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Chapter 39: Yakuza's and Roadtrip's

[Word Count: 2979]


Navigating the eerie silence of the abandoned nightclub, meticulously avoiding the scattered piles of ash and broken glass underfoot, Leo steadily made his way towards the exit, the occasional crunch of shattered drinkware serving as a haunting reminder of the recent destruction that took place within.

It had been weeks since Leo's fateful encounter with the moose devil, and he hadn't returned to school since. Instead, he found himself fully immersed in the world of the Yakuza, no longer merely associated with the organization but now a bona fide member.

However, the Yakuza members themselves had reservations about a middle schooler assuming a leadership role. Consequently, Shouzou stepped up to become the de facto leader, shouldering the responsibility that came with it.

As a result of these internal shifts, Yakuza-related violence witnessed a surge, triggered by an escalating territorial dispute within Tokyo. The clashes and skirmishes that ensued were swiftly resolved within the city's boundaries, thanks to Shouzou's exceptional strategic maneuvers and Leo's devil contracts.

Yet, Shouzou had chosen not to expand these conflicts beyond the city limits for the time being. His priority lay in consolidating their control over Tokyo and securing their territories before taking on external challenges.

Burning the metaphorical vulture's nest would have to wait until the city was firmly under their dominion, a step towards establishing the Yakuza's reign with unwavering authority.

However, Shouzou realized that in order to achieve his goal, he required an influx of recruits. While some former members had returned in the wake of Yuki's passing, motivated by respect for her memory and the shift in leadership, it wasn't enough to strengthen their ranks adequately.

Securing more members proved to be a challenge, primarily due to the issue of loyalty. As a criminal organization, the Yakuza relied heavily on the trust and allegiance of their members. One of the most effective means of ensuring loyalty within their ranks was through instilling fear.

Shouzou understood the delicate balance between fear and loyalty. He knew that members needed to be apprehensive enough to remain devoted to the cause but not so terrified that they would defect or turn against their own. It was a fine line to tread, one that required careful manipulation of their fears and aspirations.

It's due to these limitations that Leo might never hold the position of the leader himself in the future. A change in leadership after establishing loyalty in their members would most likely crumble the work Shouzou put in.

A dilapidated warehouse was meticulously selected as the gathering point for the recruitment process, capable of accommodating well over a hundred individuals at once. As prospective members streamed in, the Yakuza relied on their access to police records to identify the most unsavory characters with extensive criminal histories.

Upon entering the warehouse, familiar faces sparked conversations among those who recognized each other, while others humbly prostrated themselves, aware of the gravity of the forthcoming proceedings. The atmosphere inside the warehouse was thick with anticipation and an underlying unease.

At the appointed time, the speakers strategically placed throughout the warehouse crackled to life, their ominous hum reverberating through the air, sending a chilling silence that gripped the hearts of those present. A palpable sense of dread settled over the assembled crowd, eliciting a collective shiver that ran down their spines.

"Listen closely," the speaker's voice boomed, its authoritative tone slicing through the heavy atmosphere. "In this organization, we operate as a tightly-knit family. But make no mistake, not every member is considered indispensable. Loyalty, dedication, and unwavering commitment are the bedrock upon which we build our empire."

The words hung in the air like a specter, casting a shadow of apprehension over the recruits, their eyes wide with both fear and determination.

The speaker's tone grew darker, the room seemingly cloaked in shadows as they continued their impassioned speech. "Those who fail to meet our expectations, those who falter in their loyalty, will find themselves deemed disposable. Our organization will not hesitate to sever the weak links, casting them aside like broken toys."

As if to underscore the speaker's words, a sudden eruption of flames engulfed one unfortunate individual, his agonized screams piercing the air. The crowd recoiled in terror, instinctively backing away from the intense heat and the horrifying spectacle unfolding before them.

Time seemed to stretch as the flames danced and consumed the hapless soul until all that remained was a heap of ash, a chilling testament to the consequences of faltering loyalty.

