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Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Adventure in the wild!

Kai found himself having set off walking into the woods leading out of Newbark town after his battle with Lyra. Now it was time to embark on his quest given to him by Professor Elm.

"Come on Sandshrew, let's get going," Kai said, taking a second to look over Newbark town one last time from the hilltop, finally turning around and taking his first step into the wild.

"Shrew," Sandshrew said, following Kai along the ground as it trotted beside him.

The hour was growing late now, and Kai knew that it wouldn't be much longer until sunset, giving him a few hours at most to find a good place to make camp.

Kai pulled out his pokegear to check the map, seeing that the closest Pokemon centre was between here and Cherrygrove city, too far for him to reach before dark.

"Looks like we will be camping tonight," Kai said, looking down at his Sandshrew, who simply said its name, happy to be with Kai.

"That's right... I guess you don't say anything other than your name." Kai said, getting a nod from Sandshrew.

"Shrew." It said, causing Kai to laugh.

"Well, Sandshrew. I'm glad I got you as my first Pokemon." Kai said, causing the Sandshrew to stop.

"What's the matter, little guy?" Kai asked, turning around to look at him.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew yelled, running and jumping into Kai's arms clearly in a happy mood.

"I get it," Kai said laughing, also happy.

"Well come on, let's get moving before it gets too late." Kai then said, putting Sandshrew down after a couple of seconds.

"Shrew," Sandshrew said, agreeing with Kai as he started following him again.

Both Kai and Sandshrew walked along the dirt path that lead through the trees finally coming to a clearing that overlooked a large field.

"This place looks familiar..." Kai said, taking a second to think about it.

That's right... This is where I first woke up when I came to this place. Kai thought. Remembering the events of the other day.

Kai took another look at his Pokegear, seeing that it was telling him the fastest way was to cut across the field through the grass.

"I guess we have nothing to fear this time, eh Sandshrew," Kai said, looking at his Pokemon.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew said, puffing its chest out, knowing exactly what Kai was saying.

"That's right," Kai said, looking forwards seeing a path leading the way.

Suddenly a rustling in the grass caught both of their attention, causing Kai to put his guard up.

"What was that?" Kai said, waiting to see what might jump out.

"Rattata!" The small mouse Pokemon suddenly yelled, jumping out of the grass, seeing both Kai and Sandshrew.

No way... Is that the same Rattata that attacked me the other day? Kai wondered, trying to see if it recognized him.

"Ta!" It said, bearing its teeth at him, showing it wasn't playing around.

"It is... Why you, come back for round two have you!" Kai said, also feeling a need for a rematch.

"Alright, Sandshrew let's take this little shit out!" Kai said, having a bone to pick with this Rattata.

"Shrew," Sandshrew said, getting the message as it jumped forwards, getting ready to battle.

"Now, Sandshrew use rollout!" Kai said.

Sandshrew nodded and dashed forwards before it jumped, rolling into a ball before trying to crash into the Rattata. However, Rattata jumped to the side, avoiding the attack.

It dodged it... Nice move. Kai thought.

"Sandshrew come back around for another attack!" Kai then said, watching as Sandshrew did just that, getting faster the more it continued its rollout attack.

This time the Rattata couldn't avoid the attack, getting smashed in the side before it was flipped into the air from the force.

Sandshrew carried on rolling before bouncing into the air, unravelling itself before landing back on its feet.

Looks like that attack hurt it, this could be my chance. Kai thought, pulling out a Pokeball and clicking the button to enlarge it.

"Alright, Rattata, you will be the first Pokemon I catch!" Kai shouted as he took aim, finally throwing the Pokeball.

"Go!" Kai yelled, watching as his Pokeball sailed through the air, heading right for the Rattata, feeling impressed with his aim.


Kai watched in surprise as a Snubbull suddenly jumped into the air and batted the Pokeball away, knocking it back to Kai who was able to catch it before it hit him in the face.

That Snubbull just blocked my Pokeball... Kai thought while he processed what had just happened, looking at the Pokeball in his hand and then back to the Snubbull.

"Snubbull, Snub!" The Snubbull yelled, seeming angry with Kai.

Looks like it's protecting the Rattata. Kai thought, seeing that his Sandshrew was also not sure what was going on.

Suddenly the Snubbull launched towards Sandshrew, ramming its head into Sandshrew knocking it back onto the ground.

"Sandshrew, look out!" Kai yelled, seeing that the Snubbull had taken it off guard.

Sandshrew rolled back, getting up with ease before it rushed back at the Snubbull, slashing its claws at the wild Pokemon in anger.

However, the Snubbull blocked the attack and used its head to headbutt Sandshrew again, causing it to flinch and grab its nose.

