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Chapter 2: Be Obedient

"Bakugo it's lunch time!" shitty hair skipped to his desk, soy sauce face and sparky following behind.

"Yo Bakugo~! Let's have lunch together," sparky grins, alongside soy sauce face who's thumbing to the direction of the cafeteria in the back.

"Shut the hell up and let's just go." He grumbles, annoyed at being pestered. Shovelling his palms in his pocket, Bakugo swaggered out of class with the others tailing behind.


Kirishima folded the napkin on his lap, he then arranged his drink on the upper right side of his plate and situated the fork on the left and spoon on the right-- then he proceeded to wait for the other boys to start eating before clapping his hand with an "Itadakimasu!" and dug in.

'101 table manners' – you have to pay respect to the Alphas & Betas at the table first before digging in, they are the provider.

Bakugo watched shitty hair in disbelief as Kaminari and Sero were completely oblivious to Kirishima's submissive display of respect towards them.

Bakugo knows a thing or two about Omega's homage to Alphas & Betas, his father still does it sometimes, somehow unable to disregard the instinctual bow to the house Alpha's. It's fucking dreadful.

"So Bakugo, I heard you scored first without any rescue points," Kaminari flippantly comments, pointing his spoon towards Bakugo.

"Where the fuck did you hear that-?!" He sneered, eyeing the soiled spoon in disdain.

"Just heard." The beta smugly smiled, "But with you reacting this way, I'd say it's true."

"Tch, I don't need to rescue shit when I can directly attack the problem, dipshit."

"Makes sense, it's a very endeavor move to make though." Sero snickers.

'101 table manners' – pay attention to the conversation but do not intervene unless asked to.

Kirishima raptly listens, suppressing a giggle at Sero's comment.

"Yo Kiri, didn't you score second? How much did you get for your rescue point??" Kaminari inquired.

Kirishima held a palm up, covering his mouth in a 'hold on' gesture.

"Five??" Kaminari interprets the gesture, tilting his head in confusion.

Bakugo sighed in frustration - "No, dumbass. He's chewing." the electric blonde coo's in response.

"-Sorry about that! I scored thirty-five for my rescue point."

"Woah... that's pretty high, isn't it Sero?" Kaminari leaned against the alpha's shoulder.

"Yeah, that's pretty amazing of you Kiri," Sero gave him a thumbs up.

"Thanks bro."

"Ehhh?? ...What about me Sero???" Kaminari pouts, nudging his head under Sero's jaw.

"Pfft! You weren't even top ten Kami, neither am I, let's just wallow in pity together."

The blonde gave a giggle at that, hugging the alpha with a fake cry.

The affectionate scent coming from both of them reeks as Bakugo pinched his nose in disgust.


The UA training ground is a huge commodity for students to hone their quirks. The facility itself offers various terrains; designed to aid each quirk limitations - giving the student's boundless opportunity to train optimally. Bakugo and Kirishima ended up choosing the atrium to spar - A bleacher sat on the far left and right corner of the expanse where Kaminari and Sero sat, cheering obnoxiously for Kirishima to kick his ass.

"I won't go easy on you shitty hair."

"Bring it Blasty!" Bakugo felt a vein pop hearing that nickname.

"Oh. YOU'RE FUCKING GETTING IT NOW!" He manoeuvred a blast, propelling him towards shitty hair's chest in a well-rounded kick, smoke rising from its impact.

"Yeah~ Can I get a refund? I'm pretty disappointed with what I got!" Shitty hair fucking snickered, countering his blast with a pair of hardened arms. Bakugo can hear sparky's incessant 'yeah boy' in the back.

He made a quick strike to shitty hair's defenceless abdomen-- this'll teach him.

A scorching blast tore through Kirishima's suit, revealing his hardened torso. Kirishima went to strike Bakugo's abdomen with the momentum but Bakugo was quick enough to evade his attack with a blast to the left, flinging his body away from the fist.

This defence and chance at offence went on for a lengthy five minutes that left both boys panting with exertion by the end of it, their sparring having caught the attention of a few students, who now frequents the bleachers to watch.

Kirishima can feel his control slipping with every blast, exhaustion wearying at his hardening - so much so that he failed to defend himself against Bakugo's next blast. The sheer ferocity of the explosion scorched at his naked skin, and Kirishima gave a pained groan upon impact, his body slouching down in ultimate defeat.

