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Chapter 12: Qing

The Turning Wind skill of the Zhao was truly remarkable, and the onlookers couldn't help but be filled with awe and admiration. Mixed with a sigh of resignation and trepidation, a sense of pity arose for Tian Wei. Unless he had already reached the Tempered Veins stage, he would require an extraordinary power to face the impending onslaught.

However, Tian Wei did not have the cares or the worry that rattled the onlookers. He had little knowledge about techniques, but from what he learnt in the inn, he was aware of possessing a technique similar to the one practiced by the esteemed Yang clan.

The Yang clan was renowned for their exceptional abilities, and the current wind movement posed no significant threat compared to the Ten Thousand Sword Tempering skills of the Yang, which skill he possessed.

It didn't matter to him much anyway what name or origins a technique was, or what technique it was. What mattered was that the attack before him, even if it stemmed from a more divine technique, was powerless against him.

The person executing the attack lacked a deep understanding of the technique and was unable to unleash its full destructive potential.

As Tian Wei raised his hand, a powerful surge of energy resembling a fierce gust of wind erupted from within him, creating a swirling vortex that rushed forward like an unstoppable tornado.

The collision that followed was far from simple. A tremendous shockwave emanated from the clash, forcefully pushing back the onlookers and causing them to stagger several steps backward.

Tian Wei's chi force pierced through the Turning Wind technique as if it were a potter's hand effortlessly moving through wet clay. The Turning Wind crumbled in terror before the sheer might of Tian Wei's power.

In that moment, Zhou Baisheng realized that he had gravely underestimated Tian Wei's strength in his impulsive judgment.

Despite lacking the aura associated with someone in the Tempered Veins phase, Tian Wei possessed a power that could rival one. With a single strike, Zhou Baisheng knew he would be bedridden for weeks, assuming he managed to survive this exchange.

"Qing Quang!" Zhou Baisheng called out desperately, realizing that he had bitten off more than he could chew. In the face of this overwhelming power, he felt as insignificant as an ant.

Following his cry, the carriage that had carried Baisheng trembled violently, like to a mast caught in the path of a mighty storm. A spear pierced through the air, shattering and splintering the carriage's wooden structure, leaving behind a gaping hole as it hurtled towards Tian Wei.

Suddenly, a suction force materialized out of thin air, swiftly pulling Zhou Baisheng. However, despite being saved from the full brunt of Tian Wei's attack, Zhou Baisheng had still suffered a severe blow due to the initial momentum.

The spear crackled with concentrated chi as it whooshed through the air, colliding with the tornado-like force unleashed by Tian Wei. The clash between these two forces generated powerful shockwaves. The ground, no longer able to bear the might of these two forces, cracked and buckled under their immense might.

The spear continued to swirl with incredible speed, causing it to flexibly bend slightly under the immense momentum. The sheer force of the collision unleashed bursts of energy, creating a spectacle of explosive power. Like a hungry void, the swirling spear devoured Tian Wei's attack.

An eerie explosion of silence and shock swept through the onlookers. Everyone's eyes turned to the carriage from where the spear had come from. It seemed that there was a master hidden there all this time quietly observing.

"May I know this master's name?" a woman's voice called out from within the carriage, escalating the tension in the already the tense atmosphere.

The spear gracefully flipped back and swiftly returned to the carriage, effortlessly piercing through the opening it had created.

Tian Wei remained unperturbed, his gaze fixed on the carriage. He could sense that the person inside was no ordinary individual.

In stark contrast, Qing Fu appeared as if she had seen a ghost. She was utterly terrified. Her trembling knees had long given way under the weight of her terror, and she sat on the ground, shuddering uncontrollably.

"There is no need to know my name. I do not intend to make your acquaintance," Tian Wei replied coldly, his tone dismissive.

Inside the carriage, Qing Quang scoffed in response.

It didn't require much deduction to surmise that Qing Fu and Qing Quang were likely related, given their names, although it couldn't be stated with certainty.

"Are you from the Yang clan?" the voice asked calmly yet firmly, demanding an answer.

"Show yourself or be gone," Tian Wei responded curtly, his patience wearing thin.

An eerie silence followed. No one spoke and no one moved.

"Qing Fu, are you coming?" Qing Quang called out from the carriage after a little while while.

Upon hearing these words, it was as if Qing Fu had been struck by a fatal blow. In that moment, she wished for the cracks on the ground to open up and swallow her, hoping to escape the terror of the situation.

She knew with certainty she will not escape today.

Xuan Yi instinctively knelt down beside Qing Fu, gently patting her on the back. It became evident that Zhao Baisheng was not an ordinary person; he likely had a very powerful background.

This Zhao clan should be bigger if not as big as his clan. It was also clear that Qing Fu herself was no ordinary individual.

The relentless pursuit by formidable clans indicated that either her offense was significant, or she had a contentious relationship with Qing Quang if they are kin. First the Wang, then Zhao and even now the "Qing". She was indeed a trouble magnet.

Xuan Yi didn't know whether to be glad or be terrified to know Tian Wei. Not only was he unable to discern Tian Wei's true cultivation phase, but Tian Wei also possessed the strength to withstand an attack from someone in the Tempered Veins phase without even flinching.

Observing Qing Fu's intense fear, Tian Wei couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for her. He decided to openly help her this once.

"This immortal shall not repeat himself. Miss Qing Fu is under our protection," Tian Wei's voice boomed like thunder, carrying an underlying tone of terror within its echo. The impact of his words reverberated through the surroundings, causing everyone present to feel its chilling effect.

As soon as Tian Wei's terrifying voice reverberated onto the carriage, a formidable aura surged forth from the carriage, rippling outward like a tidal wave. The bystanders standing nearby were instantly thrown back, either collapsing or being compelled to their knees.

Xiao Dan was taken aback, nearly swallowing his own tongue in shock.

"True Form Phase," he managed to gasp.

This wasn't merely the Tempered Veins phase; that Qing Quang in the carriage had transcended into the true form phases, her aura resembling an overpowering gravitational force that compelled Xiao Dan to the ground.

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