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Chapter 2: New Companion!

As Hayato completes his transformation, he leaps into action, engaging in a fierce battle against the pack of wolves. Empowered with enhanced strength and agility, he effortlessly overwhelms the wolves with swift strikes and precise maneuvers.

One wolf remains standing, noticeably different from the rest. It bears a scar over its left eye and possesses a larger physique. Surprisingly, the wolf can speak.

Wolf: "How dare you, human! Invading our forest, our territory!"

Hayato, surprised by the talking wolf, retorts, blaming them for initiating the attack.

Hayato: "You attacked me first! I'm just defending myself!"

Infuriated, the wolf lets out a furious howl, causing its body to grow larger and more menacing. In a blink of an eye, it strikes at Hayato, but thanks to his sturdy armor, he remains unscathed.

Overwhelmed by the wolf's agile movements, Hayato gets pushed back, struggling to regain his footing. Luna's guidance echoes in his mind, urging him to reach for the left holster and retrieve the Silver EnigMod.

Without hesitation, Hayato grabs the Silver EnigMod and inserts it into the left slot of the EnigDriver. In an instant, a majestic sword materializes in his hands, known as EniGalibur.

Luna instructs Hayato to use Enigma Vision once again, and his vision shifts into the altered state. This time, the wolf's movements appear slower, allowing Hayato to anticipate and counter its attacks.

With his newfound weapon and enhanced abilities, Hayato manages to defeat the remaining wolves, bringing an end to the intense battle.

As the dust settles, Hayato stands amidst the defeated pack, unsure of what to do next with the wolf bodies strewn around him.

Hayato, feeling perplexed, decides to revert his transformation, storing the EnigDriver safely within his Item Box ability.

In the midst of his confusion, Hayato's stomach grumbles loudly, reminding him of his hunger. He rummages through his bag and finds the snack bars he packed earlier. With an empty stomach, he devours them all, but they are not enough to satisfy his hunger.

Luna, sensing his predicament, suggests an unconventional solution.

Luna: "Hayato, if you're still hungry, you could you know the wolves. There might be meat that you can cook."

Hayato hesitates, uncertain about consuming wolf meat.

Hayato: "I've never eaten wolf meat before. Isn't it strange?"

The hunger gnawing at him gets the better of his reluctance, and he reluctantly agrees.

Luna: "If you need a knife, try inserting the Silver EnigMod into your phone's slot and choose Knife Option in the EnigApp. It should materialize a suitable one."

Hayato follows Luna's advice and inserts the Silver EnigMod into his phone. Within few tap on his phone, a medium-sized, sturdy knife materializes in his hand.

With the knife in hand, Hayato begins the task of dissecting one of the wolf bodies. He skillfully removes the meat, collects the hides, and preserves the bones, storing them all within his Item Box ability. He also decides to keep the rest of the wolf bodies intact for now.

After gathering some wood, Hayato manages to create a small fire. He takes a few chunks of meat, cuts them into smaller pieces, and skewers them, placing them over the fire to grill.

As the aroma of the grilled meat fills the air, Hayato's impatience grows. With a grumbled stomach, he waits patiently, watching as the meat slowly cooks.

Finally, the meat is cooked enough for Hayato to take a bite. However, a bitter expression appears on his face as he tastes it.

Hayato: "Ugh, despite the delicious aroma, the taste is awful. But I have no other choice."

Determined to satisfy his hunger, Hayato forces himself to eat the grilled meat. Once finished, he extinguishes the fire and sets off to find a way to escape the forest, his stomach finally satiated for the time being.

Hayato feeling exhausted after a long walk through the forest, decides to use his Enigma Vision in hopes of finding a way to escape. However, to his dismay, it doesn't seem to work in this situation.

Hayato: "What? Why isn't the Enigma Vision working now?"

As Hayato's weariness grows, Luna tells him about the Platinum EnigMod's ability to materialize a vehicle. She explains that he can insert it into his phone and choose the Vehicle option in the EnigApp.

Hayato, frustrated, expresses his annoyance with Luna.

Hayato: "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

Luna, sulking, retorts back.

Luna: "Well, you never asked! How was I supposed to know you wanted a vehicle?!"

Despite the tension, Hayato realizes arguing won't get him anywhere. He takes a deep breath, retrieves the Platinum EnigMod, inserts it into his phone, and selects the Vehicle option in the EnigApp.

In an instant, a sleek black motorbike with silver accents materializes before him.

Hayato mounting the bike, revs the engine and continues his venture through the forest, the vehicle providing much-needed speed and efficiency.

As he rides further, Hayato notices a young girl surrounded by a strange humanoid creature he has never seen before. Without hesitation, he races his bike toward the creature, aiming to strike it and free the girl from danger.

The creature is pushed back, giving Hayato a moment to assess the situation. He uses Appraisal on the creature and learns it's called a Gloomling.

