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Chapter 85: Keep

[Word Count: 2833]


Inside Leo's mind, Yoru glided through the unseen winds, her feathers dancing gracefully behind her before landing against Leo's side with a soft thud. She then awkwardly maneuvered her way onto his lap.

"If you'd like, Leo, leave the talking to the great me, Yoru!" Yoru proudly declared, punctuating her statement by playfully smacking his knee with her wing.

"Hmm, I'm not entirely sure you'd know what to say given the gravity of the situation," the Fire Devil remarked, tilting its head slightly in curiosity.

Yoru, undeterred, countered with determination in her voice, "Oh, I've got it all planned out! I'll be like, 'What are you starin' at, shit lips?'"

The Fire Devil chuckled at Yoru's response. "I don't think that would be the most appropriate way to start," it remarked.

"I don't give a hoot!" Yoru brushed off the comment, drawing another chuckle from the Fire Devil.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Leo's lips, finding humor in Yoru's pun, considering her owl-like appearance. However, his expression soon reverted to neutrality as the gravity of the situation continued to weigh on him.

Meeting with Ai at this moment was not in the plan. Their original intention was to confront Makima before venturing anywhere near his family. Yet fate had other ideas, and now here he was, facing Ai, who stared at him with a familiar smile, as if everything was as it used to be.

Leo stifled a sigh, both physically and mentally. This was not how things were supposed to go.


On a different spectrum of emotions, Ichigo was practically drenched in sweat as he observed the silent standoff between Ai and the War Devil. The inability to decipher Ai's expression weighed heavily on him. All he could see was her back, but her posture appeared deceptively relaxed. So, everything was fine... right?

Ichigo's thoughts raced back to his earlier conversation with Kishibe about the peculiar possibility that the War Devil could recognize Ai. After all, Leo's brain was still fresh and intact before the War Devil had taken control.

"Under normal circumstances, fiends shouldn't be able to utilize devil contracts, but the War Devil continues to employ the contracts Leo established even after his death," Kishibe had explained, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. "My hypothesis is that the War Devil retained a fragment of Leo's consciousness through the Contract Devil residing in his blood."

Ichigo hadn't fully grasped the implications at the time but nodded in response. "Where did you come up with this theory?" he had asked, glancing briefly at Kishibe before returning his gaze to Ai, who had been studying the photographs decorating the wall.

"I just made it up," Kishibe had replied matter-of-factly, leaving Ichigo momentarily stunned. "I hadn't seriously contemplated how the War Devil could still use Leo's contracts until recently. So, my theory is relatively new, lacking any concrete evidence to support it."

Back in the present moment, as Ichigo anxiously observed Ai and the War Devil, he couldn't shake the unease that this encounter might not unfold as smoothly as they hoped. Kishibe's theory had planted seeds of doubt in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder if the War Devil retained some vestige of Leo's consciousness.

Kishibe's hypothesis had added a layer of complexity to their already intricate situation, despite lacking concrete evidence. The unease in the room was palpable, and Ichigo wished fervently that someone would break the silence, offering insight into the enigmatic exchange occurring before him.

Ai's well-being remained his paramount concern, and the uncertainty gnawed at him as he nervously perspired. He couldn't fathom what was transpiring inside her mind, but he knew that her safety was of utmost importance.

Meanwhile, Kishibe maintained an unreadable expression as he surveyed the tense atmosphere in the room. He acknowledged the substantial risks and uncertainties that this meeting carried but had chosen to support Ai's plan. There wasn't much to lose aside from Ai herself, but Kishibe was confident in his ability to at least put up a fight against the War Devil. He had been caught off-guard by its sudden speed during the massacre of the Gun Devil, but he believed he could face the War Devil head-on if necessary.

Back in the grand room, the silence persisted as Ai and the War Devil remained locked in their enigmatic exchange. The weight of their shared past and the eerie circumstances surrounding Leo's death cast a palpable heaviness in the air.

