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38.23% In The Heaven We Trust / Chapter 12: The Depth Of Heaven

Chapter 12: The Depth Of Heaven

Luo Chen waited for The Emperor Of Heaven to continue his story. He had much to learn, as previously, the depth of Heaven left him in deep awe.

However there was some difference in his mental state right now. Right now his mental state was calm, like a waveless sea, it wasn't pressured by the hard cold reality represented by the vastness of The Heaven.

"I calmed your mental state by managing your emotions. It would be troublesome if you collapse just like that when you start to comprehend the vastness of Heaven. He He, This is naturally the case if you reacted so much for so little." The Emperor Of Heaven amused by Luo Chen doubts, answered him.

"I understand, then tell me about the depth of Heaven" Luo Chen asked him, now that he wasn't in a bad state of mind was curious of just how vast is the world.

"Very good, then listen carefully since this will be vital to your future cultivation" The Emperor Of Heaven spoke in a serious tone.

Luo Chen nodded.

"The third phase of the rank 8 mythical creature is the final phase that belongs to that rank, once you surpass this level you will transcend into the Heaven's layer and become a rank 9 mythical creature, the highest rank in cultivation.

The name of this phase is Dao Vision realm, it is the phase of the gods, and also where you will get a good grasp on the cosmology and attain the the power of Heaven.

The minimum requirement is that you need to reach the transcended level in your mastery over the True Heaven Fusion Scriptures and your strength must surpass the boundless level and reach the layers into boundless into the tiering system so that you can grasp the true aspect of your cosmology.

Once you do that you must surpass these obstacles gradually and pave the path of your cosmology into a coordinated manner, otherwise the labyrinth of the abyss will have your body, soul, fate, cultivation, and everything that is about you, believe me, don't underestimate labyrinth of the abyss, this is an lesser aspect of heaven, you may even need to use absolute fate to escape it, do you understand."

"Yes sir, I will take the labyrinth of the abyss very seriously." Luo Chen responded, his gaze was unwavering.

"Good, then let's continue.

Going up the scale, there's infinite layers into boundless, immeasurable layers into boundless, inaccessible layers into boundless, irrelevant layers into boundless, type 4 multiverse that is amplified by mathematical set theory and also includes Extended Modal Realism is at the peak of tiering system. It's one of the highest level in irrelevant layers into boundless.

"Then once we go even higher into the mathematical scale, we have the Reinhardt and Berkeley cardinals who are not consistent with the axiom of choice, and breaks the fundamental axioms of mathematics they are above the tiering system, going up there will always be a greater cardinal than the previous one until you reach the limit of mathematical scale. Most of them are have yet to be discovered by the humans from your former world. You can continue like this step by step, optimizing your cosmology with each step you take, and surpassing the initial mathematics is the requirement to move from the 0 layer into the world of the effect to the first layer into the world of the effect."

"Remember that at the beginning the most important thing is to surpass the level of essence that can be manipulated by the administrator. Managing this will give you an ample mastery over the essence, and you will be able to cultivate freely without needing to worry to much about the labyrinth of the abyss."

"The next step you need to take is to introduce philosophical layers that are above the mathematical scale. Once you reach this point you are already at the irrelevant layers above the tiering system, this is the highest level that we can calculate using the basics of scaling, as anything above that is irrelevant when using this method."

"What are philosophical layers, well it can be many things, metafictional scale, infinite hierarchy, transcending mathematical scale infinitely, being the writer and absolute being of your story. To tell you simply is any form of feat that can be achieved using essence, some are greater than others."

"If you description of your philosophical layer is greater and has more inpact on power, then your power will be greater as well.

If you want to go higher than your initial philosophical scale then you can add greater mathematical scale with greater layers into it, some of these things are mathematics with the base of infinity or higher, mathematics with greater structures such that each structure from it, even the lowest will already transcend the mathematical scale of your initial mathematics. Even higher is the term that we will call higher mathematics."

"The higher mathematics is the mathematics that will transcend both of your initial mathematics, any greater mathematical scale that can be created using philosophical scale, or any form of philosophical scale that supports a part of the labyrinth of the abyss that exists only within it's own philosophical scale and it's definition."

