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Chapter 51: A Gift from Beyond

(??? POV, ???)

"Hmm, so he succeeded in the first part." The old geezer said.

He watched as Erlend revealed his dragons to his new Vassals, the poor fools immediately fell on their knees, while some ladies fainted at the sight of the majestic creatures.

"With how powerful his ability is, I would be shocked if he failed." A humanoid figure appeared, it seemed to be made of stars, tens of hundreds of stars seemed to fly in odd patterns around his body, it looked like a galaxy given form.

"You're one to talk Mr. 'Supreme Entity'" Rolling his eyes at the galaxy-given form.

"I'll have you know giving my avatars overpowered abilities is a must especially once those r%6*3&s get tired of all the angst and bullshit."

"You just get a kick out of your avatars screwing over the timelines…"

"Can't deny that."

"Focus SE, what reward should I give Erlend?"

"He's a King isn't he, just give him something that will help him secure his throne for his descendants." The galactic body shifted as he eyed the young King. "Most of the moves he's made so far have been to secure his legacy."

"True… something to secure his rule." The Old man hummed in thought.

He was not the first avatar he'd sent out to fix broken worlds or right wrongs, and neither was he the first avatar to become King.

'His talent leans in quite heavily into ritualism and runes.'

"Say don't you think Potterverse magic would fit quite well with his current abilities." He voiced.

SE raised his eyebrow at that, "You want to give him that bullshit magical system, won't that be a bit much."

"Why not, it would ensure he could not fail in his goal unless he truly fucks up."

"With his current abilities, he can flatten that popsicle wolf."

"He's far too cautious for that… He'll likely just seek a way to kill off the wolf spawn discreetly."

"That's the issue of your avatars, they're always so fucking cautious, life ain't a fucking chessboard."

"Says the guy, whose avatars unintentionally turn their girls into deres"

"Fuck You!"

"We're singularities SE, it's impossible to fuck ourselves."

"You know damn well what I meant Gandy."

"Now you're just being childish."

"I'm a ROB, I can afford to be childish."

The Old man rolled his eyes at his friend's reasoning, it was a stupid one, but a commonly used one among their little group.

He shuddered when thought of that crazed sister of SE, She only had one avatar, considering she turned him into a singularity. The poor lad definitely wouldn't know what hit him.

Wasn't it time for him to start his own set of adventures? Sending a prayer to the poor soul, he turned his attention back to his avatar.

Erlend was far too cautious with his approach to things. While that was an admirable trait and one of the main reasons he'd chosen him for this particular task, it also held him back.

Unlike most reincarnations, he didn't need to worry about a Maester conspiracy. Then again it took only one pious fool Lord to steer up trouble that could snowball into a full-scale rebellion.

As long as he didn't do anything too obvious, the lad should be fine.

"Right then, Potterverse magic it is." Chucking a transparent ball of light under him, the Old man watched as the ball sped toward his avatar.

Only he and SE could see it, it would be interesting to observe Erlend make use of it.

(Erlend POV, Firmridge)

He had panicked when the ball of light had first appeared.

Moments after the Stormlanders and Northerners had sworn their allegiance, it had sped down from the sky and headed his way.

If he hadn't noticed the fact that no one else seemed to be able to see it, a sudden earthquake would've hit the area and killed off a major portion of Westeros's aristocracy.

Fortunately for the Lords and Ladies present, they were unable to see the ball, thus they were safe.

As for what the ball was, well the mental message that came with it explained its purpose.

'Lad, you're too paranoid for your own good, here take some Potterverse magic as a gift for ascending the throne, it should ease your worries a bit once you can make proper use of it.'

Potterverse magic is one of the most versatile of its kind. It was quite literally what the author wanted it to be. In a world like Planetos, this magic could turn a peasant into a sorcerer-king with no equal.

Of course, as long as they weren't idiots, or shared the lack of common sense that seemed to be rampant within the Potterverse.

Truthfully, Erlend had no idea if family magic was an actual thing in Rowling's world. But that wouldn't stop him from developing a version of it for his own family.

He was beginning to suspect that 'Lord of Nature' would not be inherited. All though there was a chance they'd get a minor version of adaptability, it was unlikely they'd get his most powerful ability.

Profusely thanking the old man in his head, as soon as everything was done with, Erlend rushed back to the Godswood within his Fortress and began exploring the magic.

To properly power magic, you needed magical energy, sufficient focus, intent, and emotion. There were key factors in getting magic to do what you wanted it to do.

