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Chapter 2: Chapter II

"You have been released from your duties as security detail for Prince Lucerys Velaryon until further notice, Mr. Hightower."

The words keep running over and over in his head, as Aemond leaves the armory. He was jobless now, and without a clue as to why either. He thought he would be serving the crown until death or at least until he got married at most. But this? This felt wrong, and Aemond had no reason as to why this happened. He was doing his job perfectly, keeping the prince out of trouble, making sure that Lucerys didn't die one of these days.

Four years. That's how many years he had as security detail to the royal family. All to be fired at the last moment and be released from duties as if Aemond <em>needed</em> it. They didn't give him a reason for it either, which only made Aemond angrier. He grinds his teeth in irritation, feeling his whole body twitching. He unties his tie, yanking off the collar and shoving it into his coat. He unbuttons his suit, leaving it open as he turns the gears on his motorcycle. The engine starts up loudly as Aemond sits, throwing a dirty look over his shoulder at the Red Keep.

He rides away, as the gates up ahead open for him to leave. Perhaps this was not meant to be, life worked in mysterious ways sometimes. That was the Aegon part of Aemond that was thinking it though, rolling his eyes. Helaena would've said that he should take some time for himself instead. Maybe travel the world, meet some cute alpha? Mother would suggest going back to school to get another degree if Aemond wanted to.

The ride home is silent and it is mid-afternoon when he finally arrives.

Alicent was in the kitchen, making tea for herself and Rhaenyra when she saw Aemond. He was home early, which was strange since Aemond didn't usually come home until late. She puts her cup down, opening the door as Aemond takes his helmet off. She can tell her son is in one of his moods, irritated and pissy. "What are you doing back here so early, sweetheart?"

"I got quote-on-quote 'released' from my job today."


Aemond trudges through the doorway, not even noticing that the queen was present in their kitchen. Alicent attempts to get Aemond to stay in the living at most, hoping to discuss the possible reason as to why he may have lost his job. She didn't think it would actually happen today. "Aemond!"

"What, mother?"

"Come to the kitchen. I made some tea and we can discuss what happened."

"No, mother, I really don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to be alone"

"Aemond---" Alicent tries to stop him from going up the stairs, something she never thought she would imagine. But here she was, trying to get her twenty-seven year old son to stop acting like a pouty child and go brood in his room. Aemond was known to do that in his youth a lot. The boy groans, finally relenting and follows Alicent into the kitchen, stopping short. Rhaenyra smiles in a friendly manner, hoping she didn't scare off Alicent's son. The boy had definitely grown over the years, though she never paid attention to him since he was so quiet.

Rhaenyra had seen him around the palace, following Lucerys, but never saying a word. Aemond was not her first choice as security detail for her son, it was something Lucerys wanted. Which was strange since the boys haven't spoken to each other since childhood on that disastrous night. She didn't know for sure what Lucerys was hoping to achieve when he chose Aemond.

"Aemond, it has been quite some time since I last saw you. You've grown into such a fine young man."

Aemond bows, not caring in the slightest if Rhaenyra was here on official business or not. It was still his duty to respect her. "Yes, your grace. Indeed it has been."

"I'm sad to say that this is not a personal visit. I am here as your queen to meet with you about important business. Please, have a seat, Aemond, I don't bite." Aemond slumps down into a chair across from the queen, not meeting his mother's eyes or the queen's. Swallowing quietly, he straightens, waiting for one of the women to speak first.

"I have come here on the fact that my son would like to marry this year. I asked him a few days ago to compile a list of potential mates from around the country. It has occurred to me that he wishes to put you on his list. I guess rumors were circling through the Keep and that may be why you were released from your duties as security detail for Lucerys. But, you have become a contender for Lucery's hand in marriage."

"No. Absolutely not, I did not ask for this!" Aemond abruptly stands, scowling at the queen when she finishes her words. Alicent rushes to his side, attempting to calm him the best way she can.

"Um, perhaps we should sit down first?" Alicent tries to keep the peace even as Rhaenyra frowns at Aemond in return. Almost as if he just insulted her, not her son.

"I do not understand, Lucerys has been your childhood friend, Aemond. You two were once childhood friends."

