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Chapter 6: Discovery

March 25th, 2010.

That was the date he found he on the newspaper he had picked up outside the industrial zone.

When Andrew emerged from his makeshift hideout, he was greeted by the warmth of the rising sun on a crisp morning. Andrew glanced up at the radiant sun gracing the sky, its brilliance casting a warm glow across the horizon. A sense of purpose filled him as he muttered, "The sun is up." Recognizing the precious daylight, he resolved to continue his cleaning endeavors, knowing there was more work to be done. With a determined tone, he spoke to himself, "I'll explore the city tonight. But for now, it's time to clean up." determined to make the most of the daylight, he rallied his clones and set out to tackle the task of cleaning the lower section of the metro.

Although lacking proper cleaning equipment, or any to be exact, their determination drove them forward, focusing on removing as much accumulated garbage as possible. The state of the metro had improved since their last effort, but it still fell short of their desired cleanliness.

Andrew and his clones toiled tirelessly, dedicating countless hours to the monumental task at hand. Together, they meticulously scoured every nook and cranny, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for cleanliness. Not only did they diligently clear away the scattered debris and litter, but they also went above and beyond, going to the subway tracks to remove the accumulated garbage that had plagued it.

Their efforts paid off as the lower level gradually transformed before their eyes. The once cluttered and neglected space began to regain some semblance of it's former allure. The air felt lighter, and a newfound sense of cleanliness permeated the surroundings.

As Andrew surveyed the "cleaned" lower level of the metro, he couldn't help but notice the remnants of dust, grime, and patches of rust that still lingered in some areas. However, he understood that tackling those stubborn remnants would require additional time and equipment.

Resolute in his commitment, Andrew made a mental note to address the remaining imperfections in due course. He knew that each task had its own time, and for now, he had achieved a significant milestone in clearing the bulk of the garbage and restoring a semblance of cleanliness to the metro.

With a sense of satisfaction, Andrew merged with his clones and retreated from the lower level, knowing that they had laid the groundwork for future improvements. As Andrew ascended from the depths of the metro, he noticed the vibrant hues painted across the sky as the sun began its descent. The allure of exploration beckoned to him, and he felt compelled that it's as good of a time as any to seize the moment.

As Andrew sat atop the five-story building near the ledge, overlooking the bustling street below, he couldn't help but contemplate his own abilities. While his cell count paled in comparison to the formidable Black Sperm, he knew that even a modest increase in strength, speed, and durability could make a difference.

Though the enhancements provided by his cell stock were not substantial, they still granted him an edge compared to other non-powered humans.

As Andrew placed the newspaper down, he retrieved the phone placed down on the ledge. The phone, acquired through a less conventional means of pickpocketing an unsuspecting passerby, now rested in his hands. As Andrew reflected on his actions, he acknowledged the challenging circumstances that had influenced his decisions. He understood that life often presented difficult choices and situations where the line between right and wrong became blurred.

While he recognized the impact of the current circumstances on his actions, he also acknowledged his responsibility to strive for better choices whenever possible. He knew that justifying his behavior based solely on the circumstances could lead him down a slippery slope where integrity and moral compass could be compromised.

As Andrew examined the phone in his hand, he couldn't help but notice its worn-out condition, marked by a cracked screen. It was clear that the device had seen better days.

As Andrew accessed the unlocked phone, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of surprise mixed with a touch of amusement. The lack of a lock screen seemed utterly foolish to him, as it left the device vulnerable to unauthorized access. However, he chose not to dwell on the owner's lapse in security measures, seeing it as an unexpected advantage for his own convenience.

With a shrug, Andrew muttered, "Ehh, whatever. Makes my life easier this way." He proceeded to open the search engine, relieved to find that the phones in the DC world were quite similar to the ones he was accustomed to back home. This familiarity alleviated the potential challenges he might have faced in navigating an entirely unfamiliar device.

Immersed in his research, Andrew delved into the intricacies of the DC world, specifically focusing on Gotham City and the renowned Justice League.

His findings aligned with his expectations. Superpowered individuals, known as "meta humans," existed, but the origins of their powers remained a mystery, shrouded in uncertainty.

Exploring Gotham City, Andrew discovered that it comprised three interconnected islands, linked by bridges that extended to the mainland. Each island is considered it's own district and held its own distinct character and purpose within the city.

