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Chapter 4: Gears beginning to turn

"Let me ask you. Are you, a disrespectful magician, the Master who dares to cling to my glorious radiance?"

With a cold voice devoid of any hint of compassion, the man arrogantly spoke.

"Huh... Mas... ter...?"

Dumbfounded, I stammered in response, my voice barely audible.

My mind was on the verge of breaking down, unable to comprehend what was happening. However, there was one thing I knew for certain—the golden man before me was the same as the man in blue armor.

Or... is he truly the same?

Even though I'm just being looked down upon, I can't stop trembling.


This man's eyes are those of a demon. There's no trace of emotion in his ruby-like eyes.

I realized it. If I give even one wrong answer, without a moment's hesitation, he will kill me.

In that case, the aura of the spear-wielding man was far preferable. This man, merely standing there, exudes an unparalleled sense of fear.

...There's a distinct difference in their caliber.

That's how instinctively I felt, as his oppressive aura was overpowering.


No words came out. Nothing but silence escaped my parched throat.

The man continued to observe me, not uttering a word.

After a few moments of silence, he shrugged slightly.

"Hmph. So, you still don't grasp your position. Truly an exasperating dullard... To think the impudent person who summoned me would turn out to be nothing more than a mongrel. It's beyond my comprehension."


I was left speechless.

The man's way of speaking was archaic and cryptic. Yet, now I understood that I was utterly looked down upon.

However, I was still confused and unable to move. Sneering at my state, he turned his gaze away from me.

...And in that moment, I found a strange sense of relief.

Just making eye contact instilled a sense of deathly fear. Merely facing such a being had pushed me to my limits.


As I let my guard down for an instant, a sharp pain shot through my left hand.

Instinctively, I pressed my palm against the pain. It felt as if I were being branded by a hot iron, causing sweat to trickle down my forehead.

When I directed my gaze towards the source of the intense pain... the swelling on the back of my hand from this morning glowed with a dazzling crimson. I was so captivated by its abnormality that I forgot about the pain.

The golden knight, standing calmly, ignored me and shifted his gaze elsewhere.

...His gaze fell upon a man holding a spear.

Outside the storehouse, a man with a crimson spear glared at the golden man, his vigilance evident. The killing intent directed at me paled in comparison to what was aimed at him.

The man who cornered me earlier was already fearsome. However, compared to that, he was merely playing around. The man now was deadly serious, to the point where even if he claimed that it was nothing, I would still believe it.

Defeat him.

Overwhelm him.

Kill him.

That resolute will emanating from every fiber of my being pierced the golden man like an absolute zero degree cold wave. It was a wave of killing intent that, if directed at someone with a weak heart, could stop it in an instant.

And yet, the golden man who was the target of that hostility...


Remained motionless, standing there with dignity.

Unyielding, his oppressive aura did not waver in the slightest, just like how willow leaves withstand the wind. No... despite facing such animosity, he showed no sign of feeling threatened.

His crimson eyes were filled with a calculating color. The sword in his hand hung loosely at his side, without any battle stance, in a natural manner.

...The next moment, with a speed that defied the eye, the man leaped outwards.



Blank thoughts.

Unable to comprehend the situation, I stood there dumbfounded.

By the time I regained my senses, the golden man had disappeared... leaving behind only the moonlight that solemnly illuminated the empty space.

"Damn it."

Cursing under my breath, I stood up.

My sides were kicked, my back slammed against something. Every part of my body ached, but that didn't matter at the moment.

I didn't know who that flashy golden man was. He was incredibly terrifying, and his cold eyes didn't seem to reflect anything about me.

Nevertheless... he saved me.

Just a moment longer. If his sword had been slower, I would have been impaled by the spear right now. Even if it wasn't his intention, my life was undoubtedly saved. So... I can't stay silent while being indebted to him.

With the momentum of standing up, I rushed toward the exit of the storehouse. Without even knowing what I wanted to say, my mouth was about to utter...


But the words froze, unable to convey their meaning, as I remained in that state.

"What's wrong with him...?"

It was a scene straight out of a myth.

The sound of clashing metal echoed.

Sparks flew.

The moonlight hid behind the clouds, enveloping the world in darkness once more.

The garden, shrouded in shadows, transformed into a battlefield of legends.

The golden man leaped out of the storehouse, and the blue-clad man unleashed his utmost animosity, immediately rushing toward him.

The golden man effortlessly repelled the attack. With a sweeping motion of his sword, he deflected the man's spear and closed the distance, thrusting forward.

However, the other man was no slouch either. Utilizing the momentum from being parried, he rotated on his right foot. In an instant, just as the golden man's sword pierced him, the blue man's swift strike pounded the sword into the ground.


What is this?

The golden man appears to be evenly matched with the blue man, as if there were no difference in their skills.

The elegance displayed by the man wielding the spear is almost mesmerizing. His movements are on par with what I witnessed in the schoolyard.

