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50% Danmachi With A System / Chapter 9: CHAPTER 9: Meeting With Other Familia Members

Chapter 9: CHAPTER 9: Meeting With Other Familia Members

"Agh! I can't sleep." Aiden said, lying in bed.

Aiden didn't like to sleep in his old world or in this one. He had his own reasons for not sleeping. In his old world, he had to sleep, he could go two or three days without sleep at most, and when he came to this world, he did the same thing and stopped sleeping after the first three days, instead replenishing fatigue and lack of sleep with [Status Recovery]. That's why he couldn't save [Status Recovery]. When he came to this world, he slept only once, when he returned from the dungeon and fainted due to fatigue.

It was after 12 o'clock and the daily quest came again.

Aiden got out of bed and opened the window and immediately saw a barren place below that looked like a training ground and the first thing he did was jump down.

At the training ground, Aiden first finished his daily quest and then moved to the training weapons on the sidelines.

"This is what all anime and game fans want." Aiden said as he held the wooden sword for training.

Aiden started using each weapon one by one. Of course, he did not know the technique of swords, spears, etc., so he repeated the most basic movements. For the sword, swinging, piercing, guarding. For the spear, swinging, grasping and piercing. He also practiced the same basics with other weapons. For the gauntlets, he started shadow boxing from the boxing course he went to for 3 weeks when he was young.

Of course, he did not master any weapon just because he used it a few times, it was just to pass the time and get used to the weapons he would learn to use in the future.

Afterwards Aiden sat in the lotus position and wanted to try the meditation he had seen from the Manhua.

But it didn't work.

"I guess you can't meditate just by reading from the manhua. I'll have to try it properly sometime, but first..."

Aiden trained with swords and other weapons until dawn and continued to do the same things even after finishing the daily quest, because even just physical training can improve stats, albeit slowly.

He trained until the sun came up, but he didn't increase any stats. Aiden thought of using his unused stat points and immediately opened his status.

[Name: Aiden Kurogane]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 16]

[Class: None] [Title: Nothing Left Alive!] (+1)

[Level: 37]

[Hp: 730] [Mp: 610] [SMp: 610] [Fatigue: 00]

[Power: 73 (70+5%)] (5%)

[INT: 61]

[Sense: 57]

(Unused Stat Points: 75)

[Physical Damage Reduction: %25]

 "Alright add 30 points to Power stat."

[Power stat has increased by 10]

[Power stat reached 80]

[This stat will only increase by level until you complete the class quest or level up in falna.]

"Wha-?! Fuck. Nothing can do lets increase others."

[INT stat has increased by 19]

[INT stat reached 80]

[This stat will only increase by level until you complete the class quest or level up in falna.]


[Sense stat has increased by 23]

[Sense stat reached 80]

[This stat will only increase by level until you complete the class quest or level up in falna.]

"I think that's the max at this level."

[Name: Aiden Kurogane]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 16]

[Class: None] [Title: Nothing Left Alive!] (+1)

[Level: 37]

[Hp: 840] [Mp: 800] [SMp: 800] [Fatigue: 15]

[Power: 84 (80+5%)] (5%)

[INT: 80]

[Sense: 80]

(Unused Stat Points: 26)

[Physical Damage Reduction: %25]

'Now we are 5 days away from the start of the anime. I also heard from Raul-san that there was an incident in the dungeon, so they had to retreat. I didn't get to meet any of them because I came late, but today I'll meet the rest. I think Bete will be the hardest, and I remember from the anime that he's quite difficult.' Aiden thought.

Seeing that the sun had risen, Aiden hurried back to his room, not realizing that there were people watching him the whole time.

"So what do you think?" Riveria asked the two men sitting across and across from her. The man across from her is Finn Deimne, the captain of the Loki familia. Across from her was the dwarf Gareth Landrock. They had actually been watching Aiden all night while he was training. Since Aiden's stat enhancements were not visible from the outside and he hadn't used [Status Recovery] yet, all they saw was Aiden practicing with weapons and completing the daily quest while Aiden mumbled in between.

"I gotta say he is pretty good."

"From what I've heard from Loki, he's a really interesting guy and he has some pretty good skills. But I guess he didn't learn how to fight from anyone. He's not bad with gauntlets, I mean he can progress quite fast in hand-to-hand combat, but with weapons he has a lot of mistakes. It's like he's always watched high level people and never learned, all he does is repeat the basics incorrectly, but he's interesting and worth teaching." Familia's captain Finn said.

While Finn, Riveria and Gareth were talking, Aiden was sitting in his room passing the time. Watching the sun through his window, he thought he had risen high enough, so he left his room and started looking for the room Loki had told him to come to yesterday. Of course, he didn't know where it was, so he asked the other familia members he saw around and met them in the meantime. After a long search, he found out that it was the room on the top floor and went there immediately.

Aiden went to the door of the room.

'I wonder if I'm too early. What if they're not here yet? Or if they're at breakfast.' Aiden thought before knocking the door.

"Who is that?" Suddenly a sound interrupted Aiden's thought process and when he looked in the direction of the sound he realized that a group of people were coming. It was a few people he recognized from the anime. Tione, Tiona, Ais, Bete and an elf whose name he didn't know.

"Do you mean me?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah there is no one around but you." Tiona named amazon said.

"My name is Aiden Kurogane I joined Loki familia yesterday."

"Ooohhh~ So you are the new guy! I'm Tiona Hiryute a level 5."

Then Aiden met everyone, of course he only got a grunt from Bete and Tiona introduced Bete to Aiden. Aiden also learned that the elf whose name he didn't know was Lefiya Virdis and that she was level 3.

Then we all went into the room.

"Welcome, Aiden-kun, you sure took your time in front of the door." Said Finn, the captain of the familia, sitting behind the table.