"To be honest simply reaching the maximum potential of these 3 concepts that are below the higher mathematics is already at a lower level than the shadow of a micro steps if we calculate the power of a cosmology with the use of essence."

"In other words this level of essence is considered less than the level of essence generated by the shadow of a microstep, while transcending into higher mathematics is equal to the shadow of a microstep."

"To make further progress on the scale of the cosmology, you need to increase the usage of your essence to a higher level and claim more shadow microsteps. As for these shadow microsteps, it's very easy to attain them, just repeat what I said about the maximum potential of those 3 definitions with the only difference is that your higher mathematical can be viewed as initial mathematics and and even higher mathematics than your originally higher mathematics, so much that in front of it, the higher mathematics is not much different from the initial mathematics. In this regard to reach a shadow microstep one must transcend higher mathematics as layers, each layer can make the previous higher mathematics be as insignificant as initial mathematics in front of it. Never forget that these 3 definitions of your current level of higher mathematics, philosophical mathematics in your current level of higher mathematics and philosophical layers exist in each shadow microstep and one can use any philosophy layer to increase his power endlessly but they will still be inferior to the next level of higher mathematical because the nature of this thing transcend your so called endlessly power."

Luo Chen continued to listen to this madness without any reaction so far. He was calm and collected. He knew that the Emperor Of Heaven had already tampered with his emotions, otherwise if he had to treat this nonsense seriously, even if it was cultivation he would become completely insane.

"The next part is important. I will explain how you can fall victim to the labyrinth of the abyss and how to avoid it's traps."

Luo Chen nodded and readied himself to memorse what needed to be memorised.

"As we continue to use essence and take shadow microsteps one by one you need to know just how many of them you can take.

1,2,3..., infinite, aleph 1, aleph 2... aleph infinite, inacessible cardinal, mahlo cardinal, woodin cardinal, supercompact, rank into rank, Berkeley cardinal, highest structure into initial mathematics, highest structure into philosophical mathematics, philosophical layers, higher mathematics also known as the first shadow microstept. He He did you observed something interesting?"

"Look the amount of steps that you need to take will overlap themselves, forming a higher structure. This things will continue on and on until you won't know where to end it.

Let's continue with it so you can get a good understanding of it and not be tricked when you create your cosmology path for real.

2 shadow microsteps amount of shadow microsteps, 3 shadow microsteps amount of shadow microsteps, 4, 5... infinite, aleph 1... highest structure into initial mathematics... until you get to the shadow microstep of shadow microstep amount of shadow microsteps you can call this grade 2 shadow microstep amount of shadow microsteps or in simpler terms let's just call it grade 2."

"This scale can go endlessly, like grade 3, 4... infinite... shadow microsteps, the grade 2 amount of grades. Of course this is still nothing, what about reaching grade 2 of grade 2 of grades of amount of grades?

What about grade 2 of grade 2 of grade 2 of amount of grades? Should we call grade 2 amount of grades a supergrade, then grade 2 of grade 2 of grades of amount of grades a supergrade 2, then so on.

If we continue on this hierarchy we will have hyperspace amount of shadow microsteps which transcends supergrade the same way supergrades transcends grades, the kilograms, then megagrade, then gigagrade, then teragrade

... and so on and so on endlessly."

"Don't forget that all of this endlessly increase amount of shadow microsteps described previously can still be considered a philosophical concept that is easily reached by the essence or the labyrinth of the abyss that is thanks to the power generated by the essence, some philosophical concepts are higher than others. In other words, some infinities are higher than other infinities. To understand it clearly, we can scale even higher into the amount of shadow microsteps. Higher philosophical amount of shadow microsteps which transcends the philosophical amount of shadow microsteps to the point of where the philosophical amount of shadow microsteps can't interact with it. Don't forget that the description of grade hierarchy we talked about previously is the philosophical amount of shadow microsteps."

"We can also go endlessly into this 'higher philosophical amount of shadow microsteps' so there's no point to continue, just know that it's huge.

