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Chapter 13: London Chronicles : Meditation and Discovery

Raymond settled into a quiet corner of his room, seeking solace and clarity through meditation. The room was bathed in a gentle, soft light, creating an atmosphere of tranquility. With each inhale and exhale, he allowed his thoughts to dissipate, immersing himself in the stillness of the present moment.

As his breathing steadied, Raymond felt a peculiar sensation wash over him—a warmth that seemed to emanate from the very core of his being. It was as if he stood before an all-encompassing source of brilliance, akin to standing before the scorching rays of the sun. The intensity of this energy was overwhelming, yet it held a mesmerizing allure that compelled him to explore further.

With his eyes closed, Raymond delved deeper into his meditation, embracing the searing heat that enveloped his consciousness. As he ventured into this uncharted territory, he experienced a profound connection with the energy, feeling its pulsating power course through his veins.

Suddenly his consiusness was transported to a vast plane.

In a desolate and eerie landscape, a place exists where the boundaries between reality and the ethereal are blurred. Here, amidst the ruins of forgotten cities, stands a towering monument—a colossal black sun with red , yellow but most importantly golden magesty that dominates the sky. Its ominous and royal energy looms over the desolation, casting an otherworldly glow upon the decaying remnants of what appears to be past civilizations.

The black sun emanates an eerie radiance, its dark surface pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Arcs of lightning golden lightning crackle and dance around its circumference, reminiscent of the clashing forces of primal power. The air crackles with tension as the electrical discharges unleash a symphony of raw energy, illuminating the darkened ruins below with sporadic bursts of light that promises power , potential and mystery.

Among the ruins, remnants of grand structures stand as solemn witnesses to the passage of time. Once-thriving cities now lie in ruins, their former glory reduced to crumbling walls and fragmented archways. Nature reclaims the spaces between the shattered structures, intertwining with the echoes of forgotten tales and lost aspirations.

The juxtaposition of the black sun's intense energy and the desolation of the ruined cities creates a haunting spectacle. It is a place where the clash of energies and the decay of civilizations intertwine, symbolizing the cyclical nature of power, creation, and destruction.

The black sun's magnetic pull draws them closer, compelling them to bear witness to the clash of energies that unfold before their eyes. It is a place where the fabric of reality bends, where the power of the universe is laid bare in all its enigmatic grandeur.

As the lightning clashes and illuminates the ruins, a sense of both wonder and foreboding permeates the air. It is a reminder of the impermanence of existence, the fragility of empires, and the unyielding forces that shape the destiny of worlds. In the shadow of the black sun, a dance of light and darkness unfolds—a mesmerizing and treacherous spectacle that leaves an indelible mark on all who dare to witness its raw and haunting beauty.

'How beautifull' Raymond thought having in front of him a breath taking view after all he likes the image of the beauty among chaos

Raymond thought a little about what could signify all of this , where this plane is , what this energy could be

'How interesting , wait ...

If the sun is the energy in itself it´s appear to be locked by something maybe this black / blue thing

Then theres 2 energies clashing

How fascinating' thought raymond while taking walking closer to the unstable black and golden sun

"Maybe i could..." Said Raymond while extending his hand to the unstable hand

And a little solar flare went to raymond´s hand

As soon as the solar flare made contact with raymond it appears that it went to his body, changing him , make him stronger to wear more power later on. Raymond was feeling like a wave of warm was swiming withing him in his body

Or maybe it was just unlocking all of his body has to offer as let´s not forget he has 5 years old , if something is unlocked he can develop with time

'I could get used to this' Mused Raymond while very happy as he fells this process is making him more stronger

But soon, the intensity became too much for Raymond's fragile mortal vessel to bear. The overwhelming radiance threatened to consume him, testing the limits of his physical and spiritual endurance. It was a sensation akin to standing on the precipice of a scorching inferno, with the flames threatening to devour everything in their path.

Before thinking of going out he turned towards the unstable black/golden sun

When he realizes something , the sun was not a sun on itself, it was like an egg

Like a circular egg closely related to the sun in forms and characteristics but was not a sun, the black was like a prison to the egg impeding it´s escape

Suddenly he heard something akin to a bird and a monster sound, that was accompanied by a radiance

'Something is going to happen , i need to get out of here fast' Thought urgently Raymond

Recognizing the danger that lay within the blinding radiance, Raymond instinctively retreated, withdrawing his consciousness from its searing embrace. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead as he gradually reacquainted himself with the soothing embrace of his familiar surroundings.

As he opened his eyes, Raymond's gaze fell upon the room, now bathed in a softer, more subdued light. The memory of the overwhelming energy lingered within him, leaving an indelible imprint on his psyche. He understood that, for now, his race, his humanity could not withstand the unbridled power that had beckoned him. It was a humbling reminder of his own limitations and the need for caution in his exploration of the unknown.

In the aftermath of this encounter, Raymond felt a mixture of awe and reverence. He realized that the energy he had touched upon was not meant for him to fully harness, at least not yet. Its magnitude was beyond his current comprehension, like staring directly into the sun and feeling the heat scorch his soul.

With a newfound respect for the vast and enigmatic forces that surrounded him, Raymond resolved to tread carefully in his journey. He understood that the path ahead was fraught with peril and temptation, but he was determined to unlock the secrets of this mysterious energy and harness its power responsibly.

"How ... curious that experience was" Said raymond while trying to analise this experience

He thought about something, and then he tried to feel if anything was wrong after the contact

But surprisingly found out that he felt stronger than before more agile and smarter too

'How ... convenient , with this we could accelerate the training before shit hits the fan with blade training' Thought raymond while clenching his fist a little

' Tomorrow after training i should go to the med to examine me and show me what could have possibly change' Thought raymond after a bit of contenplation

'Haaah , how usefull it could be if i had denbe or kate, One friend and a pawn and the other a traitor , maybe just denbe,haaah i should sleep now as tomorrow will be a heavy day' Thought raymond tiredsly

Having encountered the blinding radiance and survived its overwhelming presence, Raymond returned to his bed to sleep and think about what happend with a newfound sense of purpose. He craved deeper insights into the mysteries that unfolded before him, eager to explore the vast realm of possibilities that lay beyond his grasp.

(Author : well i wanted to say for those who have been asking about the cheat this chapter is like a little spoiler of what is coming

On another thing i wanted to say something to those who write me that i write some things similar

First it is my first story and well i can make mistakes as i am human

Second i like describing things , i was inspired by an author of my country because of this and taking an inspiration from him i detailed things very much , but i think it also has his appeal when you are picturing a scene the more clear the scene the more real you feel, but anyways i will not change that , maybe town down a little but not change it

Third I had listened and i am trying to correct for example the determination issue as that word i believe has bother some by repetitive mentions , even i was surprise by how much i keep saying it , so i toned down that

Fourth i wanted to thank all of you that had been puting coments , reviews , powerstones and keeping the book of collections as it is my first story and for a long time i had this idea that i hadn´t had the bravery to write a ff so i wanted to say thank you and please continue to support the story

That is all and goodbye

Pd : I will write a chapter more i think pure adrenaline

Pd2: For wesley watch wanted if you want a spoiler related one of the mc future abilities)

Mr_Cuak Mr_Cuak

So yeah next chapter we will see what changed

What will be the two energies?

Will raymond have his own denbe in this reality?

What was that place , that raymond was transported?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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