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Chapter 7: Ruby Swordwick

Why did I feel like an evil mastermind? Maybe the effect of the body was influencing me somewhat.

I wonder when my soul and body will harmonise.

If it continued like this, insanity will be the least of our problems. At least the 'Alex' in me knew fear.

Compared to all that, Gar was doing his best to be as irresponsible and reckless as he could with that elf.

Maybe it was time for a wake up call.

But before I could do any of that, I decided to use my infinite time 'awake' to start altering the plot.

The main incident that caused Gar's downfall was the due to the 'hostage' of the Swordwick Lineage.

Her death was the start of his reckoning.

Thus, even if it meant Gar would go through some troubles, I had to do my best in keeping her alive.

The first step towards realising that plan... was trying to figure out the limitations of my existence.

Since the conscious mind would notice circulation of Dark Mana through their body, I needed a different medium to execute my Dark Origin powers. The best replacement for my body ended up being real close.

I decided to move my consciousness back to the room I'd left. Throwing away my own dignity.

Having no choice but to experience what was going on in there while prying my concentration away.

The sound of moans could be heard from the room in front of me even moments before entering.

When my ego approached closer, I saw two figures.

One of them was Gar, and the other that elf.

The blonde elf girl peacefully sat on Gar's lap even when his legs were down off the bed. Pushing her.

She ended to having no place to sit besides his waist.

"Thank you for taking care of me." Gar spoke to the girl on his waist intimately while holding her up.

Making sure the elf girl didn't fall down by putting his arms around her waist. Near her bound arms.

One hand propped her up, and the other started roaming around her body while taking in her scent.

He complimented her luscious skin. Taintless even when covered in sweat and stroked by his fingers.

She reacted innocently the hand propping her went up to her neck and brought her face closer to him.

His calm eyes looked at the helpless woman squirming on his lap. Her movements shook his rod.

Causing her to writhe and twist even more.

There was a sense of rhythm to their movement upon each breath. His hands stroking each place.

The ropes that bound her. The bits of clothes left that hid nothing, but still stimulated her body.

Her hair brushed against the back of his hand when he moved her back and forth. Teasing the slutty woman that was constantly trying to shove her tongue into his mouth. A blush across her face.

"Master, thank you for filling up my dirty pussy. I am so thankful." She spoke while looking down.

Likely feeling the sperm being plugged into her womb by a cock squeezed by her vaginal folds.

Gar seemed better at this than I'd initially expected.

He wasn't like an animal, but more a master that knew when to torture and when to reward her body.

The addicted look on her face said everything.

It was a scene so erotic only because of how 'normal' the situation was. Maybe I'd misjudged them.

There seemed to be a clear give and take in their relationship. Even if it was based on servant-master.

As a man with experience, I knew every guy had it easy when it came to jerking off and 'feeling good'.

To drive a girl nuts, on the other hand, requires a significant amount of attention and sacrifice.

Rather than constantly rubbing her insides with his meat stick, he was controlling the pace accurately.

Sometimes pushing in roughly to stimulate her precious spots, and other times erotically fondling.

Switching between sex and setting the mood.

One didn't need candles and a meal to set the right atmosphere for sexual thoughts. Only foreplay.

Sharing meaningful fantasies and desires.

The want to touch and be touched by another.

The excitement that lead to a plateau of lustful thoughts... which eventually ends in an orgasm and resolution of the mind's sex drive. It looked like Gar was doing his best to not burn her out, yet still give her enough stimulation to bring her to an orgasm.

After having a good look at 'myself', I decided to just take what I came for instead of being distracted.

The longer I watched, the more my senses were being clouded by the sadistic pleasure of Gar felt.

Feeling both adrenaline and push of eroticism.

My hand headed towards the drenched area in front of them. Where the woman's orgasm wet the floor.

'Dark Mana', which originated from his shadow, was infused into the shadow itself instead of his body.

It allowed me to circulate energy to materialise myself into existence. A small clump of darkness grew from the ground, but the duo were too immersed in sexual pleasures to see my arrival.

I didn't allow these new techniques to be recorded by the System. After all, he might figure me out my independent ego too soon. Learning that there was an alternate personality lurking behind his mind.

As I didn't have his talent, the only thing I could do was force my manifestation using his limitless Mana.

The reason he was considered an 'S Rank'.

I wasn't sure due to the lack of concrete descriptions in the novels about the ranks above this, but the S Rank belonged to deities. It was an amount of magic energy that constantly replenished instead of increasing. The strength no larger than an A Rank.

That's to say that the only real difference between an A Rank and S Rank was regeneration of used Mana.

It made it so Gar didn't notice me using his power regardless of how much I stole to materialise myself.

Allowing me to fully immerse myself in mastering this new power that originated from this world.

From what I could tell, even though magical power was generated by the body, the 'Attribute' of the magic came from reality. You could say that without darkness, there would be no 'Dark Attribute' users.

If I thought about it like this, then it was something I should keep it mind. Mornings were my weakness.

A being born from darkness wouldn't be able to hide or use their powers to their full extent in daytime.

