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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Lu Min looked at Zhao Xiaopang and said, "thank you for your aid".

Zhao Xiaopang waved, "it's nothing. It's nothing".

"So, what is your idea?" Zhao Xiaopang asked.

Lu Min looked at him with a smile. For a moment, her eyes shone in vibrant colours. She said, "that would be a secret".

"Okay, okay, keep your secret. I am going back. Call me if you need anything, 'kay?" Zhao Xiaopang said.

"I will, thank you," Lu Min replied as she watched Zhao Xiaopang leaving.

"Entertainment, huh? Well, from the dawn of human history, the thing human beings like the most is conflict. Since, it's like this. I can give them conflict," she muttered and disappeared into a rift that appeared in front of her.

She appeared in the void, countless lights surrounded her, each light was an individual world, each world is endless and complex. Of course, not all worlds looked like this. Some are trees. Some though rode elephants which rode giant turtles. Lu Min took an obligatory nod toward the giant eldritch god. It was a god which consisted of countless worlds. After that, She struck out her palm and from it, the power of creation emerged. The space in front of her was shining with myriad light that rapidly condensed into a world, which was shaped and designed by her. Lu Min peered at it and nodded in satisfaction. Afterward, she directly created a special space and put it in there.

"Now, I just need to create cards that would teleport their consciousness there. Hmm, what should I call it? Portal cards? No, that's a bit on the nose. I guess I will just call them RPG cards," Lu Min decided. That's correct, Lu Min had decided to create a 'virtual' reality game as her way of making revenue. People were drawn toward conflicts, yet, they were afraid of the consequences of those conflicts, in that case, she would give them a place where they could vent without all those consequences.

She smiled as she looked at the seemingly tiny sphere in the special space. This was a world with the rules of RPG. All kinds of mechanisms, including revival, classes, levels, and looting systems are here. Furthermore, since this was a real world, players had the level of freedom equal to that of here. With that, this card would take the world by storm. She was sure of it. All this left to do was sort out the details, refine them and implement them. Which she was starting to do.

It took awhile, but she got there eventually. Finally, she uploaded the card anonymously. She stretched and yeet herself on the bed. It's time to sleep.


Sid Chab was browsing through the card forum when he saw a 4 stars card with an interesting description.

[Step into the world of Bruge and take part in the endless conflicts. A card to hone your fighting skill and help you gain combat experience. Join now]

"What big words for a little card," Sid Chab muttered with contempt. He quickly downloaded the card design, grabbed an empty card and began scribbling lines on it.

"This card better be worked as it was described, otherwise, I will scold the guy behind this to death," he said with the arrogance of a keyboard warrior whose only pride was butting into other people's problems without really knowing anything and having the audacity to think that he did a good job.

He activated the card and a bright light filled him.

[Create name]

A screen appeared before him. He looked around in intrigue. He was in the room of pure white, with only himself and screen before him. Sid Chab was impressed. The entire thing felt very real, from the sensations to the feeling of weightlessness. He looked at the screen, from his many hours of gaming, he knew that this was character creation. He quickly typed in.


[Choose class]



[Sword Master]




He quickly looked at the class and guessed that they must have been derived from the real life vocations. He, of course, calmly chose which he thought closest to his vocation, Card Creator.



Sid Chab pressed Y.

After that, he was surprised to discover that he appeared in a forest. Then, he heard rustling from behind the bushes and from there, green skinned creatures that everyone who had interacted with Western Fantasy genre would know, emerged. Indeed, they were goblins. Sid Chab was so amazed. Everything in here felt too real. From that he knew that something was up. After all, an illusion of this level was something only the 7 stars Grandmasters would be able to make. There was no way a 4 stars card would be able to contain this sort of thing. There was something very wrong. However, he decided to report this after he explored what was up a bit.

"Goblins, huh. They are generally low-levelled mobs, so I should be able to take care of them," he said to himself. He looked at the icons of the system in the left corner. After taking a quick peep at the titles, he opened the system.

"Let's see, a training sword, two Inferior Health Potions, Two Inferior Mana Potions. That's straightforward," Sid Chab muttered to himself and equipped the sword.

He rushed toward the goblins and promptly smashed on the side of the head.

Before blackout, all he could think was, 'fuck, this body has no cultivation!'


While the players were struggling, Lu Min was strategizing on how to contact Lu Yan. While Lu Ming and Lu Min might have some impure thoughts about their sister, Lu Yan was problematic. She was too overprotective. Lu Min believed that if she didn't give a good enough excuse, Lu Yan would kill her the first time they met. While she had surfaced a few times in the past, they hadn't met, and she couldn't be too sure if that unreliable father would inform Lu Yan of her existence.

She decided to avoid Lu Yan for a while. She was also researching about the school Lu Ming was attending, the Vocational Technical College at the Crossroad at Qing Ming city. She paused at the name of the principal, Jiang Feng. She raised her eyebrows. She, as Lu Min, had met this guy before. In her mind, certain memories flashed. A forest of crystallised trees and a man and a girl running from people in black. Another unreliable father. He even cheated some Liquid Life from her. It was for her plants, not for bathing. She would give something else for that cute little girl if he had asked her properly. Something that wouldn't have many side effects. However, by the time she noticed, the bastard was already gone. She felt deep sympathy for that girl.

Lu Min laughed gloomily and disappeared from the spot.

Jiang Feng was in his office late at night. Playing the RPG card.

"Hehe, this game was too realistic. Even sensations are genuine," He muttered.

Lu Min stretched out her hand and a wooden bat appeared in her grasp. She walked near toward the man who seemed to be enjoying the game a bit too much and lightly swung down the bat.


Jiang Feng was rudely disconnected from the game.

"Which fu*ker dar-" he angrily started to shout.


"Jiang Feng…" Lu Min said gloomily.

The creature looked at her with some trepidation, "Look friend, I don't know how I offended you, but let bygones be bygones. Here," he tremblingly took out a card and offered it to her.

"Hmph, Jiang Feng, what you stole from me, even 10 of you won't be able to repay it," Lu Min said with ridicule, "Remember me?" Lu Min revealed a bit of her true form. Crystal branches weaved in myriad vibrant colours appeared on her head. Her hair also transformed into colours endless and simmered like diamond strings. Her eyes shining in colours fully ungraspable by mortal eyes and looked down in contempt mixed with amusement.

"...Oh, it's you, mom-,"


Jiang Feng's face caved in. You could even hear bones cracking loud and clear. It was a miracle he was alive. Black lines ran across Lu Min's face.

"Where is your daughter? I'm taking her," she said.

"No way," Jiang Feng, his face returned to normal, refused.

"Haha," Lu Min laughed dryly, "I am worried about her if I have to keep her in your custody any longer. No way, I am allowing you to influence her any longer. So choose, either your daughter or pay 10 trillion credits," Lu Min declared an ultimatum.

"...Where do I send her?" was his immediate reply.

"Here is the address," Lu Min sneered and smacked him again with a bat and disappeared.

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