"Not after <em>your</em> took my eye out. I will not marry Lucerys."


He is gone before either woman can say anything more, leaving them both with a headache. Rhaenyra sits down again with a thump, rubbing her temple. "I thought this strife between our boys would die down but clearly it has not."

"I will speak to him tonight, Rhaenyra. He just… needs to cool off for a bti. No one likes when Aemond is like this."

"I can see why, he is a force to be reckoned with."


Aemond arrives at the popular starbucks in the city, ordering a drink and trying to ignore the way his life is falling apart. Maybe not literally, but still, it all felt the same to him. He lost his job and now the queen wanted him to marry her son. The same <em>son</em> who slashed his eye with a knife out like one of those 80s' horror movie villains. (Yes, Aemond has unfortunately seen all the Scream films and any other horror films for that matter because of Aegon.) He was exhausted and gave the Starbucks barista a tip for dealing with Aemond on a day like today.

It felt unfair almost, because marriage was something he wanted down the line. Besides, who would want a one-eyed omega though? Aemond knew what he looked like, and he looked more like an alpha or beta to some. The alphas in high school teased him relentlessly, not being able to carry children, not satisfying his mate… It was annoying to a point that Aemond became feral at one point, enraged by everything others said to him. No one mentions that he went to the psych ward for doctors to calm him down with medications.

Alicent never brought it up to his brothers and sister, she thought it wise not to. She knew Aemond didn't want more people worrying about them. That is why the doctors gave her the prescriptions for Aemond's medications. Where to find them to avoid getting caught by the press on the way out. If it meant driving to the outskirts of King's Landing or anywhere else, she would do it.

Grandfather thought that the bullying would affect Aemond's performance at the company, hesitant on letting the omega in. But Alicent showed her father he had nothing to worry about, letting her son be her personal assistant at work. Aemond was surprisingly a very organized person, keeping everything on file and tidy.

He only ever goes feral now in heat and he has been on suppressants for a long time to avoid that. How his instincts were narrowed down to being mates but protective of himself. Fangs coming out sharp and shiny at the threat of someone entering his nest.

There is commotion outside as Aemond sits down, sipping at his drink. If he looks at his phone, he knows he'll be getting texts from his mother and possibly Aegon too. Aemond sighs, instead choosing to put his earbuds in to listen to music. He doesn't notice that there are paparazzi outside as someone enters the Starbucks. People gasp and stay quiet as the person orders a drink.

That is until this person sits down right in front of Aemond. He looks up, taken aback to see Prince Lucerys on the other side of the table, looking at him. Outside of his job, Aemond never talks to Lucerys, seeing no point in it.

"I heard that you were released from your duties today. I apologize for the inconvenience."

<em>Inconvenience?</em> Pardon Aemond for wanting to have a full-time paid job. It must be considered a crime nowadays.

He keeps his mouth shut, eyes watching Lucerys look out the window, waving to the paparazzi in a sarcastic manner. "They are a nuisance and I honestly wonder how much they get paid."

"Enough to even have a job, Your Highness." He spits the comment out with venom, face turning hard as he watches the prince.

"Aemond, I apologize, truly I do."

"Who's idea was it to add me to your list of people to marry? Hmm? Was it your brother, I always knew he still had a streak to play with me. Or was it Daemon's idea? To torture me as his son-in-law for the rest of eternity—"

"Aemond, it was my idea to add you to the list of contenders. We were friends once——"

"Yeah until you decided to cut my eye out. Do you honestly think I would forgive you for that? Or that my brother has forgiven you either? Did you think you could waltz in and swift me off my feet and into your arms?"

Lucerys sighs, clearly the boy didn't know what to say to that.

"There is a ball tomorrow night, I expect you to be there. All the contenders on my list will be there and the Queen and her husband as well. You are allowed to bring someone with you."

Lucerys leaves before Aemond can say another word.


"I still don't understand the point of this, mother, it's ridiculous."

Aemond tries to not feel so constrained in the dress he has to wear. It was a gown his mother wore for her debut once upon a time. It surprisingly fit Aemond since his body was lean and lithe. All omegas, no matter what gender, wore dresses in everyday life. But Aemond preferred pants and suits to the revealing clothing. He's seen many omegas wear more feminine things in the past. It was something he had not quite experimented with yet.

