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Chapter 2: The Beginning

When Marcus put a bullet through his head, the last thing he expected was to open his eyes again.

Especially to a ceiling that had not an ounce of mold and was instead painted a nice beige. To smell air absent of the stinging scent of piss and dust, a scent of lavender ever present. Or the feeling of a soft bed with wooden railings that he laid in, not the hard cement he was use to.

It caught him by surprise, and only after registering all of his senses did Marcus try to look around.

However, his head felt akin to a bag of bricks, and his neck strained against gravity to turn even a single degree. He felt like he was fighting against a strong current, and only after mustering just enough strength to barely turn a bit more, Marcus' eyes widened at the sight of working lights. He had not seen something as simple as electricity in half a year, the idea that somehow it was back on almost single handedly bringing him to tears.

However, he shelved the emotional rollercoaster for later as he struggled a bit more to see the rest of the room he was in. The first thing that became clear was how blurry his vision was, and if not for being forced to only gain an idea of where he was by his sight alone, he might not have even have tried in the first place.

Suddenly, and much to his fright, he noticed giant hands enter his vision. Marcus tensed up and wanted to reach for his revolver instinctually, but found out his arms and hands just didn't respond to him correctly. They only danced around sporadically with no control, so he could only hold his breath as the giant hands scooped him up and brought him to an eerily smiling giant mouth.

Inch by inch, he got closer to pink lips, truly cursing his luck and accepting he was about to be eaten alive.

Then, to his utter surprise, the lips pursed and unmistakably kissed his forehead.

Words were spoken that were definitely not English, and the second they entered Marcus' ears, he could identify it.

Japanese, the giant before him was speaking Japanese, how was that possible?

'Wait.' Marcus shut out the world around him to focus inwardly, bit by bit coming to a stark realization.

A heavy head, a small bed that was definitely a crib, and a 'giant' woman lovingly looking at him and kissing him all over.

He had been reincarnated hadn't he… what a punch to the face…

Marcus wished he could curse, scream, and yell at the top of his lungs. Not in joy, but in anger, truly he did.

Six months he rotted away in his basement, dealt with the death of the dozen or so people he cared about, had gone days without food or water at times, and most importantly had no entertainment besides My Hero Academia in the end.

Was it all some test, some sick fucking trial to see if he was worthy of a second life or not?

The thought more than irked Marcus, but rationality made his rage drop to a simmer as he went about collecting as much information as possible.

As he searched around the room to the best of his ability despite his horrible eyesight, he noticed a very familiar smile, one that was usually accompanied by the sound of boisterous laughter, a mighty shout of the word "SMASH', and immediately followed by a devastating show of force.

An All Might poster hung to the right of an open window, the view out of said window showing beautiful cherry blossom trees and a well kept neighborhood from what Marcus could gleam from this far. He also noticed the back of a man's head.

He had shaggy white hair haphazardly set on shoulders, was dressed in business casual, and was typing away at the computer atop a big wooden desk. The man turned suddenly, blue bright crystal eyes meeting Marcus' and a smile forming on his face as he did so.

Having to rip his gaze away, Marcus stared up at the woman holding him, a little taken aback by her beautiful violet eyes and exotic pink colored hair.

It did not take a genius to realize these were his parents, which made a variety of emotions build up inside Marcus.

He had a Father already, one who had many flaws but had still loved him dearly. His mother was scum with her use of drugs and past prostitution, but even then she would try to steer Marcus as far away from making some of the same mistakes she had. She regretted her past, and tried her hardest to not slip back into it. Although she would fail at it, it was the attempt that counted in his books.

They had cared about him in some shape or form, and they had died, so to have his new 'parents' shown to him made the rationality he had before be thrown at the window as he glared at his 'mother'.

She cooed at his glare, showing his face to his 'Father' who bellowed like a grandpa before shooting Marcus a lazy wave.

It did little to help his mood, but after being set back into his cradle and forced to look up at the ceiling, he had time to let the fire inside of him die out slowly.

He was really reborn in the My Hero Academia world.