"Sorry, I was worried that I might have come too early."

"No problem. We've heard about the strangeness in your status, but I'd like to hear it from you. And don't worry, you can trust everyone in this room."

"Um okay if you want. Ahem normally as I saw everyone has 5 stats in their status right? Strength, Agility, Vitality, Dexterity and Magic. Well I have only 3."

"What! Doesn't that make you a loser! Bwahahahahah!" Bete laughed.

"Hm? No it's the opposite. Strength, agility and vitality stats are combined into a stat called Power in my case. So I can actually get stronger much more easily because my three stats are in one stat." Aiden said and everyone's eyes opened in shock. Except Loki, Finn, Riveria and Gareth.

"So how did you do that?" Finn asked.

"I used an item."

"What? An item?" Everyone was shocked because it turned out to be an item that could interfere with Falna, the unmatched power of the gods.

"It's name is Dongbangsak's Brush. But I can't show it because the item is destroyed. After I used the item, I guess it didn't withstand and destroyed."

'I have nothing to gain by hiding it. I just need to keep my skills a secret. Especially the Hour of the Genius.' Aiden thought.

"This is something to be expected. After all, the use of a tool that can interfere with our falna authorization cannot be widespread or used more than once. " Loki said.

They asked Aiden a few more questions afterwards, but they were not about his skills, they were more personal questions about Aiden. His family, his purpose, etc. Aiden directly said that he didn't want to answer the questions about his family but other than that he answered the other questions truthfully.

"So what will you gonna do today Aiden?" Finn asked.

"I was actually thinking of going to the dungeon. I want to get stronger."

"Do you have a situation where you need to be this strong right away? According to the information I got from the Guild, you've been going to the dungeon for a little over a week, but you haven't taken a break until now. You go to the dungeon early in the morning, return to the guild at night, then go to the pub, eat and return to the inn. This kind of thing is usually done by people who have a goal to achieve." Riveria asked.

"Hm? No, there is none. I just want to be strong."

'Yes, I have to be strong because the cannon hasn't started yet and even though I haven't seen this one, in every fantasy anime, the moment the cannon starts, the strong show up and there's going to be a big mess and a big scene and I have to be strong until then.' Aiden thought.

Then the meeting ended and Aiden left the room.

'Now that I have a falna and my stats are quite high, I can move to the next floors of the dungeon.' Aiden thought.

He couldn't train with Ryuu today, so he went straight to the guild. Yesterday Ryuu had informed Aiden so there would be no training today. Aiden quickly went to the guild and stood in front of Rose's desk.

"Aiden-kun so what happened?"

"I'm in the familia and I have a Falna now.." Aiden said proudly.

"Congratulations! So what will you gonna do today?" Rose asked.

"Actually, I was thinking of going to the dungeon. But I don't want to go to floors 1 and 4, I want to go deeper, 5 and beyond."

"You've just obtained a falna at the most your stats must be H at the most G."

'It's normal to think that way, because no matter how many monsters one has killed, without Falna one cannot collect Exelia and increase one's stats (at least by killing monsters).' Aiden thought.

"My stats are actually quite high but Loki-sama hid my status so I can't show it. But-" Before Aiden could finish his sentence, a voice came in.

"Newbie! we will assist you in this dungeon expedition!" Suddenly Tiona came in guild and said.

"Tiona-san! Wait we?" Aiden surprised.

"Oh other one is waiting in front of the dungeon so let's hurry!"

"Um so Rose-san?"

"I'll allow it if they'll be with you."

"Thanks Rose-san!" After thanking Aiden, he quickly walked out the door and went with Tiona to the dungeon.

Aiden was surprised to see two people just outside the dungeon. Tiona was also surprised to see one of the two.

Waiting for Aiden and Tiona outside the dungeon were Ais Wallenstein and Lefiya Virdis.

"Lefiya, you want to come too?" Tiona asked.

"Um yes I wanted to come too." Lefiya started to speak a little timidly and looked at Ais with flushed cheeks and then at Aiden with a cautious look.

'?' Aiden didn't understand.

"Newbie, what we're going to do now in the dungeon is me and Ais will watch you but we won't interfere unless your life is really in danger and we'll report what you did in the dungeon to the captain. It's up to you how many floors you go to, up to your own limits." Tiona explained.

"Okay that's fine by me." Aiden said with excitement.

"So your armor and weapon?" Ais asked.

Lightning began to appear in Aiden's hand and his gauntlets appeared in his hand.

"I don't have armor."

"Don't you have armor from the guild?" Tiona asked.

"It got destroyed in my first day at dungeon."

"What happened?" Ais asked.

Aiden told Ais, Tiona and Lefiya what happened and of course he told them what he told Syr and Ryuu.

Then the three of them started to enter the dungeon...


Dear readers, I know that I have been neglecting this place for a while, my reason is that I am looking for a job. That's why I'm actually posting a patreon link. I publish the novel for free, whether donations are made or not, but it takes a really long time and effort to write, and in return for this time and effort, I expect donations from those who can at least, after all, I have to survive.

Here is a Discord server link for you.

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Thank you to my Patreons

Emilio Gonzalez

Lupus Umbras 


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Dear readers, I know that I have been neglecting this place for a while, my reason is that I am looking for a job. That's why I'm actually posting a patreon link. I publish the novel for free, whether donations are made or not, but it takes a really long time and effort to write, and in return for this time and effort, I expect donations from those who can at least, after all, I have to survive.

Here is a Discord server link for you.

I would also appreciate if you support me on Pat*eon. Writing takes quite a bit of time and that's all I do outside of school, so if you support me on pat*eon it will help me a lot.

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Thank you to my Patreons

Emilio Gonzalez

Lupus Umbras 

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