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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Stefan POV

Several weeks (3 to be exact) later I am standing in front of an exquisitely decorated door. I take a deep breath and knock of the door a while later a woman opens the door but I wince at the loud music on the other side of the door it should be a band of sort. She smiles at me and I give her an Oscar winning fake smile.

She is about to speak when I walk right in and release my soul power there are about 183 people in this mansion enjoying themselves either doing coitus, drinking, smoking or vampires feeding on humans and having coitus at the same time.

I find each and everyone of them except for Nicklaus with my soul power and put heavy pressure on their bodies pinning them to the floor and reducing the temperature to a freezing point then I imbued my voice with power I  uttered one word that granted them a chance of escaping this place "LEAVE" I lift the pressure but the cold is still there.

Just like rats scattering at the sight of a wild cat, they scramble running for the door in a blink of an eye only me and Nicklaus Michaelson are left in this mansion. I draw a cleaning charm from HP with a modified inscription that puts things where they belong. A house started organizing itself and in no time the entire place is left spotless even the smell is gone all the clothes lying around found their way back to their owners even Nicklaus's shirt is buttoned up nicely and his hair is neatly combed.

We haven't said anything to each other we just stare at each other for a couple of seconds before he starts clapping his hands with an unreadable expression on in face. "What an entrance and a show of power in one swift move. Marvelous, truly a perfectly executed plot to gain my attention." He moves as naturally as he did when he was surrounded by his supposed friends.

He pours himself a glass but he doesn't pour one for myself. I recognize this move for what it is, qa response to my challenge. He is showing me that he is not scared of me and that I am not welcome here. I just look at him pour all the contents of the glass in his throat  but he leaves the glass in mid air and rushes to me with his hand reaching for my throat, I let him come and when he is an inch from touching my throat I let my spiritual energy stop him and my sword Intent wraps around him like a snake, he is frozen in place with his eyes Locked on mine.

I am still standing there and I know he can't get anything from my eyes or expression because unlike him who is purposely showing a nonchalant expression this is how my expression really is. I haven't used my real expression since I woke up as Stefan Salvatore because it is empty without feeling. I suppose I rival the Hallow.

When it seems like a full two minute is has gone by with us looking each other like this, I smile at him and in response his eyes trembles abit. I go and put the glass that has been levitating on the small table with another glass and the bottle of alcohol. I use the other glass to pour myself a drink, I know its petty but so what? He used this tactic to tell me I'm not welcome now I'm telling him that means nothing to me.

I let him move but my sword Intent is still coiled around his body. "Well matched" he says with unease in his tone. I turn to face him.

"Are we done with cock measurements can I get to the real reason I'm here now? If you won't comply my sword will stay around you ready to cut you down." He stills at that, a sword can not kill him but who knows if its covering his entire body.

He takes a long time to decide but eventually he nods. I take back my spiritual force with the sword Intent. On instinct he touches himself to check for injuries. "You say it a sword yet it feels nothing like that, care to explain?"

"I care not" I respond to his question gulping down the remaining drink in the glass and put it back on the small table.

I approach him carefully and say "My name is Stefan Salvatore, a pleasure to meet you Mr Nicklaus Michaelson. I am here to for the process of accessing you for a possible union in matrimony therefore....." I'm cut off.

"Hahahahh...haha wait in what? Did I hear you right?" He asks laughing as he does.

"In marriage" I say

"Aaahahahahahahha. Whose marriage?" I'm confused now.

"Yours and mine" and then he is quiet but the he bursts into laughter again.

"What is funny? You barely made top 11 on the list yet it is you who is laughing?" I say with curiosity in my tone.

"You are a man. I am a man. We are both men" he says

"I fail to see your point." I ready don't get it I'm a catch.

"Well I like women" that caught my attention.

"Why?" I look him in question.

"What?" He asks in bewilderment.

"You say you like women, I asked why do you like women? And if you like women so much why does it says in my file you are not married?" I say opening  the bag I came with it's very small barely bigger than a human adult hand. However I opened it and took out an A4  heavy file and started opening it.

"What kind of small bag curries such a large file? And is that my file? If so why is it so big?" I look at him.

"Magic, yes it is your file, it just this big besides it's the smallest one among the possible candidates."

He looks at me with intrigue. "Why do I like women? I don't know I just prefer a woman in my sheets and not a hurry chest that is as flat as the back, thank you very much. I'm not married because I haven't found someone tempting enough for me to throw away my freedom, personal space and the ability to sleep with whomever I want" he says finally taking a seat across from me.

