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Chapter 23: Share Transfer

As the first light of the morning sun began to break, Sam stirred awake.

A quick shower later, he found his father in the kitchen, cradling a cup of steaming tea between his hands.

Sam drew in a deep breath, taking in the familiar scent of his dad's brew.

"Dad," he began, an edge of uncertainty in his voice, "I need to make a trip to Town B today. There's a lawyer there who I need to see. I'd like you to come with me, if you're okay with that."

Still absorbed in the fragrant aroma of his morning tea, Ryan looked up at Sam.

His brows furrowed together in concern as he registered his son's words.

"A lawyer?" He questioned, his voice revealing a mix of curiosity and worry. "Everything alright, Sam?"

Sam assured him with a nod, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Yeah, Dad, everything's fine. Just a few things I need to sort out," he said, not wanting to burden his father with the details.

Ryan, although surprised, trusted his son and agreed to accompany him.

Knowing the town better than the back of his hand, Ryan suggested they seek help from his long-time friend, a reliable lawyer based in Town B.

The suggestion brought comfort to Sam.

The decision to take the bike for the journey was quickly made, it was a familiar vehicle and an easy choice, plus it would give them a chance to enjoy the cool morning air.

Sam had always been good with bikes, having learned to ride one in his early teenage years.

It was a skill he'd never forgotten, even after all those years away from the village.

"You okay with the backseat, Dad?" Sam asked, patting the backseat of the bike.

Ryan chuckled, adjusting his position on the seat, "It's been a while since I sat back and enjoyed the ride, son. Let's hit the road."

Their journey to Town B began, the morning sun illuminating the path ahead. Sam kick-started the bike, his father comfortably seated behind him.

The journey to Town B was a peaceful one, with the gentle hum of the bike and the wind rushing past them as they traveled the familiar route.

Upon reaching their destination, they found themselves standing in front of a charming brick building that housed the lawyer's office.

Sam, after a moment of hesitation, decided to go in alone at first.

Ryan gave him a nod of understanding and chose to wait outside, leaning against the bike as he watched his son disappear into the building.

Inside, Sam was greeted by a warm office space where the lawyer, Mr. Sullivan, sat behind a wide desk cluttered with stacks of documents.

He extended a hand toward Sam, greeting him with a friendly smile.

Sam took a deep breath, firmly shaking Mr. Sullivan's hand before explaining his intentions.

He was there to transfer 30% of the shares of his company, Orion Enterprises, to his parents.

At the mention of Orion Enterprises, Mr. Sullivan's eyes widened in surprise.

He had heard about the company and its recent rise in the IT sector.

Still, the revelation that the young man standing before him was its owner was a shock.

Nevertheless, he quickly regained his composure and began preparing the necessary documents.

As Mr. Sullivan got the paperwork ready, Sam couldn't help but feel a swell of emotions.

He was about to significantly change his life and his parents' lives. He wanted to ensure they were secure and could live a comfortable life.

Once the documents were prepared, he thanked Mr. Sullivan and stepped out of the office to call his father in.

As Ryan entered the office, he saw his son and the lawyer, a stack of official-looking documents placed neatly on the table between them.

Sam passed one set of documents to his father and gestured toward the dotted lines at the bottom, "Dad, I need you to sign these documents."

Ryan looked down at the documents, his eyes scanning over the legal jargon and terms that comprised most of the text.

His eyes widened in surprise as he realized they were documents for a share transfer.

"Share transfer? To your mother and me?" He turned to Sam, confusion evident in his eyes. "Sam, what's this all about?"

Seeing the surprise etched on his father's face, Sam gave him a reassuring smile.

"Dad, I promise I'll explain everything in a bit. Right now, I just need you to trust me and sign these papers, okay?"

Ryan hesitated momentarily, glancing between his son's earnest expression and the documents in his hand.

Then, with a deep breath, he picked up the pen and signed the agreement.

With the signing done, they made their way out of the lawyer's office; the weight of the signed documents reminded them of the momentous decision they'd just made.

The sun shone a little brighter, the sky was a shade bluer, and the world felt somewhat different.

However, before they could return to the bike, Ryan turned to Sam, confusion evident in his eyes.

"Sam," he began, his voice unsure. "You need to explain. Is Orion Enterprises really yours?"

His father's question, though not unexpected, caught Sam a bit off guard.

But, it was time for honesty.

He took a deep breath, looked into his father's questioning eyes, and nodded.

"Yes, Dad, Orion Enterprises is my company."

A myriad of emotions crossed his father's face - surprise, confusion, and finally, a growing pride.

Ryan remembered reading about Orion Enterprises in the newspapers.

The company was doing well, growing at an impressive rate.

However, the fact that his son, who was not the most studious or academically inclined, was the mastermind behind this success was astonishing.

His heart swelled with pride, even as his mind struggled to piece together this new information.

Gathering his thoughts, Ryan turned to Sam again, asking about the company's financial status.

"What's the company's valuation, Sam?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Sam sighed softly, a faint smile playing on his lips as he looked at his father.

"Dad, our sales are reaching a billion dollars," he admitted, watching his father's eyes widen in disbelief.

The enormity of the figure was not lost on Ryan.

He quickly understood the weight of the shares he'd just been gifted.

An instinctive concern kicked in, and he stammered, "Sam . . . this is . . . I mean, you should keep it. It's too much."

But Sam was adamant.

He reassured his father, explaining that his decision was not a whimsical one.

He wanted his parents to retire and enjoy life without any financial worries.

"Dad, I want you and Mom to have these shares. You've done so much for me; I want you to be secure and comfortable. Plus, you won't have to get involved in running the company unless you want to."

The sincerity in Sam's voice was enough for Ryan.

He knew his son had matured and made a life for himself.

As a father, he couldn't help but feel proud.

While he was still grappling with the surprising turn of events, he understood one thing clearly - his son had grown into a caring, responsible man, and that was all that mattered.

With the conversation about Orion Enterprises and its shares put on pause, Sam guided his father toward their next stop.

As the town's rustic scenery whizzed by, they eventually pulled up at T-Autos, the only car dealership in Town B.

The shiny cars displayed under bright lights looked starkly different from the quaint, simple lives they had been living.

"Dad, let's pick out some cars for us," Sam suggested, excitement bubbling in his voice.

Ryan looked at him, surprised, "Cars? Son, we don't need . . ."

But Sam cut him off gently, "Dad, you've been riding that old bike for years now. Plus, we'll need more comfortable transport. And . . . " he added hesitatingly, "You're not getting any younger, you know."

Ryan looked at Sam, his initial surprise softening into acceptance.

Yes, they could afford it now.

And yes, perhaps a car would be safer and more comfortable than the bike they had relied on for years.

He allowed a small smile, "Alright, Sam, let's see what they have."

The car-buying process was a new experience for both of them.

After much discussion, they tested various models, and Sam chose a sleek sedan for himself and a spacious, comfortable SUV for his father.

Despite Ryan's protests that he didn't need such a large vehicle, Sam reasoned it would be practical.

After the paperwork was done, they were informed that the cars would be delivered the next day.

Sam looked at his father and suggested, "Dad, why don't you head back home? I've got a few more things to take care of in Town B, and then I plan to head to City S."

Ryan, a little tired but elated with the day's surprising events, agreed.

As he watched his father disappear into the distance, Sam was left standing there, a newfound determination burning in his heart.

There was so much more to do, so many more lives to touch, and he was ready.

He took a deep breath, looking ahead at the path that awaited him, eager to embrace the changes and challenges with open arms.

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