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Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Awaken!

While I was busy barely being alive, things continued to go on around me, as Rolls fought of must of the green creatures on his own with little to no difficulty.

However the most dangerous enemy, the blue creature was observing things with a smile on its face, like nothing happening before it mattered at all.

"Move! Why are you so heavy?!" Sara tried to move my body but struggled to do so while Jasmine and Naomi watched in fear or at least shock. After all, it's not every day you see a classmate getting beat to such a state.

At that moment as if a form of prayer was answered...

"Look! We're saved!"

"The Lord heard my prayers!"

"I knew I was too pretty to die here!"

"They should have been here sooner! My brother is dead and it's all your fault!"

"Yeah!! Where were you?! I lost my children because you're late!"

"Shut up you people! Complain after they save us!"

The people threw various comments as soon as they saw them.

Three Slayers came to the rescue and the one at the front began speaking to everyone around. "Get away everyone! We have arrived and will have the situation under control! Just try getting to the nearest exit and the-."

*Bam* *Crack* *Splatter* *Crunch*

(Did he not feel the presence?) I asked myself as a barbaric scene took place in front of everyone still there.

Silence took control as the blue creature munched on the head of the leading slayer while holding his headless corpse right in front of the other two as if nothing happened.

"$#€%£¥%$&@" It spoke again but I had no idea of what it was saying nor did anyone else seem to, but whatever it was, everyone in that room was terrified.

Who wouldn't be after seeing one of their own get eaten right before them?

Things only got worse as the girls were paralyzed in fear falling to the ground on their butts and wetting themselves together with a bunch of adults around after seeing what just took place. I want to be mad, but I can't... Even I'm scared of what might happen if this thing isn't stopped.


"Please spare me!"

"S- Stay away!"

"Why me?? Why me?! Why me?!?!"

Various people began panicking and cowering in fear or running for the count without caring for anything or anyone else.

The Slayers themselves the two still alive also found themselves paralyzed by the shock before one of them snapped out of it and dashed at the blue creature with her giant hammer.

"You disgusting monster..." She mumbled under her breath as she attacked it.

While the last one turned the other ran for his life letting go of his sword and not looking behind for his companion.

"No! Don't come after me! This isn't for me! My father was right! I should have stuck to business!" He yelled as he continued to run.

*Bam* *Crack*

Using a single hand, the blue creature caught the slayer lady's attack and then broke her arms followed by her legs.

"Aaarrrgghh!" She screeched in pain.

In the midst of this, Rolls used this opening to attack but was hit with a kick and sent flying to the wall which cracked.

Contrary to what I thought, it didn't kill her, or Rolls and instead, tracked the escaping slayer before easily getting to the him.

Having the blue creature in front of him, the escaping Slayer fell to the ground and soiled himself while crying looking at the monster.

"No! Please! Not me! Anything but that! Please don't kill me!" He begged for his life.

Not minding him, the blue creature ripped off all of his clothes confirming he indeed soiled himself in both ways. Then It ripped his head off his body together with the spinal cord and ate it, sucking the spinal cord in like it was spaghetti.

While that was happening Rolls ran by at high speed, and the blue creature simply looked at him not chasing or trying to stop him, only laughing. This was followed by his attention being placed on the slayer's corpse without a head or spinal cord.

The blue creature just looked at the slayer's body with what could be called absolute disgust before walking past him and quickly getting back to the slayer lady with her limbs broken and doing the same to her ripping off all her clothes then smiling and lifting her by the neck, before shouting. "$$$&$@&&€¥€£¥>%#####%!!!"

(What the hell?! Just what is going on?) I couldn't help but question my now paralyzed body.

{That doesn't matter! What matters right now, is that I need to do something or we'll both die! Useless earthlings! If I knew you were so weak, I would have made a better plan... It's my fault for trying to rely on others in the first place.

{Whatever! I've got an idea and you better hope this friend of yours has some talent or we're dead!} Vandir commented.

(What are you talking about?!) I didn't understand him.

Unfortunately, no answer was given to me.

Right after the blue creature yelled, more green creatures began to come through and began killing the men and capturing the women unlike before, when they were more so just scaring people.

Multiple deaths occurred in seconds and the scene looked much bleaker than before.

Then like a poorly told joke, with no setup, something crazy happened.

"Please stop! Please stop! So many people died... It's not fair..." In an act of stupidity, I would never have allowed if could move my body, Sara pleaded with the blue creature.

(What is this girl thinking?! They can't understand us! And even if they could they wouldn't care! They are monsters for a reason! Come back here now! Or even better! Run!) I wanted to tell this as loud as possible but my body wouldn't move at all, I had reached my limit.

Once again proving my weakness...

The blue creature looked at her while the green creatures were busy either killing men or kidnapping women.

Without a second thought, the creature grabbed Sara by the neck and sniffed her. She struggled but its grip was far too strong for her to do anything.

As if they snapped out of a trance, Jasmine and Naomi began yelling at the blue creature.

"Let go of her you ugly monster!" Jasmine shouted.

"Y-Yeah! This isn't right! Let her go!" Naomi followed the lead.

