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Chapter 4: chapter 4

Elias's mind awakened after his body was fully healed. Elias started to dig himself out of the earth. As he was getting out, he felt the area around him was completely drained and the moister in the dirt was gone.

It was dark when he got out. He didn't know if it was the same night or he slept more than a day. He really hoped he had slept more than a day, that way whoever was hunting him was tired while he was completely refreshed.

His body was healed but he still looked like shit. Elias really didn't care that much about his appearance so he just kept walking toward New York.

"Ah, I see what happened." a male voice suddenly came to Elias's mind.

Elias looked around in fear to see if anyone had spotted him. Not only no one had seen him, the road was also very empty. Not many traveled from Gotham to New York these days.

"I got very worried when I couldn't find your corps." The voice continued. "I was worried I wouldn't be able to resurrect you in time. It turns out I really didn't need to resurrect you at all. It turns out you have some tricks up your sleeves that can even shock me."

"Are you having a conversation with yourself in my mind?" Elias asked.

"My apologies." The voice said with a small laugh. "I am Alaric. I am the guardian of death. I am also the one ordered your death."

"Okay… why?" Elias asked.

"You don't want to get angry or start threatening me?" The voice asked.

"We are having a civilized conversation. I might keep it that way." Elias answered.

"All right." The voice said. "I always had an interest in your family. Your family had a habit of trying to have children with different powers. They achieved that goal through science magic and sometimes even forced marriage with special people. They always wanted the next generation to be more powerful."

"But why do you want me dead?" Elias asked as he started to walk. "According to the files about me, I am the weakest between my siblings. Why do you care about me and not them."

"Because you aren't weakest of them." The voice answered. "You are what my people call a child of purgatory. Many of your ancestors were children of purgatory. Being a child of purgatory is the reason why your powers are weaker than others but they can get stronger."

"That doesn't explain why you want me dead." Elias said.

"Patience please." The voice said sounding a little irritated. "A child of purgatory can unlock their true potential from death energy. If you search the body of a recently dead person with your senses you can find some form of energy being released. Take that power just the way you take power from the nature to heal yourself. Your new powers always depends on the way people died. There is an easier way to unlock your powers and that is being one with the energy of death."

"So, I have to die and be resurrected." Elias said. "But why do you want to do that? What is so important about me getting more power?"

"I want you to kill someone." The voice answered.

"Why would I do that?" Elias asked.

"Don't worry about that." The voice said. "When the time comes the people I want dead will try to kill you and burn your soul so you wouldn't be able to be resurrected. Until that happens, you just have to be ready to die by my contractors."

"Well, I now know how to get stronger. You don't have to kill me anymore." Elias said and started to run.

"That might take a long time so I will send more people to kill you. Good luck with that." The voice said and suddenly Elias couldn't feel its presence.

"Well, that's not happening." Elias said and started to run.

Elias had to change his plan of just walking or running to New York. He wanted to hijack a car but he had to wait for a long time. The roads to New York had been a little empty lately but you could find cars going there from time to time.

Elias kept running as fast as he could while keeping his ears open for the sound of any vehicle. Elias could run 50km/h(31miles/h) and he could keep that speed for a couple of hours. A car was still a lot faster so he kept his senses sharp.

Elias ran for some times and suddenly stopped when he felt a portal opening near him. The portal had the same fire feel to it as the one's scorpion used. This time Elias felt two people coming out of the portal, one was scorpion himself and the other was a young boy.

The boy with that was with scorpion was of east Asian and looked a little older than Elias. the guy had shaggy black hair and brown eyes. He wore clothing that looked mostly like scorpion but he didn't wear a mask, only an orange headband.

Scorpion himself seemed to be hurt but his wounds were healing a lot faster than a normal human. In addition to the damages Elias did last time, he also had wounds that Elias guessed was from the bald guy. He also didng have that energy shield around his body.

"Hey! Its you." Elias said as he slowly reached for his knife. "Did you kill that bald guy? I hope not, that guy had a punchable face and I hope to get a chance to punch it."

"Remember Takeda if you fail to beat him, I will take my chance." Scorpion said to the younger guy.

"I don't know master." The Takeda guy said. "When you said he is a hardened mercenary I didn't expect a guy that sounds younger than me. I want to see my mother again but I don't know if I want to kill this guy to get him. Also, he doesn't look as hurt as you told me."

"Thankyou!" Elias said trying to sound cheerful.

"Umm… no problem." Takeda said.