"Aemond, you just have to wear this for tonight. All the contenders do. Just try not to rip it to shreds when you get home, I quite enjoy that dress from my youth."

The dress was a dark green, a signal to the colors of House Hightower. Gold thread was sewn into the top layer of the dress, creating an elaborate pattern. There was also gold fabric covering each side of the dress where the waist was. The high collar of the dress was the only thing that was black, a peculiar choice for the outfit. Alicent brought out some of the family heirlooms as well, emerald green jewels.

The necklace felt heavy against Aemond's skin and cool to the touch. Having been kept in a safe in their bank for years.

His hair was done in a simple manner, half of it in a pony while the rest was left untouched. In place of the missing eye, Aemond had a prosthetic eye that unfortunately was not the same color as his other one. It was a brown eye, something Aemond didn't favor by much. That was why he kept to the eyepatch most of the time even if it frightened people.

"Darling, try not to look like you will murder someone tonight. Whatever cruel words they say to you, they are untrue, you are better than them all." Alicent strokes Aemond's scar, feeling the uneven skin there.

He nods, feeling like a child again. Aemond would usually hide behind Alicent's legs because he was so shy and quiet. The teachers had to pry him off his mother many times.

Aegon and Helaena are downstairs waiting as Alicent escorts her son down the stairs. His sister squeals in excitement, jumping up and down as Aemond comes down. Aegon is just smirking, feeling like a proud brother to see his baby brother this way. Jahaera the chameleon was sitting on Aegon's shoulder, staring intently at her caretakers.

"My, my, you clean up well, brother."

"Thank you, Egg."

"No probably, Almond."

Growing up, they had food nicknames for each other, which Aegon started. He was Egg, Aemond was Almond, Helaena was lettuce and Daeron was Dairy. They were strange nicknames but they were quite cute to Alicent. Otto thought it strange but went with it, gifting his grandchildren things related to their nicknames.

"Right, legs get this show on the road, the sooner it begins, the sooner it ends."

"Yes, boys, do behave, and try not to drink too much Aegon. Helaena, make sure Aemond socializes a bit."

Alicent pats her eldest son on the shoulder, praying to the Seven nothing went too badly. Together though, her children could be quite a clumsy bunch. It was worse when Daeron was home too, more rambunctious. She watches as Helaena drags a reluctant Aemond out to the car as Aegon follows behind.

The drive is silent but filled with anxiety as they come closer to the palace. Aegon watches through the window to see how many guests there were. There were too many to count, clearly showing Lucerys had many options. He could see why his brother was against this from the start.

Helaena watches everything with wonder, pointing out things she sees to her brothers.

The gates open to the palace and Aemond watches as other omegas get out, decked out in their finest. Some wore the colors of their houses and others wore the crests of their families. It was a mix of royalty and civilian from what Aemond could tell. He inhaled sharply, hands starting to tremble a bit from seeing so many people. Aemond had to keep his control though, be perfect in the eyes of the public until the night ended.

The car stops and the doors open for them. Aemond is offered a hand as he steps out, making sure not to step on fabric. It is Sir Criston Cole that helps him out, offering a polite smile to Aemond. He musters up courage as the entrance to the Red Keep looks so daunting. Helaena and Aegon stand next to him, having never been to the palace. This would be their first time ever. As children, before the accident, they would have playdates with Rhaenyra's children on Dragonstone. Never once had they been to the Red Keep until Aemond got his job there.

They enter, seeing a line-up of all the omegas, waiting in line for something. "Seems like they will take your picture now, Aemond."

"How lovely, so I can be compared to all the other omegas in the room."

Aemond sees employees of the crown organize the omegas into a single-file line. He sees how each omega is instructed to pose in a regal manner for their photo. After each picture, the omegas are given a flower and sash, the colors of House Targaryen. It all looked like a ridiculous pageant to win the prince's hand in marriage.

He reluctantly joins the line, looking back at Helaena and Aegon with pleading eyes. All Aegon does is give his brother a thumbs-up. Aemond swallows nervously, keeping his eyes to the ground as he keeps moving forward. He hears other omegas chatting in excitement, the idea of marrying a prince so exciting and romantic.


