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Chapter 2: Chapter one

Dai get up you have a huge day ahead, coming mum just a few more minutes - said Dai, Dai if you don't come here this instance I swear you'll regret it it - said Dai's dad, ha(sigh) fine dad I'm coming just give me a sec replied Dai.

A minute later Dai got out of his pyjamas and then put on some clothes and came to the dining room to have breakfast with the rest of his family.

~~~~~~(back at the dining table)~~~~~~

Ichiro akihiko( Dai's older brother): what took you so long Dai you know dad always says we shouldn't miss family breakfast.

Dai: sorry I promise it won't happen again.

AUTHORS NOTE: But in Dai's mind he was like "what took me so long,what took me so long um I don't know, I needed to bathe myself and brush my teeth, and you guys didn't give enough time to do all that, I just hope my morning breath chokes you.

Mr Silva Ackerman (Dai's father): what matters is that you're here now.

Ichiro akihiko: you're right dad what matters is that we're he's here now, now let's get digging, mom's food can't wait here all day.

They all then began eating and after they were done eating.

Koji(Dai's younger brother): Ha(yawn), good morning everyone did I miss breakfast?-----he said as he came out of his room and approached every one at the dinner table.

Mrs Ackerman (Dai's mother): you actually did honey but don't worry there's more where that came from.

Koji: Thanks mum and sorry I couldn't make it for breakfast.

Mrs Ackerman: don't worry about it you're you g so you need extra time to sleep, just don't miss breakfast next time okay.

Dai then carried his plates so that he could go put it in the dish washer, when he was going there he passed by the back of his father and whispered to him.

Dai:This place is surrounded with photographers and reality TV personnel's isn't it.

Mr Silva Ackerman: Yeah it is, I told them they could come for a day and video us all so we can be in their reality TV show I also said they could have personal interviews with each and every one of us.

Dai: figures, I thought why are we acting normal today, I mean this family is a lot of things but normal isn't one of them.

Mr Ackerman: just keep quiet and go drop your dishes.

Dai: ha(sigh) okay dad.

At that moment Dai could see a bunch of photographers and one of them sent a signal saying "can we come out now" , and Mr Ackerman nodded, then they(photographers & reality TV personnel's) came out and asked everyone to come together for their family picture, at first Dai didn't want to come together with his family for the picture because he hates showing up in pictures or any picture actually, but then Dai's dad shot his a serious glare and Dai then said "fine dad" then he(Dai) gathered with the rest of his family members for the family picture.

Later a woman came out and began talking in front of the camera she said today on living the life we have the world's greatest, most powerful and most influential family "The Ackerman's" with us, with the grand father Mr Desmond Ackerman being the world greatest business man he is also the richest man in the world in case some of you were wondering, the son of Mr Desmond Ackerman, Mr Silva Ackerman is the greatest slayer in the world and his(Mr Silva Ackerman) wife Mrs Alice Ackerman is the world's most powerful sorceress.

The woman paused then continued she said Mr and Mrs Ackerman have 3 children namely Ichiro akihiko Ackerman the strongest and most handsome man in the world who is twenty six years of age, we also have the second child miyoko fumiko Ackerman the world's fastest and most beautiful woman In the world and she's only twenty one years old , and now let's not forget Koji Tomoya Ackerman the world smartest boy, he is also the world's greatest psychic and currently the world cutest boy and he's only Nine years old.

Koji: mom, when are these creeps leaving their presence ticks me off for some reason.

Mom: very soon dear, very soon.

Koji: by the ways mum where is Dai.

Mum: oh honey he's just right there, oh I guess he left-----she said as she realized that Dai wasn't around anymore.

~~~~~~~~~(back to Dai)~~~~~~~~~

Dai was actually in a tub and he just finished brushing his teeth.

~~~~~~(back to the dining room)~~~~~~~

Back at the dining room the woman continued she said but unfortunately Mr Desmond Ackerman and miyoko fumiko Ackerman won't be here with us today since they both travelled out of the country.

