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Chapter 11: Chapter 11

26th May, 1999

Brendan's POV

Near Port Adams, Gotham

Now that we were done with the entry part, we could move on to the next part.

" S.T.A.R Labs building has 30 floors, and each floor has at least 3 labs" I say.

Marcus then asks " That amounts to at least 90 labs in the building unless you have 86 more guys that you are hiding I don't think we are gonna be able to get all the data and since we are just 4 guys we need to be insanely accurate with where we hit and that's going to require insider information, and how are we even going to access the data, it's S.T.A.R labs that we are gonna infiltrate, they are going to have at least biometric security on top of already other measures to protect their data, so what are our options?"

"We don't need more guys or any inside information as of this point because we aren't going to enter any labs themselves. Our main Target is in the two floors below ground level." I point to another part of the blueprint take out a copy of S.T.A.R science journal magazine open it and show a particular article to everyone "This is the OMEC-3500U, state of the art supercomputer developed by S.T.A.R labs in 1996, every S.T.A.R labs facility has one of these in their basements. These supercomputers have exaflop-level processing power and petabytes of RAM, they should almost hold all the data stored in the entire facility if we gain access to this supercomputer, we won't need to break in any of the labs and we will get the entire data with no one being none the wiser."

" It doesn't seem as easy as you are making it to appear bossman, assuming we just need to access the lower level, the security must be incredibly tight considering everything is being stored there, and as you said earlier our entry point is going to be the disposal bay which is exactly at the opposite end of the building as compared to the basement and even if we gain access to the entire thing and can get inside the basement, how are you going to access the data, there must be some sort of biometric lock or some other stuff to prevent people like us taking a peek and what is the big guy going to do after disabling the back-up generators, he ain't exactly very stealthy looking is he now ?" retorted Val

I feared this happening, if you put a bunch of smart guys and an alligator man in a room, the bickering was always going to happen but if Shocker's experience was anything to go by it was a good thing. You'd rather have a couple of guys pointing out the holes in your plan rather than some idiot yes men going along with everything you say.

I leaned back against a dusty crate, folding my arms across my chest as I listened to Val's concerns. The dim light in the abandoned warehouse cast shadows on my face.

"Val, you're not wrong," I admitted, my gaze shifting from Val to Marcus and then to Killer Croc, who loomed in the background like a silent sentinel. "We're dealing with STAR Labs, not some mom-and-pop shop. Security is going to be top-notch but the benefit of dealing of S.T.A.R Labs is that they think of the human element as risky and easily manipulative and that's why the entire security of the lower levels is automated that means no guys that we need to knock out or remove from the scene to gain access, we just have to disable the security system"

He paused, considering the points raised. "First things first, our entry through the disposal bay. Marcus, I need you to use your... electrocution skills to disable any electronic locks or alarms once we get there, That's your expertise. Val, this is the point we are going to need your hypnosis skill. The information I have collected tells me that access to the building is reserved for only two people in the building, ones the director of the lab, Martin Vidovich, and the second is lead scientist of the weapons division Simon Atkinson, but just so it happens a lab on the second floor caught fire a month and burned a lot of the first two floors and ground floor so the Boss of the architectural department of Newson's and Friedmann design and construction Firm, Mr. Erik Estrada has been hired to renovate the first 10 floors and that involves the ground floor that has the point of access to the lower levels"

Val's eyes widened and I continued" Yeah ever since he destroyed your life, your old boss has been getting swanky projects like this all over Gotham and we are going to use him and his access to the building to destroy him, his reputation, and credibility and get what we need at the same time., I need you to hypnotize Estrada so that he can open up the entrance to the basement."

By the time I was done speaking, Val looked like a kid on a Christmas morning, he then said" You know what bossman, I think your plan is the best plan I have ever heard."

I then turned my attention to the issue of data access. "You're right about the biometric lock. That's where Marcus comes in," I said, Pointing towards Marcus. "S.T.A.R labs still use your family's security system, so can you use it to bypass the biometric lock and other security protocols?

