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Chapter 90: 90. Shocked Ace: During This Period Of Time, So Many Things Happened On The Sea?

In the depths of Eternal Hell, the grandfather and grandson exchanged glances amidst the dim light. Ace could see the internal struggle on Garp's face and the unshed tears in his eyes. Garp, too, observed Ace's hesitancy and the emotions he was trying to hold back.

Both remained silent, and for the first time, Ace didn't retort to Garp's presence. Garp's heart was uneasy as he understood the turmoil within Ace. He comprehended that Ace's decisions weren't born out of mere rebellion or defiance but out of consideration for their safety.

Garp understood that becoming a Marine could jeopardize Ace and Luffy's lives. Their connection to the bloodline of Gol D. Roger was a dangerous secret, one that could endanger not just themselves but also Garp. The consequences of their lineage being exposed to the world government would be dire.

The poignant moment stretched between them. Their tears spoke what words couldn't convey. Ace contemplated speaking, yet the words eluded him. Garp, on the other hand, saw Ace's silence as a departure from their usual interactions.

Garp had always seen Ace as a rebellious youth, wanting to become a pirate due to his lineage. However, now he understood that Ace's choice was rooted in a deeper understanding of the world and the risks they faced.

Finally, Ace mustered the courage to break the silence, his voice hoarse with emotion. Both the grandfather and grandson were moved beyond words, and the tears that had threatened earlier now flowed freely down their cheeks.

"Old man..."

Ace spoke softly, addressing Garp in a way that was both familiar and respectful. It was a sign of the bond between them. They continued to share a poignant gaze, tears shimmering in their eyes.

Garp, too, responded with a heartfelt tone, acknowledging the depth of their connection. The words flowed between them, unspoken yet understood. Their synchronized action of wiping away tears spoke volumes, revealing their mutual understanding and shared pain.

Even the pirates in Eternal Hell, who were notorious and ruthless, observed the exchange with raised eyebrows. Witnessing the vulnerability and connection between Garp and his grandson seemed out of place in the midst of their dark environment.

Their derisive comments turned to muted understanding as they observed the interaction unfold. The sight of the Marine hero and his grandson shedding tears and sharing a moment of raw emotion was a stark contrast to their expectations.

The two wiped away their tears and exchanged smiles, their actions synchronized once again. They had cried out their emotions, and now a sense of relief settled over them. Ace's attempt at a lighthearted jest brought a genuine laugh from both of them.

Their shared laughter resonated in the darkness, a bittersweet moment of connection amidst the desolation. Ace, who had always referred to Garp as the "old man," now addressed him as "grandpa," acknowledging the deeper familial bond they shared.

However, beneath the surface banter and laughter, the complicated emotions still lingered. Garp's tears and his vulnerability were a testament to the depth of their relationship. He had always been a Marine hero and a figure of authority, but before Ace, he was just a grandfather.

Their laughter faded, replaced by a more somber atmosphere. Garp, understanding Ace's turmoil, attempted to steer the conversation elsewhere. He brought up the events that had occurred since Ace's imprisonment, events that had left both him and the world puzzled.

Garp recounted the appearance of a group of human traffickers who had kidnapped notable figures like Kaido's daughter Yamato and members of the Charlotte family. Ace's eyes widened as he absorbed the information. The sea seemed to have taken a bizarre turn in his absence.

As Garp continued to describe the events, Ace's initial shock evolved into curiosity. He wanted to know more about the world beyond Impel Down during the time he had been imprisoned. The revelations about human traffickers and their audacious actions left him both amazed and concerned.

Garp, however, considered this merely the tip of the iceberg. He mentioned the trafficking incident almost dismissively, suggesting that even more astounding events had transpired. As Ace's curiosity grew, Garp hinted at even more astonishing occurrences that had taken place in the sea.

Listening intently, Ace's focus shifted. He was ready to hear more, eager to comprehend the tumultuous sea that had continued to turn in his absence. His initial shock had transformed into a thirst for knowledge, and he urged Garp to continue sharing the unfolding events.

Garp's grin widened as he looked at Ace's eager expression. He remarked playfully, "Stinky boy, that's what got you curious? Just you wait, there's more that will blow your mind." Garp's words were filled with a mixture of amusement and fondness for Ace's reactions.

As the story of the sea's happenings unfolded, Ace's fascination and concern deepened. Garp's recounting of the events provided him with a glimpse into the complex and ever-changing world beyond Impel Down. The sea was far from stagnant; it was a dynamic and unpredictable realm.

Amidst the darkness of Impel Down, the two shared a moment of connection through the stories of the outside world. Ace's curiosity and Garp's storytelling bridged the gap between their situations, allowing them to momentarily forget the confines of their surroundings.

As the story unfolded, Ace's emotions shifted from shock to intrigue, and Garp's narrative revealed a world that was as tumultuous as ever. Garp's words painted a vivid picture of the sea's current state, capturing Ace's attention and leaving him hungry for more knowledge.

However, their conversation took a serious turn when Garp mentioned a particularly significant event that Ace should know about. The mention of a certain individual's attempt to save Ace from his impending execution carried weight and significance, reshaping the conversation once again.

The news left Ace both astonished and touched, his emotions swirling in a tumultuous mix. Garp's mention of the person who sought to rescue him held immense significance, altering the course of their conversation and setting the stage for the next chapter in Ace's journey.

The grandfather and grandson, bound by blood and shared experiences, continued their dialogue in the depths of Eternal Hell. Their connection transcended the darkness, reminding them that despite the trials and tribulations they faced, their bond remained unbreakable.

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