"Fear not, for those who prove themselves, who demonstrate unwavering loyalty and dedication, will find their place among the chosen few," the speaker declared, infusing a glimmer of hope into the somber atmosphere. "They will ascend through the ranks, earning respect, privilege, and the unwavering protection of our family. Within the Yakuza, you have the opportunity to shape your destiny and transcend the label of a disposable pawn."

The weight of the speaker's words settled upon the recruits, their resolve tested by the grim reality of the Yakuza's demands. In the dimly lit warehouse, a delicate dance unfolded between trepidation and ambition, as each individual grappled with the risks and rewards that awaited them.

With a final, commanding tone, the speaker concluded, "Remember, in the Yakuza, loyalty is not just a word—it is a matter of life and death."

The echoes of the speech lingered in the air, mingling with the unsettling presence of the ash-covered remains. The recruits stood in contemplative silence, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that failure to meet the organization's expectations could result in a fate no less consuming than the fiery demise they had just witnessed.

Finally stepping out of the now abandoned nightclub, Leo embraced the refreshing embrace of the night air, the cool breeze sweeping away the lingering tension.

Pausing at the entrance, Leo stretched his weary muscles, relishing the satisfying crack that echoed through the stillness.

"Ahh," Leo exhaled, releasing the tension that had built up within him.

Leaning against the entrance, Leo retrieved a vintage brick phone from the inside pocket of his jacket and dialed a familiar number.

As he awaited the caller's response, Leo paid little attention to the approaching footsteps and the faint humming that filled the air.

"Hello? You done?" came Shouzou's voice from the other end.

"Yup," Leo replied, accentuating the "p" with a subtle pop. "A new nightclub will soon hit the market."

"Good," Shouzou responded with a satisfied hum. "Now, go home. It's getting late."

"Sure, sure," Leo jeered.

"You little brat—" Shouzou's words were cut short as Leo abruptly ended the call.

Leo stretched once more, emitting a tired yawn as he rubbed his eyes before pushing himself away from the entrance.

Just as he was about to continue on his way, a new voice called out to him. "Um, excuse me?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Leo let out a sigh and turned around. Standing before him was a girl clad in a pastel green hoodie, donning a pastel blue hat and a face mask that obscured her features. Leo vaguely recognized the bag she carried on her shoulder, but dismissed it as a passing thought.

"Hmm?" Leo hummed, slightly perplexed by the unexpected encounter.

Drawing closer, the girl's eyes widened in recognition. "It's you!" she exclaimed with a mix of surprise and excitement.

Leo scratched his head, trying to recall who she might be. "Who the hell is this?" he muttered under his breath.

Pushing her face mask down to her chin, the girl struck a pose, wearing a wide smile. "Eh~"

Leo observed her antics with an unimpressed expression, even going as far as to shrug, much to the girl's annoyance.

Pouting, she removed her hat, allowing her flowing purple hair to dance in the night wind. She struck another pose, attempting to elicit a reaction. "Eh?~"

Once again, Leo shrugged, his mind drawing a blank. He glanced at her bag once more, a nagging sense of familiarity lingering in his thoughts.

"School?" Leo vaguely guessed.

"Ah, you remembered!" the girl exclaimed, her face lighting up.

"That doesn't narrow things down at all," Leo thought to himself, still struggling to recall who she was.

"Cool, good seeing you again but I gotta go," Leo said, punctuating his words with finger guns before turning to leave.

"Wait!" the girl cried out, rushing up to Leo and grabbing his arm. "You have to help me. I'm completely lost."

"Mmhmm," Leo nodded, causing the purple-haired girl to look up at him with excitement. However, her expression quickly fell as Leo delivered his next sentence.

"Good luck with that," Leo remarked, attempting to pry her off his arm.

"You can't leave me here. I have no idea where I am!" the girl pleaded, gripping Leo's arm tightly.

"Call a taxi," Leo suggested.

"I can't. I already spent most of my money on the previous taxi to get here!" the girl exclaimed in frustration.