"I win shitty hair." Bakugo pants.

Kirishima laughed, and despite his exhaustion- the omega proceeded to fold his legs under his thighs, ankles pointing outwards as he tucked his feet into a "V" shape. Assuming the traditional seiza, Kirishima snapped his torso in a half-bow; hands crossed atop his thighs "Thank you for sparring with me Bakugo,"

Bakugo's heart jumped in surprise, the display utterly tempting for an Omega to do. His Alpha rumbled; charmed. "Sure whatever, just stand up you idiot."

Kirishima snickered, "Sorry~ Habit!"

Bakugo stared in thought before directing his gaze towards Kirishima's burned arm "Go to recovery girl shitty hair, get that shitty arm fixed." He points towards the wound.

"KIRISHIMAAA~" Kaminari cries from the bleachers, flailing his arms to get his attention. Kirishima laughed, waving back at him in assurance - Sero gripped the Beta's waist before the blonde could wail, scolding him about indoor voice before waving back at them in a silent apology.


"You'll be okay Kirishima, just keep this bandage on for twenty four hours, alright? The rest is up to your body." Recovery Girl kissed his arm.

"Thank you ma'am. " Kirishima gave a bow, he exited the infirmary and made his way back to class.

"Kiri Kiri~ are you alright?" Kaminari tackled him upon entering the class.

"I'm okay bro, I'll be healed by tomorrow." He pats his bro's back.

"Oi Kami, give the guy space would ya?" Sero tugged Kaminari off him - "Boo- You're just jealous Kiri's getting all the Kami love~" he teased, pinching Sero's grip on his shoulder.

"Whatever you say Kami." Sero fondly huffs, his frown morphing into a toothy smile.

Suddenly the class door slammed open to reveal Present Mic, "ALRIGHT CLASS, TAKE YOUR SEAT!!! IT'S TIME FOR ENGLISH."


"Kiri~ let's go karaoke!!" Kaminari sat atop his desk (somehow from a distance, you could hear Iida defending the tables).

"Yeah, Kami said he's going to sing that sappy fairy tail song!" Sero cackles.

"-As tribute to our friendship! It's simply the perfect song~" the blonde gave an offended huff.

"Sure man, that sounds awesome! I'm down to see Kami absolutely botch the notes!" He grins at Kaminari's hurt gasp, giggling along Sero cackling beside him.

"FINE! We'll have another candidate then," Kaminari stood up to approach Bakugo's table, "C'mon Bakugo," he drags the blonde with them.

"Goddammit why do I have to come?!!"

"Cuz you ate lunch with us, this is part of the package deal Bakugo. Don't you know how friendships work?!"

"Not by your standards you electrical socket!!"

"Ouch, I'm hurt~" Kaminari sarcastically sniffled.

"I'll pay for your fee bro, just come!!" Kirishima tries coaxing Bakugo with his best puppy dog eyes.

Bakugo gave a low grumble at that "Fine! And I'll pay for myself shitty hair, I'm not a fucking charity case."

Kirishima giggles, "Fine by me, Let's go!"


'New' friend, I can see you

You're right there

'New' friend, I swear

The bond between us will never be broken

Kaminari balled up his fist, pointing towards his audience. Kirishima shrieked, pretending to be a fangirl "Kami-sama~ you're so cool!!"

Sero wheezed, trying hard not to spit his food.

Bakugo is not impressed. Watching their debacle with disinterest - Though he won't complain about the song selection, it's the deliverance that bothers him.

You start walking, in the infinite wilderness

Kaminari points at Kirishima to continue, the redhead stood up to join Kaminari at front.

Hold back tears, and move towards tomorrow!

Kaminari took back the stage-

I'm the star that's meant for you,

He intentionally points at Sero through the line, then points back to Kirishima to take the stage.

So I shine bright

This song is meant for you,

Kirishima saunters to Bakugo, shoving the mic for him to continue. Bakugo grumbles for a second, before continuing the last lyric--

So show me your smile~

He blushed at Kirishima's astonished look, Sero and Kaminari giving a synchronised screech after "--BAKUGO WHERE DID THAT ANGELIC VOICE COME FROM?!!" Kaminari screeched.