As I moved my astral body created from shadows, I slowly manifested parts of myself into this new form.

Maybe my mastery was low, but all I could do for now was exist as a smoke-like entity in darkness.

A cluster of Dark Mana particles in the air.

"H-hello..." I tried to mimic vocal chords, and had succeeded in vibrating air to create a voice.

In a dark corner, I practiced this ability until being satisfied by the results. One part was really difficult.

Because Gar was having fun time with our body, I felt stronger stimulation the more I materialised.

...What was with their stamina?

A part of me felt like doing things later. At least until he stopped his fun time... but I knew better.

Chances mustn't be wasted.

It was hard to tell how long it'd take before a genius in Dark Mana like Gar noticed me. If he figured me out too soon, then he might somehow erase my memories as a 'foreign influence'. Destroying me.

I couldn't let 'Alex Stuman' die like this.

This part of myself wasn't going to act passively.

That's why I ignored the sensations of pleasure and pain to my phantom crotch. Going after my target.

I headed towards the servant quarters from before.

My mind was twisting from acting on these particular conditions. It felt like my personality was fading. However, I was too engrossed in my worries to care about the changes happening to my heart.

The breakdown of my mentality.

It might be simple pleasure for Gar, but I had never experienced this much libido in my past life.

The agony of feeling the urge to masturbate but no way to release that sexual frustration was killing me.

My 'shadow' staggered while heading that direction.






He figured me out. Prince Velud figured out that I poisoned him, but didn't he care about how I did it?

Does he know I made some deals with the other royals to dispose of him? How much did he know?

The anxiety was killing me...

Thanks to Milly, I was able to find a place to sleep for tonight... but I wondered how that would last.

The complexity of politics and power were difficult.

I could defend myself, but I was worried what would happen to Milly. If Velud had killed me, then what?

Maybe I shouldn't have tried to poison him, but the deed was done. What now? Was I supposed to die?

I couldn't fight the Prince. Legally, he was my husband... but that was only a chain binding me.

No... Wait... Maybe I was HIS binding.

Prince Velud didn't need me.

He had sworn his marriage vows in front of the reigning Emperor and Queens, but didn't feel the need to do anything promised. I was a political tool to bring my household and this empire together...

This destiny I'd accepted.

However, when push came to shove, my arranged partner wouldn't even treat me like a human being.

He... violated me without thought.

Putting his hands on me simply because we were newlyweds. Disregarding anything I felt.

He treated me like a whore instead of a wife. Telling me what to do. Neglecting me when I needed him.

I didn't regret trying to kill him.

My only regret was that the only light in this hellish palace, Milly, would suffer because of my actions.

What was I supposed to do?

I watched as the carefree girl with cat ears slept next to me. Cutely waving her tail in her sleep.

It looked like I could confidently call myself a cat person at this point. Milly was terrifyingly cute.

"Hey, you want some help?" A voice sounded in my ear, and I noticed a figure in the corner of the room.

Without hesitation, I jumped out of the bed despite only wearing underwear and took a combat stance.

Rays of Light Magic condensed. Mana materialised into a white blade in my hand. I had armed myself.

But the light from the radiant blade of energy couldn't reveal anything more than a silhouette.

What... was this strange creature?

Fear started to overcome me.

I wanted to scream, but the stress had long since numbed my throat. Unable to make a peep.

A part of me steeled my mind as a Swordwick.

Papa always said that we of the grand lineage left by the Sword Emperor needed to always be brave.

To never lose our courage.

I shouldn't fall like this. No... Have faith in the family technique. The mighty power of my sword!

"Really? That's all you got? I thought the Swordwick Household was a place that raised monstrous specialists. You don't seem that talented." There was disdain in the tone. An old and mature voice.

I decided to attack first.

The sword flew out of my hand and struck the silhouette dead-on. I sighed in relief momentarily.

But my body stiffened when the shadow ignored the sword piercing it and approached me regardless.

"S-stop...!" I could barely stutter while controlling the astral blade manually. Waving the flying sword.

The bright sword of energy cut through the figure multiple times, but couldn't even scratch it.

The closer this thing got, the more I realised that this wasn't even a 'person'... but a monster of darkness.

A silhouette with no flesh.

'Is that shadow moving...?' This thought floating in my head made me believe that this was an illusion.

Something conjured by an enemy.

But the more it spoke, the more I felt this wasn't something born from my imagination. It was... real.

"Don't bother with that. I only have business with you, so should we take this outside?" The shadow gestured to Milly, and I had no choice but to consider that option. What if it attacked her?

Having no other choice, I followed that shadowy silhouette outside with the resolve to fight.

One step... Two steps...

When I made my way outside while holding the sword that returned to my hand, the shadowy silhouette laughed at me. It didn't seem to regard me as a threat. Acting like it could kill me effortlessly.

"Relax. I'm not here to hurt you or your friend. In fact, I'd like you to live the longest you can. So you can get dressed. Don't overreact." The figure opened up to me, but I couldn't believe those words easily.

I had no idea what this creature even was, but it spoke in human tongue and mimicked a person.

