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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Ayumi's Plan

Chapter 5: Ayumi's Plan

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on existing works. All original characters and plotlines are my creation, but I do not claim ownership of any pre-existing characters or content. All rights to these pre-existing works belong to their original creators. This is a non-profit work created solely for the enjoyment of fans, and no copyright infringement is intended.


In a dimly lit room, the sound of hushed voices filled the air. Roman, a confident and charismatic criminal, stood before a mysterious figure hidden within the shadows. With a casual yet cautious demeanor, he recounted the events that had unfolded during his daring heist at the dust shop. His voice carried an undertone of excitement as he spoke, vividly describing the chaos and adrenaline that permeated the scene.

"You should have seen it," Roman exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I had everything under control, but little red ruined it."

The silhouette within the shadows remained still, a barely discernible presence, listening intently to Roman's tale. As he continued, Roman's voice took on a more intrigued tone, sensing the growing curiosity emanating from the figure.

"But here's the kicker," Roman continued, a hint of awe in his voice. "There was this kid, right? He looked like a tank, I swear. I shot a fire dust round right at him, and boom! Nothing. Not a scratch."

The figure leaned forward, captivated by Roman's words, their interest intensifying. Roman couldn't help but notice the curiosity brimming within the shadowy presence.

"I couldn't believe my eyes," Roman added, his voice tinged with amazement. "The explosion went off, and this kid ate it. But it wasn't just that. He felt... different, you know? Like there was something more to him, something beyond what met the eye."

As Roman's words trailed off, the room fell into a momentary silence, the weight of the revelation hanging in the air. He couldn't help but wonder who this mysterious figure was, hiding in the shadows, absorbing every word he spoke.

Roman's mind raced, contemplating the significance of the figure's interest in this enigmatic young man. He was accustomed to playing the role of a confident trickster, but a flicker of caution flashed through his thoughts.

With a casual lean against a nearby table, Roman fixed his gaze on the silhouette, his voice laced with a mix of intrigue and curiosity.

"So, what's your next move?" Roman inquired, his words brimming with anticipation, eager to delve deeper into the enigma that had caught their mutual attention.

The room remained silent for a beat as the mysterious figure contemplated their response. The air thickened with anticipation, each person waiting for the other to reveal their cards.


On the bustling rooftop of a building in Vale, the city's vibrant streets sprawled beneath them. Ayumi, Ryota, and Daichi gathered together, their eyes scanning the lively scene below. The sun cast a warm glow, casting shadows on their faces as they discussed their next move.

Ryota, leaning against a chimney, folded his arms and suggested, "Hey, maybe we should consider getting a part-time job. It would help us blend in and earn some extra money while we're at it."

Daichi, standing near the ledge, scoffed and rolled his eyes. "A part-time job? Boring! Who wants to be stuck working all the time?"

The clash of opinions ignited a heated argument between the two brothers, their voices rising amidst the clamor of the city below. They engaged in a spirited debate, each fiercely defending their stance, while Ayumi observed with a knowing smile, letting them vent their frustrations.

As the argument reached its peak, Ayumi raised her hand, calling for attention. "Alright, boys, simmer down. I've been thinking, and I might have an idea."

Ryota and Daichi turned their attention toward their mother, curiosity etched upon their faces. The air crackled with anticipation as they awaited her suggestion.

Ayumi leaned forward, her eyes glinting mischievously. "How about we enroll in Beacon Academy?"

Ryota's eyebrows shot up in surprise, while Daichi's mouth hung open, momentarily speechless. The silence that followed was quickly punctuated by uproarious laughter. The contrasting reactions of the brothers sent Ayumi into a fit of giggles, finding amusement in their comical response.

"Seriously, Mom?" Ryota managed to stammer between laughs. "We're not exactly "huntsman' material, you know?"

Daichi, recovering from his shock, joined in on the laughter, slapping his knee. "Yeah, Mom, I think you've watched one too many hero shows."

Ayumi's laughter subsided as she wiped away a tear of mirth from her eye. With a gleam of determination in her gaze, she spoke, her voice laced with earnestness. "I know it sounds crazy, but think about it. We have these incredible powers now, and Beacon Academy is a place where we can blend in. Plus, we'll be surrounded by other talented individuals, so making new friends will be good for you. It's an opportunity we can't pass up."

