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Chapter 8: Supermarket Raid

March 27th, 2010

sleepy Joe's Supermarket, Midtown, Gotham city

10:27 PM.

Two days had passed since the events at the port Adams. During this time, Andrew immersed himself in the sprawling metropolis of Gotham City, traversing its streets and alleys, all the while intervening in crimes and ensuring that the perpetrators faced a unique form of justice—leaving them bound and covered in trash when the police eventually found and captured them.

As he expected, his daring escapades those two days ago would become public knowledge. The revelation came in the form of a leaked police report, disseminated widely among the public. Soon, photos and videos documenting the vigilante's unconventional methods went viral, capturing the attention of Gotham's denizens and the entirety of the United States of America.

The impact of this revelation was immediate and profound. Social media platforms erupted with a whirlwind of reactions, as people from all walks of life engaged in spirited debates. The vigilante's actions drew both admiration and criticism, stirring intense discussions about the boundaries of justice and the role of vigilantism in a city plagued by crime.

As the days passed, the mysterious vigilante's presence grew in Gotham City. Andrew's dedication to refining his stealth capabilities had paid off, as his efforts to remain undetected proved successful. The citizens, criminals, and even the Gotham City Police Department were left in the dark about his true identity and appearance.

After indulging in his exploratory adventures, Andrew turned his focus towards his primary objective: increasing his cells. Drawing inspiration from his knowledge of Black Sperm's abilities, he understood that the key to increasing his cellular stock was through consuming substantial amounts of food.

Over the past few days, Andrew had noticed an unusual lack of hunger or thirst. However, he experienced exhaustion after engaging in intense physical activities. Recognizing the necessity of nourishment for his growth, Andrew embarked on a mission to find the perfect place to gather sustenance.

Though he despised engaging in criminal activities, Andrew acknowledged the grim reality that his circumstances necessitated such actions. He realized that his current level of power left him vulnerable in a city teeming with threats. In order to survive and effectively fight crime, he had to acquire the strength to face the perils that awaited him.

As Andrew stood atop a building, surveying the CityScape, his gaze settled on a supermarket below. The sign read "Sleepy Joe's Supermarket," and curiosity sparked within him. Why was it named Sleepy Joe? He pondered, but his focus quickly shifted to the practical aspect—the supermarket seemed to be the perfect target for his raid.

As Andrew gracefully leaped from the rooftop, he has shrunken his size as he skillfully navigated his way towards the back of Sleepy Joe's Supermarket. His movements were fast, agile and silent, unnoticed and hidden in the dimly lit parking lot. With each step, he maintained a heightened sense of awareness, taking note of the peculiar absence of security cameras both outside the building and along the backside.

A sense of intrigue washed over him. It was highly unusual for a commercial establishment, especially one in a city like Gotham, to lack surveillance in crucial areas. The absence of cameras hinted at a potential vulnerability—one that Andrew couldn't help but exploit, given the circumstances.

Carefully assessing the situation, he weighed the risks and rewards. While he was no stranger to moral dilemmas, he believed that his actions were driven by a higher purpose—strengthening himself to protect the innocent. His intention was never to cause harm but to ensure his own survival and the safety of others.

As Andrew approached the smaller door, he anticipated that it would be locked, just like the garage doors intended for goods delivery. However, rather than resorting to destructive methods, he tapped into his shapeshifting abilities for a more elegant solution.

Placing his fingers against the keyhole, Andrew focused his concentration. Utilizing his unique power, he transformed his fingers into the shape of a key that matched the lock. With a twist of his hand, he applied gentle pressure, causing the lock mechanism to yield with a satisfying click. The door swung open, granting him access to the smaller storage area, which was connected to the larger one with the garage doors.

Expressing gratitude to Plastic Man for inspiring this clever trick, Andrew stepped into the storage area. His eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the sight of shelves filled with supplies and crates waiting to be unpacked.

With the door securely locked behind him, Andrew set out on a mission to locate the security room, intent on neutralizing any potential threats posed by guards or surveillance cameras that might have witnessed his trespassing.

As he explored the interior of Sleepy Joe's Supermarket, the absence of any light added an eerie ambiance to his search. Minutes passed as Andrew scoured the premises, using the flashlight function on his phone to check each corridor and room. Eventually, his persistence paid off when he stumbled upon a door labeled "security."

As Andrew cautiously stepped into the security room, he was greeted by an unexpected sight. A security guard sat slumped in a chair, clearly intoxicated and surrounded by empty beer bottles scattered across the floor. A mixture of exasperation and amusement crossed Andrew's face as he surveyed the scene before him. It seemed that incompetence knew no bounds, whether in his world or this one.

Doubting the guard's ability to pose a threat in his current state, Andrew gently shook his shoulder to confirm that he was indeed unconscious. Satisfied with his assessment, he turned his attention to the array of monitors mounted on the wall. To his surprise, the screens displayed footage from various cameras outside the supermarket.