It truly defies the eye, as the saying goes. After the eruption of the crimson trail, there's a momentary delay before the sound of slicing through the air reaches the ears. The speed is beyond the realm of visibility.

His overwhelming skill. It cannot be achieved with talent alone or by putting forth exceptional effort. One must stand at the pinnacle of both to reach such a level.

Though I have no connection to spears, I can confidently say that such spear mastery can only be found in myths.

Thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust.

The relentless forward and backward movements of red. Even though each thrust should be a point attack, they become sweeping strikes, raining down like hail.

Then... the golden knight who can parry and counter such attacks is no ordinary swordsman.

Even an amateur can see it. The golden man is far inferior to the blue man.

There's a difference in their swordsmanship and spear mastery. There's also the issue of reach and compatibility. However, even taking all of that into account, the golden knight's skill is significantly lacking.

Of course, his skill far surpasses that of an ordinary person. Strength, speed, precision. In every aspect, he is undoubtedly top-notch.

But mere top-notch is no match for the utmost excellence. The sword of a man who has reached the divine realm cannot be reached by a man who is only exceptional.

Nevertheless... his thrusts are blocked, his strikes are parried, and his sweeps are countered. The battle between the two of them was completely equal.

One reason for this is the nature of their weapons.

The blue man wields a spear that exceeds two meters in length.

Its reach is undoubtedly a threat. Having a long range can be a significant advantage in itself, but on the other hand, it also reveals his fighting style beforehand. The basic tactics of a spear are thrusting, striking, and sweeping. If one understands the width, length, and sharpness of the spearhead, it may be possible to take countermeasures.

On the other hand, the golden man holds a weapon that is a golden sword, just like his armor.

However, that sword is not ordinary. It has sharp spikes protruding not only from the blade but also from the handle. The two spikes, jutting out in one direction, can neutralize an opponent's spear and deflect it, entangling the spear's tip with unconventional movements.

And another reason lies in their respective fighting styles.

The blue man cannot fully attack.

Even though he surpasses the golden man in reach and skill, there doesn't seem to be a significant difference in their physical abilities.

Therefore, the weapon becomes the deciding factor. Its influence was evident in this exchange.

As a result, although it may seem like an offensive, the blue man has actually taken a defensive stance.

On the other hand, the golden man moves with precision at all times.

He sees it all. The gaze of his opponent, the movement of their muscles, and the trajectory of the spear. But it doesn't stop there. He surveys the flow of the wind, the terrain, and even the moonlight. It's as if he overlooks all these elements...

The movements of the golden knight seem incredibly precise to the point that one might think he anticipates attacks coming from beyond his field of vision.

One could call it a strategic fighting style. Each move serves as a stepping stone for the next action. The man wields his sword as if compensating for the difference in skill solely with the performance and power of his weapon.

Therefore, this battle is evenly matched.

It is a stalemate, just like the "thousand-day battle." Regardless of the deadlock, the sound of clashing swords continues to rise endlessly.

But... as long as this situation persists, the battle will not end. Both parties, as the ones directly involved, understand this the most.

So, one of them must make a move. They must appeal to the decisive blow in order to secure victory.


The one who moved first was the blue man.

His angry voice trembled.

As the golden sword swung diagonally, the man struck his spear forcefully and leaped back, creating distance between them.

Taking a forward-leaning posture, he repositioned his spear accurately. It was intended as a transition from defense to offense.

The man's target was the heart. The tip of his spear aimed precisely at the chest protected by armor.

On the other hand, the golden knight remained silent. His arrogant demeanor seemed to convey the challenge, as if saying, "If you can pierce through, go ahead."

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora !!!"

"Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda MudaMuda Muda Muda Muda!!!"

The golden guy dodges the blue guy attack while the golden guy dancing like michael johnson.

"hey fuck you, how dare playing with me"

It was an assault that seemed to make the air explode.

The speed at which the spear was thrust now surpassed anything seen before. It relentlessly increased in speed as if there were no limits.

In the blink of an eye, the roles of offense and defense switched. Now, it was the golden man who took on the defensive.

The blue man pressed forward, attacking the retreating golden man. The spear strikes that he had previously been able to parry with ease now required his full effort to deflect.


The battle cry of the blue warrior.

A high-pitched scraping sound echoed for a brief moment.

Sparks scattered.

Did the tip of the spear graze the golden armor? In the twilight, the flashing light, flickering like a strobe, grew brighter with each passing moment.

He couldn't even strike him down. The continuous strikes of the spear, which failed to deflect, turned into a waterfall-like assault on the golden armor.

However, the knight stood his ground. Perhaps due to the performance of his armor, the crimson flashes could not pierce his body.

Abruptly, the continuous strikes ceased.

In the next moment, a powerful step forward accompanied a crimson lightning flash. Surging forward was a devastating horizontal strike as if tearing apart the heavens.

With an exceptionally loud sound, the golden sword danced.

Before realizing that it had been deflected from its owner's hand, the blue man shouted.

"I got you!!!"

The spear aimed for the face.