All of the described terms are included into the labyrinth of the abyss and even inside the fraction of the labyrinth of the abyss that corresponds with all the higher philosophical definitions. This fraction of the labyrinth of the abyss transcends any hierarchy of philosophical definition you can imagine, even things like 'so high above the philosophical scale that no matter the philosophical scale you imagine or describe it will always be inferior to it whether is logical, possible, impossible, illogical, and unimaginable as well, or even the possibility of transcending it's own philosophical scale with other philosophical layers endlessly 'remember that this definition is still inferior to the fraction of the abyss of the labyrinth which is inferior to a shadow tiny step, according to the power generated by the essence.

As for why this is possible, it's because the very descriptions of 'possible, impossible, logical ,illogical, unimaginable, and transcending it's own philosophical layer' are still philosophical terms with their own level, in other words they can be transcended as well making their argument of highest with no more transcendence above it null."

"In regards to that the definition of the labyrinth of the abyss is that 'if a concept of power can be obtained, no matter how logical, illogical, possible, impossible, unimaginable or undescribable it will always be encompassed by the labyrinth of the abyss', in other words, before that level of power can be obtained by you, first it's obtained by the abyss of the labyrinth then you. In simpler words your administrative rights over that concept of power is always weaker than the administrative rights that the abyss of the labyrinth has over it. The nature of this definition is very depressing because this encompasses the whole definition of power, if you use essence or a philosophical concept that is in a higher layer than what I said about the labyrinth of the abyss, then a higher layered labyrinth of the abyss will appear and obtain that level of power before you obtain it, it's layers never end and encompasses everything that is below the heaven layer. For beings like you, no matter how much power you obtain the abyss is always higher.

"As for essence, you can consider it like a ladder that will help you climb inside the labyrinth. It goes like this. If I higher level can be obtained using any definition whether it's logical, illogical, possible or impossible, or they transcend themselves beyond the reach of this very definition, they can still be reached and transcended in an instant by the essence as it encompasses everything under the heaven, exactly like the labyrinth of the abyss.

"Now to understand the parts of the labyrinth of the abyss. This is very simple it's just a fraction of it, the same way that blue and yellow are a fraction from the concept of colors.

For the parts, in strength the weaker ones are below shadow microsteps or even initial mathematics while the more powerful one surpass the huge step, the lower world cosmology administrator, the hierarchy of lower world cosmologies and higher world cosmologies, and almost everything below the layer of heaven."

"As for how you can get stuck into the labyrinth of the abyss is to have a weak cosmological path when traversing it. In your endeavors for power, you will continue to transcend the labyrinth step by step without a proper road. You will get stuck at the philosophical layers and you won't be able to advance as every time you advance, a higher philosophical layer will stand before you. You will eventually lose your mind in this madness, lose your cosmological road then fall into the darkness of the abyss forever."

"Well this should explain a good amount of the depth and also goes with my intentions on guiding you throught the cultivation path so to keep it in simpler terms.

Once you reach the highest level possible with the definition of the labyrinth of the abyss taken into consideration, reaching an even further step than this description will be equivalent to a shadow tiny step. Repeat this hierarchy similarly to reach a shadow small step, then do so again until you reach an shadow step. He He there's an interesting thing about the normal steps that makes it different from the smaller counterparts, why don't you try finding it yourself?"

Luo Chen took notice of the difference between smaller steps and normal steps and nodded.

"Then there's shadow large steps, shadow giant steps, shadow huge steps, and lastly shadow final step and again the huge and final step are special, you will definitely find it interesting when you find out their true nature.

"Okay" responded Luo Chen.

"The definition of a higher step than a shadow perfect step is 'the lowest possible structure of the lowest essence mathematics that reaches the end of the labyrinth of the abyss that it's at the level of the first microstep without any additional philosophical upgrades to the layer of the labyrinth' this is equal to the first microstep, then the hierarchy of the shadow steps described previously can be repeated between each microsteps. Remember that you can take a step upwards for each higher level in the hierarchy of essence mathematics and each level transcends the previous level and the hierarchy of the shadow steps of that previous level unimaginably."

"What you need to do after that is to transcend to the highest level of essence mathematics that it's permitted within the highest layer that is lower than the first tiny step of the labyrinth of the abyss, this is equal to the first tiny step. When you reach this level, you are considered higher than the first layer into the world of effect, it's the weakest level at the second layer into the world of effect.

