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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Clark Kent

Li Ya couldn't believe what he heard. "Who? Say it again."

Lana seemed surprised by Li Ya's reaction. Her voice trembled slightly as she repeated, "Clark Kent, the child of the Kent farm. His father is Jonathan Kent. He also played quarterback in the small town high school."

Kent Farm... Clark Kent... The meteor shower ten years ago...

Although many years had passed, Li Ya had grown up in this world from infancy, and memories from his previous life had faded away. But there were still some things he could recall, such as being a fan of superheroes.

One of those memories was Clark Kent, also known as Superman!

With this realization, a bold idea formed in Li Ya's mind:

"Damn... This can't be true... Can I cross over to the DC universe?"

"Small town... Smallville, that's where Superman lived!"

No wonder Li Ya hadn't noticed it before. In Chinese, Smallville was transliterated as 'Smowell.' Who would have thought that this unknown town without even the eight classic names was the hometown of Superman?

And let's not forget, if someone wore red underwear over their pants and a cape flowing behind them, would a translator even recognize it?

"What's flying in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane... Oh no, it's Superman!"

Enough with the jokes. Who would have known that he was working next to him every day, an unrecognized person with no friends? The so-called freak that no one spoke about for hundreds of years turned out to be an alien from the Pleiades star cluster, and in the future, he would become a great superhero!

Seeing Li Ya's expression change, Lana asked with concern, "Li Ya, are you okay? Why did your face change when you heard Clark's name?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I just suddenly remembered that my mother's name is also Martha!" Li Ya quickly adjusted and replied.

Lana's face turned puzzled. "I never mentioned his mother at all!"

"Oops, sorry!"

Li Ya certainly wouldn't reveal that he was just making a joke. In Batman vs. Superman, the line "Martha" reconciled the two muscular men.

Waving his hand, he said, "Let's not dwell on these details. Take me to him."

Seeing Li Ya agree, Lana put aside her doubts and led him back to the school building. They walked together to Class A in the second grade. There was only one person in the classroom—a young boy who appeared to be around sixteen years old.

The boy had black hair that was yet to fully grow, but his physique was remarkably strong. He seemed to sense someone's presence and turned around, spotting Li Ya and Lana.

"Hi, Clark."

Lana greeted him willingly, but Clark's pale face suddenly turned even paler when Lana approached him.

"Hi, Lana..."

Clark had feelings for Lana, but he couldn't understand why he felt weak every time she came near. So more often than not, Clark could only admire her from a distance.

Li Ya hesitated for a moment and instinctively noticed the green gem necklace around Lana's neck. The gem emitted a faint green glow when it came close to Clark.


"Why do you always look uncomfortable whenever you see me?" Lana whispered, explaining why she asked Li Ya to accompany her.

Indeed, the necklace Lana wore contained a piece of kryptonite. Since her parents had "disappeared" during that meteor shower ten years ago, Lana eventually learned the true meaning of "disappeared" from her aunt. As she grew older, she fashioned the vermiculite that brought disaster into a necklace to honour her parents.

This unintentional action puts poor Xiao Chao in a weakened state whenever she approaches Clark.

"Lana, let me handle this!"

Li Ya discreetly pulled Lana back, but Clark's presence blocked their path. As a result, the glow of the kryptonite faded, and Clark's face visibly relaxed.

"Hello, Clark. My name is Li Ya, Liya Rogers." Li Ya added silently, "Hello, Carl Ay."

"Hello, I'm Clark Kent."

This was the first conversation between Li Ya and the future Superman. In Li Ya's memory, Superman had also been fond of American football as a child, which was influenced by the local culture. The most popular thing in school wasn't being a top student but being a star player on the football team.

Joining the football team was a point of pride for every generation in the town. It was practically a tradition. Growing up in this culture, young Superman naturally loved the sport.

However, Clark was no ordinary person. He possessed extraordinary strength, capable of lifting a car when he was only six years old.

He had to be careful to hide his abilities, not letting others find out. Participating in this dangerous sport was out of the question, not for his safety, but for the safety of his teammates.

As a teenager, Clark Kent felt lonely and confused. He didn't know who he was, where he came from, or which path to follow.