The man's spear couldn't pierce the golden armor. Despite receiving dozens, no, hundreds of spear strikes, there was no distortion in its luster.

However, the head was different. The unprotected head, shielded by no armor, would undoubtedly shatter like a pomegranate upon receiving that blow.

The golden man was unarmed. With his sword sent flying, he had no means of defense.


The words the blue man was about to utter froze in astonishment, as they had countless times before today.

What appeared was a golden ripple.

A momentary flash of light in the air. After such a short time that one might mistake it for an illusion, a heavy collision sound resounded.

The spear was thrust forward.

The deadly blow aimed to slay the golden man was blocked by the sword held in his left hand.

That sword, too, was made of gold.

With a blade length comparable to a two-handed sword, it had a single-edged blade. Its purpose was not to strike but to cut.

Without any curve or guard, the blade had two edges at its base. Without a doubt, it was the same sword that had been blown away earlier.

For a brief moment, the two weapons clashed at the guard. In that time, I realized another reason why the crimson spear had been suppressed.

The mystique infused in it. The amount of magical power it contained far surpassed that of the opponent's spear. The density of that power was so overwhelming that it caused the spear on the attacking side to emit a faint creaking sound.

It was inconceivable.

Where did he summon such a thing from? Moreover, wasn't the man's weapon supposed to be lost?

While I was still surprised, the golden man made his move. In the blink of an eye, a sword, which should have been sent flying, was gripped in his right hand. Before I could grasp that he had caught the falling sword, the man turned into a gust of wind and ran again.

The twin swords twisted. As he stepped forward, the two streaks of gold entangled with the spear moved in opposite directions. With the left sword, he deflected the spear's tip, and with the right sword, he slid along the handle, rushing to sever the blue man's arm!

"Tch, a dual swordsman!"

The blue man was not defenseless.

As the sword approached with a sliding motion, he rotated his spear half a turn with his wrist. With the momentum of the rotation, he countered with a strike to the head using the stone butt of his spear.

The golden man defended himself with the free right sword. As he deflected the bottom of the spear, he leaped backward in recoil.

A battle of divine realms.

The fight a few hours ago on the schoolyard was intense, but this battle surpassed it.

The battle between the blue man and the golden girl from before appeared even from a distance, but that would be inaccurate. While the blue man had been using the spear's reach to his advantage, he had been constantly on the defensive against the golden girl.

The golden girl's attacks were akin to those of a heavy tank. Each strike carried an extraordinary amount of force, generating shockwaves with each swing.

In addition to that, there were the invisible swords. The skill with which they were wielded was astonishing enough to captivate onlookers.

The blue man, who fought on an equal footing against opponents who possessed superior physical abilities, unfavorable weapon characteristics, and extraordinary skills, truly deserved praise.

However, the golden knight lacked all of those.

He had no significant advantage in physical abilities compared to the blue man, and his skill was far inferior. In that case, there was no logical reason why the golden man, a warrior who could compete on par with the golden girl, could defeat him.

Nevertheless, this man, relying solely on his own strategy, managed to hold his ground against all odds.

Most likely... from the moment he burst out of the storehouse up until the current exchange of blows, this man had been calculating every move in his battle. Otherwise, such meticulous fighting would be impossible.

What is truly astonishing is this man's keen perception. How does he see the battlefield with such a wide view that compensates for the vast difference in skill?

Before I knew it, I had become fascinated by this golden man.

Natural talent. Even without such a thing, could one fight against such a superhuman by adjusting their fighting style?...



As he clicked his tongue, the blue man glared at the golden man, his murderous intent becoming palpable. The very space seemed to tremble with his anger.

In response, the golden man wore a mocking smile bordering on provocation. Faced with such overwhelming killing intent, his confidence remained unshaken. The audacity he displayed, how far removed from human it was.

Silent tranquility filled the air.

Facing the blue man's hostility, the golden man remained unfazed. With a bitter expression that seemed to concede to his overwhelming aura, the blue warrior opened his mouth.

"Who the hell are you?"


In response to the man's question, the knight's eyebrow twitched. Holding his twin swords nonchalantly, the golden man looked down upon the warrior with arrogance.

"You dare to throw a question at me, a mongrel like you? How insolent of you."

The air seemed to warp, filled with an illusionary sense of murderous intent emanating from the golden man. Whatever bothered him about the warrior's question, his killing intent grew more intense, almost as if conveying his displeasure at being within the warrior's sight.

"Know your place, mongrel. You, a lowly cur, dare to speak out and question me? It would be appropriate to strike you down on the spot... but there is no need to lower myself to deal with a mongrel who cannot wield his power properly."

The man remained unaffected by the golden man's murderous intent. However, with just those words, the expression on the blue man's face changed.

How did the golden man interpret his movements? Suddenly dispelling the killing intent that distorted the space, the golden man twisted his mouth into a mocking smile as if scoffing at the warrior.

