewolf, its eyes blazing with defiance. The two werewolves circled each other warily, sizing each other up for the fight to come.

The grey werewolf lunged forward, jaws snapping shut just inches from the black werewolf's throat. The black werewolf leapt aside, slashing at the grey werewolf with its sharp claws. The grey werewolf dodged the attack, retaliating with a powerful swipe of its own.

The two werewolves clashed in a frenzy of fur and fang. They tore at each other with savage ferocity, snarling and growling as they fought for dominance. The sound of their snarls and howls echoed through the forest, making the hairs on the back of any nearby creature's neck stand on end.

Despite the black werewolf's agility and speed, the grey werewolf was stronger and more experienced in combat. It managed to land several devastating blows on the black werewolf, weakening it with each strike.


Alisson was lost, she didn't know where she was headed to. She couldn't find the pieces of marks she left on her way to the storage unit. She blamed her predicament on the fact that she had met with a werewolf for the first time, resulting in her senses short-circuiting. She checked the storage unit and didn't find any sign of Scott. All she found there were boxes opened and empty of whatever they were protecting.

While wandering around feeling lost, she heard consecutive howls and grunts from a distance not too far from where she stood and she decided to check it out, and that was why she now was sitting in a clearing, her eyes fixed on the scene in front of her. She watched as two figures circled each other warily, both shrouded in a misty haze that obscured their features. The larger of the two was a towering, grey-furred beast, its muscles rippling beneath its fur as it prepared to attack.

'That's the phantom I saw zooming past me.' She thought amazed by the sight before her. She wanted to record it, but unfortunately, her phone battery was flat.

The smaller figure was a sleek, black wolf, its fur bristling as it snarled in defiance.

Alisson had stumbled upon this eerie spectacle by chance, wandering through the forest and hearing the noise this monstrous duo were creating. She had never believed in the existence of werewolves or other supernatural creatures but had read about them until she met face-to-face with the black-furred creature she now watched about to engage in a fight. There was no denying the reality of what she was witnessing.

As the two wolves closed in on each other, her heart quickened with anticipation. She could sense the tension building, the energy crackling in the air like lightning. For a moment, the forest fell silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Then, in a blur of movement, the grey wolf lunged forward, its massive jaws clamping down on the black wolf's neck. The smaller wolf let out a yelp of pain, struggling to break free from its attacker's grasp. But the grey wolf was relentless, its teeth sinking deeper into the black wolf's flesh with each passing moment.

Alisson watched in horror, her mouth agape with her hand covering it as the black wolf began to weaken, its struggles growing more feeble with each passing moment. She wanted to help it, but her brain screamed for her to look away, to run back to the safety of her home and forget that this ever happened. But something compelled her to stay, to bear witness to the brutal struggle playing out before her eyes.

But just when it seemed like the grey werewolf had the upper hand, the black werewolf got out of its grip and sprang forward with a burst of speed that caught its opponent off guard. It sank its teeth deep into the grey werewolf's shoulder, tearing away a chunk of flesh.

The grey werewolf howled in pain, but it didn't give up the fight. It fought back with renewed fury, determined to take down the black werewolf once and for all.

The two werewolves battled on, their strength and stamina gradually wearing down. Their snarls turned to whimpers, and their attacks grew sluggish and clumsy.

In the end, it was the grey werewolf who made the final move. With a burst of speed, it managed to slip past the black werewolf's defences and deliver a powerful blow to its chest, knocking it to the ground.

The black werewolf lay there, gasping for breath, as the grey werewolf stood over it, triumphant. For a moment, there was a tense silence, as both werewolves caught their breath and stared at each other with wary respect.

Then, with a howl of defeat, the black werewolf struggled to get up,  turned and bolted away into the forest, but not before receiving a grunt understandable only to them, leaving the injured grey werewolf behind.

The grey werewolf fell to the ground and lay there for a few moments, panting heavily, before managing to stagger to its feet. It knew that it had shown the other werewolf who was boss, but it came at a cost as it was weak and would need to refill its energy to be able to 'speed-heal'

As the grey werewolf lay there panting and bleeding, Alisson couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for both of them. They were both fierce and powerful creatures, driven by instincts that were beyond her understanding.

Getting up and about to leave, her movements caught the grey werewolf's attention and when she turned to see if her action got any reaction, her eyes fell on the grey werewolf's amber-glowing eye glaring right into her soul. All she could do was fall on her bottom from the shock, raining curse.


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