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Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Is Everything Going to Plan?

Turles had a faint smile as he watched the invading forces destroy his capital planet. A replaceable thing, ultimately, but it did well while it lasted. It gave him and his scientists plenty of research and information to draw from when aiding the prosperity of other planets under his control. Naba will be quite unhappy to see her defensive infrastructures were ultimately useless. He couldn't wait to show her personally if this planet was still standing by the end of this. Planet Prime was a test in the end, successful in execution but unsuccessful in other matters. Mostly relating to defense.

Bojack was a strong individual compared to most of the universe. In fact, very few should have been able to handle him at this time and period. In the original timeline, Gohan was supposed to be the person who killed him as a Super Saiyan 2 in three or so years. However, the combined might of the Ginyu Force and Abo and Kado brought him down. 

Seeing the Ginyu Force do so well, even with Ginyu stealing Vegeta's body was surprising. Vegeta didn't stand a chance against Bojack in the original timeline, but he was also depressed at the time. However, it didn't surprise him that Abo and Kado were able to defeat Bojack at full power when they merged. Aka was a being capable of standing up against Gotenks! Gotenks was a being that Goku had full trust in to defeat Majin Buu. Mere fodder at the level of Super Saiyan 2 wasn't anything in comparison to that level of strength. Not to mention, Frieza's soldiers had a distinct distaste for training of any kind. So, Turles doubted Abo and Kado trained in any significant manner from this point to that point in when they met Goku and the gang.

"Your impatience hasn't changed, Frieza." Turles shook his head with disappointment.

It's been exactly four months since Turles revived Frieza. He knew exactly what he was here for with his full force. To reclaim his position as the sole ruler of the universe with his new shiny golden form. A form that surpasses Super Saiyan Blue, albeit with a temporary weakness. A weakness that Turles planned to exploit out of the ambitious, spoiled little former emperor.

While no one but him was strong enough to deal with Frieza at the moment, that didn't mean his forces were completely helpless. He hasn't wasted a decade and some years training the Crusher Force to be completely useless. Even now, as he was training a legacy force to take up the mantle of the original Crusher Force since they were too busy to be a specialized force as Commanders and Turles being the ruler of Universe 7, he still expected them to have some use.

But his Crusher Force should be enough to soften Frieza until his new transformation's flaws are obvious. It would also serve as a lesson to Frieza. Turles wasn't the only person he should be wary of in the universe. Oh, that reminded him. Frieza trained alongside Nappa and Raditz. They, too, should have acquired substantial power incomparable to their original selves after training alongside someone like Frieza. His children needed more battle experience against foes who wouldn't hold back against them. Since they were considered princes and princesses of his empire, few would dare to do anything to slight them. Raditz and Nappa had a known background in which they wouldn't hesitate to use their full power on children either, which was good. 

It seems everything was in place. Turles left the smoldering ruins of his palace, still getting destroyed by the Frieza Force as he made his way toward Frieza. He already called the Crusher Force and his children through his scouter. They were all off-planet when the initial invasion started. Turles had been preparing for this attack by Frieza ever since he revived him. While he didn't know if things would turn out the same as they did originally, it didn't hurt to plan for it if it happened to come to it.

Turles thought to himself as flew over to Frieza's power. Hmm, he should collect Broly sometime soon. As fun as it would be to fight him under Frieza's control, there were more efficient avenues for that legendary source of power. Broly would fill a nice slot in his new Crusher Force.

"Daddy!" Turles was greeted by three of his children this way, and they latched on to his body. Even as they were getting older, it seemed physical touch was still their love language.

"Father." Even Basil, as shy as the boy was. Turles gestured with his hand for him to come over as well.

"Whose butt are we kicking now?!" Bon began fighting the air excitedly. "I've grown so strong that stupid ghost lady wouldn't be able to land a finger on me!" 

"I got stronger too! I'm like a Super Duper Saiyan now!" Stella claimed while fighting the air twice as hard as Bon.

"I'mma Super Duper Mega Saiyan!" Kress refused to let his sisters outshine him in front of his daddy as he started powering up. 

"Children. Focus." Turles gently recaptured their attention with a firm but gentle tone. "Those four are your opponents." Turles pointed to Raditz, Nappa, Zarbon, and Dodoria around Frieza. 

"This'll be a piece of cake!" Bon grinned menacingly while palming her fist into her hand.

"Kress, Stella. You two will fight those two Saiyans." Turles caringly grasped their shoulders. "Bon, Basil. You two will fight the pink and blue one." He told the other two.