"Do you understand? I don't know if it's your ability or your Noble Phantasm, but what kind of eyes are you looking at me with?"

"You fool, do not underestimate my eyes, mongrel. Ah, you may indeed be giving it your all, but it is not complete. I can easily see through that."

The meaningless exchange of conversation continued. In response to the golden man's assertion, the blue warrior clicked his tongue with annoyance. Judging from his reaction, the golden man's observation seemed to hit the mark.

But... the blue man, unable to wield his power like that?

Perplexed, I stood still on the sidelines as the conversation between these otherworldly beings unfolded.

"I don't understand. You seem to be a swordsman based on your appearance, but I just fought Saber, the swordsman, a while ago. Above all, if this is Saber's class, it's quite disappointing. From the way you fight... you don't seem like a proper warrior for a fair one-on-one battle. Are you perhaps an Archer?"

"Hmph. Class is hardly a matter of concern. It is pitiful to be preoccupied with such trivial matters... the burden of a lowly cur, I suppose. Spearman, a wretched existence."

"Don't even mention Archer. It takes some nerve for a bowman like you to fight with a sword."

Lancer. Archer.

Finally, their names became known. In response to the blue man's provocation, the golden knight—called Archer—snorted disdainfully.

"To a lowly cur like you, even this much favor has been shown. I gave you some scraps, so crawl like a dog as you should."

"You... called me a dog, did you?"

The expression vanished from Lancer's face.

However, an intense aura of anger rose from his sturdy physique. Was his almost expressionless face due to the overwhelming killing intent surpassing his rage? Hatred seeped through, and Lancer glared at the golden man.

His eyes alone seemed capable of shooting him dead, never leaving Archer's sight. The words of the bowman had surely crossed a line that should never have been crossed.

"In that case, I shall accept it. Receive the strike of my spear."

Lancer's words, which could be taken as an ultimatum, hung in the air. Emotions were loaded in that statement—more than anything else, the spear affirmed it.

"I will take your heart!"

Lancer declared.

There was no falsehood in his words; the spear itself confirmed it more than anything else. Even before it was released, one could already understand. There was no escaping from that one strike. The target chosen would undoubtedly be pierced through, a literal death blow.

Lancer kicked off the ground. His speed was incomparable to moments ago.

As if teleporting, Lancer appeared before Archer in an instant.

However, even from my perspective, it was a desperate move. With that distance, he couldn't wield his spear. In fact, Archer closed the distance, getting close to Lancer, and raised his twin swords to capture his neck—!

In that very moment—

"Stab through, Gae Bolg—"

The spear rumbled.

It itself carried powerful magical words—

"—Gáe Bolg of the Piercing Death Thorn—!"

A comet erupted.

The spear, which should not have known the distance, swung.

Lancer unleashed a lightning-fast spear thrust, scooping it up from below. It was a strike thrown with all his soul, aimed at the bitter enemy, surpassing even the sound in its swiftness.

It should pierce the golden heart. The crimson demonic spear roared, attempting to shatter the bowman.

Archer swiftly evaded, springing backward on his own accord, using the feint-like movement. His raised twin swords crossed, taking a defensive stance to repel the spear.

The vermilion spear approached his chest. The swiftest blow, beyond capable of being read.

However, the golden knight had already predicted that. Even though it was a blow that could pierce anything, the magical spear was blocked by the twin swords—so he thought for a moment—


Archer's astonishment. The man who had remained unfazed by any attack showed his surprise for the first time.

The spear bent.

No, to be precise, the trajectory of the spear had changed.

The straight-line spear thrust, just before being blocked by the twin swords, was twisted in a physically impossible direction.

It was a blow that should not have happened.

The mystery that went beyond the laws of physics would be classified as a kind of miracle. As if it had always been that way, Lancer's spear, against all odds, latched onto the golden armor, surpassing the defense of the twin swords.

The armor itself creaked in response to the unprecedented strike. The crimson demonic spear, eager to smash the bowman, roared to the heavens!!!


The clash of magical powers reverberated. Lancer, who aimed to pierce with his all-out strike, and Archer, who defended with his armor and twin swords. The eternal battle, which seemed to last forever, ended in an instant.

A resounding cry of metal.

Lancer's vermilion spear shaved and pierced Archer's armor—before the impenetrable defense, the lethal tip of the spear was deflected.

The battle lasted only a moment. The magical spear that failed to pierce the golden armor was overpowered by the twin swords.

With a slight distortion on his face, Archer chuckled joyfully.

"Oh, a curse of reversed causality. You certainly have something interesting, Lancer."

The voice carried the winner's composure.

Lancer's spear was undoubtedly the strongest. Its one strike was precise and unparalleled, its speed truly godlike.

And yet... that spear suddenly changed its trajectory and extended in an impossible direction.

A highly peculiar blow. A trajectory that should not be possible. Thus, it surely... rewrote the facts, not the trajectory.

Archer, with a strange phrase, released the spear that had the result of "already piercing the heart." The armor, which creaked in response, was unable to evade the fatal tip.