Marcus thinks for a minute and a half and then replies " I think I can do it"

Now, addressing the matter of Killer Croc's less-than-subtle presence, I grinned. "Big guy, you're as much I want to involve you too with going inside the lower level there's something much more suitable for you to do," I point to another part of the map that shows the sewage tunnel near the backup generator room and say " When you are doing shutting down the backup generator by using some small range EMPs made by Marcus you are going to get back in the sewage tunnel and head to the opposite direction in it, that will take you towards this large shaft, it's the ventilation shaft for the supercomputer, and it runs parallel to the first lower level, we need you to stick the leftover small range EMPs to the entire wall to take out the security systems on it, only you can do it because the shaft gets super-hot air that's liable to burn me, Marcus or Val, can I count on you for it Big fella?"

He just nods in affirmation.

I glanced at each member of the makeshift team, emphasizing the significance of their roles. "This isn't going to be a walk in the park. We're up against some serious tech, and we can't afford to underestimate them. But each of you brings something unique to the table, and that's why I believe we can pull this off. Any more questions or concerns?"

Marcus looks at me and asks "You haven't told us when will be doing all this, what is the date? "

"4th of July" Is my answerTop of Form


1st July, 1999

Velvet Viper, Downtown Gotham

Brendan's POV

In the heart of Gotham's nocturnal sprawl, the Velvet Viper, a haven for the city's shadow-dwellers, stood like a testament to the indulgence that thrived under the cloak of darkness. Tonight, I was providing security at this den of decadence.

As the doors swung open, the atmosphere inside greeted me with a heady mix of cigar smoke and muted jazz. Red velvet curtains draped from the ceiling, casting an almost ethereal glow upon the patrons and their clandestine dealings. Each corner held a story, a clandestine negotiation, or an illicit rendezvous whispered between hands of poker.

I, Brendan, clad in a suit that merged seamlessly with the shadows, stepped into the buzzing chaos. The clientele was a motley crew — impeccably dressed gentlemen sharing the space with characters ripped from the pages of noir novels. My gaze swept over the roulette tables, card games in progress, and the occasional jingle of slot machines that punctuated the constant hum of conversations.

My initial challenge came in the form of a disgruntled gambler. Convinced that the deck was a puppet to some unseen force, he was ready to make a scene on the casino floor. A quick, practiced glance and a few well-chosen words, and the issue was abated. But the tension lingered, a coiled spring of potential chaos.

Yet, this atmosphere wasn't exclusive to the tables alone. The lounge singer on the stage, her voice a sultry echo from a bygone era, struggled to be heard over the murmur of clandestine dealings. I exchanged nods with the bouncers, each a mountain of muscle radiating a subtle menace — silent reminders that beneath the glitz, danger prowled.

The first hours slid by seamlessly, marked by the clinks of chips and the shuffle of cards. Challenges arose in the form of cheaters, masters of sleight of hand, and crafty glances. My watchful eyes caught every sly move. A pickpocket slinking through the crowd presented another adversary, thwarted with a stern look and a discreet warning.

As the night deepened, a shift occurred. The evening crowd, adorned in glimmering gowns and tailored suits, morphed into a more eclectic mix. Night owls, those who thrived on the adrenaline of risk, slithered into the scene. Each table told a different story — tales of fortunes gained and lost, of dreams kindled and abruptly extinguished.

The plan I had cooked up with Marcus, Val, and Waylon was going through its starting stages, Marcus was preparing the electronics to shut the cameras, and Waylon was making use of the homeless people who lived under his security in the sewers to continuously stake out the S.T.A.R labs building and Val well, he was posing as a gambler for the next part of the plan.

The Velvet Viper buzzed with the muted symphony of slot machines and the low murmur of conversation. Standing near the entrance to the central hall, I kept my eyes fixed on the entrance. Val shared my intent gaze. Tonight was the night we'd draw Erik Estrada, the unwitting gatekeeper to S.T.A.R. Labs' secrets, into our web of deception.

Val made himself scarce lest he be discovered and headed towards the back room.

As the door chimed, signaling his arrival, I straightened up. Estrada, the epitome of a prosperous businessman, stepped into the casino. My practiced smile greeted him. " Welcome to the Velvet Viper. May lady luck grace you today"

He paid me no mind and walked inside flanked by a lady by his side.

Little did he know that the stage for this encounter was set just a few days ago, a memory of a silent night, slipping a carefully crafted coupon into his mailbox. A coupon promising an evening of free food and discount on certain tables — too tempting for a man like him to resist.

Navigating through the maze of tables, he arrived at a roulette table. I discreetly signaled the dealer, a girl whom I sweet-talked the whole week and who was willing to do me a Favor. The ball danced on the wheel, numbers a blur. The allure of chance surrounded Estrada as he took a seat.