Marcus had pulled the trigger to end his life, he had remembered all of his memories from what he could tell, and now he was in a baby's body.

Truly, Marcus meant every single curse word that went through his head as he aimed it at whoever sent him here.

Yeah, a second chance would make anyone happy, but he wanted a second chance in his old world.

To take care of himself and not be a fat slob, to not slip into horrible habits, try to fix his complicated family, spend time with his Father instead of being petty about his marriage, to not ruin his friendship with Jessica over a stupid crush, and to just truly not take a single moment for granted.

Instead, he would never see them again, but maybe that was for the best. Maybe it was a good thing Marcus King's life was no more, and now he can claim a new name.

Although, as more time went by, the ramifications of what this reincarnation meant came to the forefront of his mind. Marcus started to pick it apart more thoroughly, and more questions needed to be answered.

When did he reincarnate, will he get a Quirk, and if so what would it be?

If he did not interfere with the story, would everything be alright? From what he read from the last volume, All for One should be done from All Might's final punch, if not outright finished as he rotted in Tartarus. That, or injured enough that he should retire from the whole take over the world thing right?

There was also Shigaraki and his band of misfits, and if Marcus did some inferring they would most likely take All for One's place as the big baddies to take out.

Though there was another possibility however, and his baby eyes narrowed at that same possibility he could not drop from his mind as he let his thoughts wander.

Like most anime, once the big bad is taken down, an even bigger one will take their place. He knew My Hero Academia was still ongoing, meaning that there was a bad guy who would be equal to if not stronger than All for One.

A problem, one that the main cast should solve with no difficulties right?



He might not need to worry, but it was in his best interest to not be left to the whims of the world. Maybe not at the level of All Might strength, but just enough to not be killed in the aftermath of whatever comes next in the story.

There was just the other issue of if he got a Quirk or not, and in the event he did get one, what would it be?

He may be in the My Hero Academia world, but it did not guarantee he would be relevant, by all means he could be nothing more than a mob or a side character. He may just end up a casualty, another number in a statistic in this world, nothing more and nothing less.

It didn't bother him that much, he had put a bullet in his head hoping to end his life after all, dying again wasn't sounding all that bad.

However, maybe this whole reincarnation thing was a sign, a reason to keep going?

A second chance like this was rare after all, should he not be thankful and take advantage of it?

Time slipped by rather quickly as Marcus shuffled through constant questions like this, and he slowly came to discover that he would tire easily from just his thoughts alone, naps causing hours to pass before he would wake up completely confused and lost.

The first few times, he had to go through his memories to remember he was no longer on the Earth he once knew, and no matter how much he checked his body to be sure, the absurdity of it never ceased to not cross his mind.

Many would wish for this chance, kill for it even, but Marcus could only look at it pensively. An opportunity to be something worthwhile than what he was before, but in a place where those changes would mean little to people around him, as the ones he wanted to be better for would never see them happen.

Even so, he would not slip into being a fat slob like before, he would not regret like he did before, and he hopefully would not put a bullet in his brain as he had before.

This world, whether Marcus wanted it or not, had a fate he will bear witness to.

He can either sit back and watch the waves, dip his toes in to cause some ripples, or cannonball in and hope the splash he makes isn't too big.

No matter what he would choose, he was currently stuck as a slobbering mass of fat that could not even form words.

Plus, with a cringe of Marcus' nose, he would need a diaper change soon; how lovely.

Being reborn sucks













Again, I am here to reiterate a few things.

One, MC is good so no villainy shit or outright manipulation for benefits. There are plenty of other fanfics like that so go and enjoy those 👍🏽.

Second, read the tags, there is one that says Slice of Life. We will get two or so chapters every now and then to flesh out characters.

Thirdly, no harem, only single love interest.

Finally, there is character development so when the MC might seem like a pussy or insufferable I can only say one word, "Cope". You are not obligated to read this, finding a emotionless edge lord mass murder MC should be easy to find on this sight if that is what you are looking for.

Alright, that's all for now, PenguinMage out. ]

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