Imagination and Visualisation did also play a role, but that was more on how you wanted to be achieved rather than allowing it to occur.

As of the moment, Erlend didn't need the spells that most were familiar with when it came to the wizarding world.

No… his main focus was the runes and ritual branches that came with the Potterverse magic, both of which would greatly secure his Houses future. He wanted to ensure his dynasty would last several millennia, surpassing even the Starks.

One of the most practical ideas he had was to create objects which he could gift to the major houses that they would keep as heirlooms.

The issue was that the magic he had was too primal and tended to overdo it, any attempt to carve runes into small items either fizzled out or outright destroyed it.

With Potterverse magic, he no longer needed to worry so much about it. Now having the means to do so without breaking the item.

Granted not all was well, this time his immense magical powers which only got larger thanks to the maturity of his children worked somewhat against him.

Before it mattered little, since he only needed to shield his magic from affecting those around him, concentrating on this aura that gave people a sense of intimidation and awe.

Making him appear larger than life to them, and reducing any negative emotions they had towards him.

Unfortunately, the downside of getting that particular magic meant he'd have to reign it and increase the control he had over it. Accidental magic was not something he wanted to happen out in the open.

His dragons helped in that he was able to channel his emotions through them, but it wasn't a sustainable option, considering his children won't be able to do the same.

Speaking of his unborn children, he was still on the fence about giving them their own Dragons.

While his draconic children were unlikely to harm his flesh and blood. They weren't going to bond with them. Despite their young age, they were proud beings, who were probably smarter than any dragon preceding them.

Not to mention the bond he shared with them was both unique and unshakable.

If he allowed them to get their own Dragons, contingencies would have to be made to avoid a second Dance of the Dragons.

There was also the issue of other Houses getting their hands on Dragonriders through marriage.

Magic could only do so much before inbreeding starts to kick in.

Rituals could go a long way in combatting the effects of inbreeding, but there was also the issue of faith.

On one hand Potterverse magic was going to solve a lot of his problems, on the other hand, he still had a shit ton of issues to deal with and that's without adding the issues that form of magic would bring with it.

'What kind of fucking bullshit is this!'

(A/N: Ha, just be happy I am not nerfing you.)

"Petrificus Totalus!"

An assassin found himself unable to move much to his confusion.

Only to be impaled by a spear made of the earth at the next moment, never knowing the cause of his death.

"This could prove useful, now let's make it non-vocal," Erlend murmured.


The broken shards of the glass cup came together as they were fused back together, looking as if it had never been shattered in the first place.

Around Erlend were various broken items he'd had placed near the godswood.

"This will be quite convenient."

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

A sufficiently large pot floated atop the terrified assassin's head.

Erlend motioned his hands casually downwards, allowing it to fall on the poor sod's head, this was his 8th try.

"Well at least you're finally dead, granted you might have had brain damage…" Looking thoughtfully at the broken pots that could be found on the freshly made corpse, Erlend motioned his hands again. "Reparo!" He said.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Rhaenys had rushed into the godswood, after finding her father's whereabouts from a servant.

She could barely hear him murmur something, Lapifors? What was that?

Before she could ask any questions, her father turned around, and in his arms was an adorable bunny.

"Sweety, how about a new playmate for Balerion," Erlend said, receiving a baffled look from Rhaenys.

There was an awkward silence that last only a few moments before it was interrupted by a loud squeal as his daughters rushed to grab the startled bunny from her father's arms.

Seeing Rhaenys excited expression, Erlend smiled warmly, only to pause as it dawned on him that he hadn't made it a permanent transformation.

"Shit… what was the damn spell?"

"Daddy Language!"

A tired Erlend made his way back to his chambers, it has been an exhausting yet fulfilling day.

While he didn't really need the spells branch of his newly acquired magic at the moment, that didn't mean he wouldn't explore it. He was given the chance to bring to life some of his childhood fantasies.

You bet your ass he would take the chance. Any self-respecting harry potter fan would have done the same.

He noticed a presence in his chambers, raising an eyebrow at that, Erlend entered his chambers to find a rather pleasant surprise.

A barely clothed Catelyn Tully lay atop his bed, her seductive body highlighted by the moonlight, a hungry look in her gaze, as she eyed him like a piece of meat.

Taking a long look and imprinting the rather breathtaking sight in his mind.

'I seem to have suddenly regained all my strength.'

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