"Are you a Doppelgänger?" I'd read up on enough knowledge to know the closest related monster.

"Close. Not quite there yet." He shook his head.


"Look. I'm here to help YOU. It's not like you deserve any answers when all you're going to do is enjoy my assistance." Even though his tone was harsh and frigid, I somehow felt more relieved.

I consider myself someone who could tell when others were hiding malice, and he seemed nice.

Not holding any malicious thoughts at all.

But still, I should probably tell Velud.

"Where are you moving? Oh, there? Your husband is currently fucking an elf right now. If you want to see that, then sure... go back to that room." My feet stopped in place when the shadow spoke like that.

As if it was mocking me at every opportunity.

I wanted to believe everything he was saying was a lie to torment me. That he was sent to mess with me.

A plot by other princes and princesses.

I moved closer to my and Prince Velud's room, only to hear strange sounds that proved me wrong.

"Ahh~ Ahhh~ I love you so much, Master. Please fill me with love. Violate me. Bully me." A familiar elven woman, who I knew as the head guard of the seventh prince, my husband, wasn't even hiding her lust.

Moaning like a slut in my husband's arms.

...The sword in my hand simply vanished. My face was blue out of the anger I felt towards this filth.

This scum that threatened me about not even being seen with another guy, but had an affair openly.

He didn't even lock the door when doing this.

Maybe he knew someone would come, and didn't care if anyone saw them mingling with each other.

"Didn't I warn you?" Rather than answering that question, I moved away from the door without even bothering to look inside. The shadow followed behind me as if haunting me, but I was in no mood.

All my fears were replaced with fury.

The seething anger flowing through me made my eyes more rational. Willing to make deals easily.

Even if it was with demons from hell himself.

"What do you want?" I asked him sharply.

The shadowy silhouette approached closer the more I seemed unbothered. The closer I looked, the more-

Wait, didn't his shape seem similar to Prince Velud?

"Do you need help?" Rather than answering my question, he asked this question like a true demon.

I wasn't about to fall for his lies.

"No. Now disappear and die." I didn't like the way it was looking at me. That gaze that sized up my body.

Like looking at a product.

"Don't be like that~! I want us to grow closer, and the first step is by being honest." He leered at me.

Those shadowy hands brushed against my exposed waist. Looking at my half-naked figure like a beast.

I felt its existence for the first time.

"Don't you touch me...!" I'd had enough playing on a man's whims. Ready to illuminate the entire area.

Whether it was a doppelgänger or not, this creature was likely something that could only exist in shade.

The only way to kill it was by radiating my Light Mana. Blasting away the shadows that gave it life.

"You were abandoned by your father to this vicious empire, weren't you?" His words became sly.

Even though I knew this strange creature was riling me up, I couldn't ignore those lies it spout so easily.

"He never did that!" I spoke with conviction.

My father was a good man. He'd never abandon his own blood like that. I was his daughter. He wouldn't-

"You know... I wonder if you really believe that. Or is it a coping mechanism? You understand why he'd abandon you, right?" Rather than listening to him blathering nonsense, I cut him down with my sword.

An astral projection of light became by blade.

Still, it didn't do anything to the creature.

Just as I was about to destroy him by remembering my earlier scheme, he interrupted with his words:

"'Astral Swords'... It's an Intrinsic Technique taught to every member of your lineage. Despite having reached the entry level at age four, you haven't been able to go past the entry level for fifteen years. Does that make you a genius or an idiot?" Maybe one of the princes could have told him my powers, but...

The fact that I'd reached the Entry Level of Astral Swords at a young age was only known by father.

Even the servants of my household never knew how I'd progressed with my training in Astral Swords.

Did that mean he'd stalked me for a long time?

"Admit it. Even if your that little baby sister of yours is ordinary, she'd have more talent than you ever could. Can the First Level's 120 Astral Swords compare to your puny single blade?" My legs became weak when accurately pointing out my insecurities.

He knew me too well...

I had to admit it. This creature was right. Papa abandoned me for my sister. I could never leave.

He'd never come to pick me up. Even if I divorced.

The rest of my life had to be lived under the thumb of my husband. Living life by his whims like a tool.

And one day being discarded...

"Don't cry." The shadow wiped the tear that fell down my cheek: "I'm here to help you."

The hope inside me was dying. I had no strength to believe that this strange creature could help me.

I should just die...

"Don't sink into depression yet. If you give up now, I see no future for that girl you were with earlier." The moment I was reminded of Milly, the strength of willpower to continue to struggle returned to me.

I became more aware of this creature's manipulative nature and cunning, but didn't despise it.

If this thing could help, I'll gladly sell my soul.

"What do you want me to do? How do you want to be paid? Gold, or..." I noticed his 'hands' touching me.

"I promise. With me by your side, the entire kingdom will fall to your feet. Even that wicked husband openly having an affair." With that, the hands suddenly disappeared and vanished swiftly.

I wasn't sure what this creature was thinking. The current me didn't feel like letting my husband off.

If he was going to cheat so easily, why should I stay chaste? Even if this was a demon, I'd let it touch me.

I felt its presence following me back to Milly's room.

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