~~~~~~~(30 minutes later)~~~~~~~

Dai was now done bathing so then he put on black joggers and a black hoodie he also wore socks and put on his sneakers, he then grabbed his skateboard and went outside, but he didn't pass the living room cause if he did his family wouldn't let him go out, so he jumped through his room window, even though he lived in a six storey building he still landed the jump, and to be honest most people may find that as a big deal but to him it wasn't, I mean he lived with the world's greatest and most powerful family and he was the second son of them, any one of them could still find a 12 storey building jump was still below the average.

After he landed he then began skateboarding, he skateboarded towards his gate that immediately opened itself, probably via facial recognition or something, anyways he then skateboarded through the gate.

AUTHORS NOTE: The next paragraphs contain Dai narrating and talking about himself.

Dai's was like good morning everybody welcome to the life of me Dai as you all may know my name is Dai Ackerman, okay just kidding you guys probably don't know shit about me can't really blame you though, I mean even though I come from the world's greatest/most powerful and most influential family, the world only really began to notice me last year cause my parents forced me to show up in a picture last year and with the world seeing me on a picture with them even though they've never seen me before cause I hate showing up In pictures, people were like who the fuck is that guy and soon after it surfaced the world that I was the Ackerman's family second son.

Anyways I know what some of you may be thinking, world's greatest business man as a grandfather, greatest slayer I the world as a father, best sorcerer I the world as a mother, strongest and most handsome man in the world as a older brother, fastest woman in the world as an older sister and smartest boy In the world as a younger brother, what powers do you have Dai?, Well just so you know I'm powerless.

Dai then paused and then continued, he said that's right I'm powerless and being part of the worlds greatest family doesn't make me fell better if anything it makes me feel worse, and truthfully speaking I find myself as s disappointment to myself and anyone else around me, I mean when I was giving birth to my father has high expectations for me and he named me Dai, Dai means shining individual by the way in case any of you are wondering, he gave me that name hoping I'd be powerful and excel in everything I did , but when I was six years old my specially made sword didn't glow and in case you're wondering the specially made sword was supposed to glow for people with magical properties, so from then on it was established that I was powerless.

As you can imagine my dad was disappointed but he still believe that my power just need a little more time to awaken, so he had my older brother and older sister teach me how to get stronger and faster, as I am right now I'm 15 years old turning 16 in the next two months, I am very fast,strong also very skilled, I could easily be considered powerful by most people, but yet it's not enough and I still look down on myself sometimes cause well everyone in my family has what they're perfect or the best at and living up to that is not easy it's not like I regret being part of my own family I love them all I really do.

Dai then paused and then continued he then said but living with them really cut down on my self esteem, like seriously just imagine anytime you think you're strong you have to compare yourself to the worlds strongest or anytime you think you're fast you have to compare yourself to the world fastest then pressure is just too much.

With all what I've mentioned, you should know by now they're some people who believe I'm not worthy of being called an Ackerman, like the woman from the reality show, she didn't even call my name as part of the family, I don't even know why I showed up in the picture in the first place they'll probably cut me out of it anyways, but I'm used to it, not being cropped out of a picture but being seen as less than, you can call me a slightly less than perfect guy.

I'm an invisible man not physically but I consider myself unnoticed by the world, and the small part that notices me expects me to be the best and excel at everything and anything I do, but seriously look at my life I'm powerless in a world of powerful people could things get more worse than this.

AUTHORS NOTE: At this point Dai had already arrived at a skateboard park and he already exchanged greeting with some of the other skateboarders that's when he saw a girl walking towards him and he was like.

Dai: Just when I thought things couldn't get worse and shit the bitch is coming-----he said in his mind.

The girl: Oh Dai how've you been did you miss me.

Dai: Oh Alice how'd you ask that kind of question of course I've missed you----that's what he said out loud but I'm his mind he was like miss you miss you miss you, how the hell can I miss you I'm here wallowing in my own self pity and and some bitch walks towards me and asks me if I miss her in fact you know what I missed you the day common sense was being implanted Into you cause I didn't witness it and now I'm sure as hell wondering is she ever had one in the first place, miss you? What a dumbass question.

