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Chapter 67: Mother of Dragons


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Tears dripped down her face.

Afraid and lost, she looked around her, seeking her brother who came and went as he pleased.

Once their caretaker passed away, he'd become more and more angry, taking what coin they could scrounge up and throwing them at the pleasure houses, attempting to escape their situation. 

She cried for the lost days, for the home that brought her comfort and safety. The home was stolen from them by the servants, who took all they could from them before sending them off to the streets.

Away from the house with the red door.

Her caretaker's death had sent them wandering throughout Essos. Guests to powerful people who showcased them to their friends and family before kicking them out again.

Sometimes it was because of her brother, fear of the usurper, or they simply got bored of them.

They never stayed in one place for long, Braavos was only the beginning. The three daughters were their next destination, followed by Valyria's first daughter.

Each city would welcome them and each city would see them lose a possession once their patrons got tired of them.

Still, they persisted, her brother taught her what he could of their original home. Of the lands they held, the titles they bore, and the legacy they boasted.

He taught her to take pride in their heritage.

Yet, here he was, only days after selling their mother's crown, whoring and gambling on what they had gotten from it.

It was frustrating, infuriating even, yet she feared awakening the dragon, so she spoke not against his actions.

Keeping quiet just as he taught her to.

Once the money ran out, she knew the insults would come, the violent beating, the rage he showed as he blamed her for it all.

She took it quietly, for there was nothing she could do. She didn't know if he even loved her anymore. The kind and loving brother she remembered was gone like her caretaker.

He would often remind her of Rhaenyra and Aegon, how if he had a dragon, she would meet the same fate as their ancestor.

A shuddering breath escaped her lips, as she did her best to stem off the tears running down her face.

She had to stay strong, not for her brother who hated her, but for her caretaker who sacrificed all just to ensure their safety.

The blood of the dragon ran through her veins, it was not time yet.

A loud gasp escaped Daenerys lips as she awoke suddenly.

Memories of times that shouldn't exist came unbidden.

Laying there she contemplated all that had occurred, past struggles reared up only to be squashed away by the feeling of love she felt for her mother and him.

This world was so different, yet so alike at the same time.

People who should be dead were alive and those who lived were dead.

She had gone through all the tomes she could about the history of this world she found herself in. The change could be traced back to the Andal Conquests, one House that shouldn't have survived… did, and it changed everything.

Her advisors might have thought themselves clever, that she would trust their every word and take their words for granted. But she didn't, she learned all she could when she first landed in her ancestral home.

The atrocities her father committed, the actions of her brother, and the way Westeros viewed their family.

She was thankful that the middle Baratheon brother or Lord Durrandon as he was known in this world had been granted Dragonstone, at least he ensured that the library was filled with tomes that narrated the truth.

Her reaction to it all, she didn't care.

It changed nothing, it only convinced her even more that the chains that clasped Westeros had to be broken.

Change that he was slowly forcing down the throats of these bastards.

There were no foolish advisors around him as had been around her. 

He did what she should have done, consolidated his power within this continent before making any moves rash moves. Looked at the bigger picture as he often liked to say.

Yes, her conquest of Westeros had gone well initially, but the cracks hadn't taken long to show.

The treachery and the foolishness of her advisors, the distrust and even blind hatred the northerners showed her, and the incompetency of those around her.

Was it a wonder she decided to just burn it all?

Even now she could see his plans in motion, the Riverlands so different from what she had seen and read about in her previous world.

Already she could see signs of it becoming a fortress kingdom in its own right. Even without Dragons, the Riverlands was now one of the most secure Regions in all of Westeros.

"So what if we don't have natural barriers against invasion like the north or the vale, We'll just make our own."

She admired him truthfully, he was everything she had aspired to be and more.

Was it wrong to want him, maybe, but she had stopped caring for the opinions of others a long time ago?

There was one small issue, he was married and in a relationship with several other women.

Her mother included.

Of course, there was also the fact that she was physically far younger than him, but that could be taken care of in time. A minor detail.

Speaking of her mother, Rhalla was someone she both loved and hated in equal proportions.

This was the woman who gave birth to her in this world just as in the last and showered her with love since she came into this world.

Yet she was also the woman who Viserys used to justify abusing her, blaming her for her death. Making her first childhood miserable.

That was only a small part of why she hated her mother, No she hated the fact that her mother was in a relationship with the man she loved, the man she cared for more than anyone in her past life. 

The man who she wanted to emulate but also be treasured by.

Was it wrong… She didn't care. She was a dragon.

If she could, she would kill them all. Be the only woman in his life.

There wasn't anything wrong with that. He deserved far better than some washed-up old hags.

Ditzy woman who didn't know the harshness of the world.

She should be his Queen, not some redheaded hag who cowered in her family keep, while Westeros burnt itself into the ground.

At least her imbecilic brother was useful this time around and made it easier for her King to conquer this wretched Kingdom.

A warm feeling encompassed her as she remembered the times he would hug her to sleep. When he would sing short lullabies to her so she could sleep. 

Completely ignoring the fact that both Rhaenys and Edmund were also being sung to.

When he would comfort her every time she got hurt, it was near euphoric.

She wanted to keep that, she wanted to keep him.

A vicious and mad smile was on her face at the thought of him holding her came to mind.

She would burn them all to ensure she would never lose him.

The moment anyone stepped out of line she would strike, any who dared defy her Erlend would suffer.

Daenerys Stormborn was happy, and she refused to fail again.

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