"Even though our battle ended in such a way... you dared to call my spear 'yours'?"

Lancer's face lost expression.

However, an intense aura of anger rose from his sturdy physique. Was his almost expressionless face due to the overwhelming killing intent surpassing his rage? Hatred seeped through, and Lancer glared at the golden man.

His eyes alone seemed capable of shooting him dead, never leaving Archer's sight. The words of the bowman had surely crossed a line that should never have been crossed.

"In that case, I shall accept it. Receive the strike of my spear."

Lancer's words, which could be taken as an ultimatum, hung in the air. Emotions were loaded in that statement—more than anything else, the spear affirmed it.

"I will take your heart!"

Lancer declared.

There was no falsehood in his words; the spear itself confirmed it more than anything else. Even before it was released, one could already understand. There was no escaping from that one strike. The target chosen would undoubtedly be pierced through, a literal death blow.

Lancer kicked off the ground. His speed was incomparable to moments ago.

As if teleporting, Lancer appeared before Archer in an instant.

However, even from my perspective, it was a desperate move. With that distance, he couldn't wield his spear. In fact, Archer closed the distance, getting close to Lancer, and raised his twin swords to capture his neck—!

In that very moment—

"Stab through, Gae Bolg—"

The spear rumbled.

It itself carried powerful magical words—

"—Gáe Bolg of the Piercing Death Thorn—!"

A comet erupted.

The spear, which should not have known the distance, swung.

Lancer unleashed a lightning-fast spear thrust, scooping it up from below. It was a strike thrown with all his soul, aimed at the bitter enemy, surpassing even the sound in its swiftness.

It should pierce the golden heart. The crimson demonic spear roared, attempting to shatter the bowman.

Archer swiftly evaded, springing backward on his own accord, using the feint-like movement. His raised twin swords crossed, taking a defensive stance to repel the spear.

The vermilion spear approached his chest. The swiftest blow, beyond capable of being read.

However, the golden knight had already predicted that. Even though it was a blow that could pierce anything, the magical spear was blocked by the twin swords—so he thought for a moment—


Archer's astonishment. The man who had remained unfazed by any attack showed his surprise for the first time.

The spear bent.

No, to be precise, the trajectory of the spear had changed.

The straight-line spear thrust, just before being blocked by the twin swords, was twisted in a physically impossible direction.

It was a blow that should not have happened.

The mystery that went beyond the laws of physics would be classified as a kind of miracle. As if it had always been that way, Lancer's spear, against all odds, latched onto the golden armor, surpassing the defense of the twin swords.

The armor itself creaked in response to the unprecedented strike. The crimson demonic spear, eager to smash the bowman, roared to the heavens!!!


The clash of magical powers reverberated. Lancer, who aimed to pierce with his all-out strike, and Archer, who defended with his armor and twin swords. The eternal battle, which seemed to last forever, ended in an instant.

A resounding cry of metal.

Lancer's vermilion spear shaved and pierced Archer's armor—before the impenetrable defense, the lethal tip of the spear was deflected.

The battle lasted only a moment. The magical spear that failed to pierce the golden armor was overpowered by the twin swords.

With a slight distortion on his face, Archer chuckled joyfully.

"Oh, a curse of reversed causality. You certainly have something interesting, Lancer."

The voice carried the winner's composure.

As long as it exists, the process can only follow it.

In the face of that spear, all defenses are meaningless. The magical spear that determines fate as soon as it is targeted. A nonsensical spear that is said to always pierce the heart when unleashed.

Therefore, it is deadly. The Death Thorn Spear that pierces through any enemy.


However, that deadly strike was not deadly enough.

The highest luck. Preemptive foresight. The defense of the golden armor. Perhaps multiple factors were at play.

Instead of a fatal blow, the golden archer received no wounds, let alone a mortal one.

Just a hair's breadth away, a grinding sound escaped Lancer's mouth.

Futile, and

Out of reach,

Archer declared arrogantly. The curse-reversing divine spear, its luck surpassing even its own mystique.

It was an unbelievable sight. Lancer glared at Archer with a growl echoing from hell.

"──You defended against it, Archer. My deadly strike, Gáe Bolg."

"You fool. To try to defeat me without giving your all, it is disrespectful to say the least. ──You disappoint me, dog of the clan."

As if to say he had lost interest, Archer looked down on Lancer with emotionless eyes.

On the other hand, Lancer, whose all-out attack had been blocked, directed his gaze of extreme anger at Archer's still unharmed heart.

The golden armor had been pierced by the spear, leaving a deep wound that distorted the entire armor. But still, the man's spear did not reach his body.

With an unquestionable deadly spear thrust, he failed to defeat the enemy. As long as the enemy survived, the deadly spear was not deadly enough.

What an humiliation it was.

"...Tch. If I'm going to bring this out, it must be a deadly strike. It's also worth considering that it's too well-known."

Lancer's face darkened. The killing intent that was present just moments ago disappeared as if it were a lie.