Finally, after what felt like an interminable duration, Ai's smile subtly widened as she parted her lips, disrupting the silence.

"I'll be back," she declared, turning to leave. Her footsteps echoed as she ascended the stairs, returning to the observation room.

Ai's swift ascent up the stairs led her back into the observation room, where she made a beeline for Ichigo. She grabbed his wrist without hesitation, and before he could fully comprehend the situation, she was dragging him out.

"Wait, Ai!?" Ichigo stammered, his confusion evident as he reluctantly followed her. "Where are you going!?"

"Home," Ai stated firmly, her tone carrying a sense of finality as she continued to lead Ichigo out of the observation room.

"Eh?" Himeno couldn't help but voice her bewilderment as the door closed behind them, leaving her with a perplexed expression and a glance at Kishibe for answers.

Kishibe responded with a casual shrug as he reached for his flask. "Call a cleanup crew. This place is a mess," he instructed, unscrewing the cap and taking a swig.

"Ah... sure..." Himeno murmured, slowly reaching for her phone.

Himeno's conversation with the clean-up crew was brief and concise. She barely noticed their arrival, still processing the unexpected turn of events. Ai's sudden decision to leave left her bewildered, especially when she saw Ai's beaming smile as she emerged from the stairs before dragging Ichigo along with her.

"What could have made her so happy?" Himeno pondered with furrowed brows, attempting to make sense of the puzzling situation.



"What was that all about?" Yoru chimed in, her confusion was evident as she looked around. "She was staring at the great me and then just... left."

The Fire Devil, on the other hand, simply shruggedits's gaze fixed on the makeshift screen displaying everything Leo was witnessing.

Leo, in the midst of all this, merely looked down, studying the patterns in Yoru's feathers.

"Oi, Leo! What just happened? Where did she go? What's going on?" Yoru exclaimed in her usual animated fashion. It was ironic that someone who embodied the fear of conflict would become so flustered when she didn't understand what was happening.

Leo sighed and pinched Yoru's beak shut, causing her to squirm and struggle in his grasp.

"I don't have all the answers, Yoru," Leo replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He waved his hand in front of his face to disperse Yoru's feathers which were now fluttering in all directions. "But I have an idea... and I don't think I'm going to like it."



In another part of Tokyo, Denji aimlessly strolled through the bustling streets. His usual partner, Power, should have been by his side, but she had consumed too much blood during their recent raid and needed to have some of it extracted, leaving Denji with a new temporary partner, Beam, to patrol the city.

Beam was the Shark Fiend, inhabiting the body of a muscular young man. As a fiend, his head was transformed, featuring a shark's snout and fin, and he lacked visible eyes. His appearance included short, spiky black hair and razor-sharp teeth, and for his devil hunter attire, he sported swimming trunks.

With Power sidelined and a new partner in tow, Denji found himself in an awkward and somewhat sour mood. Today was supposed to be his day off, but he had no particular plans. He had hoped to spend some time with Makima, but she also seemed to be in a bad mood, her signature smile conspicuously absent. Denji considered asking her about it, but Leo had once advised him that women were enigmatic creatures. If you inquired about their bad mood, they might lash out at you for not already knowing the reason. Consequently, Denji opted not to broach the topic.

With no better plans in mind, Denji continued to wander aimlessly. He briefly considered seeking out Leo for advice on how to improve his relationship with Makima, but he had no idea where to find Leo, which only soured his mood further.

As Denji strolled along the streets, an indescribable emptiness gnawed at his heart, further adding to his sour mood. It was a feeling he couldn't quite shake, and it cast a shadow over his day.

Turning a corner, Denji encountered a group of people who were raising money for children affected by devils. 

"Please spare some change! Everyone who donates something gets a flower as a present!" one of the volunteers called out.

