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Chapter 18: A Mysterious yet Fateful Encounter in Asgard

As Blake made his way out of the pub and strolled down the vibrant streets of Asgard, his thoughts were consumed by the possibilities of the next realm he should visit.

When suddenly his mind was abruptly interrupted by a resonant chime that sound within his mind, compelling him to halt in his tracks.

Drawing his focus to the familiar sight of his precious system panel materializing before him.

[Ding! Special Mission released: Solve the upcoming crisis.]

[Mission Rewards: Will be rewarded according to host performance.]

[Host will be rewarded bountifully if the mission is completed successfully.]

As he chanced upon the content and seeing that the mission was labeled as "Special" and also promised great rewards for its successful completion, Seeing it first Blake was shocked and then excited.

He felt a rush of joy and anticipation, eager to take upon this new mission as it was his first time that system issued a special mission.

However, as he delved into the details of the mission, a wave of realization washed over him, extinguishing his initial enthusiasm.

The system had declared about some impending arrival of a crisis, an imminent threat that demanded his attention.

The gravity of the situation descended upon him, dampening his spirits and replacing his excitement with a tinge of unease.

With furrowed brows, Blake's mind raced, searching for any clues as to who could possilbly be targeting him.

The nature of the mission implied a formidable adversary, one who could rival his own strength or be at least on par with him because system issued a special mission specifically for that.

In the midst of his frantic contemplation, Blake's mind initially darted towards Odin, the only individual he had encountered in Asgard thus far.

The All father although young but possessed immense power and influence, making him a plausible suspect.

However, Blake swiftly dismissed the notion, emphasizing the care he had taken to assume the guise of an ordinary human in his human form, concealing his true identity. Surely, Odin, even with his keen perception, would not be able to discern anything out of the ordinary in his unassuming presence.

Yet, the enigma of the mission persisted, shrouding Blake in a cloud of uncertainty, left him with more questions than answers.

The lack of clarity only served to heighten his caution and concern, accentuating the gravity of the situation that lay before him.

He acknowledged that the system, in all its wisdom, would not trifle with such serious matters.

With his senses keenly attuned, Blake harnessed his spiritual awareness, spreading it within a confined radius.

He treaded cautiously, mindful of any potential threats lurking within the shadows.

As an unfamiliar inhabitant of this realm and his first time exploring the material world, he felt an acute vulnerability, a heightened need for self-preservation.

And he couldn't even fully release his senses or he might get detected by Odin, perceiving him as an intruder or spy, although he didn't know if he could feel his spiritual sense.

but why take risk and fight a being who is already stronger than him for now

when a sudden situation of crisis is already looming on his head.

Every step he took, Blake's mind swirled with a disorienting mixture of uncertainty and anticipation.

The gravity of the situation intensified the dizziness that gripped his senses, threatening to overwhelm him at any moment.

As he navigated the streets of Asgard, his movements became unsteady causing his steps to falter. His senses swaying as if the world spun around him, blurring the lines between reality and illusion.

Desperation guided his faltering steps, urging him to seek refuge within the embrace of a nearby inn or lodging.

The intoxication of his thoughts mirrored the unsteady gait of his physical form threatening to plunge him into the depths of unconsciousness anytime.

However, as if fate had other plans for him

In his unsteady state, he collided with a woman, their bodies entangling in an unexpected embrace. and he tumbled over her with a resounding thud.

As Blake's hazy gaze alighted upon her, the world around him seemed to dissolve into stillness, overshadowed by the sheer allure of the captivating woman who lay beneath him.

She has a very youthful and enchanting face, accentuated by cascading locks of luxuriant curvy hair.

The words that escaped his lips emerged in a stuttering and slurred manner, their coherence lost in his intoxication.

"You... are... truly beautiful," he managed to utter

To his astonishment, her response came in the form of a smile, a smile that seemed to radiate with a captivating charm, transcending the blurred perception of his intoxicated mind.

It was the most beautiful smile he ever saw.

Her eyes shimmered with a glint of mischief danced alongside the shimmer of curiosity, as if she had stumbled upon something unexpected after setting her gaze upon me.

She leaned forward with a magnetic allure, her lips meeting his in an impulsive and fervent kiss.

As her lips delicately brushed against mine, a surge of electric sensations coursed through my veins, captivating my entire being. The soft pressure and the tantalizing exploration of her tongue against my own ignited a fire within, enveloping me in a whirlwind of desire and surrender.