Uptown, as the name suggested, housed the affluent aristocrats and the privileged elite. Referred to as "old money," this district exuded opulence and grandeur, serving as a symbol of wealth, corruption and status.

Midtown, on the other hand, was a bustling hub of commerce, hosting prominent corporations such as Wayne Industries. It was not only a center for business but also home to various neighborhoods, accommodating a modest portion of the city's population.

Lastly, East End, situated in the southern island of Gotham City, contained the docks and a predominant industrial sector. This district, unfortunately, suffered from poverty and rampant crime, creating a stark contrast to the prosperity found in Uptown and the busy atmosphere of Midtown.

Andrew's research into the industrial zone he currently occupied aligned with his expectations. Situated in the southern part of the East End district, the area had a rich history dating back to the late 19th century.

During the height of the industrial revolution in the 1890s, the industrial zone was established as part of the city's expansion. Its purpose was to accommodate the growing demands of the manufacturing and industrial sectors. Factories, warehouses, and other industrial facilities thrived within its boundaries, contributing to Gotham City's economic growth.

However, as time progressed, the circumstances changed. The industrial zone's decline began in 1995 when labor demands decreased. As industries shifted, and advancements in technology reduced the need for manual labor, the area gradually became abandoned and neglected.

Andrew delved further into his research, focusing on the legendary Justice League and its esteemed members. As expected, the Justice League did indeed exist in this DC universe.

Among its founding members, Andrew discovered the iconic superheroes that he had anticipated. Superman, with his incredible strength and otherworldly abilities. Aquaman, the king of Atlantis, wielded command over the seas and possessed superhuman strength. Wonder Woman, an Amazonian warrior princess, embodied courage, wisdom, and exceptional combat skills. The Flash, known for his superhuman speed, raced through the world as a guardian of justice

However, it was Batman who captured Andrew's attention the most. The Dark Knight, with his unparalleled detective skills, strategic mind, and unparalleled dedication, fought against crime and injustice. As Andrew continued his research on Batman, the Dark Knight, he became particularly intrigued by the presence of a sidekick known as Robin. Robin, a figure often associated with Batman in the DC universe, served as both a trusted ally and protege to the Caped Crusader.

Based on the absence of any mentions of Nightwing, it was reasonable for Andrew to assume that the Robin he encountered in his research was indeed the first one, Dick Grayson.

As Andrew contemplated the phone in his hand,he switched off the device and carefully considered how to carry it with him more securely. It was then that he came up with an unconventional solution.

Bringing the phone closer to his stomach, Andrew tapped into his shapeshifting abilities. With a deliberate transformation, his body shifted and expanded, enveloping the phone within a specialized cavity. As his body molded around the device, it became a part of him, safely hidden from any damage.

Amused by the outcome of his impromptu adaptation, Andrew couldn't help but comment, "Neat." He appreciated the ingenuity of his solution, knowing that now he could carry the phone with him without the risk of losing or damaging it.

As Andrew made his way off the ledge, his body underwent another transformation. His form elongated, granting him increased height and a muscular physical stature. With his strength and agility, he confidently leaped from rooftop to rooftop, effortlessly traversing the urban landscape.

His strength allowed him to easily clear the gaps between buildings, showcasing the benefits of his augmented cellular count. The city streets below buzzed with activity, unaware of the extraordinary abilities he possessed.

Andrew's adventurous spirit soared alongside his physical form as he traversed the cityscape. The rush of wind against his face and the exhilarating sensation of flight filled him with a sense of freedom and excitement. With each leap and bound, he reveled in the sensation of sailing through the sky, transcending the confines of the ground below.

In the rare instance where the distance proved too great, Andrew adapted swiftly. Utilizing his shapeshifting ability, he extended his arms, stretching them out to grasp onto the edge of the next rooftop. With a combination of his increased reach and his physical dexterity, he successfully bridged the gaps, ensuring a seamless transition from one rooftop to the next.

Andrew's body shifting and increased strength proved invaluable as he effortlessly moved across the cityscape, blending into the urban landscape like a shadow. With every bound and every strategic adjustment, he honed his skills, growing more confident and honing his abilities and embracing the freedom and versatility his unique powers provided.

With the knowledge that crime often lurked in the docks, Andrew eagerly directed his course toward port Adams, located on the eastern side of east end district. Guided by the stories and depictions he had seen in TV shows, he anticipated encountering criminals that would be his punching bags to put his abilities to the test, particularly in combat.


UI_Shaggy UI_Shaggy

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