"Sandshrew, get back!" Kai yelled, seeing that Snubbull was about to hit it again, this time with what looked like an ice fang attack, causing Kai to panic, knowing it was super effective against his Sandshrew.

"Oh crap, Sandshrew return!" Kai yelled, quickly pointing his Pokeball at Sandshrew just in time for it to be sucked back into the ball before the Snubbull's attack would have landed.

"Snub!" The Snubbull yelled, seeing that it had missed its attack, looking at Kai growling before it turned around to check on the Rattata.

That thing is strong... Kai said, letting Sandshrew come back out for another round.

"Come on Sandshrew, I know you are mad, but don't go off on your own. We need to work together here." Kai said, getting a nod from Sandshrew as it calmed down.

"Snub, snub." The Snubbull said, talking to the Rattata as it slowly got back up.

That Snubbull sure is strong, it will be perfect if I could catch it. Kai thought as he looked around, trying to come up with a plan.

"Alright, Sandshrew let's use sand attack!" Kai yelled, hoping that he could blind the Snubbull like he had done to Lyra's Marill in their last battle.

However, the Snubbull used the same move, seeming to mimic Sandshrews attack causing the sand and dirt they both flicked up to clash in the air, creating a burst of dust obscuring both of their vision.

"No way, it copied the attack!" Kai said, trying to think what to do next, not being able to see the Snubbull thanks to the dust.

However, the Snubbull didn't give him time to think, charging through the dust with another ice fang, ready to sink its teeth into Sandshrew.

Kai remembered that this wasn't a game, and you didn't get to take your time with turn-based combat, this was real, and you had to act fast if you wanted to win.

"Sandshrew, use dig!" Kai yelled, getting his Sandshrew to avoid the ice fang again, just in time as Snubbull hit the ground with the attack, causing it to freeze over.

Kais heart was racing from the thrill of the battle, feeling the adrenaline racing through his veins.

"Now, Sandshrew attack it from below!" Kai yelled, waiting to see if they could pull this off.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew yelled, taking the Snubbull off guard as it burst from the ground below, ramming into the Snubbull hard.

"That it, now hit it with a poison sting!" Kai yelled.

If I'm right, this Snubbull is a fairy type, just like how Lyra's Marill was weak to poison sting. Kai thought, wanting to test his theory out to see if it was a normal type or a fairy type.

Sandshrew jabbed its claw into the middle of Snubbull's body, landing a direct blow, causing the small Pokemon to double over from the pain of the attack.

"It worked, it really is super effective!" Kai shouted, happy that his test had paid off.

The Snubbull was feeling the pain now, having been hurt with a combination of dig and poison sting, taking a big hit from both as it looked at Sandshrew in anger.

"Looks like this fight is reaching its end." Kai said, looking at his Sandshrew and back to the wild Snubbull.

Kai had also noticed that the Rattata was still there, but for now, was not interfering in their fight. Something he would have to keep an eye on just in case it decided to get involved in the battle.

"Lets finish this Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, getting the same energy from his Sandshrew that he felt.


"Use rapid spin!"

Sandshrew did as it was told, spinning at a quick rate towards the Snubbull.

Snubbull watched as it came speeding toward itself, sticking its small arms out in an attempt to block the attack.

Sandshrew hit its defence still rolled up in a ball before Kai gave another order.

"Now, hit it with another poison sting!" Kai yelled, watching as his Sandshrew popped open, flipping above the Snubbull, taking it by surprise with its poison sting ready to strike.

"Snub!" Snubbull yelled, taken off guard and not being able to react in time to defend its self, watching with wide eyes as Sanshrews attack was about to hit it.

"Rattata!" The small Rattata that had been on the sidelines yelled, jumping in the way of the attack to protect the Snubbull.

"What, it took the attack for it!" Kai yelled, watching as Sandshrews poison sting knocked Rattata to the ground hard, doing a lot of damage.

"Snub? Snubbull, Snub!" Snubbull yelled, seeing that the Rattata had been hurt badly before turning its attention back to Sandshrew and Kai.

"Oh no, it looks pissed now," Kai said, seeing that it was mad.

"Sandshrew, use scratch!" Kai yelled, hoping that the attack would be just enough to put it down so he could catch it.

However, Sandshrews attack seemed to have no effect, only seeming to boost its rage.

"Hit it again Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, hoping for the same result, only to further power up the Snubbull as its rage was now boiling over.

"Oh crap, we made it stronger!" Kai yelled, remembering that when using rage if the Pokemon using it got hit, its attack would increase.

"Only one thing to do then..." Kai said to himself, waiting for the perfect moment to play his trump card.