He had countless thoughts, but who could he talk to?

With great power comes great responsibility. The growth of superheroes is never easy. What people don't see are the trials and tribulations heroes face during their journey.

"Yes, the senior members of the football team will be graduating soon, so we need new players, and we want to invite you to join us," Li Ya said, trying to suppress his inner excitement.

Clark shook his head. "I'm sorry, my father doesn't allow me to join the football team."

Clark had his reasons. On one hand, he didn't want to expose his powers as Little Superman, and on the other hand, he considered the safety of others. American football involved physical confrontation, and if someone came into direct contact with Little Superman, it would be like crashing into a steel plate.

His cheekbones would be shattered.

But Li Ya wasn't ready to give up just yet. After all, it was a good starting point, a chance for him to connect with Clark.

Superman! What would it be like to be friends with Superman?

Who would dare to bully me then? They'd have to ask if I had a friend like Superman!

And Li Ya had a friendship system. If he could establish a friendly relationship with Little Superman, he could unlock a Little Superman character card.

Even though Clark hadn't grown into Superman yet, even as a young Superman, he would at least be a purple hero card!

With this in mind, Li Ya cleared his throat and continued, "Hey, Clark, I'm not asking for permission from your father... I know you might mention that you have special circumstances. Just listen to me... I want to ask you, what kind of person do you want to be? Listen to your heart and tell me what you truly like."

As soon as those words left his mouth, Clark trembled.

His adoptive father was an upright and stern man who had set numerous rules for him. While these rules were for Little Superman's good, the rebellious teenager in Clark longed to resist but couldn't.

"I hope to fit in with everyone, but... I can't," Little Superman turned his head, his eyes filled with despair.

He knew he could unintentionally hurt others.

Li Ya placed his hand on Clark's shoulder, feeling the weight... Goodness, it's as if your shoulder muscles are filled with lead!

"Ahem... Clark, you should give yourself and everyone else a chance to get to know you. If you bravely try, you'll realize that things are not as difficult as you think!"

As I spoke, I couldn't help but feel like I was dishing out some soulful advice. I have to admit, those inspirational quotes on the internet in my past life had an impact. Little Superman trembled slightly upon hearing my words, and his eyes started to regain hope.

He looked at me and Lana and asked, "Can I do that?"

I gave him a determined look and replied, "At two o'clock this afternoon, I'll accompany you to the training. Give it a try. After today's session, you can decide whether to continue."

If Little Superman gives a nod, then I'm on the right track with him. We can gradually build our friendship and unlock the Superman card, hahaha! It's time for a comeback!

As expected, Clark nodded enthusiastically. "I'll go to the camp this afternoon, but I have to go home and talk to my father first. Don't worry... I'll convince him!"

Clark didn't sound very confident about convincing his father, but no matter what, I now had a legitimate reason to stay in touch with Clark without it seeming too deliberate.

Clark grabbed a few books and bid farewell to the both of us before heading home. At that moment, I consciously entered the friendship system. And lo and behold, a picture book appeared in the forefront.

It was Clark Kent's picture book. The friendship value had reached 50%, halfway to the ordinary level. Once it reaches the friendship level, this picture book will turn into an exclusive card and its colour...


A purple hero card it will be!

After Clark left, Lana gazed at me with her beautiful eyes and said, "Li Ya, I honestly didn't expect you to convince Clark. Well, at least not with my low expectations."

"Who can blame me for being so irresistible?" I straightened up, instantly dissipating the charm bestowed by Whitney, and Lana burst into laughter.

"You're full of yourself. So, tell me, how should I reward you?"

With those words, Lana leaned forward and sat on Ye Kai's lap. Her soft body pressed against mine, and her slender hands rested on my chest. She exhaled a fragrant breath.

(Important Note: Allow me to explain. This book starts with Clark Kent before he becomes Superman, but don't worry, it won't be slow-paced. That's impossible. Furthermore, this book primarily explores the concept of a parallel universe. The author's perspective is that Wonder Woman is still on Paradise Island, and Steve Trevor from the movie didn't bring Diana with him. Instead, the protagonist takes her along. Consider this your advance notice, gentlemen!)

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