"Am I drunk? Shit. What the hell..." Sero stared at his palm in false validation.

"Bakugo..." Kirishima muttered, utterly speechless.

Bakugo felt mortified at all the attention "FUCKING FUCK OFF YOU SHITHEADS!!" His scent spiked up in distress, thick and smothering.

Kirishima gasped, quickly darting towards Kaminari in fear. Sero stood up to shield the beta and omega from danger -- "Bakugo, calm down. We didn't mean to make you feel attacked... Calm down buddy, you're triggering Kami and Kiri." Sero attempts to exude a scent of submission.

"Shit... Kiri, Kami," Bakugo levelled his breathing, steadily coming down from his panic attack.

The smothering scent slowly dissipates, regulating the oxygen in the air. At that, Kirishima felt his muscles unwind, he took a big gulp of air in relief. Kaminari was glued to Sero, his face buried near the alpha's scent glands, occasionally sniffing the alpha's calming pheromones.

"Oi shitty hair, you okay?"

"Bakugo... Yeah, I'm fine, sorry for teasing you." Kirishima bowed in apology.

"Tch, dont apologize. I was misinterpreting shit apparently..." The alpha scoffed, face red with embarrassment.

"Pfft! Yeah you totally were,"

"...Bakugo! that was totally unnecessary, as compensation you need to buy us milkshakes!" Kaminari reproached, pouting in Sero's arms.

"Shut the fuck up zappy, go sniff your alpha or some shit."

Kaminari blushed bright red before uttering a 'fine' and nestled his face back on Sero's chest.

"Aww, I wanted milkshakes..." Kirishima gave a pout, sporting his puppy dog eyes yet again at Bakugo.

".... JESUS, FINE! Just stop looking at me like that you idiot!"

Kirishima whooped in victory.


"Tadaima," Kirishima greeted as he toed his shoes off, fixing his ponytail hastily for any stray spikes.

Immediately, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed loudly down the hall. His mom appearing around the corner not long after with an irate scent "EIJIRO, ITS TUESDAY."

For a second the words didn't add up, till he remembered the lessons... Tuesday is tea ceremony & etiquette day, shit. He completely forgot.

"Where were you?!" His mother yelled.

Kirishima froze in fear, head automatically bowing in submission "I'm sorry mother, I lost track of time, I was-" he felt a tug on his arm.

"And what is this?? Were you late because of a fight?!" His mother eyed his bandaged arm in shock, scent gradually escalating with intensity.

"No! I was just sparring at lunch today,"

"Sparring?? With who..? Be specific with me Eijiro."

"With uh, a friend. His name is Bakugo..." He fidgets, reluctant on revealing Bakugo's second gender.


"He's an alpha... But I asked for his permission! And I was respectful of his wishes; he didn't do this out of anger! I was just reckless, mother please forgive me..." He started sobbing, petrified at the thought of his mother's wrath.

"Kirishima Eijiro... You dare ask for forgiveness when you clearly disobeyed my wishes and me as your mother?! GO TO YOUR ROOM!"

He panicked "Mother please, listen to me! It was a mutual agreement, it was a completely harmless sp-"


Kirishima felt a throbbing sting - He cupped his cheek in shock.

"You dare talk back to me?! When I command you, you obey me, Pup."

Fat droplets of tears started to glide down his cheek "Y...Yes mother." Kirishima bowed in apology, and sprinted back towards his room.


That night his father nagged him to submission.

Disobedient Omegas that purposely seek barbarity will receive scorn from potential alpha mates; do you know that Eijiro? Do you want that? To live a life without an alpha's protection? You have heats you know, who do you think aids you through that? US ALPHAS! You ought to learn to be obedient, I don't want to see this side of you anymore, fights are exclusively reserved for school activities only.

I also heard this 'Bakugo' is an alpha? That's one less potential mate right there Eijiro, or perhaps MORE If this alpha decides to share about your feral actions with others.

As punishment, you will wear this tab collar. I've already set the time curfew, if you as much as be five minutes late home, it'll give a mild shock through your body. I will also know your location and heartbeat, you will be tame this way.

Kirishima sobbed himself to sleep that night, the collar a constant reminder of his failure as an omega.

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