The brothers exchanged glances, their laughter fading into contemplation. As they considered their mother's proposition, a spark of excitement ignited within them. The prospect of embracing their powers and honing their skills gradually began to overshadow their initial disbelief.

Ryota scratched his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Might as well aim for the top, right?"

Daichi's eyes gleamed with newfound enthusiasm as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Mom's right. We've got these incredible powers, and Beacon Academy sounds like the perfect place to test our limits. Let's do it!"


As Ayumi wandered the streets of Vale alone, her thoughts turned to the impending meeting with Ozpin, the enigmatic headmaster of Beacon Academy. She pondered how to approach him, her mind working through various options as she strolled through the bustling city.

"I could try pretending to be another version of Salem," Ayumi mused to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. "But that might not go over well. I don't think I can pull off the whole 'villainous mastermind' thing." Pretending a broken man's ex is just evil and disrespectful, especially after he lost too many. She could see some benefits, though, if she plays it right.

She shook her head, dismissing the idea, and continued down the street, her eyes scanning the colorful storefronts. Another notion tugged at her imagination.

"What if I pretended to be a goddess?" Ayumi chuckled at the audacity of the thought. "Oh, the looks on their faces! But no, that might raise too many questions, and, honestly, it's a bit too much even for me."

Her laughter echoed through the streets, drawing curious glances from passersby. Ayumi couldn't help but find the idea amusing, but she quickly composed herself, realizing the need for a more plausible plan.

"Okay, what about pretending to be a maiden?" she pondered aloud, her voice tinged with intrigue. After regaining her composure, Ayumi wiped away a tear of laughter from her eye. She realized that while these ideas held a certain comedic appeal, they might not be the best approach.

As her laughter subsided, Ayumi made a decision, her eyes filled with determination. She would approach Ozpin honestly, as a mother with a desire to protect her family. The thought of winging it, trusting her instincts, and her love for her sons, brought a renewed sense of confidence.

"Nah," she said, shaking her head. "Let's keep it simple. Just be ourselves and see where it takes us. Wing it, as they say."

With her decision made, Ayumi quickened her pace, her steps light and purposeful. She couldn't wait to see the looks on her sons' faces when she shared her approach with them. As she neared Beacon Academy, her heart filled with anticipation, ready to embark on this extraordinary journey and face whatever challenges awaited.

The streets of Vale seemed to hum with energy, as if in agreement with Ayumi's choice. She joined the flow of people, blending into the vibrant crowd, her mind focused on the adventure that lay ahead. With a renewed spring in her step and a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she headed toward Beacon, ready to wing it and create her path within this new world of powers and possibilities.


Inside the dimly lit apartment, Daichi and Ryota sat on a worn-out couch, their eyes scanning the eerie surroundings. The room was cloaked in an air of mystery, and rumors of hauntings whispered through the halls. Yet the brothers seemed unfazed, engrossed in a lively discussion about their mother's audacious plan.

"So, Daichi, what do you think about Mom's idea?" Ryota asked a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Daichi leaned back, a devilish grin spreading across his face. "Honestly, bro, I think it's going to be fun! Hunting monsters, saving the day, and getting stronger? Count me in!"

Ryota chuckled, shaking his head. "You always find the fun side in everything, don't you?"

Daichi's grin widened. "Hey, life's too short to be serious all the time. We've got powers now, Ryota. It's time to enjoy the ride!"

Ryota's gaze shifted towards his brother, a sly smile forming on his lips. "Speaking of enjoying the ride... what about your little crush on Blake Belladonna, hmm? And don't even deny your fascination with Weiss Schnee!"

Daichi's cheeks flushed, his confident demeanor momentarily faltering. He playfully nudged his brother's shoulder. "Oh, come on, Ryota! You know Velvet Scarlatina has captured your heart! You can't hide that blush when she's around!"

Ryota's laughter echoed through the room as he swatted at Daichi's teasing remark. "Hey, you're not wrong, but at least I admit it!"

As the brothers continued their lively conversation, unaware of the lingering presence in the room, a chilling breeze swept through the apartment. The atmosphere grew heavy, and the air crackled with otherworldly energy. Unbeknownst to Daichi and Ryota, they were about to experience a haunting unlike any other.

Ryota wrinkled his nose, scrunching up his face in distaste. "Ugh, what's that stench? It smells like failure in here."

