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Chapter 66: I Love You

--- Ais' POV --

How did I do that?

The answer eluded me still, but one thing was certain—I had achieved something remarkable.

My swordsmanship had improved, honed to a sharpness that surpassed my previous capabilities. Yet, as impressive as my progress was, it paled in comparison to what I had experienced in the depths of the Dungeon...


Day by day, I had grown accustomed to Ren's presence in my life. We trained together, faced challenges together, and I found genuine joy in our shared moments. I had come to rely on his presence, unconsciously believing nothing could harm him.

That illusion shattered before my eyes.

His skin, once invincible, now succumbed effortlessly to the force of Divinity. The color drained from his complexion, replaced by an ashen pallor that spoke volumes of the severity of his injury.

Blood flowed from his shoulder, a steady stream that seemed eager to drain his life force.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl, the World around me fading into insignificance as I beheld this shocking scene. A surge of emotions swirled within me, a potent mixture of anger and...fear, of losing him.

But amidst this storm of feelings, a profound calmness settled upon me. It was as if a switch had been flicked, granting me a serene clarity that belied the chaos unfolding before me.

Without a display of ferocity or the need for words, I knew deep within me that I had reached a state of perfect equilibrium. My emotions were tempered and channeled into a focused resolve, a calm but unyielding determination to protect what I held dear.

It was a familiar yet different feeling, one that I had felt many times before when remembering my parents. At that time, I was powerless to protect them, consumed by my own weakness. But now, things were different. I had grown stronger and gained the skills to defend those dear to me.

As I came to my senses shortly after dealing with the God, I found myself held in Ren's embrace. It was a comforting embrace, a reassurance that I had managed to protect him, to shield him from harm.

Had anything happened to him, I feared I would have fallen into a desperate cycle of relentless training and hunting, seeking the strength to avenge both him and my parents...

Such thoughts clouded my mind as I fell unconscious...


No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't recreate that state of mind.

I lamented inwardly.

"You shouldn't allow your thoughts to cloud your judgment in battle, Ais!"

The wooden sword struck my waist with a force that sent me sprawling backward.

Coughing, I regained my footing as I looked up at Ren.

In the early days of our training, each strike from Ren would leave me winded and struggling. But now, they no longer overwhelmed me as much. My body had grown stronger, my reflexes sharper. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy.

There was a part of me that yearned for more. I craved the ability to tap into that state at will, harness its full potential and push myself to greater heights.

If only I could unleash that consistently, I could demand more of him, and challenge him to match my newfound strength.

But for now, I had to accept the limitations of my own abilities. The journey to mastery was a gradual one, filled with setbacks and moments of frustration. I couldn't expect to reach my full potential overnight.

As I stood before Ren, determination welled up within me. Yes, I may not have attained the level of power I desired, but I was far from defeated. With each training session, I would inch closer to my goals, honing my skills and pushing my boundaries...


As our training session drew to a close, I found myself in the familiar position, resting my head on Ren's lap. It had become a routine, one that I had grown accustomed to over time. Initially, it filled me with embarrassment and confusion, questioning just how shameless he could be. But now, I almost craved the warmth and comfort it offered.

Observing his face from this vantage point, I couldn't help but feel fondness welling up within me.

Lost in the depths of his cyan irises, I felt my face flush as our gazes locked. Instead of averting my eyes, I held his gaze, a silent challenge passing between us. It was a brief, yet intimate moment, where words were unnecessary.

The memories of that day when I saw him teeter on the brink of death flashed through my mind once again, and the realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. I had been so consumed by my desire for vengeance, my singular focus on avenging my parents, that I had denied and suppressed my own feelings. But how could I continue to deny what was growing within me?

If I one day died, I would surely regret it.

Gripping his shirt tightly, I brought his face closer to mine. We were now closer than we had ever been before, our breaths mingling in the small space between us. My heart raced, my cheeks flushed, but none of that mattered at this moment.

"I... I don't want to be vague anymore," I whispered, my voice filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability.

Memories flooded my mind—The dates filled with laughter and joy. I recalled the exhilaration of seating in the sky, Ren's audacious stunts leaving me breathless with a mix of excitement and admiration. I remembered the tenderness in his actions, meticulously cleaning away specks of dust to shield me from any harm, no matter how trivial.

And then, there were the moments of vulnerability, when he bared his soul to me, revealing the scars of his past. I could still see the apprehension in his eyes, the fear of rejection haunting his every word. Yet, despite his fears, he trusted me enough to share his deepest secrets, hoping that I would understand and accept him for who he truly was.

This man, who was undeniably crazy in his own way, had captured my heart. And now, it was time for me to show him just how deep my feelings ran as I could easily grasp what he was staring at.

With delicate anticipation, I closed the remaining distance between us, our lips gently meeting in a tender kiss. The touch of his lips against mine was soft and velvety, sending a flutter of butterflies through my stomach...

As our lips parted, a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation hung in the air, but also a sense of fulfillment and joy.

I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him alone for even a moment longer. I was resolved to stand by his side, later seeking vengeance, and when the time came for me to be truly free, we would embark on a new chapter of our lives—a family of our own.

The mere implication of these thoughts sent a rush of warmth to my cheeks, turning them as red as ripe tomatoes...


Author's Note:

Once again, the name of the Volume runs deep with me :).

Anyways, with this, we're finally ready for the second and last Arc for this volume

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