The hierarchy will continue with small steps which are higher than tiny steps, then steps which are higher than small steps.

Steps are the weakest level in the third layer of the world of effect.

Large steps which are higher than normal steps, the giant steps which are higher than large steps, then huge steps which are higher than giant step then the final step which is higher than huge steps.

And the last thing to do is to transcend the final step and reach a higher level into the 'lower world cosmology' hierarchy. Believe me when I tell you that surpassing your lower world cosmology is an act of defying heaven.

It really is that exaggerated, after all this hierarchy is maintained by the Heaven. Transcending it is the same as going against Heaven, who would be so crazy to transcend it.

Even the act of transcending it is impossible for a normal cultivator as they are not members of Heaven and have the necessary requirements is cultivation to transcend it. Even if someone were to suddenly become an administrator of it's own lower world cosmology instead of a lesser lower world cosmology, he could still not transcend his own lower world cosmology."

"Well that's it for the depths of the cosmology, did you had any fun listening to it?"

"Fun?" Luo Chen chuckled.

" I had more like an overwhelming felling of how great and powerful ants and bacteria are, if someone of such level were to call me that I would feel honored for life" Luo Chen said sarcastically.

"Then are you still willing to be a member of Heaven and embrace your path to cultivation

Mr. Author?"

"Of course my path with cultivation will never fade. Do you know the true horror of Heaven? It's not this stacking layers of bullshit, it's the unwavering horror of the mundane, the lifestyle of a slave who always listens to his superiors, makes compromises, never achieves anything of real value, and is never happy. This lifestyle took away everything from me, happiness, future, freedom and goals, I didn't have anything. Only obedience and misery, even if I did something it wouldn't change too much. After all the mundane won't have such a possibility, they are forever shadowed by the strongly established hierarchy of the few elites. Now you came. You gave me all the things I lacked. I lacked power, you gave me the chance to cultivate. I lacked happiness, you gave me the thrill of a cultivator. I lacked a great future, you gave me the chance to enrich myself. I lacked a goal, you gave me the chance to become immortal. And now, with all of this in consideration how should I repay you? By giving up because of some bully who it's too large for it's own good? I Chang Luo Chen will never do such a thing, may the Heaven be my witness as I will climb the scale and crush all of my competitors. On my path I will be supreme. That is my path, and I will not let even the Heaven to reject. I will always be a member, you don't need to worry about such complications."

After Luo Chen finished his speech, as a transparent fog appeared out of thin air and joined his body.

As to fit in with the grandness of this scene, a slow clap could be heard, it was The Emperor Of Heaven who clapped.

"wow, you actually used absolute fate despite the fact that you haven't even started with your cultivation. You truly are talented, perhaps you are the one.

"The one?" asked Luo Chen.

"You don't need to worry about it, even if i tell you, it won't change anything".


"Well since I'm done with my business here it's time for me to say goodbye. I will return your normal emotions so prepare yourself for an interesting development and don't forget to cultivate hard".

"Wait, if you return my emotions, won't I go mad from the scale of these things?" asked Luo Chen, altought he felt that he could handle it somehow, it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Don't be ridiculous. I will still keep some changes regarding on how you perceive that information. Haven't you got the time to get used to it slightly? Using some logic, you should be able to suppress it to a certain extent. I told you, you just need to focus on your cultivation, you don't need to worry about anything else."

"I understand, then goodbye, Emperor Of Heaven"

Luo Chen saluted him.

"Goodbye" The Emperor saluted back

He turned his back and whispered something, after getting his response he disappeared from the scene as his body evaporated into thin air.


Author note.

Ahh, I can't believe that I had to write all that bullshit, but it's the only way to show you how vast the Heaven's are.

This theme of the vastness of concepts will continue through the story and the depressive scale of power stimulates the cruelness of the heavens towards the helpless humans.

After all what I try to show in this novel will be the vastness and cruel of cultivation who takes on a rather realistic turn regarding cultivation. Think about it, if someone was at outverse or boundless level in power or could reach outverse or boundless level in power, would you a normal logical human with no power be happy about it? Or try to reach this level yourself and suppress the ones who have such a possibility. You don't need to think about it, you already know the answers.

Well see you next time.

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