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37.5% DxD:Lancer

Chapter 3: Ch 1


The sounds and sparks of metal clashing against each other were spread across what seemed to be an underground basement.Two warriors, fought one another. The battlefield though, was left scarred. Many craters littered the area.

All was then quiet for a change. The two fighters stopped. They now stood across each other. A young handsome young man with light silver hair and hazel eyes, the other young man, just as equally as handsome with dark blue eyes and spiky blonde hair.They looked around in their teenage. Both of them were as equally as beaten and scratched up.One covered in a white dragon armor ,the other holding a crimson trident, with only two points that spirals around in a double helix pattern,wearing a red uniform with black accents.

"How long are you gonna keep this up,Vali ?" The brown haired one asked.

"Until either one of us passes out or cant fight.Ren Hyoudou!!" The other one now named Vali said releasing several orbs of demonic aura.To which the Ren simply dodged them by jumping away from them just before the moment of impact.

Ren wiped the sweat from his forehead as he landed on the ground of the training room renovated into the basement of his house. He looked up to his opponent, who was hovering several feet in the air. Vali, clad in his Scale Mail, crossed his arms as he stared down at the Spearman.Ren smirked as he released an arc of Pure Demonic Energy towards Vali.

Caught with his guard down, Vali took most of the slash full to his chest, which sent him flying right into the ceiling. He quickly recovered, allowing himself to land as he returned his attention to his best friend, who was smirking.

Vali used his mecha-like wings to protect himself from the slash the Ren had delivered. He'd succeeded in blocking the attack, but not with grunting pain. Before he could return the attack, the spearman disappeared.

"Where did you go...?" Vali mumbled under his breath as he looked around the room, spending no more than an instant facing one direction. Immediately, he sense Ren's attack coming and turned full 180 degrees... Only to find nothing there. "Wha-" he was cut off when Ren jumped off the roof, and delivered a hit to the back of his head, sending him to the ground. Within a second, he'd jumped back up to his feet and turned to face his opponent, only to find nothing once again.

"Not fast enough~"Ren's voice, echoed through the room with a cackle.

As Ren appeared behind his friend, he lunged. Vali quickly reacted as his senses alerted him to the incoming sneak attack. He blocked the incoming strike, thinking it was a slash,but the spear suddenly extended,and delivered a wound to his side.The Devil hybrid howled in pain, which was ironic given the situation, as Ren's spear tore through his armor and into his flesh. The Spear was not to be taken lightly. Some legends say that the Spear True Triana is capable of piercing even the God and is meant to be the counter part to the True longinus.

Of course, that was just a legend.No one has been able to do that till now. And it's not an implausible situation either.The spear is nigh indestructible. Vali's Scale Mail, which was essentially armor formed from Albion's aura to replicate his own scales, didn't even come close to Albion's scales in his prime. They didn't stand a chance against a fighter such as Ren with a top class longinus True Triana. Not yet anyway.

The only saving grace was that Albion could repair the damage relatively quickly after he punched the spearman away and shot up to hover in the air, where he always had an advantage with Balance Breaker active.Ren quickly corrected himself as his opponent's punch sent him flying. The force sent him into the wall, but he broke the crash by sinking his claws into the wall, from both his hands and feet, with his head facing down. Snarling, he made to pounce towards his friend, when he was suddenly stopped by a loud call.

"Whoa, boys! Time out!" Azazel called out to the two of them as he walked into the training room.Ren and Vali shared a look before they both came down from their respective elevated positions. In small explosions of white,Vali dismissed his Balance Breakers, now clad in nothing but his training pants, so as to not get his clothes dirty, torn, or sweat-stained.

"What's up?"Ren asked nonchalantly, crossing his arms.

"This better be good." Vali huffed. He didn't like it when his spars were interrupted.

"It is," Azazel responded, uncharacteristically serious as he put his hands in his coat pocket. "Kokabiel's gone full rogue. He's attacking Kuoh Academy as we speak, waiting on the Gremory Peerage." He told the boys, who stiffened.Ren's eyes showed a rage that he rarely ever allowed on the surface of his being. "Both the Gremory Heiress and the Sitri Heiress have called on their elder siblings, but it'll be around an hour before either one of them arrives, for a multitude of reasons." He shook his head. "I need the two of you bring him back." He said simply.

Ren and Vali shared a look.

"So the canon has started"Ren silently thought.