"You are right." Scorpion said as he looked at Elias a little. "His eyes and fingers are back and all of his wounds seemed to be healed. He is now too dangerous for you, I will kill him."

"You don't rally have to." Elias said as he pulled out his knife and created the energy layer around it.

Elias was ready for scorpion to send his chain and kunai at him but he didn't. instead scorpion teleported behind Elias and sent a ball of flame toward him. Elias could feel all of that so he dodged and spun around.

The Takeda boy decided to stay out of this fight. Elias still kept an eye on him, he learned his lesson from last night.

Elias didn't have his beretta, he lost that in the diner but he still had his revolver. As he spun around, he pulled the revolver with his other hand aimed at scorpion and shot. Scorpion seemed to be ready for that as one of his swords was in his hand and he deflected the bullet with the flat of his sword.

Scorpion rushed forward toward Elias and tried to stab the sword through his head. Elias waited for scorpion to reach him and when he did, Elias brought his dagger down on the sword redirecting the blade toward his own stomach. The blade went through Elias stomach and came out of his back.

Thinking he got a good hit, scorpion tried to unsheathe his other sword but before he could do it, Elias grabbed him with his gunned hand and started to slash his chest. Scorpion mange to bring his other hand and grabbed Elias's wrist but that only stopped Elias from cutting his heart.

Elias's knife dug to deep into Scorpion's chest. Not wanting to be cut to shreds, scorpion left his sword in Elias's stomach and teleported behind him. Elias felt that teleportation, spun around while moving the energy from around the knife to its handle and threw it toward Scorpion as hard as he could.

Elias's knife traveled toward scorpion like a bullet and hit the unexpecting scorpion to the chest. Elias then followed that attack by aiming his gun at scorpion, ready to shoot. Elias decided not to shoot when he felt a portal open behind him.

Elias felt three people walk out of the portal. One of the two was the bald guy from before and the other two had the weirdest feeling Elias ever felt. The other guy felt a little like scorpion but raised to ten.

"There is a portal behind me isn't he?" Elias said and scorpion nodded. "Listen, I don't like you but would you mind if we kill the bald guy first and then try to kill each other."

"I agree." Scorpion said.

Elias and scorpion kept their eyes on each other as scorpion walked forward toward Elias and Elias toward him. When they where near each other they turned back to see the three people that just walked out of the portal. The boy Takeda also walked to Elias and scorpion and this time he looked ready to fight.

One of the three was a bald black guy. The first thing that was obvious from this guy where his two massive hands that had some sort of flaming rock infused with them and then his flaming eyes came to view. The guy was a little taller than Elias and was a little bigger than him. This guy wore only a pants leaving his muscular body open.

The other one was a very beautiful woman. The woman had the same eye as the other guy. She had long hair, the middle of her hair was black and the rest was white. She wore a skin tight and very revealing purple suit. Elias found himself checking the woman a little, she had an athletic and very attractive body.

The bald guy himself looked like shit. He had the wounds from Elias and a lot of burned marks on his body. Elias felt the shield around this guy but it was a lot weaker than the last time.

"Hello gentlemen." The bald man said as the portal closed behind him. "It is very fortunate to see the traitor and solution are in one place. It is also very fortunate that I have more warriors."

"Hey baldy before we start killing you guys." Elias spoke as he pulled the sword out of his stomach. "I spoke to Alaric, the guardian of death last night. I don't think he is going to resurrect anyone for you."

"Your tricks wont work anymore." The bald guy said.

"Okay fair las time was a trick." Elias said as he started to fuel his hand and the sword with energy. "But if I'm fucking with you again, how the fuck do I know who wants me dead when I didn't know last time we met?"

Elias's words didn't faze anyone this time. There was a moment when everyone was ready for the other group to make the first move and suddenly a sound started to be heard. from afar the sounds of helicopters could be heard that rapidly were getting closer.

"It seems like a lot of people…" the bald guy wanted to say but he was stopped when Elias emptied his gun on him.

A Smith & Wesson Model 317 revolver has eight bullets, Elias already had shot one bullet last night leaving seven bullets. Elias shot four bullets before he felt the already weak shield around the guy. The two minions the bald guy brought tried to stand between him and Elias but Elias simply ran to the side while shot the last three bullets at the bald guy. The bullets all hit the guy in the chest damaging him badly.

Elias tried to rush toward the bald guy. Before he could reach him, the black guy slammed his fist to the ground causing it to shake and break like a small earthquake. That earthquake caused Elias to lose his footing long enough for the woman to ran toward him and let out a banshee like scream that threw Elias back.