"So this is about preferences with regards to coitus? That's not a problem at all." I was about to continue when he released an un gentlemanly like snort.

"Your third point can also be solved easily but your second point personal space, may you please elaborate?" I look at him.

"Some times a man wants to be alone and not nagged all day long."

"I see, so you are a man who prefers women but only for coitus and you abhor companionship with said woman" i say writing down a clip note. He is standing behind me trying to read over my shoulder but I don't mind because my documents are invisible to anyone but me.

"Why is the ink invisible? Is it the one that need to be exposed to fire to be seen clearly?" I look up and shook my head.

"The ink is not the problem the owner of the eyes you are using to read with is not the right person." He rolls his eyes

"Are you saying the file is for your eyes only?" I nod. He goes back to his seat.

"Now can I start asking you personal but important questions?" His face changes to pensive but he nods.

"Why do you keep your family daggered?" I send a spell  that forces him to tell the truth. He sees it coming but is too late to evade. He looks at me with frustration but knows that if I wanted to hurt him he'd already be dead.

"I don't want them to abandon me" he says through clenched teeth.

I nod and take out a bottle of wine from my small bag and use the glass I had used before to pour myself a drink I only pour half a glass and pour some for him too but he is busy stabbing me with his eyes. I leave the open glass next to him.

Through his sensitive nose he can smell the strong aroma of wine and its makes his whole body relax, he subconsciously takes deep breath to inhale it more. I don't pay him attention. I take a sip from my glass, now his eyes are glued to the wine glass next to him but he holds himself back.

"Why would they leave? Are you perhaps afraid they will find out you killed your mother?" He looks to be in rage. I send a calming wave of spiritual force to him and he visibly comes down.

"Yes. How could you possibly know that?"

"Are you planning of only letting them out after you've broken the curse and have become stronger?"

"Yes. I want them to never think about leaving me or hating me because they'll be too busy fearing me."

He is sweating now. He was trying to resist the spell a moment ago. He takes the wine and gulps it down when he remembers where it came from and then he tastes it.

He involuntarily closes his eyes and a single tear slides down his chick. He continues to drink the wine but savoring the taste this time.  When the wine is gone he throws the glass straight to my face  I catch it and place it down on the small table.

"It maybe unpleasant but don't torture yourself worrying about what you will say because whatever you say will not be more incriminating than what I already know."

"I need to understand if your way of thinking is exactly as how I've already concluded or I missed something. This is for both my assessment of you as my possible mate and an assessment for myself. I need to know if I was right in my assessment of you....for personal growth.

As payment for your ordeal I can tell you one piece of important information about yourself or your family that you don't know." He looks at me with eyes promising murder.

"Go to hell" he shouts

I look at him with my true face the one without feeling. " If you wave your payment for today I can resend it."

"Tell me" he said as if in pain. I think on it.

"You have another half sister from the same mother, she is alive her name is Freya currently she is in a coffin in slumber. She came to a Christmas party once to get a feel of her siblings but what she saw was Elijah holding Kole and you stabbing him with a dagger because of Rebekah's betrayal" he closes his eyes.

"Lies" he shouts I send him the memory of Freya witnessing the scene I had just described. He slumps on the couch and reaches for the glass only to realise it not there because he threw it at me.

"Why don't we know about her? Non of us are aware that we have a sister" I shake my head.

"One of you knows her, he knows what she would look like as an adult, afterall she was his favorite sibling. He loves her very much if you tell him she is alive perhaps he will find a reason to want to live again. But I wouldn't hold my breath." And with that I disappear leaving an open bottle of wine and a whisper..

"Ill see you soon for our next session my intended ~~"

Nicklaus POV

I sit up with a jolt. "Finn" I say remembering the words of the witch. I take the bottle and open it and I'm immediately hit by a reach smell of wine. In all my years I've never tasted such delicious sweetness that is just right, but then I remember what that witch did to me, I throw the bottle against the wall in anger but then I speed to catch it before it makes contact with the wall.

Bloody hell who is this kid? I place the bottle down gently and make my way to the coffins in the lobby. I go straight for Finn's and open it and without remorse I feed him blood stored in a special container I had spelled so it doesn't spoil. An idea from a talented witch friend of mine.

It takes 27 full cups to wake Finn when he wakes up he is in agony. I can see it, the pain like no other. Why is he in pain? I tilt my head. A pang of guilt makes it way to my heart but I harden by face and drag Finn to the living room and throw him face down on the couch the young witch was sitting on.