The girl, surprised by Hayato's swift action and bewildered by his mysterious mount, remains scared but curious.

The girl: "Who... who are you? What is that thing?"

Hayato urges the girl to hop on the back of the bike, assuring her safety.

Hayato: "Quickly, hop on! We need to get out of here!"

However, she hesitates, uncertain of this sudden turn of events.

Without warning, Hayato reaches out and grabs the girl's hand, seizing the opportunity to protect her. He races his bike once again, skillfully maneuvering through the creatures and escaping their clutches.

As they ride, the sky gradually grows dark, the onset of night approaching rapidly.

Hayato realizes they need to find a safe spot. He decides to stop, making sure they are far away from immediate danger.

Hayato: "We should stop here for now. It's getting dark, and we need to stay safe."

Mia, the girl, thanks Hayato for his bravery and introduces herself.

Mia: "Thank you... I'm Mia. I don't know what's happening, but you saved me."

Hayato, with a reassuring smile, ensures Mia's safety and comfort.

Hayato: "Don't worry, Mia. I'll protect you. Let's gather some wood and make a fire before the night gets any darker."

As they gather enough wood, Hayato reaches into his bag and retrieves a lighter. He ignites it, and the flames dance before them.

Mia, intrigued and puzzled, speaks up.

Mia: "I don't sense any magic from that thing, yet it can create fire. How is that possible?"

Hayato takes a moment to explain the concept of a lighter to Mia as they sit by the crackling fire.

Hayato: "Well, it's not magic. It's a lighter that uses a chemical reaction to produce a flame."

While conversing, Hayato notices that Mia's ears look different—they appear longer and pointier, much like the elves he has seen in anime back on Earth. He gathers the courage to ask her about it.

Hayato: "Mia, are you... an elf?"

Mia nods lightly, confirming Hayato's observation.

Curiosity driving him, Hayato continues to inquire about Mia's circumstances—why she was surrounded by the Gloomlings and why she was alone in the forest.

Mia explains how she was banished from her village due to a cursed mark on her hand. Fearing danger, the village elders decided to cast her out. Lost and without a purpose, she found herself inadvertently surrounded by the Gloomlings.

As they converse, Mia's stomach begins to growl, betraying her hunger.

Hayato notices and asks if she is hungry. At first, Mia denies it, but her stomach's persistent protests reveal the truth.

Hayato discreetly retrieves some meat from his item box, disguised as if it were from his bag. He doesn't mention his ability to store items within it.

Mia is surprised when she sees a small bag carrying such a large amount of meat.

Recalling what he knows from anime, where elves abstain from eating meat, Hayato cautiously asks if she eats it.

Mia shakes her head in response.

Hayato, understanding her reluctance, tells Mia to wait as he searches for edible plants nearby.

Using Appraisal to survey his surroundings, Hayato discovers a few edible mushrooms and fruits. He returns with his findings.

Hayato: "I found some mushrooms that we can grill. Are they suitable for you?"

Mia nods lightly, appreciative of Hayato's effort.

Hayato skewers some meat and mushrooms, allowing them to cook over the fire. As they wait, their conversation continues.

Hayato takes the opportunity to explain that he comes from another world, Earth, which surprises Mia. Even though she has witnessed uncommon objects in this world, such as the motorbike and lighter, the idea of another realm astonishes her.

Hayato extends an offer for Mia to join him on his journey to find a way back to his world. Though hesitant, Mia realizes that wandering aimlessly and being chased by the Gloomlings is not a preferable alternative.

A little while later, the food is ready. Hayato hands the grilled mushrooms to Mia and keeps the grilled meat for himself.

As they take their first bites, Hayato's face reveals a bitter expression, mirroring the taste of the wolves' meat. Concerned, Mia offers her grilled mushroom to him.

Hayato declines, assuring Mia that it's simply the taste that he finds unpleasant but manageable.

After finishing their meal, Hayato suggests that Mia rest while he keeps watch during the night.

Mia hesitates, suggesting that they take turns watching instead.

Hayato reassures her.

Hayato: "You need the rest, Mia. I'll keep watch. Don't worry."

Reluctantly, Mia agrees, feeling the fatigue settling in. As she drifts off to sleep, Hayato requests that Luna watch over the night and alert him if anything approaches.

At first, Luna refuses, but ultimately, her empathy for Hayato's situation wins over, and she allows him to rest.

The night passes without incident, and a new day dawns upon Hayato and Mia as they continue their journey through the mysterious world of Rith'mar. The story unfolds further, their bond growing stronger with each step they take.

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This chapter concludes with the tranquility of the night and the quiet understanding between Hayato, Mia, and Luna as they embark on a journey of companionship, searching for answers and a way back to Hayato's world, all while navigating the dangers and mysteries that lie ahead.


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