"Okay, Daddy!" Kress, Bon, and Stella responded.

"Understood." Basil nodded.

"You guys feel free to choose who you want to fight personally." Turles smiled as he made his way to the Crusher Force.

"Lord Turles!" Appule saluted with his spine straight as Turles made his presence known.

"You really weren't kidding about warning us to up our training four months ago." Mepple nervously laughed as she glanced at Frieza flying over in his hover pod. He was far stronger than the last time she'd seen him.

"I am prepared." An electronic, deeply masculine voice emitted from a device around Sai's neck. He wielded his giant blade in one hand, prepared to fight. His body twitched in excitement.

"I suppose this is another test of yours?" Bonyu figured. She wasn't looking forward to facing Frieza either. Decades of engrained fear was difficult to overcome.

"Clever as always, Bonyu." Turles praised her, yet she didn't look too pleased about it. "Frieza wouldn't do something like this unless he was confident in killing me. I repeat, killing Me. So do your best, guys. Consider it a second test. The first one is if you have kept up with your training. The second one is a secret, but it does involve Frieza." Turles shared.

Turles flew to the front, meeting Frieza's confident smile head-on with a smirk of his own. "You are finally here. I have been waiting quite a while," Frieza greeted. "You've made quite the mess while waiting, it seems. I should apologize for being a poor host and not attending to you sooner if this is what happens when you're kept waiting." Turles sarcastically responded. "Ohoho, I guess my men have made quite a mess. You know how rowdy they get when you don't let them out for a walk every now and then." Frieza laughed. "Perhaps you should train them better. Bad pets reflect even worse on their owners." Turles retorted.

"Enough jokes, monkey." Frieza pursed his lips. "The time for my vengeance against you is at hand. During the time I've been revived, I've been training to ensure that I can never be defeated by you again. Such efforts were a first for me." Frieza revealed. "Me, of all people! Having to resort to training. It was humiliating that I had to play catch-up with a monkey!" Frieza angrily clenched his fist.

"Saiyans are one of the strongest species in the universe, Frieza. Do not let your ignorance blind you to the infinite potential held by the Saiyans. I mean, look at me. I'm living proof that Saiyans are more than just monkeys." Turles explained.

"You are nothing more than an anomaly! A mutant! A freakish abomination!" Frieza shouted.

"I've said it before, but I'm just a regular Saiyan. Any Saiyan could reach the same level of power as me if they trained hard enough." Turles told a half-truth.

"Then why has there never been another one like you?" Frieza smirked, seemingly caught on to something.

"I'm smarter than the average Saiyan." Turles arrogantly boasted.

It wasn't as if he was a genius or anything. He just had an unfair advantage in terms of information and knowledge of this world. There were several beings smarter than him. Turles was just using what he knew to his advantage. Knowledge was half the battle. For Turles, the other half was taking advantage of his innate racial traits to rise to the top.

"Enough postulating! Are you prepared to die?" Frieza exited from his hover pod and readied to begin their fight.

"The offer is tempting, I must admit." Turles was immortal. He was interested in what was available in Frieza's arsenal that could kill him at this point. "But I need to make sure you are worthy of challenging the Emperor of Universe 7. After all, it's only been four months since I've last seen you. Do you expect me to believe that you somehow trained hard enough for four months and that's enough for you to take my position? Would you believe something as absurd as that coming from someone like Raditz to you?" Turles crossed his arms with an arrogant grin.

"You are comparing me to him?!" Frieza pointed at Raditz, stunned that he was caught up in the crossfire.

"All ants look the same to me." Turles shrugged.

This was Frieza's boiling point as he vanished and reappeared to deck Turles right in his face. In Turles's place, Appule appeared with his body covered in lightning. Appule blocked with both arms but was still sent flying away. His bones seemingly cracked just from the force of that enraged punch alone. He looked toward Frieza just to see him casually waving his fist back and forth as if the numbing properties of his ki converted to electricity were nothing more than just a nuisance.

"Our turn!" Bon kicked toward Dodoria while Basil leisurely flew toward Zarbon.

"I'm going to beat my guy first!" Kress told his sister, flying at Raditz.

"Nuh un! I'm going to beat my guy the fastest out of everyone." Stella stuck her tongue out at Kress while flying at Nappa.

Turles calmly watched the unfolding chaotic battle before separating his children's fight to the other side of the planet. He teleported them using an alteration of the Instant Transmission technique invented by Mepple. While he could end this invasion in seconds, where was the fun in that? There was more to gain by not offing Frieza immediately.

CaptainBoyHole CaptainBoyHole

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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