With a click of the tongue... he spun his spear and turned his back to the golden man.

"If my true identity is revealed, it is customary in the Holy Grail War to eliminate the opponent... but my Master is a complete pushover. 'If you couldn't defeat him, come back,' he said, letting me off."

Taken aback by Lancer's unexpected words, I instinctively widened my eyes.

Although Archer's deadly strike had been blocked, his armor was damaged. If he continued to be attacked, Archer, now defenseless, would be defeated by Lancer.

However, despite being in an advantageous position, Lancer did not move. On the contrary, he even turned his back on Archer.

Archer stared at Lancer with his crimson eyes of the crimson. After a brief moment, Archer nodded composedly.

"Very well, Cú Chulainn. I'll allow you to escape. Crushing a hybrid that can't give its all is not even remotely entertaining."

"──Remember, Archer. I will definitely take your heart next time."

Leaving behind a remark filled with resentment, the blue Lancer leapt.

Silently jumping over the wall, Archer silently watched Lancer disappear. His expression was cold, devoid of anything worth mentioning.

A few seconds later, Lancer's presence had completely vanished. Only the golden man, whose true identity was unknown, remained.


Archer stood proudly, seeming like a complete joke.

The armor, shining with a golden brilliance, was undoubtedly genuine. Its hardness remained unshaken, even after receiving such a fierce attack. What could it possibly be made of?

Surprisingly, even the damaged parts from Lancer's magical spear did not have holes on the inside of the armor. It was undoubtedly damaged, but even those wounds were automatically sealed with a faint light. The extent of its mystical nature far exceeded imagination.

...No. Above all, what seemed like a complete joke was his presence.

One could say it was divine.

His golden hair, shining brilliantly as if piercing the heavens, and his perfectly handsome face that even I, a man, found myself mesmerized by.

And──something that could never belong to a human, his crimson eyes. The divine aura dwelling within them clearly demonstrated that he was undoubtedly a being that transcended humanity.

That's when I suddenly realized.

This guy... is someone extraordinary. The Lancer from earlier was also an incomprehensible guy, but this man surpasses even him.

Although he repelled Lancer, who tried to kill me, he doesn't seem to be an enemy... but I can never consider him an ally.

"──Who exactly are you?"


The man remained silent, not answering. After a few moments of silence, his crimson eyes were directed towards me.

Just that alone made my spine stiffen. Even though he was just looking at me, I inexplicably felt a sense of fear.

Even if I didn't want to admit it, I knew. He didn't see me as a human. This cold gaze was not meant for a human.


I felt oppressed.

If I were to say something, in the next moment, I felt like my head would be flying.

But just staying silent wouldn't change anything. At the very least, I had to understand what was happening right now──


Just as I mustered the courage to speak, Archer averted his gaze.

The golden atmosphere changed slightly. His gaze was sharply fixed not on the nearby wall, but beyond it.

No──not the wall, but what was beyond it. Archer's crimson eyes glared at something I couldn't see.

His perfectly formed mouth curved slightly upwards. A wicked smile, as if enjoying something, appeared on his face, just like when he confronted Lancer earlier.

"────. So the mongrel was still lurking, huh?"

With a light leap, Archer spoke. The faint sound of armor echoed, making me open my mouth in astonishment.

What remained was just me, dumbfounded with my mouth agape.

"He's still lurking...?"

I said that in disbelief. It took me a moment to understand the situation.

"Wait a minute, there's still that guy──!"

Without thinking about the consequences, I ran towards the gate. I didn't understand anything anymore, but I couldn't just stay silent.

Whether that person is an enemy or an ally, the fact remains that he helped me. Despite his armor being damaged, he still intends to fight.

I don't know what I should do, but for now, I'll just chase after him with all my might──!

"Archer, where are you...!?"

Frustrated by the latch, I rushed out of the gate and frantically looked around.

Of all times, the moon was not out. In this area with few streetlights, it would be pitch black at night.

Nothing entered my field of vision. But── my hearing caught that sound.


I ran towards a nearby path.

As I slid in, the moon peeked out from behind the clouds. The light pouring down from the sky illuminated several figures.

"──Insolent fools. To lay eyes on me without my permission."

Standing proudly atop the wall was the golden knight who had appeared earlier.

His majestic and resplendent appearance overwhelmed even the moonlight. His dignified stance alone dispelled the darkness around him.

That's when I understood once again. That presence reigns above humanity.

That man, too different to be called human. What is he? If he's not human, then what is he?

"You vulgar people are not permitted to see me. You are not permitted to ask me anything. You are not permitted to speak to me. ──Hybrid. Repay the sin of peeping into me with your life."

Frozen by his outrageous words, my body instinctively stiffened.

I didn't understand the situation or anything. But he said it. "Repay with your life." In other words──did he say he would kill someone?

──My consciousness froze.

A faint glimmer of moonlight leaked through. I realized that the person facing Archer had a human form.