Denji observed the group from a distance as some passersby donated loose change and received small flowers in return. His lips curled into a slight pout, and he furrowed his brows, instinctively patting his pockets. To his surprise, he found that he had some loose change.

Approaching the group, Denji offered the change without saying a word. One of the women in the group accepted it with gratitude. "Thank you very much!" she exclaimed. "Here's your flower!"

Denji examined the flower briefly before swallowing it whole, leaving the woman horrified as she watched him do it in a single gulp. He walked away with a rather proud smile on his face.

"Women like mature guys, and stuff," Denji recalled Leo's words echoing in his head.

"Mature guys help kids out," Denji reasoned internally. "After all, Leo helped me when I was a kid, which makes him a mature guy. So, now that I've helped some random kid, I'm a mature guy."

In Denji's mind, his reasoning was impeccable, and he felt a swell of pride in his chest. However, reality soon intruded as raindrops began to fall on his head, followed by many, many more.

"Gah! Run away!" Denji panicked, darting around in search of shelter.

"HAHA! Water! Water! Water!" Beam cheered as his upper half emerged from the ground to revel in the falling rain.

"Ah! Beam, stay quiet, you asshole!" Denji scolded, causing Beam to quickly cover his mouth with his hands. "If anyone notices you, I won't be able to walk around here anymore!"

"Yes, sir!" Beam eagerly responded, sinking back into the ground with only his fin visible.

"Why do fiends always have stupid names...?" Denji grumbled to himself as he continued searching for shelter, eventually spotting a phone booth.

Rushing into the phone booth, Denji slammed the door shut behind him, grateful for the temporary shelter. Leaning on the phone inside, he reached up to wipe some of the rain off his face. "I should've brought an umbrella," he grumbled, his wet uniform a testament to his lack of preparedness.

The sound of the raindrops hitting the phone booth's walls and roof echoed within, creating a gentle, rhythmic pattering. The drops produced a soft, soothing melody as they made contact with the surfaces. The phone booth's roof acted as insulation, slightly muffling the noise from the outside world.

As the rain continued, occasionally, a more pronounced tapping sound would occur when larger drops fell or when the rain intensified. This added a variation to the calming, repetitive rhythm.

Suddenly, the peaceful ambiance was interrupted by a wailing sound from outside. "Wah! Eep!"

The phone booth's door swung open, and a young woman with shoulder-length purple hair and emerald-green eyes hurriedly entered.

"Wah! Hey there," she exclaimed, initially startled by Denji's presence but quickly calming down. "Wow, the rain sure is something."

"Ah... yeah," Denji muttered, eyeing the young woman with curiosity.

"If I remember correctly, the forecast was supposed to be..." she trailed off, her gaze fixing on Denji's face. "...Eh!?"

Her bewildered expression gave way to laughter, causing her to stumble backward and bump into the phone booth's door.

"Huh? What?" Denji asked, thoroughly confused.

"Ah, sorry," she managed to say amid her laughter. "I apolo..." She couldn't even finish her sentence before giggling again.

"The hell are you..." Denji muttered before exclaiming, "Huh?! Why are you crying?!"

"Ah no, sorry," she muttered, wiping a tear from her eye. "It's just... your face. It reminds me of my dead pet dog."

"Huh?!" Denji exclaimed. "I look like a dog to you?!"

"Sorry! I'm really sorry!" The young woman bowed in apology.

Denji stared at her blankly before Leo's words echoed in his head again. Suddenly, he got an idea.

Denji abruptly gagged, clutching both hands to his mouth. "Uegh!"

"Hm?" The young woman looked up, puzzled. "Are you alright...?"

"UEEGH...!" Denji continued to gag, bending over slightly, one hand on his mouth and the other on his stomach. "UGHH! UEEEEGH!"

"Wait!" The young woman exclaimed, reaching into her pocket. "I have a handkerchief!"

"Uegh..." Denji leaned upwards, reaching into his mouth and pulling on a stem before yanking out the flower he had swallowed earlier. "Tada!"

