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Chapter 15: Bloodlust

The knights formed a defensive formation, three at the front and two positioned to watch their backs, ready to engage the bandits in a deadly dance. The clash erupted with brutal force, swords slashing through the air, and the metallic ring of steel meeting flesh. The knights fought as a well-coordinated unit, their movements fluid and synchronized.

The scene quickly descended into a chaotic tableau of violence and bloodshed. Severed limbs and spurts of crimson marked the battleground as the knights skillfully dispatched their foes. Each strike was precise and calculated, aiming for vital points and inflicting fatal wounds. The bandits fell one by one, their cries of pain swallowed by the relentless onslaught.

Durian observed the carnage with a nod of approval. The knights' organization and unity showed that they had learned from the previous fight, a testament to their growth. Despite the brutality, Durian felt a perverse satisfaction wash over him. It was a testament to his influence and the power he wielded.

As the battle unfolded, Durian's attention was drawn to the bandit leader. In his eyes, Durian was merely a brat from a noble family, and he launched himself at Durian with a false sense of superiority. But to his surprise, Durian effortlessly evaded his attack, displaying a grace and agility that defied his appearance.

Sensing danger, the bandit leader attempted to retreat, but it was too late. In a single swift motion, Durian's blade sliced through the air, severing the bandit leader's head from his shoulders. It was a moment of brutal finality, and Durian felt a strange mix of exhilaration and satisfaction.

Empowered by this newfound thrill, Durian decided to fully immerse himself in the fray. He waded through the remaining bandits, his strikes swift and merciless. Limbs were hewn, throats were slit, and blood stained the ground in an eerie symphony of violence. The bandits, once fierce and confident, now cowered before Durian's wrath.

The numbers dwindled, and only a handful of bandits remained. They dropped their weapons and pleaded for mercy, realizing the futility of their resistance. The knights, exhausted yet resolute, surrounded the captives, their eyes turning to Durian for guidance.

Durian's gaze fell upon the terrified bandits, his expression devoid of emotion. His voice, cold and unwavering, broke the silence. "Execute them."

A wave of surprise and unease washed over the knights. George, a knight initiate with a strong sense of justice, stepped forward, his voice laced with apprehension. "My lord, they have surrendered. Shouldn't they be taken to Windcrest for a fair trial?"

Durian's eyes narrowed, his tone dripping with authority. "I am in charge here, George. Do not question my decision."

George hesitated, torn between his sense of justice and his loyalty to Durian. But witnessing the brutality of his young lord firsthand, he reluctantly carried out the order. With a look of pity and sadness in his eyes, he unsheathed his sword and swiftly executed the remaining bandits, their terrified expressions frozen upon their faces.

Durian nodded coldly, acknowledging the compliance of the knights. He ordered them to prepare themselves and to continue their journey to Windcrest. As they resumed their path, Durian's mind delved into contemplation, seeking to understand the peculiar thrill he had experienced.

In the aftermath of the battle, the dark energy within Durian surged, resonating with the violence and bloodshed. He could feel its power coursing through his veins, a sinister force that reveled in chaos and destruction. As his mind delved deeper

into introspection, he made a connection.

"It is this power," he whispered to himself, his voice carrying a mix of awe and realization. "This dark energy within me resonates with my most primal desires. It is drawn to the fighting and killing, finding solace in the chaos it unleashes."

With this understanding, Durian's grip on his own power tightened. He reveled in its malevolence, embracing the darkness within him as a tool to fuel his ambitions. The thrill he felt was not born out of remorse or guilt, but rather a twisted satisfaction derived from the realization of his own dominance.

As they approached the front of the city, the view unfolded before them—a sprawling cityscape, not opulent but tidy and bustling with its own charm. The streets were meticulously maintained, and the people moved with purpose and determination. The architecture reflected a blend of old and new, with stone buildings standing alongside timber-framed structures.

The city of Windcrest stirred a flicker of anticipation within Durian. Its streets were filled with potential opportunities and avenues for furthering his ambitions. He would use its resources, its businesses, to further enrich himself and strengthen the grip of the Blackwood family.

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