Alice: So why haven't you been picking up my calls and responding to my text messages.

Dai: Sorry about that I've just been so busy lately I probably didn't have time to check on my phone----Dai said out loud but in his mind he was like pretty sure I have better things to do than pick up your calls and reply your text messages.

Alice then hugged Dai and kissed him on his lips and Dai kissed her back.

AUTHORS NOTE: Dai was only being nice to her because her dad is his grandfather's business partner and he doesn't plan on ruining anything for his grandfather, she also only met him two months ago and cause he's nice to her she thinks they're like a thing even though they're not, if not for her dad being his grandfather's business he would have told her to fuck off on any normal day.

Anyways 45 seconds later when they were done kissing Alice told him not to do that again and Dai said "of course I won't do that again" but then he said to himself again "do what exactly?, Ignore the texts of a creepy stalker that was living in America not until a week ago when she discovered where Dai was living".

Dai then hugged Alice again then thought "I'm totally gonna get my lips sanitized" then he was spitting while she wasn't looking then she said "are you okay I think you're spitting" then Dai said "yeah sorry a pest just made contact with my lip" then she said "okay" and Dai said to himself "you're the pest how can't you see that just fuck off and leave me alone".

Dai then broke out of the hug and said "I actually kinda had a place I was going to so bye and by the way I changed my phone so my number is different now", Alice then said "okay but what's your new phone number" but by the time she said that Dai was already like a mile away cause he skated as fast as he could she then said to herself "fine then see you later" and then went somewhere else.

(Back to Dai)

Dai was skating as fast as he could he was also turning his phone off and replacing it with a new one, he was like "ha this is the 11th time I'm changing my phone cause of a stalker"

He then connected his phone to his headphone he had just around his neck then he began playing "To the end by divide music" then he put his headphones on and began skating.

Dai then began thinking about why Alice likes him and why he doesn't like her back it's not that she's ugly or anything she would actually rank at least 3rd in the world most beautiful women was it cause my older sister is the most beautiful so then i saw other beautiful women as ugly nah that's not it I choose character over beauty don't I?

Just when Dai was pondering on that thought he saw a group of people come out of a black van and enter a hotel, Dai then paused the song on his phone and removed his headphones from his ears then he heard a scream, Dai then thought that why isn't anyone around noticing and doing anything then at that moment he realized that only 7 other people could be seen on the street and even though he was a couple hundred steps away from the hotel he was closest to the hotel so it'd make sense if he was the only one who noticed it.

So anyways while watching from a safe distance he waited till everyone in the black van was out, then he approached the hotel which was now quiet and seemed to have been ambushed by a group of armed robbers.

Dai then approached and entered the hotel, then he scanned the place from a safe distance and he saw about 6 robbers that were armed and 154 hostages.

He then thought of what to do and after a few seconds of thinking one of the robbers went to left to go survey the place, then at that moment an idea popped into Dai's mind, so when the other robbers weren't looking he silently took out the robber that went to survey the place, Dai then took off the robber's clothes and put them on, then he went back to the hotel dressed like a robber in a mask covering his entire face that way he couldn't be noticed by the other robber's.

When he got back into the hotel, one of the robber's asked him if he had surveyed the area and Dai grunted yes to mask his voice while nodding then after that Dai saw another one of the robbers telling one of the hostages "give us all your money or you're totally fucked", the hostage then replied saying "I don't have any money I swear", the robbers then asked another robber saying "should I kill him boss", the robbers that was asked the question then said "well he's useless now anyways so kill him".

Then at that moment just as that robber that asked should I kill him was about to kill him Dai shot the robber on the left side of his chest with a gun in his hand, then at that moment the other robbers realized that Dai was an imposter dressed like a robber, they were about to start shooting at him but Dai was a quick thinker so he immediately shot two of the armed robbers on their head and they both fell down near the receptionist counter and Dai was like "boom motherfucker direct headshot".