"Welcome back to the land of the living big brother. I've woken you to offer you a chance to unload a rather large secret you've been keeping from your family"

Finn looks at Niklaus with boredom. "No, you woke me up because you are lonely and need to see someone more miserable than yourself to make yourself feel better about your pathetic existence."

"Wow, that's a lot of words for someone who only knows to stare at walls and mope around longing for death. It seems letting you sleep for a while was a good idea"

"Chuckle" a dark Chuckle escapes Finn he raises his face and looks at me dead in the eyes and I see it the look I have seen on those who have been trampled on by those they trust.  "Sleep you say?" And with that he goes back to ignoring me.

My anger rises "Perhaps I have woken you too soon do you want to go back?" I say threateningly he raises his head and smiles at me.

"You truly are a bastard of a man aren't you? No family affection at all, if you don't get us to follow your exact commands you impart punishment" he mocks and I smile at that. I'm about to say something but he stops me with his voice.

"But you are not really doing a good job, if you want us to cower at your feet, these daggers are hardly enough to teach a lesson to monsters like what you need is to put us down...permanently bastard or else you risk disobedience so why don't you remove us for good?

It will save us both from the fasard of pretending that we are brothers now that we know your true lineage infact, why don't you go looking for your real family instead of tormenting us in the name of family while we are all aware of the truth?"

I'll admit that really hurt especially since all my other family members were slaughtered by Mikel. If I ware to renounce my current name I'll truly be alone in this world. He uses my silence to continue.

"But you wouldn't do that would you? No you want us around even if not by our choice, us leaving you is not what you fear is it? No what you fear is that we will be happier without you. Rebekah will find someone who loves her.

Kole will run away from you and will never look back, and you know why Elijah stays with you don't you? You know he feels guilty for all those times father hit you and he didn't do anything  and most importantly he feels guilty that he strung you on that cross so that mother could curse you.

You know that guilt will eventually cease and he will realize there's no need for him to pay for sins of his parents. Then the veil will be lifted and he will see you for what you really are. Then he will leave too." I speed up to him and lifting him up and throwing him on the ground in anger. When did Finn learn to speak such harsh words.

"You will do well to remember that you live by the mercy that I have bestowed upon you on the little blood relation we share." I shout.

"Don't delude yourself. This is not mercy. Every time I draw breath some innocent person has to die to fulfill my thirst, do you think I give a damn about your threats? Perhaps I would be delighted if I didn't know better, you will never kill any of us because father was right about you. You. Are. Weak."

That does it I lounge for him but a familiar feeling of something warm and oddly soft coils around me stopping me on where I stand. It's odd that I feel great comfort from it this time it's as if my body is being bathed in a warm embrace soothing me prompting me to relax.

What's going on? My feels like it spacing in anticipation. I haven't felt my wolf for centuries all I have been feeling is pain and anger. But today I feel it and right now in this moment I feel complete. This feeling of an empty place being filled chases the hollowness  that has plagued me for centuries.

"Excuse my intrusion I came back as soon as I figured what you might do and as I thought you won't find answers from this one. Who are you kidding? he kept his mouth shut to the likes of Mikel and watched him mourn a daughter he loved dearly. He didn't say anything when her supposed death changed the man from a loving father to a brut who desire strength above all"

We both turn to look at him. Finn is horrified by the details of his secret at the lips of a stranger. But this Stefan is not giving my brother any attention he is looking straight at me or rather watching me.

He releases me from his 'sword' and I slump down but he catches me before I fall. He is strong, witches are usually weak physically but here he is, currying me like I weight nothing. He gently puts me on the couch and tucks my hair back in place all the while looking straight at me. I must be out of my mind because I think I saw affection in those empty eyes.

"Oh! I forgot why I came back" he walks towards Finn and pulls him towards the couch but he doesn't touch him he uses his magic so it looks like Finn floated to the couch on his own.

He stands infron of him and for a moment i worry for Finn, this little boy is very powerful if I couldn't touch him Finn is even more helpless. He doesn't hurt him he just draws some weird symbols in the air and then he makes a pushing motion and the symbols fly to Finn.

I thought it's what he did to me to make me say the truth but Finn starts screaming and taking off his upper shirt and throws it to the ground and watches his body as the same symbols show themselves in a form of tattoos on his body.

I panic and stand up going to Finn to try and help him but I'm held back by Stefan. He grabs my shoulder holding me still, I try to break free but it's as if I'm held back by a giant hand and I'm a small child. I can't move a muscle.

What's even more confusing is that my wolf gets peaceful and delighted when he touches me. It's a new feeling but I can't show it.