Scorpion looked at toward the sound of the helicopters and decided to avoid fighting while he was wounded. He grabbed Takeda and teleported away from that place.

Elias got back to his feet only to see the woman was sending her white hair toward him. The hair grew and they acted like a powerful limb. The hair tried to lash at Elias like a wipe. Elias jumped back avoiding to be hit by the hair.

While fighting, Elias looked at the bald guy and saw he was in process of opening a portal. He was having some problem opening the portal, his wounds seem to be a lot worst than what Elias expected.

Elias jumped back a couple of more times so he would be out of his two attacker's reach. He then holstered his gun, grabbed his sword with both hand and threw it at the bald guy. The sword pierced the bald guy's side and knocked him to the ground. That caused some confusion in Elias's two attackers.

At this point the helicopters reached Elias and his attackers. There were three of them and they all turned to the side and people inside started to shoot at the two mind controlled warriors. The helicopters didn't shoot normal bullets, the bullets they shot hit the warriors with little damage and started to electrocute them.

Looking at the helicopters, Elias saw four people fast-roping out. Guessing these people were going to attack him soon he rushed toward the bald guy, wanting to finish him off before possibly dying in the hand of these people.

Elias rushed passed the two warrior and reached the bald guy. The bald guy tried to send an energy skull toward Elais but before he could do it, Elias grabbed the bald guy's wrist and punched his elbow hard enough that he broke the bald guy's hand.

Elias then created an energy field around his teeth the same way he creates around blades. He grabbed the bald guy by the head and brought his head toward himself. Elias then took a bite off of the guy's neck tearing a big chunk of meat off. He spit out the meat and took another bite. The guy was badly wounded and couldn't do anything as Elias tore his neck of piece by piece until his head came off.

Elias felt the four coming down were started a fight with the two mind controlled warriors. Seeing he had time, he pulled the sword out of the bald guy while he used his telekinesis to reload his revolver.

Looking up Elias saw two woman and two men fighting the two warriors. The woman both wore tactical equipment while one of the guys wore only a tactical vest and the other guy wore an armor that looked practical in a close combat fight.

The first woman was in her twenties. She had long brown hair that was braided and placed on her shoulders. She had green eyes and looked the same height as Elias. She carried a saber with herself and but she tried her best to not do any lethal damage to the two. This girl wore black jacket under all of his equipment. This woman gave a familiar feeling to Elias as if he knew her but not sure how.

The other woman was a blond and looked in her forties. She had blue eyes, her blond hair was tied to a ponytail and had a hat on her head. She wore a blue and black jacket and black pants and a fuck ton of weird equipment.

The first guy that wore only a tactical vest looked thirty but Elias could feel that he was a lot older around the same age as the blond woman. This guy had short brown hair and wore sunglasses in night. he was muscular and taller than Elias. other than his vest and his pants he had golden rings that spelled Cage on each of his hands.

The last guy looked east Asian. This guy had a sword, some sort of a ninjato that had gave Elias a wired feeling. The guy's black hair and beard had a lot of white to them and a red blindfold covered his eyes. The guy wore a black and red leather looking armor with red painted metal shoulder pads.

The fight between these people didn't take that long as the warriors were already shot by shocking bullets and they were knocked unconscious. Even though the fight didn't take that long Elias saw that all of these four had supernatural powers. The sunglasses guy shot weird balls of energy and could create after images, the blonde woman shot pink projectiles, the brown haired woman had powerful telekinesis and was very fast and the guy had some sort of blue energy.

More soldiers came down from the helicopters to bind the two mind controlled warrior with thick leather cords. These guys started to connect the warriors to the helicopters and started to pull them up. The older woman seem to be in charge and was ordering the soldiers around.

"All right, I'm tired of this bullshit." Elias said as he aimed his weapons at the four. "Can we get the over with this and see who kills who."

"Yeah sure, I'm dow…" the guy with sunglasses started to say but he was stopped when the brown haired girl kicked him in the ball.

"Now I understand why commander hates you." The girl said and walked to.

"That was my move." The guy said through pained grunts.

"Listen," the girl started to say with her hands raised. "We've been looking for you for a couple of days but we really don't want to hurt you. We just want to talk."

"You know I'm going to need more convincing than 'trust me'." Elias said.

"We read your files." The girl said. "You are very weak. If we wanted to kill you, we would have done it by now. Trust me we really just want to talk to you."

"Why?" Elias asked.

"Lets say, we can use your current situation to bait some of our enemies." The girl answered.

