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Chapter 24: The first semister....

As the days passed...but the relationship between Ye yong and Li na stayed the same...

Ye Yong is kind of he thought dealing with the person like Li na is quite simple... compared with xiao'er... speaking of xiao'er.. in High school they became best friends...and with Li na's company and her trauma her personality was also quite hateful in the novel...In his mind.. ye yong was speculating and trying to predict how the future possible events may turn out...

Where In his side Li Na couldn't help but steal occasional glances at Ye Yong, her mind filled with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The memory of their embarrassing encounter and his mocking smile( he didn't actually smiled at her at all) played on a loop in her thoughts, fueling her frustration and embarrassment.

"Hmpf! Who told him to help me, anyway? It's not like I needed it or anything!"

"Ugh, why do I keep thinking about him? It's not like he's anything special!" Li Na muttered under her breath, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and defiance. "I bet he doesn't even care. He probably finds it amusing that I'm frazzled by his stupid mocking smile."

As Li Na was caught in her internal battle, lost in her conflicting thoughts about Ye Yong, their teacher's voice suddenly boomed through the classroom, capturing everyone's attention.

"Attention, class!" the teacher called out, commanding authority. The students immediately quieted down, their focus shifting to the front of the room. Li Na's heart skipped a beat, her mind momentarily distracted from her contemplations...

"I hope you've all been studying diligently because the time has come for the first-semester exams!" the teacher announced, a mixture of excitement and dread in her tone. "These exams will test your knowledge and understanding of the subjects we've covered so far. It's an opportunity for you to showcase your hard work and dedication."

Li Na's conflicting thoughts momentarily faded into the background as a wave of nervous anticipation washed over her. Her Mom and dad didn't care much even if she failed but she always wants to be at the top getting everyone's admiration...she was quite confident.. and a little exited making ye yong lose to would his expression be...

As the teacher continued explaining the exam schedule and requirements, Li Na's gaze involuntarily shifted towards Ye Yong. She couldn't help but notice how he remained seemingly unaffected by the impending exams, his expression stoic and unperturbed...

"Ugh, who does he think he is?" Li Na thought, a hint of annoyance resurfacing. "How can he be so calm about this? Doesn't he care about his grades or the pressure ?"

she felt a little uneasiness seeing him confident like that...but she herself is also confident that she can beat him..

as the teacher finished their announcement and the class resumed its usual buzz, Li Na found herself stealing glances at Ye Yong once again. There was a magnetic pull, an unspoken curiosity that drew her towards him, despite her stubborn attempts to resist...

As the days passed, the looming presence of final exams cast a shadow over the students' lives, The entire classroom buzzed with a mix of anticipation and anxiety as the exams drew nearer. The once vibrant atmosphere was now filled with the sound of pages flipping, pens scribbling, and whispers of last-minute revision...

Li Na, determined to excel in her studies, immersed herself in rigorous preparation. She spent countless hours poring over textbooks, organizing notes, and solving practice papers. The weight of her academic ambitions pressed upon her shoulders, pushing her to give her utmost effort...

Ye Yong, too, approached the upcoming exams with a little determination. His just wanted to try out his perfect Memory and see if he can get perfect score in all of the subjects...that would also make his mother and father very proud... He retreated to the library during breaks, meticulously reviewing his course material, and seeking clarification on challenging concepts...

In the midst of their individual preparations, Li Na couldn't help but steal glances at Ye Yong across the classroom. The image of him, immersed in his studies, evoked a mixture of admiration and a tinge of competitiveness within her. She couldn't let herself fall behind...


As the students gathered outside the examination hall, a nervous energy filled the air. Li Na fidgeted with her pen, mentally going through key formulas and concepts. Ye Yong, standing a few feet away, appeared composed but there was a subtle intensity in his gaze.

The doors to the examination hall swung open, and the students filed in one by one, finding their assigned seats. Li Na and Ye Yong happened to be seated in neighboring rows, their desks separated by a mere few feet...

As the clock ticked down, the room fell into a solemn silence. The exams commenced, and the students immersed themselves in answering the questions to the best of their abilities. The sound of scribbling pens and the occasional rustling of paper were the only audible reminders of the task at hand.

Hours turned into what felt like an eternity as the students battled their way through the exam papers. Li Na's mind raced, recalling all the information she had studied, carefully constructing her responses. Ye Yong, too, applied his knowledge with precision, his answers showcasing a depth of understanding.

Finally, as the invigilator announced the end of the exam, a collective sigh of relief filled the room. Students stretched their tired limbs and exchanged glances, a mix of exhaustion and hope reflecting in their eyes...


As the final exams concluded, a mix of anticipation and nervousness filled the air. Li Na and Ye Yong, like their fellow classmates, eagerly awaited the results...

Days turned into weeks, and the day of reckoning arrived. The students gathered in the school auditorium, where the results were posted their hearts pounding with anticipation...

Li Na anxiously scanned the list, hoping to see her name on the top. However,.. her heart sank as she realized that she had fallen short of her expectations...she was second... She was frustrated, knowing that she had put in immense effort but still didn't achieve the results she desired.

Among the sea of disappointed faces, Ye Yong stood tall, a smile playing on his lips. The principal's voice reverberated through the auditorium as he declared Ye Yong's name, praising him for his exceptional performance and perfect scores in all his exams.

Li Na's frustration deepened as she watched Ye Yong receive accolades and applause. His nonchalant demeanor and that mocking smile (again he didn't) he directed at her stirred a mix of envy and irritation within her.

Ye Yong, seemingly unfazed by the attention, He knew his hard work had paid off, but he didn't dwell on the admiration or comparison with his peers.

Li Na, grappling with her emotions, approached Ye Yong with a forced smile. "Congratulations on your perfect scores," she said, trying to hide her disappointment.

Ye Yong's smile widened, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Oh, thanks," he replied, his tone laced with playful arrogance. "But don't worry,.. Li Na. Not everyone can be at the top.."

Li Na's frustration flared, but she held back her retort, not wanting to engage in a fruitless argument. Instead, she mustered a composed With that, Li Na turned away, her pride wounded but her determination there is always the next one..she had to be in the top in the next semister... Absolutely...

Dufort_Yeager Dufort_Yeager

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