After he shot the two robbers on their heads he then immediately ran towards the counter, then when he reached the counter he hid behind it, his reaction time was simply impeccable plus the remaining armed robbers were still shocked to see two of their comrades dead in the blink of an eye and now Dai was behind a receptionist counter planning his next attack.

While Dai was behind the receptionist counter, he took the gun he used to shoot before then he realized it was now empty and there was no bullets so then he thought of what to do that's when he realized there were two dead "armed" robbers lying near the counter right beside him then he now knew what to do he then carried their dead bodies, though it was quite hard moving considering the fact that 3 robbers were shooting at him, but he still did it and he found out that the armed robbers corpses that were on the ground had daggers so then he grabbed the daggers from their jacket pocket and he was like "ooh" after he finally took the weapons this is what he did.

While they were still shooting he he carried the two corpses and walked towards the shooting robbers while using the two corpses as shield, eventually the shooting robbers ran out of bullets and just as they were about to reload, Dai let go of the the two dead bodies and the dead bodies fell down to the ground and then he said "now, it's my turn", then he immediately threw a dagger at one of the robbers head and the robbers dropped dead on the floor.

Dai didn't stop there he then like summer rolled to one of the other robber then gave him an upper jaw cut, then he used another one of the daggers to stab his robber beneath his jaw then he removed the blade(dagger) and blood rushed from beneath his jaw.

Now only one robber remained so he quickly did a back flip and while he was still midair he used the dagger to stab the last robber's neck, then when he landed he pushed the dagger more into the last robber's neck, then he twisted the blade sideways and then forcefully moved the blade to the left side when he was done with that the robber was now like half beheaded,so Dai the fully beheaded the robber by cutting through where he removed the blade so now all the armed robbers were down on the floor.

Dai now thought I didn't even get to use the guns, then at that moment the saw the robber he threw a dagger at moving then Dai smirked and shot at him multiple times then he(Dai) said oh wait I did, then he dropped the guns on the ground and approached the hostages and said "don't worry you guys are safe now" then he(Dai) heard a scream and he was like "what now", then turned back and saw zombies then he was like "oh shit" then almost immediately one of the zombies pinched Dai and the impact of the punch threw Dai several steps back.

When Dai now finally gained control over his movement and momentum he began running and then the zombies were chasing him then he told the other people in the hotel to run and they ran like heck, now the zombies cornered Dai and one of the zombies punched Dai and Dai coughed blood and then another zombie punched him on his head and twisted and broke Dai's left arm and he bled through his nostrils, that's when he realized there was a kid behind him and then he thought to himself "I'm gonna save this kid even if it costs me my life"

Dai then punched the zombie back and quickly decapitated it with the dagger in his hand, then another zombie punched Dai then another zombie used it's somewhat long nails to scratch Dai on his face and this actually removed one of Dai's eyeballs and then the same zombie stabbed him on his lower abdomen and arm, but Dai didn't give up and his mind was still set on saving the kid so he moved to the direction of the other zombie and cut it's leg with the dagger he was holding then the zombie lost balance and fell to the ground the Dai stabbed another zombie and decapitated it with the dagger he had in his arm.

Now Dai could see another zombie closing in on the kid so then he walked towards the kid's direction, cause well he couldn't run since he was in severe pain but the only thing on his mind was that "I must save that kid", when he finally reached the kid's direction he held the zombie by the neck with his two arm's including his already stabbed and twisted arm, then the zombie twisted Dai's arm that was okay and then ripped it off and Dai was now in severe pain.

It was at that moment that the zombie that had it's leg cut of by Dai came back by crawling and chewing on Dai's leg but Dai didn't give up just yet he then tried to grip his dagger properly with the one bleeding arm he had which was now shaking/trembling tremendously, then when Dai finally held the blade he ran to the zombie and stabbed it while shouting "run" to the kid, the kid then ran away.

Now the zombies Dai stabbed then punched Dai then another zombie came and punched Dai, then another zombie came and scratched his body with the claws it had and now about 5 zombies were punching him and then Dai fell to the ground though he didn't die and the zombies were still either hitting, scratching or eating him and now Dai was in severe pain and he began bleeding through his eyes.