"Sandshrew, use defence curl!" Kai yelled, watching as Sandshrew nodded and puffed itself up, strengthening its defence as it was told.

Here it comes... Kai said in his head, seeing that Snubbull was done powering up and was ready to attack, getting its ice fang ready as it charged head-on.

"Sandshrew, use sand attack!" Kai yelled, getting his Sandshrew to toss up dirt at the last second, giving the Snubbull no time to counter or avoid the attack this time.

Snubbull got a face full of dust and dirt, causing it to close its eyes and miss its attack, crying out in frustration.

"Its over, Snubbull! Sandshrew, use poison sting!" Kai shouted, knowing that this attack would finish the fight.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew yelled as it thrust one final poison sting into Snubbull's back, knocking it to the ground and calming victory over their battle.

"Go, Pokeball!" Kai yelled, throwing the empty Pokeball at the downed Snubbull, watching as it hit the Pokemon, bouncing off it before sucking it in.

"One... Two..." Kai counted, watching as the ball rolled and flashed, signalling that the Pokemon inside was still fighting its capture.

"Three!" Kai gave a final yell, jumping into the air as the Pokeball clicked shut, giving the signal that the capture was complete.

"We did it! We really did it, Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, running over to his Sandshrew before he picked it up in joy.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew also cried, feeling happy over its victory and Kai's joy.

However, both of their excitement was cut short as the small sound of the suffering Rattata caught their attention.

"Oh, thats right," Kai said, letting Sandshrew hop down from his arms onto the floor.

Kai walked over toward the Rattata, seeing that it had been hurt by the poison attack, and looked like it was in bad shape.

"Oh no, what should we do?" Kai said, looking at Sandshrew.

"Shrew, Shrew, Shrew," Sandshrew said, seeming to point to one of the Pokeballs Kai had in his jacket pocket.

"You want me to catch it, eh?" Kai said, getting the idea.

"I guess your right little guy, that's the only way I can think to help it out right now." Kai then said, deciding it was for the best as he pulled out another of his free Pokeballs and tapped it on the downed Rattata, not feeling any resistance from it.

"Got ya," Kai said, feeling bad for the little guy as he looked at the Pokeball.

"Don't you worry though, Rattata we will look after you." Kai said, guessing that it would most likely die if he had left it.

Kai stood back up to his full height, realising that it was getting really late now, not giving them much time to set up a camp.

"Oh crap, that battle lasted way longer than I thought it would," Kai said, taking a look around the area before he spotted what looked like a good shelter spot under a tree.

That looks good. He thought, knowing they didn't really have much choice.

"Come on Sandshrew, let's get set up before it gets dark," Kai said, getting an agreeing nod from Sandshrew.

The two of them headed over to the tree, checking it out for any wild Pokemon that might be nearby.

"Looks clear to me," Kai said, placing his backpack down so that he could unpack the small tent he had bought.

Thankfully the salesmen had shown him how to use it, telling him that it was a simple pop up and down one-man tent, very easy to use.

"Of course, he would say that, he sells them for a living!" Kai said, somehow struggling to get the bloody thing to stand up.

"Ah screw it, that will do." Kai then said, seeing that he could still get in it for shelter if he needed.

"Next we had better get a fire going," Kai said, knowing that once it got dark it would get much colder.

Thankfully he had been able to get a small campers starter kit, including a fire lighter he could use to make sparks. Making it much easier to get a fire going rather than rubbing some sticks together.

"Sandshrew, you go and find us some firewood, can you do that?" Kai asked, waiting to see what Sandshrew said.

"Shrew." It said, nodding its head before heading off to start collecting sticks that it could carry.

"That's my little guy," Kai said, impressed that his Sandshrew was so smart.

Kai tried to fiddle with his tent once more, finally figuring out what he had done wrong, getting the tent to stand up as it should after a moment.

"I did it!" Kai yelled, feeling impressed with himself this time.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew then said, having returned with a good amount of firewood, placing it down onto the ground in front of the tent.

"Great job, Sandshrew," Kai said, patting him on the head.

Kai made a small space for the fire to go, making sure that it wouldn't spread to anything and cause a large fire.

Using his fire starter it didn't take long to get a flame going, quickly turning it into a proper fire as he placed more and more wood onto it.

"Look at us, making it look easy," Kai said, placing his arms on his hips taking in the sight of his handy work.

"With that all done, we can finally eat!" Kai then said, getting an excited reaction from his Sandshrew before his own stomach started growling.

"Time to chow down!"


Going to end this chapter here, I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading, let me know what you would like to happen next in the comments!

Also please check out my new story. Kobold's ascension to dragon lord!

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