Suddenly, objects began to levitate, books flew off the shelves, and eerie whispers echoed through the room. The mischievous spirit of the ghost who resided there had awoken from its slumber, ready to play its spectral games.

Daichi's eyes widened in surprise as he watched a nearby lamp float in mid-air. "Uh, Ryota, do you see that?" he asked, his voice tinged with both annoyance and amusement.

Ryota's jaw dropped as he witnessed the supernatural spectacle. "No way! We're really being haunted!"

The ghostly presence, invisible to their eyes, reveled in their reactions, finding joy in their astonishment. It continued to play tricks, moving objects with an invisible hand and dancing with the shadows.

Daichi's patience wore thin, and he snapped at the ghost, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, look who's here! The resident ghost, haunting this dump even in the afterlife. Must be a tough gig, huh?"

Ryota couldn't contain his amusement and let out a cheer: "Roasted! Way to go, bro!"

The ghost's expression shifted, a mixture of annoyance and amusement evident in its spectral features. It had not anticipated such a bold response from the living occupants of the apartment.

Daichi, fueled by his anger, continued to berate the ghost, his voice laced with biting sarcasm. "You know, even in death, you couldn't accomplish anything. I can't say I'm surprised. Guess that's why you're stuck here, forever dwelling in this dump, probably the only thing you can afford in the afterlife."

The ghost trembled with a mixture of indignation and fading confidence, its ethereal form flickering more violently. It was unused to being insulted in such a way, and the brothers' audacity had caught it off guard.

With a final flourish, Daichi delivered the coup de grâce, "Pathetic. A failure in life and death. Bet you couldn't even scare a baby. Why are you even here? You don't even pay the bill or taxes? You can't cook, you can't work, hell, you can't do a thing! You couldn't even kill yourself right! I mean damn! Is it that hard to rest in peace? What was the point of dying if you're not going to sleep!? Are you that stupid!?"

Ryota burst into laughter, clapping his hands in appreciation of his brother's verbal assault. "Hoooh!"

The ghost, unable to bear the humiliation any longer, dissipated into thin air, defeated by the relentless taunts of the living. Daichi's anger subsided, replaced by a sense of triumph as he watched the ghost retreat.

As the room fell silent, the brothers exchanged glances with a mixture of relief and disbelief on their faces. They had confronted a ghost head-on and emerged victorious.

"Well, that shuts 'em up," Daichi said with a smug grin.

Ryota, still chuckling, clapped his brother on the back. "Nicely done, bro! Who knew you had such a way with words?"

Daichi's anger simmered as he reveled in his victory over the ghost. "Yeah, well, nobody messes with the Nakamura brothers."

Ryota nodded, unable to contain his laughter. "You really gave that ghost a taste of its own medicine, bro. I've never seen anyone diss a ghost before!"

Daichi shrugged, a smug grin on his face. "Sometimes, even the spirits need to be reminded of their own failures. Who knew that insulting a ghost could be so effective? I guess some spirits just can't handle the truth!"

Ryota nodded, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Lesson learned: never underestimate the power of a good insult. We'll be ghost-free from now on!"

And with that, the brothers shared a hearty laugh, reveling in their triumph over the supernatural. Little did they know that their encounter with the ghost was just the beginning of the extraordinary adventures that awaited them at Beacon Academy.


Hey there, incredible readers!

I just wanted to drop a quick note to say a massive thank you to all of you. Seriously, you rock! Thanks for taking the time to read my stories and going on these wild adventures with me. Your support means the world, and I'm beyond grateful for each one of you.

If you're feeling extra awesome and want to support my writing journey, you can now buy me a coffee! Yep, that's right. I've set up a Buy Me a Coffee page where you can show some love through donations. Every sip of that virtual coffee helps fuel my creativity and keeps those stories coming.

Oh, and guess what? If you want something more personal, like commissions, or just want to shoot the breeze, you can slide into my DMs on Twitter. I'm always up for a chat, discussing your favorite characters, or brainstorming wild ideas together.

I seriously can't thank you enough for being the most awesome readers on the planet. Your support and encouragement keep me going, and I can't wait to bring you even more thrilling and entertaining stories to devour.

So grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and stay tuned for the next big adventure!

Sending you a big virtual high-five,

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