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Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Akira observed as his face changed colors without stopping her actions.

She could see that her emotional seed was fully accepted by his mind, even taking root in it.

Akira's experiments, although taking a mere hour, were a success, credit to the experience that he lived, she held control over him and he knew it.

Akira could feel her spiritual energy and control rise, she thought about it and found out that the only thing she had done in the past hour that is different from the past months is going with her whims.

Akira broke countless people down, and even more, she killed a lot of them, the only difference is one is for her whims and pleasure, and the other is for the mission, silence, money...

The only explanation that she came up with is her whims.

Akira had an odd look on her face at this thought, so my whims are beneficial as long as I follow them, but whims will also bring trouble and she understood this truth quite well.

" T-That is not t-true Master! "

While she was focusing on her own matter her hand didn't stop but Tomas's words caught her attention.

As to humor her even more, the whim to make him a living big dildo with a good ass and boobs surfaced.

Akira was surprised at that, but that's it. For her, her life and strength matter, other affairs, not so much.

So she decided to act on her whims, but first, a big squeeze of her hand and some lightning was due to talking without permission.

Akira's control was fascinating, using lightning techniques without harming the body of the victim is nearly unheard of.

Tomas was fully stimulated by that resulting in a moan of pleasure escaping his mouth.

" To me, it looks like you rejoiced in my punishment, but let's return to our little game, you had won several points I am sure that you want your reward, but I desire for you to use all of it in exchange for boobs and a nice ass. "

Tomas trembled at her words, but the next one left him in a mental dilemma.

" Of course, you can also use those for whatever you want to prove your previous words but I have a better way for you. Previously, you continually fucked my hand with a free order to come for a whole minute but failed, now I'm giving you the same conditions but for ten full minutes, my desire is for you to stop yourself from coming each time, lick my fingers clean, thank me for my kindness then repeat. It goes without saying that this is my desire not order. "

Tomas didn't know what to do, his feelings swirling within his mind unable to make a head or tell.

But Akira didn't give him much time to consider, she put her finger in his mouth, wetting it before slowly dragging it to his dick, then she stayed still.

Tomas's hips shake giving him the impression that he was participating in the handjob. However, Akira's word soon resonates in his mind, prohibited from coming, but it was not an order.

As the dilemma grow so did his anxiety and frustration, he knew that there isn't anything he could do to change things, his feelings of pleasure is intensifying, and a hot breath come close to his skin and planted a kiss making the already turbulent mind even more turbulent.

As the pressure on him rise so is his inability to cope with her constant denial.

Soon the time of the truth has come, sure of the ending and proving her wrong, Tomas still stopped while he was nearly a step from the goal.

His next action was to follow her desire to the letter, ten minutes later, yet he didn't come once. The seed was once again his escape and its importance for him was raised.

Akira enjoyed the look on his face so while his erection is at its peak, she dragged her other hand down to his cheeks and then his asshole.

Tomas experienced a whirlwind of emotional struggles as Akira continued her actions and introduced new elements to their interaction. The conflicting emotions within him intensified, causing his mental and emotional state to become increasingly turbulent.

One prominent struggle was the battle between pleasure and denial. The sensations provided by Akira's touch and stimulation evoked immense pleasure within Tomas, building up his desire for release. However, he was simultaneously confronted with the challenge of restraining himself, as Akira explicitly stated her desire for him to resist climaxing. This internal conflict between his physical urges and the imposed restriction led to a heightened sense of frustration and anxiety.

Alongside the struggle between pleasure and denial, Tomas grappled with a growing sense of powerlessness and submission. Akira's control over him, both physically and mentally, was evident through her manipulation of his desires and actions. He felt a mixture of fascination and repulsion towards her dominance, as she used her power to push him to the limits of his self-control.

These conflicting emotions further complicated his emotional struggles.

Furthermore, Tomas experienced deep-seated confusion and uncertainty about his own desires and motivations. Akira's words and actions had planted the seed of a new narrative within his mind, one where he desired to be her toy and fulfill her whims. This conflicting narrative clashed with his preexisting sense of self, leaving him questioning his own identity and yearning for a sense of clarity and understanding.

Moreover, the introduction of new elements, such as Akira's touch on his cheeks and his anus, added layers of complexity to his emotional struggles. These actions triggered a mixture of sensations, including vulnerability, taboo, and a heightened awareness of his own body. The convergence of pleasure, fear, and discomfort further fueled his internal turmoil.

In summary, Tomas faced a range of emotional struggles, including the battle between pleasure and denial, a sense of powerlessness and submission, confusion about his desires, and the introduction of new sensations and boundaries. These conflicting emotions created a tumultuous inner landscape, leaving Tomas grappling with his own conflicting desires, identity, and the impact of Akira's dominance.

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