I didn't know who that person was. Were they an ally of the earlier Lancer, or another supernatural monster?

There was no mercy from that archer. If he declared to kill, in the next moment, he would kill someone.

A person would die.

In front of Emiya Shirou, a person would die.

Overwhelming violence. Unreasonable brutality. People would die, unable to be saved. They would be killed.

Visions of blood filled my mind. Even the sight of splattered blood danced before my eyes. That scene was just like──

──The hell from ten years ago.

"Oh? For someone as ordinary as you to have such determination after seeing my majestic presence, I am in a bad mood. Dust shall swiftly turn to dust."

Archer said something.

I don't know. I don't know his words.

All I could see were the golden dual swords he raised──!


I shouted.

I shouted with all my strength.

I didn't care if his swords were aimed at me. Even so──I absolutely couldn't allow someone to be killed before my eyes.


Archer glared at me.

That presence. Just from being glared at, I felt my heart tremble.

A moment later, fear and regret rushed into my chest.

I should have stayed silent.

I should have hidden.

Closing my eyes to that cowardly heart──I spoke to Archer once more.

"Please. I beg you, please stop with the killing."

His cold gaze.

Facing those eyes, more crimson than flames, I straightforwardly voiced my plea.


No emotion floated in Archer's eyes.

That deep crimson, like a precious gem. I had prepared myself to be met with anger, but unexpectedly, the anger from moments ago had vanished.

His gaze seemed to be observing me.

Calmly, coldly. As if trying to recall something distant──the golden knight earnestly looked at me.

To the unexpected response, I also couldn't open my mouth. They continued to exchange glances, seconds passing by.


The silence was broken by a sound.

The gravel being stepped on made a noise. Archer and I turned our gaze in that direction at the same time.

──The wind blew.

A break in the cloudy sky. The moon peeked out for the third time in the spiral night sky.

Gentle light caressed the ground. The blue-white light bathed the figures.

──So there it was.


The golden man, who should have been looking at me, let out a surprised voice.

The color of his eyes was completely different from before. It wasn't the gaze of an observer, but that of an appraiser.

As if inspecting a well-made doll... After looking at the girl with eyes that seemed to lick her, not with the sarcastic smile directed at Lancer earlier, but with a smile like a child playing with a toy, innocent yet──evil.

The girl looked up at Archer, her eyes filled with astonishment.

The expression of seeing something unbelievable. Her body trembled slightly with an unexpected shock.

A face that seemed to have met someone familiar, as if encountering an old acquaintance, the girl looked up at Archer in astonishment──

──Wait. Did that golden man ever introduce himself as Archer even once?

"Hmm whatever? Do you know me, girl?"

Archer frowned as if he noticed something odd. The sneering smile from earlier disappeared, and he turned his cold eyes towards the girl as if trying to grasp her true intentions.

From his reaction, it didn't seem like Archer knew that girl. However, the girl clearly knew Archer.

The situation was too confusing, and my mind couldn't keep up. What on earth was happening?

While I stood there dumbfounded, the two of them stared at each other. They gazed at each other's eyes for just a moment, but then averted their gazes at the same time.

There was no longer astonishment in the girl's expression. She only harbored a vigilant wariness filled with anger.

Making a light metallic sound, the girl grasped something. It was undoubtedly──the hilt of the invisible sword she had shown in the schoolyard.

The silver armor stepped on the asphalt. From where within her short stature did she derive the leg strength that caused cracks to form on the ground?

Emerald eyes, radiating a refreshing coolness, glared at the golden man. With an intent to kill surpassing even anger, the girl viewed Archer as her enemy.

—Even the space itself creaked as an enormous amount of magical energy surged from the girl's body.

The blue magical power alone was overwhelming enough to be visible. The cold night air transformed into a heat that materialized the girl's murderous intent.

"—A splendid hatred. I do not know who you are, but your pure fighting spirit... By certain means, it may unexpectedly be a valuable treasure."

Even when faced with such intense hatred, the golden man remained unshaken.

Green eyes filled with malice. The aftermath of a devastating magical power. Looking down at the silver-haired girl who expressed her fury, Archer murmured quietly.

The dual swords grasped in his hand showed no sign of being prepared. Despite being within a dozen steps of the invisible sword's edge, Archer remained arrogantly standing.

—However, those crimson eyes.

Only those cruel eyes that were beyond human, observed the trembling girl consumed by anger.

"You... Why do you stand before me, transcending time and space? To that extent... Do you really want to humiliate me, Archer!!!"

Determined, the tip of the sword aimed at the golden figure was forcefully struck.

The ground, struck by the girl's angry blow, burst open with a roaring sound reminiscent of a truck crashing.

The immense strength sent shivers down one's spine. Compared to the force exerted by Lancer who had kicked me earlier, it was mere child's play. What difference was there between that power, capable of shattering even the earth itself, and a tank's shell?

"—Very well. In that case, I will crush you until the very end. No matter what Noble Phantasms you unleash, I shall destroy them all!"