AUTHORS NOTE: Now I know I shouldn't do this now but try to imagine the chorus of "Levi Ackerman rap the captain by DPS" playing till the end of this chapter. Trust me it'll make things more interesting.

Now while Dai was on the ground he began thinking they're still hitting me and I'll be dead very soon why am I this pathetic?, What did I do to deserve all this?, At least I got to save the kid.

It was at that moment Dai saw a bottle of alcohol lying next to him, then he struggled carried the bottle with his good arm, then when he carried it he said well if I'm dying then I'm at least taking you all with me, then he threw the bottle up after several struggles then he carried a small gun out of his pocket then he shot the bottle mid air then the bottle broke and fell on the ground then Dai brought out a lighter he took from the armed robbers before and said "now burn",then he turned on the lighter and threw it towards the alcohol spilled on the ground.

Now Dai and the zombies that were covered in alcohol began burning, while Dai was burning he said "is this the light people always talked about? well I guess my time has finally come but I just wish I could stay on this world longer even if it was just a little bit", Dai then paused and continued while saying "I promised myself I wouldn't cry" then he began crying and said "why did my life have to be a fucking tragedy? tell me what have I done to deserve this" then he shouted while crying TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?".

Dai then said "ah,fuck I'm crying well figures I'm weak anyone in my family could have handled this but I couldn't why?,why?,WHY?,WHY?,WHY?, WHY?, WHY?, TELL ME WHY ITS NOT FAIR, all my life I've always been an invisible man all my life I was always seen as a less than, people had high expectations for me so when others did good they wanted me to do the best so when I couldn't do it I was ignored all my life it was always when I did good I heard ever when I did bad I heard never no matter what I did it was just never enough no matter what it was.

Dai then paused and continued he said I was seen as second class in my own home and now I'm dying like this, this isn't some movie where I miraculously survive this is reality and I'm dying as a pathetic loser, well but at least I saved the boy and no one died, ha(sigh) I wonder if anyone will even notice or acknowledge what I did though it'd be pretty sad if they did cause I lived a whole life if being ignored or being seen as less than and when people actually notice what I did I'm not even there to witness it talk about a fucking tragedy.

Dai paused again then said no way I can't stand for this but what can I do I'm practically useless at this point and if by some miracle I survive this I'll only be seen as a more incapable person cause now I don't have an arm and I'm probably already paralysed at this point, if only I came into this world more powerful, stronger and better my life wouldn't be like this, I probably should've never come into this world, maybe it's better if I die I wonder if anyone will even care at all, ha(sigh), it pains me to think about it, the death of the invisible man,me Dai Ackerman this is really the end of the road.

Dai then tried to reach for the light but he couldn't, then he heard a high pitched sound and sirens, then Dai said so the police came I was wondering when they'd come, probably one of the hostages ran to them for help, well at least the safe the of the people is now guaranteed, Dai then tried to reach for the light again but he couldn't then his hand dropped on the floor and he gave up the ghost and died then the remains of his body got burned and the was the end of the invisible man AKA Dai Ackerman.

AUTHORS NOTE: Now imagine the outro of the chorus of Levi Ackerman rap the captain by DPS playing.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment I'd really like and appreciate that, and please I'd like to request some thing can you all who read the book recommend this book to other readers I would really appreciate that and also can you all tell me in the comment section if you like this chapter or not if you don't like it I'd like you to state why and tell me what you don't like about this chapter so that I can improve on my writing and if you liked the chapter pls tell me why so that I can improve in that particular aspect.

Also pls can you rate my book from one to ten on how interesting it is in the comment section and give me tags that you think might possibly attract more readers and pls in case you just read this chapter pls stick around for the next I've made an observation that in most cases only about 65% of the first chapter readers stick around for the next, so please stick around for the next chapter I really appreciate you all for taking your time to read this chapter. I thank you all and once again pls vote, recommend and comment thank you.

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