"Eh?" The young woman was flabbergasted as Denji handed over the flower, which she accepted. "Wow, magic! Amazing!"

"There's no trick or secret to this, though," Denji declared with a smile.

"Thank you..." The young woman replied, bringing the flower to her face.

Denji instantly lost his smile as he gazed at the woman. If he had to describe her in one word, it would be beautiful. She held the flower to her face, and Denji couldn't help but look at her with a slightly befuddled expression, his brows furrowing slightly and his mouth hanging open.

"Ah, the rain stopped," the young woman commented as she opened the phone booth door, but Denji's gaze remained firmly fixed on her.

They both stepped out of the phone booth, with the young woman taking a few extra steps ahead to give Denji some space.

"I'm headed to my job at a cafe down that way called Futamichi," the young woman said, pointing in the distance. "If you stop by, I'll give you a treat as thanks."

With that, she began to walk away but then abruptly turned around and pointed at Denji. "You better come!" she yelled out before continuing on her way.

Denji watched her departure with the same bewildered expression, his brows furrowed in thought.


The young woman navigated the streets, ascended a small set of stairs, and ventured down a narrow alleyway until she reached her destination. It was a modest two-story building with the only visible windows located on the ground floor.

"All right," she muttered as she tied an apron around her waist upon entering the cafe's back area.

"You're late," her manager scolded from behind the counter. "I'm not paying you for the time you weren't working."

"Cheapskate," the young woman grumbled.

"Water for table four," her manager ordered, placing a glass on the counter.

"Cheapo Mccheapskate," the young woman chided, grabbing the glass of water.

As she approached table four, she was taken aback to find Denji already seated there, his chin resting on his hand. "Already?!" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Ehh? Wait, did you get here before me?!" she asked, setting down the glass of water.

"It's a possibility," Denji replied casually, picking up the glass of water. "I just came to collect my thanks, that's all," he said with a nonchalant air as he took a sip.

"Hmmm," the young woman hummed, her smile growing as a blush colored her cheeks. She slid in next to Denji, playfully bumping into him after he placed the glass of water back on the table. "Then let's have a drink together! Hey, Mister, two coffees!"

"You're on waitstaff, aren't you?" her manager inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Does it really matter?" the young woman retorted. "People only ever come here in the morning anyway."

"Haah..." her manager sighed, rising from his seat.


A steaming cup of coffee was placed before Denji.

"The coffee is on me!" the young woman exclaimed cheerfully. "Do you like coffee?"

Denji hesitated for a moment before replying, "...I drink it." He cautiously picked up the cup and took a sip.

Almost immediately, Denji's face contorted in disgust as the bitter brew met his taste buds. He recoiled, setting the coffee back down.

The young woman couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "What's with that face!? You're totally forcing yourself to drink it!"

A faint blush colored Denji's cheeks. "I mean, come on! Coffee's always so bad!" he complained. "It tastes like muddy water!"

The young woman broke into a colorful laugh, her hand resting on Denji's shoulder. "Ahaha! You're like a kid! A total kid! Ahaha!"

Denji's attention was momentarily diverted by the sensation of her hand on his shoulder. His thoughts raced as he contemplated the situation. "She keeps touching me, and she's smiling at me... Wait, does she like me?" he pondered internally.

"I'm Reze," she introduced herself. "What's your name?"

"Denji," Denji replied simply.

"Denji... Denji," Reze repeated, savoring his name on her tongue.

"This is the first time I've met someone as interesting as you, Denji," she remarked, tilting her head with a blush gracing her cheeks.

"Um... Uhhh," Denji's words stumbled over one another as his mind raced.

"Wait, doesn't that mean that she likes me? What do I do? I like people who like me!" Denji's thoughts grew increasingly tangled as Reze continued to gaze at him with a smile and a vivid blush. "Save me, Makima! I'm starting to like this girl!"

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