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"After we sighed in relief, a wave of euphoria washed over us like a warm summer breeze. The mastermind behind this miraculous event was none other than our classmate and bestie, Hannah. With her sparkling eyes and mischievous grin, she had always been the life of the party. We eagerly asked her about the mysterious ice that had saved us from the zombie horde, but she simply shrugged and claimed to know nothing about controlling it well. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The intelligent undead had vanished without a trace, almost as if he had known that the zombies were going to meet their icy demise. A shiver ran down my spine as I pondered the possibilities."As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink, we remained on the terrace. The night was fast approaching and we knew we would have to find shelter. There was no sign of help and our thoughts were consumed with worry for our families. We decided to go to the canteen and gather what food we could before making our escape from the school. Time was of the essence; we had to reach a safe place before darkness enveloped us.

The school, once a place of laughter and learning, was now a desolate wasteland. The zombies or undead had shown no mercy, not even sparing the younger kids and teachers."We were in grave danger. Hannah, who had recently acquired the power to manipulate ice, was struggling to control her abilities. As she cleared our path to the canteen with her powers, we noticed that she grew increasingly weak and exhausted. The ice she created also posed problems - the temperature dropped significantly, making it difficult to bear without heavy sweaters made of leather and wool. We finally reached the canteen and decided to take refuge there. One of us had to stay awake to keep watch for any movements of the undead. I volunteered to take the first shift. As I peered through the canteen's window, I witnessed a bizarre scene: the intelligent undead was conversing with a human. The human wore glasses and had a tall stature, but their face was obscured from my view. I wondered how they could escape the undead's hunger for flesh and blood. Was this some kind of truce or trick? I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice when the human vanished. When I turned my head back to the window, the undead's piercing gaze met mine. He flashed a wicked smirk that sent shivers down my spine. I slammed the window shut as fast as I could. I was lost in my thoughts when Emma shook me gently and brought me back to reality. She asked me what I had seen outside, and I shared with her the strange sight of the undead creature that seemed to have some intelligence. She agreed that it was very peculiar and suggested that I should get some rest. I nodded and closed my eyes, but I couldn't stop thinking about the undead being. It looked vaguely familiar to me, but I couldn't place it. I don't know when I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I was jolted awake by the roars of the undead horde that surrounded the canteen. They were not like the mindless zombies we had seen before; they were more aggressive and coordinated. They were slamming the canteen door with such force that we all knew it was only a matter of time before they broke in. Our only hope was Hannah, who had the power to manipulate ice. But even with her ability, we knew we couldn't last long against a horde of zombies. We grabbed whatever sharp tools we could find and prepared to fight for our lives. The door burst open and the undead poured in. We fought with courage and determination, but Emma dropped her knife and the zombies closed in on us. We were separated, each cornered by a group of hungry corpses. I felt a surge of fear and despair as I saw my best friend in danger. Emma shouted 'Stop!' and miraculously, some of the zombies froze in place. But not all of them. Some had powers of their own and were immune to Emma's command. Hannah quickly dispatched the gifted zombies with her power and I signaled to the others to escape. We ran through the corridor and locked ourselves in a classroom on the third floor. As we sat on the dusty benches in the dimly lit classroom, we couldn't help but laugh at our miraculous survival. We had just escaped from a horde of ravenous zombies, thanks to Hannah's and Emma's extraordinary abilities. Hannah was gifted, Emma had just discovered that she could control the zombies' minds and make them do her bidding. We were overjoyed to have two gifted among us, giving us a glimmer of hope in this bleak world. But little did we know that the night had more surprises in store for us, and not all of them were pleasant.

We woke up to a new day of misery and deprivation. We longed for a cup of hot coffee and a decent meal, even being in the canteen we couldn't eat anything, We knew we couldn't stay in the school forever, we had to find a way out of this hellhole. As we were brainstorming ideas, we heard a faint voice from the next classroom. We rushed to the window and saw some familiar faces. They were our classmates who had also managed to survive the zombie outbreak, thanks to another gifted in their group. We felt a surge of relief and hope, maybe we were not alone after all. Three days after the apocalypse, we encountered other survivors for the first time. They barged into the classroom where we had taken shelter, claiming that the corridor was safe they came in. I reluctantly let them in, but I despised them with every fibre of my being. They were all extroverts, spoiled brats who were always living a life of parties.

The class was silent for a while, as no one knew what to say. Hannah, who was more sociable than the four of us, broke the silence and asked them how they had made it this far. I wanted to ask them why they hadn't died yet. I loathed them more than anything.

Laura, one of the four newcomers, narrated their story of survival. They had hidden in the teacher's canteen first and then moved to the adjacent classroom yesterday, where they had stayed until now. She droned on and on, and I couldn't care less. I glanced at Emma, Hannah and Della, and saw that they were also annoyed by their presence. I decided to cut to the chase and asked who among them was the gifted one.

A sharp pang of agony pierced my skull as the horrible truth dawned on me: Laura, the vile creature I detested with every fibre of my being, was one of the gifted. She was a smug and pompous braggart who never missed a chance to flaunt her superiority. She was also my fiercest competitor in academics, always breathing down my neck. I was consumed by a raging fire of jealousy and bitterness, longing for some powers of my own. But I had no clue that destiny had a different plan for me.


Hello, dear readers! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my book. But wait, there's more! Here comes the second chapter, full of twists and turns and surprises. But before you dive in, please do me a favour and comment on your precious opinions. I'm just a 16-year-old new author who wants to hear if I'm doing it right. Or wrong. Or somewhere in between. Just tell me something, anything, please. Pretty please with a cherry on top? Thank you and happy reading!

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