His luck, however, was no chance at all.

Watching from the shadows, a few hours passed and I observed as the dealer signaled to the security team. Soon, a guard approached Estrada, stern-faced. "Mr. Estrada, if you could come with us. We have reason to believe there might be a mistake at the table."

Confusion etched across Estrada's face as he followed the guard. The guards took him to room and sat him across a table and left the room.

Inside, I entered and assumed the role of interrogator. "Mr. Estrada, our surveillance team has raised concerns. It seems you've been exceptionally lucky tonight."

Estrada, unaware of the orchestrated nature of his luck, was sweating bullets and stammered, "I was just playing normally."

My gaze hardened. "our dealer doubts it. We need to ensure everything is above board. Your reputation is on the line."

Val entered the room behind Estrada and suddenly clapped his hands near Estrada's ear. His movements were subtle, his words calculated as he spoke in the ear of Estrada slowly. "Erik, focus on my voice. You're here to prove yourself, to show that you're not just lucky, but in control."

Under the sway of Val's hypnotic suggestion, Estrada nodded slowly. I continued the charade. "We believe in fair play here, Mr. Estrada. We want to offer you a chance to prove that your success isn't just chance."

Estrada's eyes became dull and he repeated " I want to prove myself to be innocent"

"You will do everything this voice says" and Estrada continued after me.


Finally, my shift concluded. Stepping out into the chilly embrace of Gotham's night, the sounds of the Velvet Viper faded behind me. The streetlights created pools of yellow in the mist, casting long shadows. One of the bouncers came and told me that Luigi was calling for me in his office.

I went up the stairs to the top floor where his office was located and knocked on the door, I was let in shortly after and was greeted by the sight of Luigi, his arm still in a sling sitting behind a mahogany desk, a low lamp casting a glow on his weathered face. He addressed me" Good evening, Brendan, I hope your new job is treating you well".

It was always nice talking to Luigi, unlike a lot of people in the Falcone crime family he knew how to hold a civil conversation and was always polite to everyone, guess if you are truly powerful you don't need to project it.

"It's been good so far, just a usual drunk or guys thinking they can beat the house at their own game" I replied

Luigi Chuckled and replied" It wouldn't be Gotham if someone didn't try to cheat every day, I would continue with the small talk but you should sit I am afraid we have more pressing things to talk about"

I took a seat across from him, the leather croaked under my weight.

"What's on your mind boss?"

"The Boys told me that you were up to something with a customer tonight" he spoke, his demeanor becoming serious and tone slightly accusatory.

"It was nothing major bo-" He raised his hand stopping me mid-sentence.

"I don't care if it was something major or minor, personal or business, you want to run schemes outside the time that you are here, you are free to do so but when you are in here you work for us and us alone, no personal vendetta or schemes, do I make myself clear ?" he made himself plenty clear.

"Crystal Boss" I reply

" Now let's discuss the thing I called you here for" he took out a manila folder from his desk and slid it towards me" While I was sitting at my home and recuperating I asked for a background check on you since I wanted to make sure that you weren't mole working for someone else, and the report finally came back yesterday"

Sudden anxiety gripped me, I started wondering if there was something shady or something from old Brandon's life that could get me in trouble when Luigi spoke again "Thankfully for you everything related to you came back clean but your family on the other hand not so much"

He leaned in a little closer and asked me " Brendon do you know how your father died ?"

" Yeah he was caught in the crossfire in a shootout between some Maroni's boys and the cops when he was coming back from work late at night," I say hesitantly, not liking the direction of this conversation at all.

"I am afraid that's not true son, my sources inside the GCPD tell a different story, A hitman working for Maroni named Dominic Marconi killed your father and bribed a detective named Arnold Flass to cover it up as a shootout" His tone now was solemn.

As I was taking it all in old Brendan whose influence was never really felt to me like that of shockers suddenly started feeling like it was waking up and the only emotion it was emitting was that of pure unbridled rage.


A/N: The plan's going down at 4th of July, everyone's work is divided, Various parts of the plan are already being worked upon, and their is revelation about the death of Old brandon's father's, so how did you like this chapter, was it good, bad or something in the middle, do let me know, if you'd like to recommed a particular comics plotline that you want explored in the story you can do that too I'll have a look at it and add it if it works, see you at the next chapter

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