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Chapter 4: Chapter 2: The Intimidating Arrival

After sailing for an unknown amount of time, they finally caught sight of something on the horizon. "Luffy, wake up! Look, there's a ship, and I think it's a pirate ship," King exclaimed, pointing towards the vessel in the distance.

The ship they spotted was not particularly large, but what caught their attention was the flag fluttering on its mast. It bore the image of a skull and a heart intertwined, a symbol commonly associated with pirates.

"Finally! I'm really bored here," Luffy grumbled, his voice laced with frustration.

"You're bored, so you ate all our food!" King retorted, his tone filled with anger as he couldn't forget how Luffy had devoured their provisions while he wasn't looking.

"Let's see what's in that ship. I'm really hungry," Luffy declared, seemingly unfazed by King's irritation.

"Are you still not full from eating all of it?" King asked in an irritated tone.

"But I left you some of it," Luffy responded casually, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"Youuuu—" King began to protest but decided not to bring up the topic any further. He knew arguing with Luffy about food would be pointless.

"Let's just see what's on that ship," King said to himself. 'I can trust Luffy to take down the pirates aboard. Hopefully, they won't be too strong.' King had already witnessed Luffy's immense strength when he single-handedly defeated a fearsome sea beast during their journey.

"Let's go!" Luffy exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. He stretched his arm, propelling it forward towards the ship.

His rubbery arm finally reached the pirate ship and firmly gripped its hull.

Without warning, Luffy grabbed King and swiftly propelled them both through the air towards the ship.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" King shouted in surprise, unprepared for Luffy's forceful grab.

A few seconds later, they landed on the ship, causing King's legs to weaken. He decided to sit down for a moment, trying to steady himself.

"Damn, I thought I was going to die," King muttered under his breath, still shaken by the sudden flight.

"Trust me as your captain. I'll become the King of the Pirates," Luffy declared proudly, his determination shining through.

"Just don't do that again!" King admonished, his voice a mix of concern and annoyance.

"Alright," Luffy responded, although it seemed unlikely that he would refrain from such impulsive actions in the future.

As they were conversing, one of the pirates on the ship spoke up, breaking their attention.

"Who are you guys?" the pirate asked, drawing the gaze of all the other crew members who had now turned their attention towards Luffy and King.

'Oh, come on! Can't I catch a break?' King thought to himself, exasperated. Since arriving in this world, danger seemed to find him at every turn.

[Build your strength, host. This world is truly dangerous]

a voice echoed in King's mind, reminding him of the challenges he would continue to face.

"What the fuck are you doing on our ship?" one of the pirates demanded, his voice laced with aggression.

Luffy scratched the back of his head, a sheepish expression on his face. "Um, can we ask for some food? We're really hungry," he requested, unaware of the dangerous situation they had stumbled into.

The pirates were dumbfounded. They hadn't expected someone who appeared as weak as Luffy to boldly ask a group of pirates for food.

"Luffy, they're pirates. Pirates are greedy and won't give you anything for free," King whispered to him, a slight growl audible in his voice.

*Rumble, rumble*

King's words were accompanied by a low, ominous sound emanating from him, as if hinting at the hidden power he possessed.

'Luffy, you dumbass. You're going to get us killed someday,' King thought to himself, his gaze fixed on the pirates.

The pirates couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they sensed King's strong aura. He appeared ready to annihilate them all.

[+40 Fear Points]

[+35 Fear Points]

[+60 Fear Points]


"Are you going to kill us?" one of the mob pirates stuttered, his fear evident in his voice. He realized that the imposing figure before him was far stronger than he could ever hope to be.

'What? Who would want to kill you? You're probably stronger than me,' King thought, a mix of disbelief and amusement flickering in his eyes as he stared at the frightened pirate.

"Do I look like I want to kill you?" King asked, his tone menacing as he continued to fix his intimidating gaze on the pirate.

'This guy is too strong. He doesn't even consider a weakling like me worth the trouble of killing,' the pirate thought, a mixture of relief and awe coursing through him.

"Stop talking and attack them! If Miss Alvida finds out we're scared of nobody's, she'll kill all of us," one of the pirates urged, fear evident in his voice.

The reminder of Alvida's terrifying reputation sent shivers down the spines of the pirates. While the figure before them was intimidating, they were still more afraid of Alvida than they were of these newcomers.

They launched their attack, but some of them hesitated, their confidence wavering in the face of King's presence.

*Rumble, rumble*

[I recommend the host to open the shop.]

"Okay, show me what you've got in the shop," King thought, intrigued. It was his first encounter with the shop and its offerings.

[System Function]

Shop (3 Free Buys Remaining)



Fear Points: 855


Immortality Ticket: Using this ticket, your age will stop at the age you use it.

(Price: 100,000,000 FP) (Free Buy: 3)

Eye of God: You can see all people's emotions and what they feel about you.

(Price: 30,000,000 FP) (Free Buy: 3)


"System, can I buy all these overpowered items for free?" King inquired.

[Yes, host, but only three times.]

"I'll save that for later," King decided, opting to be cautious with his purchases.

[You can sort the items in the shop based on your Fear Points.]

"Alright, sort the items for me, showing those that cost 850 FP or below."


(Items cost 850 and below)

Strength Ticket: You can be 1.5 times stronger than your current self.

(Price: 700 FP) (Free Buy: 3)

Strength Ticket (Temporary): You can be 8 times stronger than your current self for 30 seconds.

(Price: 850 FP) (Free Buy: 3)


"Buy the Strength Ticket (Temporary)," King swiftly decided, aware of the impending danger closing in on them.

[Do you want to use the Strength Ticket (Temporary)?]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes, use it fast!" King commanded, his mind focused on maximizing his newfound power.

As King activated the Strength Ticket, his muscles bulged, and steam emitted from his body. With a newfound seriousness in his eyes, he walked towards the approaching pirates.


King's punch landed on one of the pirates, the impact sending the unfortunate soul flying backward, crashing onto the ground.

The rest of the pirates looked on in astonishment, their faces a mix of shock and fear.

Undeterred, King continued his assault, running and landing powerful punches on every pirate in his path, mirroring Luffy's efforts.

Within the span of 30 seconds, all the pirates had been defeated, lying incapacitated on the floor.

"What the hell is happening here?" a commanding voice echoed, drawing everyone's attention.

A big, fat woman appeared, her gaze scanning the scene to find her crew members strewn about, unconscious and defeated.

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