The girl's increasingly loud pleas began to draw attention from the surrounding neighbors. People stepped out of their homes and peered through their windows, curious about the commotion.

Leo's stern gaze along with his suit sent most of them scurrying back indoors, but a few lingered, finding entertainment in the unfolding exchange, much to Leo's annoyance.

Reaching for his wallet, Leo continued his attempt to shake off the girl without causing any damage.

"Take my money and call a taxi," Leo insisted, his annoyance growing by the second.

"No!" the girl protested. "It'll be expensive."

"Money isn't an issue," Leo responded. "Take my money."

"Nuh-uh!" the girl countered. "My producer told me not to accept loans."

Leo felt his eyebrow twitch as a moment of realization washed over him. "So, this is how Shouzou feels," he muttered to himself.

"It's not a loan. I'm giving you my money," Leo clarified.

"No! We're not close enough friends to be giving each other money," the girl rejected once again.

From a nearby balcony, a stranger chimed in, adding their two cents. "I'll take your money," they interjected. A piercing glare from Leo promptly sent them scurrying back indoors.

Putting his wallet away, Leo couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy as he heard the soft sobs emanating from the purple-haired girl. He pinched the bridge of his nose, contemplating his options.

With a resigned sigh, Leo reluctantly responded, "What do you want from me then?"

"Really?" the girl muttered not looking up. "You'll help me?"

Leo knew deep down that he would probably regret his decision, but he had already resigned himself to it. "Yes," he reluctantly agreed.

The girl's demeanor immediately shifted, and a small spark of gratitude emerges. "Then... could you drive me to where I need to go?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"I don't have a driver's license," Leo admitted, hoping to find a way out of helping.

Surprisingly, the girl responded, "You don't need one."

Leo raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her statement. "What do you mean?"

"Where I need to go is not far, and I know the way as long as we can get to a main road," she explained.

Leo hesitated, considering his options. He knew he was running out of excuses to avoid helping her.

"Fine," he finally conceded.

A glimmer of joy appeared in the girl's eyes as she let out a cheer. "Yay!"

As she celebrated, Leo caught a clear view of her face and realized that not a single tear was present. All the frustration that had briefly dissipated returned in full force, causing him to grit his teeth in annoyance.

Putting on a forced smile, the girl reached out and grabbed Leo's hand. "Let's go," she said enthusiastically.

The purple-haired girl had to practically drag Leo along every step of the way as he begrudgingly followed, his reluctance was evident in every movement.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, they finally reached a parking garage. Leo began attempting to open every car door, trying to find one that was unlocked.

"Where's your car?" the girl asked, slightly puzzled.

"They all look the same," Leo muttered, frustration evident in his voice as he moved on to another door.

Scratching her head in confusion, the purple-haired girl watched as Leo struggled to find the right car. Each door he tried seemed to be from a completely different vehicle.

Finally, to their relief, a door opened, and Leo stepped inside.

As Leo popped open the compartment behind the steering wheel and started fumbling with the wires, the girl took her seat in the passenger side, observing his antics.

"Why not use the key?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"The key broke," Leo replied dismissively, oblivious to the growing smile on the girl's face.

With a spark and a rumble, the engine roared to life. Wasting no time, Leo put the car into reverse and began to maneuver out of the parking space.

As they approached the security booth, the drowsy security guard was startled awake by the sound of the approaching vehicle. Rubbing their eyes to regain composure, they peered inside the car.

"Hello, can I see your pass?" the guard asked, trying to maintain a sense of authority.

The car's window rolled down slowly, revealing Leo in the driver's seat, glaring intensely at the security guard.

"S-Sir, c-can I s-see your pass?" the guard stuttered, growing more nervous under Leo's piercing gaze.

Leo remained motionless, keeping his hands firmly on the steering wheel, his glare unyielding.

The purple-haired girl watched from the passenger side, unable to see Leo's intense glare. Searching for a way to help, she opened the glovebox and began rummaging through its contents. Finally, she found something resembling a pass and moved to show it to the security guard.