The intoxicating scent that enveloped her presence entwined with his senses, ensnaring his every thought and clouding his judgment.

Despite his attempts to regain sobriety, the allure of her touch and the mesmerizing charm she exuded held him captive, rendering resistance futile.

For it was his first time after he came to this new world and seeing such an enchanting face how can he refuse and he couldn't hold back.

In that moment, as if a spark has ignited within him, fueling his response as he kissed her back with an intensity that matched the ardent fervor of her own embrace, with our tongue entangling each other.

Her lips, as sweet as nectar and as vibrant as the most delicate rose

As I tenderly sucked her soft lips,

The taste of Asgardian ale mingled with the delectable essence of her honeyed lips, creating a symphony of flavors stirred my senses to new heights.

which made me more passionate and made it erect

My hand started tracing her skin as gently as possible until it reached her perfect and large breasts

Supporting her back with my left hand and using the other hand, I started to fondle her breast.

However, in the midst of their passionate exchange, he saw a blinding burst of radiant light erupted from beneath him.

Blinking away the disorientation, Blake's eyes adjusted to the spectacle before him.

Intricate patterns adorned the ground, glowing with a mystic aura.

In an instant, he found himself transported from the bustling streets of Asgard to a cozy and comfortable place.

Before he could fully grasp his surroundings, his thoughts were swept away by another passionate kiss



Inside that dark and cozy room, spring was blooming without restraint.

"Aaaahhh.... Aaaahhh... It feels Aaaahhh... so good Aaaahhh..."

[For the lemon scene visit the patreon site and see there, I usually don't write 18+ scenes.]




As Blake woke up, his consciousness slowly seeped back into his senses, Blake became acutely aware of softness and weight of someone pressing against his body.

The sensation, combined with the peculiar scent that lingered in the air, tickled his nostrils and sent a jolt of curiosity through his groggy mind.

"The room... it carries a rather unusual aroma," he mumbled, his voice laced with a mixture of confusion and intrigue.

His groggy mind struggled to comprehend the situation, prompting him to force his heavy eyelids open and move his body as his hand was met with a peculiar sensation—an unsettling stickiness that clung to his palm.

"Eehhh... what in the world...?" he mumbled, his voice laced with a mix of bewilderment and a touch of frustration.

Struggling against the remnants of sleep, he exerted effort to pry open his heavy eyelids, revealing a sight that both startled and captivated him.

A woman, radiating beauty and regality, with luscious brown curls cascading around her, lay above him completely naked, her bare form captivating in its purity.

Yet, the shock of her presence, coupled with the sticky residue clinging to his hand, spurred Blake into action. With gentle insistence, he carefully pushed her aside, seeking distance and clarity.

As he rose from the disheveled bed, his senses were bombarded by the chaos that unfolded within the room. It was a scene of disarray and tumult, with stains of blood and other fluids marred over the sheets, casting an unwelcome odor upon the air.

Torn remnants of clothing littered the floor, scattered in a disordered fashion, adding to the disarray and casting an uncomfortable light upon the unfamiliarity of his surroundings.

The sight of an unknown, naked woman in such proximity only added to his growing unease.

Panic surged through him, the first thought that crossed his mind being that this could be the crisis mentioned by the system.

But then he thought where the fuck it crisis, isn't this his pure luck for seeing such a pure and flawless body of such an enchanting women.

However, his fleeting fascination was abruptly eclipsed by a frigid sensation that emanated from below.

As he felt sligthly cold below and a cold sensation washed over him

His gaze shifted downward, and the words got caught in his throat as he found himself utterly speechless.

He, too, stood naked, stripped of his own garments, the stark realization leaving him momentarily stunned.

In a grip of panic, with his mind spinning in disarray, Blake desperately sought to make sense of the situation but there was only a single possibility that he could fathom of what happened in the presence of a naked man and woman within the confines of a room.

Anxiety clenched at his heart as he rummaged through the scattered pieces of clothes, his hands futilely searching for his robe amidst the torn remnants that littered the floor.

Yet, his efforts yielded only some torn remnants of his robe teasingly scattered all across the room.

"What in the world has this lustful woman done? Has she torn my clothes asunder?" he muttered, with frustration tainting his voice.

However, as the chaotic thoughts raced through his mind, a sudden realization pierced the haze of confusion.


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