Rias's Pov

Mere days after the engagement fiasco,two Exorcists arrive in her territory, with enough gall to suggest she might be working with a Rogue Fallen Angel, and insult her precious Bishop. Though she was not happy about such a thing, she wasn't hoping for what happened next. Her Knight appeared and challenged the two Exorcists. The resulting fight ending up with both her Pawn and her Knight thoroughly trashed by two Holy Sword wielders. Not a good evening. Especially since her Knight Strayed in all but name afterward.

Things got worse when her lovable idiot of a Pawn got her Rook and Sona's Pawn involved in a little plot to destroy the Excaliburs in the hopes of allowing Kiba to come back to her and her group. When she'd discovered said plot, she immediately transported over to where her Pawn was, only to neither hair nor hide of her Knight, or the two Exorcists. On the bright side, she thoroughly enjoyed punishing Issei for disobeying her like that. She could see why Akeno is so fascinated by S&M now.

Afterward, she'd gotten word from her familiar, whom she's sent out to look for Kiba. The small bat had found the incapacitated form of Irina, one of the aforementioned Exorcists, and Issei's childhood friend. She'd been beaten half to death and left there for dead, Kiba and Xenovia nowhere to be seen. She must have gotten separated from them. After getting Irina out of there, Rias, Sona, and their Peerages suddenly found themselves face to face with Kokabiel himself, who openly declared that he would be killing her, Sona, their servants, and destroying the whole town in the hopes of rekindling the war. And he'd be starting with their school.

Which brings her to her current situation; a battle against a Leader-class Fallen Angel.

Things started out well enough. Kokabiel summoned three Cerberus from the gates of Hades, something which was illegal, but they were dispatched easily enough when Kiba and Xenovia joined the fray. It also didn't hurt when she and Akeno got a large boost in power, courtesy of Issei's Boosted Gear Gift ability. The Cerberus didn't last long. The same could not be said of Kokabiel though. He deflected their Boosted attacks like a fly with a swatter. It was a massive bruise to her ego.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, the Arch Bishop of Genocide, the one who caused her Knight so much pain, revealed that he'd completed the fusion of four Excaliburs into one. Not only that, but a spell was put into play that would destroy the entire town within 20 minutes, which wouldn't be enough time for her brother and his forces to arrive. Fate was not being kind to her thus far. Even less so when Kokabiel gave that fused Excalibur to Freed Sellzen, the maniacal Priest who almost raped Asia a while back. He was a force to be reckoned with before, but now he was downright terrifying with four Holy Swords fused into one.

The battle got really emotional when Valper Galilei revealed the true reason why he'd slaughtered the children in the Holy Sword project. He removed the Holy Light gene that the children had and combined it into a crystallized form in the correct quantity, allowing him to use the crystals to create artificial Holy Sword wielders. She was horrified to find out that the Church used the same method. Despite the massive hypocrisy, at least they didn't kill the people who's gene they removed. Everyone present shed tears when Kiba's emotions brought out the souls of the children inside the crystal.

Her emotions turned to shock and awe when her Knight used the power of the crystal to not only hit Balance Breaker but to also defy the laws of nature and fuse two opposing elements together; Holy and Demonic powers, into his sword. Even for the Supernatural world, that was downright unnatural, and shouldn't be able to happen, but it did. Then the Exorcist Xenovia joined the fray and whipped out a legendary Holy Sword, Durandal. Together, she and Kiba were able to destroy Excalibur. Despite everything, Rias found the time to be happy for her Knight, who finally achieved he'd been dreaming of for so long.

After killing Valper, just as he was about to reveal something that sounded important, Kokabiel joined the battle officially and told Issei to build up as much power as he could, and transfer it to someone. Namely, Rias. Despite being minorly pissed off at being looked down on, she and Issei ultimately did so. The resulting Transfer sent her power through the roof, almost as great as her brother, the Satan Lucifer. Though the attack ultimately did nothing, to the chagrin of her ego, she did have Akeno standing by for a sneak attack. Kokabiel, in response, decided to be a dick and reveal Akeno's heritage to everyone present. Then he went so far as to insult her Peerage as a whole.

Then he dropped a bomb no one was ready for.

The death of the biblical God.

No one could have predicted something like that being revealed. Devils have feared the Wrath of God for generations, the Exorcists have followed His word just as long, and the Fallen have dreaded his vengeance for a long time. Suddenly it's revealed that he doesn't exist anymore? Unthinkable. Asia actually fainted when she heard this news. Not to mention the fact that His death is the only reason why something like the Holy-Demon sword could come into existence.