"Is this-" she began to ask, but before she could finish, the bar blocking the car's path was raised, granting them passage.

"H-Have a g-good day," the guard stammered, visibly relieved.

Leo released his grip on the steering wheel and closed the window without a word.

The security guard watched nervously as the car drove off, using its turn signal to merge onto the street, before letting out a sigh of relief.

Navigating through the bustling streets of Tokyo, it didn't take long for the vibrant neon lights to cast their enchanting glow on the car Leo was driving.

The purple-haired girl sat beside him, her eyes filled with wonder and awe. No matter how many times she had seen it before, the allure of the city's neon lights never failed to captivate her. She couldn't help but be mesmerized by the kaleidoscope of colors reflected in the car's windows.

As they made their way through the slightly busy streets, Leo kept a watchful eye on the road, his focus unwavering. The traffic light turned red, granting pedestrians the right of way to cross the street.

The purple-haired girl, with a sense of caution, put her mask and cap back on before opening the window. She leaned out, her gaze fixated on the bustling cityscape. The lively streets were filled with people, each contributing to the vibrant energy that permeated the air.

Leo kept his eyes on the road as he patiently waited for the light to turn green. Sure the city was vibrant and eye-catching, but as the driver he needed to keep his eyes on the road.

With the light finally transitioning to green, the traffic started to flow once more, and the cars around them resumed their journey. The purple-haired girl leaned back into the car, closing her window and securing her seat.

Curiosity sparked in her eyes as she turned to face Leo, a glimmer of hope evident in her voice. "Are you back to being your old self?" she asked with genuine enthusiasm.

Leo briefly shifted his attention away from the road, meeting her gaze for a moment. He contemplated her question before responding, "I guess."

A melodic giggle escaped the purple-haired girl's lips as she settled back into her seat, a sense of relief washing over her. She gazed out of the window, content with Leo's answer. "That's good."

Leo stole another glance at her, momentarily captivated by her lightheartedness, before redirecting his focus back to the road ahead.

"Weird," he thought to himself.

Upon reaching their destination, the purple-haired girl took charge, providing the final directions as they arrived at a street she recognized.

"Go around to the back," she instructed, pointing out the way.

Turning the corner, the city ambiance had greatly improved Leo's mood.

Approaching the back entrance, they encountered yet another security booth, obstructing their entry.

"Hello, do you have a pass?" the security guard inquired as the car came to a halt.

Remaining consistent with his previous encounter, Leo rolled down his window and maintained his silent glare.

The security guard swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of Leo's intense gaze.

Seizing the opportunity to assist, the purple-haired girl unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned forward to address the security guard.

"Hi, I'm-" Before she could even lower her mask, the familiar yellow bar was raised once again, granting them entry.

The purple-haired girl pouted playfully, settling back into her seat as the car proceeded inside.

Moving deeper into the premises, the purple-haired girl's eyes caught sight of a blond man in a suit, anxiously pacing near the back entrance. She couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

As the car came to a stop in front of the pacing man, he nervously stepped aside, allowing them space.

Opening the car door, the purple-haired girl paused before getting out, turning back to face Leo.

"Do you think you'll ever come back to school?" she nervously inquired.

Without diverting his gaze from the road, Leo responded, his voice calm yet resolute. "Probably not."

"I see," the girl muttered softly, stepping out of the car.

Just before closing the door, she leaned in slightly, peering back at Leo. "Bye-bye."

As the door closed, Leo briefly glanced out of the passenger side window, contemplating her farewell. There was something about her tone that didn't sit well with him. It seemed to be a mix of feigned sympathy and genuine concern, leaving behind a trail of lingering emotions.

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Leo found himself inadvertently dwelling on the encounter more than he intended. However, his rumbling stomach snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I can't think on an empty stomach, can I?" he muttered to himself, resolute in prioritizing his hunger. He shifted his focus back to the road and drove off, leaving behind the complexities of the moment.

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