(Did you three lose brain cells?! Why are you making the situation worse for yourselves?!) I couldn't, not get mad at their dumb mistake.

This was something the blue creature saw as it looked in our direction, and then...

Just like before, the creature shouted. "$&$@$#%##%€£¥€¥!!"

After letting go of the slayer lady, the blue creature walked toward us while holding Sara. A smile formed on its face as it looked down on us and its fist formed a punch and then descended on me.

"No! Don't hurt Maky! Stop it!!" I could hear Jasmine's scream as the blue creature's punch approached my defenseless body.


(Rolls' POV)

Running at my current top speed, it hurt me to have to leave everyone behind, but if I want people to survive, I don't have much of a choice.

(After all that had happened, after meeting decent kids with potential, after getting this second chance... Everything went to shitter in a single event. It wasn't supposed to go this way! Why is a rank 2 grade 2 monster here?! It was supposed to be a manageable goblin hoard! So why is a mutated goblin variant leading them? I don't know!) It didn't jell well with me, but there wasn't much I could do about it except run and hope to get there in time.

(I hope the code is still the same as before... Otherwise, I'll never be forgiven by whoever survives... If any of them survive to begin with... Though I don't think Maky will stay down... He's tougher than he looks...) I found myself thinking of the unusual kid I have no memories of ever meeting the first time around.

It took forever or at least it felt that way but I found a Slayer comn point. They are communication devices used specifically to warm slayers of situations. Of course, if I had a phone I could just call SAPS, but that's not what I'm trying to do.

Not wasting a second I got in and entered the code.

(Please work!) I prayed in my mind.

|Base 069, Report!| It actually worked!

"It's an emergency! A rank 2 grade 2 monster has Sakura Lorvi, the daughter of Slayer42089# as a hostage! Please send Amir Nighttaken the teleporter... Or if possible send the whole Teleporter Triplets Team! As reinforcement as the extent of the treat is unknown." I give the command a bit rushed.

|Request Received! The command is already in effect! Hold off on the threat until further notice.| Hell yeah! We're saved!

The device was turned off.

*Sigh* "That was a close call... I hope they are all still alive..." I said before sitting down and letting the stress wash off me.


(Jasmine's POV)

This is the worst! I was just trying to have a nice day in this boring museum, but then goblins invaded the place... It's annoying!

Also, though I saw them in one of Sara's books before, these guys are really ugly...

They started doing a lot of scary things!...

No! It has Sara!...

(I wanna go home!) I wanted to run but I can't move.

(Those dumb slayers! I can't get attacked by monsters like these... I won't be able to sleep at night if that happens!) I was angry thinking about it.

{Urgh... Finally, I've made it.... This is wasting more energy than necessary... That kid better make this worth it later... Anyway, Bossy Girl!} A weird old man was saying things in my head.... Am I crazy?!

(Who are you, old man?! And you can't call me bossy! I'm Jasmine!) I asked politely as the angel I am.

{Old? I'm at the pinnacle of youth!... Urgh... Not now, I'm not here to argue with a bratty bossy little girl... I'm here to give you a chance to survive! I saw that you seem to have great talent and if you let's help, you can save the day.} The old man sounded creepy but I liked what he was saying.

(Me?! Save the day? For real?!?!) Just watch! I'll be the hero!

{Yes, you just have to scream at the monsters to stop with all your strength and emotion, I'll do the rest.} This old man is asking for something weird.

(That's embarrassing!.... I don't wanna!) I said.

{So, you don't want to save the day? And here I thought you were a good child.} The old man continued.

(I'm good! Daddy says I'm a good girl! He says I'm the best daughter!) I was angry!

{So he was lying?... How sad, you don't know you're actually an annoying bossy little girl.} THIS OLD MAN!

(No! I'm not! Daddy says I'm not! So I'm not! You're a meanie! You're an idiot meanie! Just like Maky! No! You're badder!) I hate this old man!!

{First, you don't say badder, the word you want is worse... Second, if you really want to help Makiel, you really should look at him right now.} Annoying old man, what is he saying?

Just because I wanted to, I looked at Maky and... The blue goblin is going to punch him.

"No! Don't hurt Maky! Stop it!!" I screamed without thinking.

Not Maky! Don't hurt him! He's my idiot meanie!

{Hehehe! Just what I needed! I really have to convince that kid to take this one later on! For now, however, Aweken!} The old man was saying more weird things.


(Makiel's POV)

Unfortunately, it seems I had forgotten I was still on a battlefield.

"No! Don't hurt Maky!" Jasmine screamed.

"Stop it!!" Then I could hear Jasmine scream once more as the blue creature's punch approached my defenseless body.

A sort of mana wave came out of Jasmine as she screamed and the space around us trembled as everything slowly but surely came to a halt.

Those two words 'Stop it' made themselves heard as everything around seems to have heard and heard well.

(Did she just stop time?! No... If she did that, I wouldn't be able to think at all... Wouldn't I be frozen too? So it's probably something else, but what? What did Jasmine just do?) I was in shock by this insane feat she pulled, now, right after Rolls, I found out that another of the children around me was secretly stronger than me.

It seems I have a longer way to go than I thought.

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