Who knows what this crazy boy witch will do? What if he shows up with a wedding party and forces a wedding on me?" The thought gives me the chills because I can actually see it happening. This is a person who barged in my home, chased away my guests and forced me to speak the truth with him while saying he's going to marry me.

"Relax I'm helping him." He says chuckling in my ear like a siren making me and my wolf a little dazed. I look at him and raised my hand pointing at Finn.

"You call that help? He's in pain, stop whatever you are doing to him this instant." My eyes change color he just looks at me with the same expression.

"If I say I'm helping him..." he gets to close to my ear and whispers "I'm helping him." Finn chooses this time to keep quiet and just passes out. The most change about him is that he is lying in a pool of blood. Now I'm freaking out. I go to him and I can actually see him turning younger and even more handsome than I remember him being.

"What is going on with him?" I couldn't help but be shocked.

"I'm just as shocked at how handsome he used to be." He says with a smile in his eyes but his face remains stoic.

"That's hardly the point, what did you do to my brother?" He comes close to me and gives me a smile, his face gains a youthful charm for the first time.

"I gave him what he wanted in a way that does not take away what you want. Two birds, one stone." He says playing with his eyebrows.

"You wanted a brother who isn't suicidal and he wanted to be rid of the thirst that forced him to prey on the innocents." He says.

"I'm still not clear on what you did to him" I press on.

"Is that really important right now or your older brother who is lying in a pool of blood should be put in a warm blanket. I forgot to tell you he can freeze from the cold now." With that I rush to put Finn upstairs in a bed and put a heavy blanket on him. I rush back to talk I still need answers.


I come in blazing and shouting. He puts a finger on his mouth.

"I know I took his super hearing but he doesn't need it if you shout like that." He is evasive about the details.

I take a deep breath. And pour myself a drink. "Talk" I demand and he shrugs.

"Say something nice. Or atleast be pleasant about it." He says and I'm losing my patience. My eyes change color and I lounge for him but he just opens his arms and holds me tightly. My wolf starts purring and I lose control over my body.

It uses my body to sniff at his neck and muzzle my head on his chest growling in delight and happiness. I can feel this wonderful energy around him, now I know why my wolf loves being touched by him. The energy around him is intoxicating and warm it can't help but want to enhale it all.

"Well I can't say I hate this sudden show of affection, you can stay in my arms for as long as you want little Prince, but the human will be angry at you and since he can't punish you the blame will fall on me entirely." He says brushing my hair and a delighted growl escape my lips. This is embarrassing.

After I don't know how long I regain control over my body to find us lying on a couch, me cuddling him and he has his hands around me. I am speechless, how the hell do I begin to..

"Up are we?" He sighs in what I assume is disappointment. "My Prince is gone and in his place an angry hybrid looking to torture me, I'm so miserable my own spouse wants to kill me" now I know how mother used to feel.

I get off him and stand far away incase my wolf decides to go cuddling with the enemy again. But something is different about me, I feel good, I haven't felt this good in centuries. So my wolf is partly why I'm always angry and murderous? Good to know.

"Ouch do you have to get so far away from me?" He pouts.

"STOP with the flirty words and truth spells and bleeding my brother on the floor" wait what am I saying I hear laughter from my guest.

"This is no laughing matter, quickly tell me what you did to Finn and no hugging" I take a step back.

"Fine I got my reward I'll tell you all about it. The spell your mother used was taken from your neighbor you remember her?" I think for a moment and remember Ayana. What does he know?

"Yes your vengeful mother took a perfectly good spell and turned it into something ugly just so you can never have children. What a vindictive piece of work that one is." He says chuckling

"So you returned the Original spell?" He looks at me with mock horror.

"Gods No. If I did that, then every 500 years nature will pop killable versions of Finn.... that's just gross" I have to agree.

"No what I did is twick Finn's need of human blood, hence the blood on the floor. He is still a freak he just doesn't need to drink human blood but if he wants he can still get the required nutrients from it.

I gave him another way to sustain his hunger I let him use the world energy as substance. So according to nature he is still part of the vampire species hence his sire line is still there."

"I made him weaker but he is still invulnerable I made the energies his ally, if someone wants to cause him harm they will be repelled, you can take a shotgun and try to blow his head off." Okay that got dark fast.

"So you helped him, why?" He smirks in an irritating way and points at me.

"I'm going to be his brother in law can't I be generous?" He says smiling at me and I really want to punch that little face.

"When you started going on about marriage union I knew you are crazy so whatever crazy things you say I'll pretend I'm listening to a crazy child" I say smiling and he actually looks offended.