Aemond trudges forward, looking at the cameraman with irritation. An assistant comes forward, brushing away any dirt on his face. She adjusts his hands to be behind his back, with his posture straight. The girl pushes away any loose hairs to not hide Aemond's features. Once done, she pulls back so the photographer can take his shot.

"Absolutely beautiful! Probably the most beautiful out of all the omegas I have seen so far. You're perfect, lad."

"Um, thank you, sir."

Flowers and a sash are added and Aemond is on his way to another line-up. This time to make a grand entrance for all the guests to see. He waits with his heart beating fast, hands becoming sweaty as he hears the announcement of Queen Rhaenyra arriving. People cheer and clap, excited to see the queen for the first time ever. This ball would also mark the beginning of the season for all royal events that the Queen would be hosting.

Aemond hears the queen thanking her guests, the people silencing as she speaks.

"I must admit, this is quite a turnout for my son's first ball. I thank you all for attending though. It is with great honor that I announce my son will be choosing a bride to marry this year. Which is why you will see my son socializing a great deal tonight with many of the invited guests. Please enjoy the food and drinks though, as we celebrate tonight. Now, I would like to welcome the contenders for my son's hand."

Celebrate? Aemond cringes, there was nothing to celebrate besides being weighed down by a burden of royalty. He could bet some of these omegas would crack under the pressure immediately. Without warning, the door opens, revealing the crowd waiting with eagerness. Each omega follows after the other, walking into the great hall with grace. Aemond walks in, keeping his head high as he tries to pretend to enjoy being displayed like a pageant queen.

Queen Rhaenyra has her arms raised, smiling down at the people before her. The omegas stand in a line, waiting for something Aemond does not know yet.

"The Prince Lucerys Velaryon, son of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name, queen of the Andals and Rhoynar, the First Men, and protector of the Seven Kingdoms."

The doors at the end of the hallway open, revealing the prince in his full royal garb. Wearing the colors of House Targaryen with elements of House Velaryon present. He smiles politely, walking forward until he stands below the steps of the Iron Throne where Rhaenyra sits. He bows to his mother and then to the king consort. Daemon and Rhaenyra both smile with love in their eyes as Lucerys turns to the crowd, unaware of his parents' looks.

"In honor of my son's transition to the next part of his life, it would be his honor to choose his first partner to dance with for this evening."

Usually the queen was the first to dance with her husband but Rhaenyra was always one to break tradition. Aemond watches as Lucerys walks along the line of the omegas, shaking each of their hands politely. Each omega greets the prince with a fake shyness, batting their eyelashes at him to entice him to choose them for the first dance. Aemond rolls his eyes, looking at the ceiling to entertain himself until Lucerys comes.

Aemond sees Helaena and Aegon in the crowd, both looking at him with their hands raised, mimicking a smile. Aegon gestures for him to smile, making a frown and shaking his head in disapproval. Helaena just gives him a thumbs-up, beaming happily.

"Mr. Hightower---" Aemond looks just in time to see Lucerys standing in front of him, his hand prepared to shake Aemond's. They shake hands politely, acknowledging each other in an attempt to show peace.

"Your Highness," he musters a smile, albeit a small one, at the prince, hoping that Lucerys doesn't choose Aemond. If he does, Aemond is doomed since he hates dancing, especially in front of people. The prince gives him another glance though, looking at his whole outfit with something Aemond couldn't identify.

"You look quite beautiful tonight, Aemond." He whispers the words closely, making Aemond blush furiously. Lucerys walks away before he can even say a 'thank you' in return.

By the time the prince finishes greeting the omegas, Aemond wants to go home. He fidgets with the ring on his finger, silver carved into a lighthouse. It was the only piece of jewelry that Aemond owned himself, keeping it close to him at all times.

Lucerys turns to his parents, beaming happily with whatever decision he has made. "My choice for the first dance of the night, in honor of my mother, the queen, is Aemond Hightower."


The_winterfloof_17 The_winterfloof_17

I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of this story! I love comments to know if I need to fix something so let me know. Otherwise, thank you for reading. :)

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