Issei, bless his heart, didn't let any of this deter him in his determination to defeat the Cadre. Rias' pride turned right to exasperation when the boy openly declared his intent to become a Harem King. He was almost swayed to Kokabiel's side when the Cadre offered him the opportunity to achieve his goal. Rias had to offer her own body to keep the boy focussed. She was usually quite comfortable with her body and sexuality, and with her growing feelings towards her cute Pawn, she was willing to do a little more around him. But the fact that she had to offer any sexual favor he asked for to keep him focussed... Yeah, that was more than a little annoying.

"The Red Dragon gets stronger when offered sexual favors from his Master!" Kokabiel let out a loud laugh as Issei managed to land a hard punch on his face. "I find this fascinating boy, very interesting!" He put on a bloodthirsty grin. Issei was about to go for another attack when something strange happened. Everybody heard a laugh.

"Him? Interesting? Seriously?" A new voice, which seemed to come from all around them, laughed in amusement.

Pov end

Suddenly, the barrier that was protecting the school from the view of the public shattered, making everyone present gasp in shock. Sona and her entire Peerage were keeping the barrier up, and they were all blasted back by the shockwave caused by the newcomer. As the barrier faded into nothing, everyone looked up at the night sky and saw a bright orb of crimson light flying down towards them. As the orb exploded into nothingness, it revealed a single form hovering in its place.

A young-looking man wearing a red uniform with black accents with True Triana in his hand.

"T-TTThere is no wayy!" Issei gasped, not thinking.

" Issei do you know him?" Rias demanded of her pawn, who squeaked.

"What is Azazel's hound doing here?" Kokabiel growled, making everyone present freeze.

"Azazel's..." Xenovia gasped.

"Hound..." Rias murmured as she saw her pawn turn paler then she has ever seen him be.

"Surely he's not here to rescue his pathetic sibling(cousin)?!" Kokabiel spat as Ren made his move. With speed beyond anyone's perception,Ren disappeared and then reappeared behind Kokabiel, slicing off two of the Cadre's wings. Kokabiel howled in pain as he felt his wing's muscles being sliced.

"What the hell's going on?" Issei exclaimed, utterly bewildered.

"I don't know, he's moving too fast." Kiba's eyes were wide.

"Your wings are like a filthy vulture's,"Ren spoke again, his tone dark. "Azazel's wings are much deeper... like the starless night sky." He commented.

"Bastard." Kokabiel spat out through his pain. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He demanded.

"Someone who's fallen lower than the ground doesn't really need wings, does he?" Ren asked calmly as he landed on the ground.

"I was told that you were getting a little out of control."Ren went on calmly, pointing his spear straight up towards the sky. "Azazel asked me to bring you back to HQ. Said to use whatever means necessary," he smirked as an immense amount of Demonic Energy began gathering around the spear.

"Disappear." The Azazel's hound let out in a whisper. As soon as the words left his mouth,he released a gigantic arc of Demonic Energy which mercilessly struck Kokabiel.

"AZAZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!" The Cadre howled in rage and pain as the arc of energy completely engulfed him, draining him all strength. The force from the strike sent several powerful shockwaves throughout the area. Most of the now-spectators actually fell over. Xenovia had to use Durandal to hold herself in place,Akeno caught Asia before she was sent flying and Rias had to support her pawn,who was clearly still shocked.

As the dust cleared, the remnants of the area where the attack had hit proved to be nothing more than a large crater, where Kokabiel, barely alive, lay unconscious in the center. Just as someone was about to say something, the Magic Square, charged with energy from the now-broken Excalibur, started to light up, signifying the imminent explosion.

"Oh no... the magic square!" Rias screeched in horror. "Everybody, we have to get out of here, now!" She commanded all who were present. Even Xenovia nodded. As they all ran towards the school exit, Rias noticed that the only one left behind was Issei, who was frozen in place. "Issei, we have to go, now!" The Gremory heiress screamed.

"Ren..." The pawn whispered under his breath.

"You just gonna hover there, or are you going to stop the spell?"Ren suddenly asked of the air. Before anyone could respond, a bright blue light shot down and landed on the ground, in the center of the magic square. Issei immediately stopped in the midst of his retreat and turned to face the one who'd landed. The blue light faded, revealing a young man, around 18, with silver hair and blue eyes. The thing drew his attention in the most, however, was the set of white mecha-like wings protruding from the newcomer's back.