Andrew couldn't help but inwardly chastise himself for overlooking the presence of the cameras. He had assumed their absence due to the earlier observations, but it appeared that he had been mistaken. The realization emphasized the importance of remaining vigilant and attentive to his surroundings, even when faced with seemingly lax security measures.

As Andrew pondered the task of disabling the cameras and erasing the footage, he acknowledged his lack of expertise in computer systems. With a dismissive shrug, he resorted to a more straightforward approach.

With strength honed from his training, Andrew carefully lifted the slumbering security guard, carrying him outside the supermarket to ensure his continued unconsciousness remained undisturbed. Once the guard was safely deposited, Andrew returned to the security room while locking the door upon entry, determined to eliminate any potential surveillance.

Embracing his physical prowess, Andrew resorted to a more forceful method. He proceeded to rip each monitor from the wall, causing them to crash onto the ground one by one. The screens shattered, rendering them inoperable. Moving swiftly, he repeated the process with the computer, dismantling it with a display of strength.

Though his approach may have been crude, Andrew's actions effectively disabled the monitoring system within the security room. The cameras would no longer record his movements, and any existing footage would remain inaccessible.

As Andrew ventured into the public area of the supermarket, a grin spread across his face. The sight that greeted him was a treasure trove of culinary delights—rows upon rows of fresh meat, vibrant vegetables, an assortment of processed foods, and a colorful array of fruits.

Andrew's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he surveyed the bountiful offerings before him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of indulging in the variety of flavors and getting stronger.

As Andrew split into a multitude of clones, a sense of mischief and excitement filled the air. The clones exchanged glances, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they surrounded the assortment of food within Sleepy Joe's Supermarket.

Without wasting a moment, the clones dove into the culinary extravaganza before them. With gusto and voracious appetites, they indulged in the abundance of flavors, savoring each bite. The supermarket became a symphony of munching, laughter, and Items clattering to the ground.

Andrew, alongside his clones, reveled in the experience, his heart filled with pure joy. It was a moment of unadulterated bliss as he relished in the feast, savoring every morsel of deliciousness.


March 28th, 2010

sleepy Joe's Supermarket, Midtown, Gotham city

2:43 AM.

As Andrew sat amidst the aftermath of their culinary conquest, surrounded by the chaotic scene of overturned shelves, broken cooling units, and scattered bottles and cans, he couldn't help but be amazed by the additional cell count he had gained. The surplus nourishment had triggered a cellular proliferation beyond his wildest expectations.

With each passing moment while he was eating, Andrew could feel the hivemind that connected every cell within him expanding at an unprecedented rate. The collective consciousness grew stronger, intertwining his individual cells into a cohesive whole. It was as if an intricate web of knowledge and understanding spread throughout his being, creating a network of unparalleled cognitive prowess.

The sheer magnitude of this cellular growth astounded Andrew. The total count of his enhanced cellular stock now reached an astounding 45 million, 344 thousand, and 765 hundred. Without counting the substantial boost that each clone received.

"Boss, I think we've eaten everything edible in this area," one of the clones reported to Andrew, who promptly rose to his feet and retrieved his phone.

Glancing at the time, Andrew realized that dawn was approaching, prompting him to make a decision. "It's nearly 3 AM; it's time for us to leave," he declared, utilizing the expanded hivemind to summon the clones to his location.

"Gather around, boys," Andrew addressed them, meeting each clone's gaze intently. " I want each and every single one of you to gather as many cleaning supplies as possible. We have a hideout to clean."

With their shared consciousness, the clones understood the importance of their mission. They nodded in unison, acknowledging Andrew's directive. Their purpose now has shifted from consuming resources to acquiring the necessary materials to construct their secret base.

As the clones swiftly gathered an array of cleaning supplies, including brooms, chemicals, tile polishers, buckets, and more, they made their hasty retreat from the scene.

Meanwhile, Gotham City slept peacefully, unaware of the peculiar sight that awaited them in the morning. When the citizens awoke and discovered a ransacked supermarket, it appeared as though a crowd had left their mark. Confusion filled the air as people struggled to comprehend the nature of the ransacking.

Little did they know that the true orchestrators behind the scene were not common criminals but the enigmatic vigilante and his dedicated clones.

Everyone except one individual was dressed in a bat-themed costume and his sidekick.



I must admit, I made an error in understanding Black Sperm's power. Initially, I believed that his strength was directly correlated to the number of cell stocks he possessed. However, I have since learned that this assumption was incorrect. Surprisingly, each individual cell, regardless of their cell stock, possesses the same level of strength. The distinction lies in their vulnerability to damage, as the cells without any cell stock don't have access to regeneration. Additionally, they lack access to remarkable abilities like merging and shapeshifting, which are exclusive to cells with cell stock.

I have made the necessary edits to the previous chapters in order to align with the updated narrative. With these adjustments, the storyline should now reflect the correct understanding of Black Sperm's power.


UI_Shaggy UI_Shaggy

I hope you found this chapter enjoyable. It is my goal to provide engaging and entertaining content for your reading pleasure. If there's anything specific you'd like to see or if you have any feedback, feel free to let me know. Your satisfaction as a reader is important to me.

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