"I can do that." Elias said but he kept his gun and sword in his hands.

"Hey Elena, you should tell him the other thing." The sunglasses guy said as he recovered. The girl tried to kick him again but this time he was ready and defended himself.

"Johnny! I swear to god If you say it…" The girl said with rage.

"He kid, this girl is your sister." The guy shouted.

That Johnny guy had a wide green on his face and the girl that probably was called Elena looked really scared as she looked at Elias. They both waited for and explosive reaction but Elias simply said one word "Okay."

"That's it!" Johnny said looking very disappointed. "Aren't you going to get emotional, start screaming or crying or something like that?"

"No, I'm good." Elias said with a shrug.

"Are you sure he is your brother." Johnny turned to Elena. "Your family is full of emotional people and this guy is… I kinda like him more than you guys."

"The files said he is my brother." Elena said with a glare. "I wanted to keep that information until I made sure through a DNA test."

While the two were talking Elias felt a pressure on his mind as if someone was trying to read his mind. Elias was trained to fortify his mind so the mental pressure was kept at bay.

"Can we talk about this later." Elena said as she turned to Elias.


"Holy shit!" Johnny shouted as he spotted the corps near Elias. "Is that fucking Quan chi? Did you do that? How the fuck is this guy considered weak in those files if he can do that?"

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me." Elias said and knelt near the corps.

Elias placed a hand on the corps and tried to feel energy from it. for a few moments nothing happened but suddenly he felt a massive energy source and the energy started to be pulled to Elias. The energy washed over Elias and not only healed his wound, Elias felt rejuvenated like he had just awoken from his buried half dead state.

"Okay dude what the fuck?!" Jonny said as he walked to Elias. "Stay away from the body. I'm usually okay with weird kink but not that type."

"I wasn't doing anything like that but okay." Elias said and started to walk away.

It was at this moment that the blond woman walked to the group. She looked very relived, like she had an issue for years and it was just solved.

"We got Jax." The blonde woman said." I can't believe your plan worked. I would be happy even if we wouldn't be able to do the rest of the things you said but that would still be good. Good work"

"Thankyou ma'am." Elena said respectfully.

"Hey Sonya!" Johnny called the blond woman. "Look over there near that kid. There is another great news laying near him."

The blond woman, Sonya looked at the body of the bald man and then at Elias." Did you do this?"

"Is this a good thing or bad thing?" Elias asked as he pointed at the corps.

"Good thing." The two women said at the same time.

"Yes I did it." Elias said.

"All right everyone." Sonya turned to the soldiers. "I want this body to be bagged and have some guards ready to shoot it if it moved. This guy is a necromancer and we don't know what kind of tricks he has under his sleeves."

"I don't think he is coming back from that." Johnny said.

"I'm not taking chances with him." Sonya said and then turned to the blind guy. "Kenshi! Do you have anything to report? Any enemies we don't see or anything you got from this guy."

"No, he has a strong will." The blind guy answered. "I also felt someone familiar for a moment and then it disappeared."

"All right, we'll take this guy whit us." Sonya pointed at Elias. "He is your problem now Elena. He already proven to be a useful bait but I would rather he doesn't turn to a useless problem."

"Don't worry Ma'am, I will take care of everything." Elena said. And with that the other three left Elias and Elena alone.

"All right we got to go." Elena said as she started to lead Elias toward the helicopters. "Listen, I know you probably hate me for being your sister and trying to use you as a bait but that was the only way to get the special forces to lend their strength to helping you."

"Don't worry, I would have done the same to you." Elias said with a shrug. "By the way, how did you found me? These guys had magic, what do you guys have?"

"We do have magic," Elena said with a smile. "We also have access to traffic cameras and we get calls when a diner is burning in and people that survived the fire said some wild stories about a boy like you."

"I didn't burn that place, it was that scorpion guy." Elias said.

Elena looked at Elias when he said that. Elias was covered with dirt and his clothing was torn in a lot of places but there was no wound on his body. Elena was slowly thinking that Elias's files didn't explain his powers correctly.

"Why are you covered with dirt?" Elena asked.

"I was sleeping." Elias answered.

"What?!" Elena said and Elias simply shrugged and kept going.

Elena had thought his youngest brother Elias was dead for so long. When she met him she was really confused. Elena had weak senses but she could still feel that this guy was his little brother she was going to still take the test but she didn't need to. Elena remembered Elias until he was five but now he acted like they never met. Yes a five year old was very young but people still remember things from that. There was something wrong with Elias and Elena didn't like it.

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