"I'm shaking..." Issei whispered to himself as he noticed said shake. The newcomer raised his hand and focussed his power, making the blue crystalline membranes of his wings glow.


Everyone stopped as they heard the majestic voice yell. The power in the magic square going down was also equally shocking.


Again, the magic square's power was reduced. The imminent explosion didn't seem so imminent anymore.


And with one more use of the White Dragon's power, the magic square was reduced to nothing. Without enough power to sustain it, the magic faded away. The danger had passed.

"Cutting it a little close there, don't you think?"Ren raised his eyebrow as he approached his best friend.

"If I'd used Balance Breaker, I could have taken down Kokabiel and the magic square in seconds." Vali shot back in annoyance.

"As could I, but you lost the coin toss,"Ren smirked in response, making Vali roll his eyes.Ren turned his attention to his Kokabiel,who was at the center of the crater.He materialized a magic circle which engulfed Kokabiel.

"I have a few questions for the Stray Priest as well," Vali told the spearman,who nodded and used the same magic circle which engulfed Freed.

[Are you just going to ignore me, White One?] The voice of Ddraig sounded from Issei's gauntlet.

"The Dragon hand is speaking..." Rias whispered in shock.

[So you were awake, Red One.] Albion responded from Vali's wings.

[I've been awaiting our meeting since i awoke.] Ddraig mentioned calmly.

[As have I. Our impending battle is approaching.] Albion agreed, ignoring the three Devils.

[But, I do not sense the same hostility from you as before.] Ddraig pointed out.

[Nor do I. It seems we both have other things that interest us.] Albion said thoughtfully. [It changes nothing though.] He added.

[No it does not. We are still fated to fight.] Ddraig agreed.

[It is inevitable.] Albion went on ominously.

"REN!"Issei suddenly stomped forward.


As i defeated Kokabiel,I looked back to see my spectators, they all looked at me with wide eyes, especially Ise.

I walked toward my partner while ignoring the looks given by the Devils.

"Well then let's go. Our missions is over." As I teleported away with the Vali following me, someone screamed.

"REN!" It was Ise.

"What did Kokabiel mean by Azazel's hound??Who the hell is the other guy?! And Why didn't you say any thing till now??!" He screamed his questions while I looked at him calmly.

"He meant I work for Grigori.This guy is my partner Vali The White Dragon Emperor your rival.And I didn't feel the need to." With that, I left as he felled on his knees.

"Wait... I still have other-" "We will see each other sooner than you will think. So wait until then." I said over his words.

"Before you can understand, you will need more power," Vali told his arch-rival, a hand on his hip. "Become stronger my rival, our battle draws nearer every day." He said. Without another word, he extended his mecha-like wings and shot into the sky with me teleporting away with magic.

Pov end

Whistling a cheerful tune,Ren strolled through the fields of the netherworld. His tune did not match the dreary, dead, barren wasteland he walked through. There were trees everywhere, dead, leafless. Small animal skeletons were scattered everywhere, and as he got closer and closer to his destination, Alex felt a cold chill in the air getting stronger. He stopped when he found himself at the edge of a river.

It was not a typical river. The edges had strange blue flames across the edges, and some over the water. The water itself was strange as well. It had cold steam spewing from it, and instead of large rocks in the water, there were large chunks of ice. The strangest part was the bright, icy blue color of the water. It almost had a glow to it. Smiling sadistically,Ren snapped his fingers, and a figure was tossed out of a magic circle.

"Gah!" Kokabiel grunted as he hit the ground.

"Hello, Kokabiel." The defeated Cadre heard a familiar voice. Through blurry eyes, he looked up and saw his defeater, smirking down on him.

"Ren..." Kokabiel growled. He tried to get up, but his muscles ached too much.

"You done fucked up,"Ren said simply. "You should have know that Azazel wouldn't allow for another war." He crossed his arms.

"Bastard..." Kokabiel grunted through his pain. His back was particularly painful.Before he could do anything the Cadre was tossed into the river.

"Damn yooooou!" Kokabiel howled as he flew through the air and into the literally icy water.Ren dusted his hands off with a satisfied smirk.

"Shoulda done that years ago." He let out a hum. Suddenly, the image of his Cousinshocked face flashed through his head, which he shook. Seeing his cousin in person again after so long had an effect on him. It brought out emotions that he was repressing for the past decade.

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