The sword swayed once again. This time, its aim was the golden archer.

The overwhelming pressure emanating from the girl was no less than that of Archer. The faintly shining majesty resembled that of an enraged goddess.

Perhaps sensing the threat, the golden warrior's equipment moved slightly.

The confident smile he had shown just moments ago disappeared. His narrowed eyes did not miss a single move made by the girl.

At this point, even Archer recognized it. If he were to divert his gaze for even an instant, it would be his own defeat.

Archer's armor had been damaged by Lancer's demonic spear. Although it seemed to be repairing itself through advanced magecraft, the progress was slow.

The girl's strength, just by observation, was abnormal to the extreme. With that power, a single blow delivered could reduce the already heavily damaged armor to dust.

The golden twin swords were quietly raised. With its overwhelming aura, Archer also prepared himself for battle.



He didn't speak. No, he couldn't even move a muscle.

The space in which the two confronted each other felt like a vacuum, capable of slicing through anyone who touched it.

...How pathetic.

He had come out here to stop people from killing each other, and yet he couldn't do anything. What the hell did he come out for? If he just stood there, it would be the same as Kakashi.

Suppressing his trembling body with willpower, he clenched his fist.

What was happening? Who was that girl? Why were the two of them about to fight?

—I don't know. It doesn't matter.

The only thing he couldn't accept was people dying in front of Emiya Shirou. Just for the sake of stopping that, he opened his mouth again!

In that instant—

"Stop!!! Wait a minute, you guys!!!"

A third girl's voice scattered the battlefield of murderous intent.

The two who had been on the verge of clashing were frozen in surprise and turned their gazes towards the voice.

Unconsciously, I too turned my gaze in that direction, still wearing a dumbfounded expression. From where did she appear? Arms folded, she stood there, clearly angry... Wait, huh!?

In a red coat and with distinctive twintails, there was no mistaking it. That person shouldn't be here—Tohsaka...!?

"Y-You, Tohsaka...!?"

"Yes, good evening, Emiya-kun."

Tohsaka Rin smiled gracefully, just like when we met at school.

Seeing her so natural, I almost found myself responding in the same way. Wait, no. Why is Tohsaka here at this hour, in this place? And standing next to that girl means... Um, what's going on...!?


Looking at me, who was flustered, Tohsaka let out a sigh as if she were exasperated.

"Let's talk inside. I'm sure you don't understand anything, so I'll explain everything from the beginning. Saber, please wait a little before fighting that flashy guy. He's an acquaintance of mine."

Saying something absurdly out of place, Tohsaka walked ahead without hesitation.

My brain was overwhelmed by the amount of information, and I stared vacantly at her back.

The murderous intent that had made my heart race had completely disappeared with the unexpected arrival of the girl.

The first to move was Archer, the golden one.

Gracefully and elegantly, as if landing on the ground without a care in the world, he descended. The twin swords he had held were nowhere to be seen; they had vanished into thin air.

A smile that carried a somewhat eerie atmosphere appeared on his face. Derisively, as if savoring it, his crimson gaze fixed upon Tohsaka's retreating figure.

...Wait, hold on a second—!

"To-Tohsaka, I don't get what you're thinking...!"

In response to my questioning, Tohsaka turned around.

Her expression was different from the smile she had shown just a moment ago. It was cold, like that of a complete stranger.

"Foolish. I am thinking about many things. That's why I told you to let me explain. Emiya-kun, you may be surprised by this sudden turn of events, but if you don't accept it sincerely..."

She paused for a moment, her eyes staring into mine, making it impossible for me to look away.

"—You will die someday."

Tohsaka uttered those words coldly. I swallowed hard. Her intensity was completely different from the girl I knew at school.

"If you understand, then it's fine. So, let's go to your house, Emiya-kun."

With an air as if she were entering her own home, Tohsaka walked through the gate. For some reason, it seemed like an oppressive aura emanated from her.

...No, it wasn't just my imagination. She was really angry.

I stood frozen as she invaded my house without permission. Although a rational part of me said I should follow her, I was too shocked to move.

But... perhaps it could be considered fortunate. The surge of killing intent that made my heart tremble had disappeared completely due to the unexpected arrival of that girl.

Left behind, I was the first to move. I followed Tohsaka through the gate.

My body seemed to be moving, but my mind was still unable to comprehend the situation.

What had happened tonight?

What had I gotten involved in?

Lancer, the blue warrior, attacking me.

Archer, the golden young man, appearing.

The silver-haired girl, whose name I didn't even know, seemed to know Archer.

And... even the idol I secretly admired, Tohsaka Rin, had joined the extraordinary lineup.

It felt as if I had wandered into a different dimension, but I couldn't remain paralyzed like this. After all, I was, to some extent, a magus.

Tohsaka said she would explain. I had to hear that explanation first.

Pushing aside my doubts and suspicions, I entered the gate. My familiar home... it felt like a nest of monsters.

This night... something I knew nothing about was undoubtedly about to begin.

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