"I am 14 and a half NOT a child." He says pouting and I can't hold it in I bust out laughing. He looks at me and I get a bad feeling.. something about that twinkle in his eyes makes me want to run from him. I stop laughing and narrow my eyes.

He walks to me and present me with a single rose instead of red it's gold in color and it shines with an unnatural light that I can't help but want to touch it. He hands it over to me and I find myself taking it but when it lands on my hands, it weight is like that of a small wagon. I look at it closer and it entralls me with it power I can't look away from it.

"That's your punishment for calling me a child. Don't worry it will only work on you the first time. When you look at it again it won't have so much power over you. But other people are not allowed to look at it, you don't know this but your soul is on the verge of being consumed by the flower. It's like a siren luring innocents with beauty and then eating their flesh and swallowing their souls." He tucks my hair and I'm scared now. Is this why he really came here? to harvest my soul.

"Ah..your soul is trembling are you perhaps telling yourself something ridiculous and scaring yourself shitless? This flower is a gift for you. You are to use it every day it will help you to strengthen your mind. Now that I've chosen you as my spouse I can't have you bewitched by some hungry sirencousin of mine

Or that annoying guy they work for who likes to eat people's souls this is not counting my creepy 2000 years old ancestor who likes to read minds and then impersonate your deepest fears. Most importantly, everyone will laugh at me if my partner is weak so this is necessary. I won't be there to save you everytime" whose your partner and did you just call me weak? A growl escape my throat and I houl at the top of my lungs.

"See? You broke out but next time do it as it start not 9minutes later, a lot can happen in 9 minutes" he's right I took too long.

"I am not marrying you. Get that through your head crazy witch, I don't like men and you are definitely not a woman" I growl. He laughs.

"Don't be so hasty to reject me little Prince, I'm your only hope for true happiness. A whole family that doesn't hate you or hate themselves, a life where you won't have to fear anyone of your enemies coming to hurt you or your loved ones." He appears infront of me like a ghost and whispers to me as if coasting a child.

"Think of anything you want and I can make it happen, anything at all, whatever your heart desires there's nothing I can not do only what you can not think of." Then he appears next to the couch he was sitting on. 

"I won't force you but I already know your future and I know I'm your only hope. But please go ahead and prove me wrong nothing will make me happier that to be surprised."

"I..." after what he just did to Finn I'm inclined to believe him. Could he remove my curse?

"Prove it." He rolls his eyes.

"How predictable, you disappoint me Yohines. Let me guess, you want to use me to remove your mother's curse?" It unsettling he guessed that.

"Removing your mother's curse from you is a matter of effort for me. But for such a large benefit I want you to be mine alone for at least a century before accepting another on your bed. We will still be married but you can sleep with someone else if you want after a century.

Don't look at me like that I will also only belong to you during that time, I'm not a hypocrite who demands of others what I can't give them in return. Or atleast I try not to be.

This is really so that I don't commit murder every so often if I find someone touching you. I'm very possessive, controlling and all the other things that explains murderous thoughts whenever I picture my spouse being looked at or touched by another.

If we spend a century just the two of us, it will give me an almost enough time to get used to the idea in a safe place." Again..... CRAZY.

"If you are so powerful why do you want to marry me? were there no other options? Perhaps someone who also enjoys to accompany men in their bed?" This is what I'm mostly curious about.

"There is this other better choice is this woman who isn't born yet or this other gentleman who also isn't born yet. All other options who are a live and immortal I don't like them or I'm related to them by blood or am related to their enemies by blood so I don't want to be killed or maimed on my wedding night." Makes sense I nod.

"So there are other immortals besides the Originals?" That's a scary thought.

"You do know that Originals happened because a witch performed a spell, which make sense to say she is the powerful one, not what she created. I know that people remember the monster and not the doctor who make it." But she still died in the hands of her creation.

"I know what you are thinking 'she still died' well witches can die and come back when they want. Death is a relative term when there is a dimension solely to house them once they die." That's a scary thought.

"Also I have it on good authority that your mother is plotting to overthrow the overlord of the other side so she can amass enough power to come back and end all vampire species by killing all of you." What?

"Can you stop her?" It came out on it's own.

"Of course" he says arrogantly.

"But why would I?" He is right nothing comes that easily especially for me.

I'm still processing all of this when there's a knock on the door and since someone chased everyone out yesterday even the maids I need to open it myself. I grunt in annoyance and open the door only to come face to face with a flawless woman and she smiles at me, my breath hitch at the sight.

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