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Chapter 2: Test subjects OST341 And TRIAN404

April 29, 2021. Tantra Science Lab

"The valves are leaking, and the subjects are dying from suffocation!" A lady said to the head scientist who was currently occupied with the system in front of him. It was obvious he was panicking, probably doing his best to contain the situation which had seemingly gotten out of hand.

"Inform the lab, have them evacuate any unaffected subjects. We can't risk the destruction of all our hard work" The tensed man said to the lady who seemed skeptical about the orders she had just received.

"The test subjects are dying Mr. Alaric" She reminded, and her words were met with a slap to the face.

"Didn't I give you an order?" The visibly annoyed man inquired, and instantly the girl ran off to carry out the duties that were required of her.

Almost immediately, the alarms of the lab were blaring uncontrollably, and that clearly announced that things weren't going their way.

"The power is down!" A voice cried out just before the entire place fell into darkness.

Instinctively, the head scientist opted for the closest exit. Things were clearly going out of hand, and the technical department of the laboratory clearly weren't doing their job. It would be a bad idea if he remained here any longer.

He had almost reached the exit of the laboratory when the lights came back on.

"The Power's back!" The same voice announced. For a moment he'd been tempted to run back in and finish saving the data of his research, but his guts told him otherwise.

"Test subjects 341 and 404 are missing" A masculine voice rang out from the corridor right next to him.

"What?" The head scientist questioned abstractly. He had dealt with a lot of numbers in his life, but those two numbers he'd never forget. They were the special subjects, failed experiments to be precise. The failed vaccines had mutated them and turned them into mindless creatures and now they were missing?

"What do you mean mi—" He had barely finished when he heard a low growl from above him. Curiosity was one attribute possessed by all scientist, but in that single moment Casmir Alaric had lost the passion of being curious. Without wasting a single second, he dashed towards the exit and once he was out, he locked the door from outside to prevent the rogue subjects from escaping into the streets.

He watched from the glass door as the two creatures pounced on his co workers and wasted them within seconds, yet he didn't yield to the overbearing grief that labored his heart. They were his comrades, but there was no way he was going to open the doors of this laboratory to let them free. He knew how dangerous the monsters they've created were, and how volatile they could be.

The lives of his comrades would be sacrifice for the greater good. He couldn't let these creatures roam into the world, it would be a slaughter house. They possessed superhuman strength and durability thanks to the experiments that had been conducted on them. They could easily overpower the strongest man within seconds, which meant the mass majority stood no chance against these creatures.

If they remained here, they would eventually starve and die, and that was his plan. He immediately pulled out his phone, and without hesitation dialled the number of the man who he trusted his son to. He had killed his own family thanks to his obsession with science, but that wasn't his worry. It was already obvious the government would come after him once this news gets to the public. He wanted to make sure his son remained safe wherever he was, and to inform his friend about what had just happened.

He was leaving Tantra for good, and chances were he wasn't coming back ever again. The call failed after many attempts, and finally Casmir stopped trying. The more time he wasted here, the more his chances of being arrested increased. He immediately smashed his cellphone to the ground, and in the next second he was speeding towards the country's exit.

This might just be the greatest mistake he'd ever made aside from killing his family. Not only had he endangered the entirety of Tantra, but he had also left the world at risk of these monsters. They were only two of them, and sure they would be stopped soon enough, but if they manage to escape with prior notice to the public, he could imagine how much damage they'll cause before apprehension. Test subjects OST341 And TRIAN404 were monsters they should have destroyed after creation.


Aegon, Tantra. Current day; October 22, 2023

Roman stood with his eyes still glued to the little creature before him. Unlike the unhealthy appearance of the Ostrians, she looked painstakingly human. The only distinguishable trait she possessed was her extremely pale skin and her unnatural bright green pupils. He felt the urge to kill the baby, but he held himself back.

He was still surprised that a little thing like this could dispel such amount of energy, almost on par with an enhanced soldier. If left to live, she could potentially grow to become their worst nightmare. However, Roman couldn't bring himself to off a baby. For now it was innocent and hadn't killed anybody. There was no guarantee she wouldn't turn out like the rest of the Ostrians, but if she did, he'll be the one to kill her without any second thoughts.

He lifted the creature from it's mother's corpse and carried it like he would a baby. He had stormed outside out of rage to kill any Ostrian that he encountered, but here he was saving one of them. It was already bad enough that the Ostrian's disease spread as easily as the coronavirus, now they were procreating? Roman couldn't bring himself to accept that truth. He prayed honestly that this was a one time flaw In nature, and hopefully his prayers would be answered.

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