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Chapter 4: The Unexpected Alliance

Leo took the initiative and introduced himself and his sister, Grace, to Peter. Peter's ears perked up as he realized they were the ones Miles had mentioned earlier that morning. He smiled warmly and shook their hands, welcoming them to F.E.A.S.T.

Leo explained their situation, mentioning that they might stay at F.E.A.S.T. for a few days until they found a place to rent. He assured Peter that he had some savings left from before the accidents happened and that he was willing to contribute and help out in any way he could.

Peter nodded understandingly and said, "You're always welcome to stay here as long as you need. We appreciate any help you can offer, but don't feel obligated. We're all here to support each other."

Just as they were talking, Miles noticed their arrival and walked over with a warm smile. "Hey, Leo! Grace! Welcome to F.E.A.S.T. I'm glad you made it. Let me show you around and introduce you to everyone."

Leo thanked Peter for his hospitality, and Miles led them on a tour of the homeless shelters within the F.E.A.S.T. building. They met people from various walks of life, some struggling with addiction, others just down on their luck.

Miles explained the various programs and services F.E.A.S.T. provided, from meals and temporary housing to job placement assistance and counseling. Leo listened attentively, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness he had experienced.

The tour ended at May's office, where Miles introduced Leo and Grace to May. May greeted them with a warm smile and praised them for their strength and resilience. She assured them that they were in a safe place and that F.E.A.S.T. would do everything possible to help them rebuild their lives.

After checking in and settling into their temporary accommodations, Leo asserted that he might go out soon to look for another job. His last one hadn't been fortunate, but he was determined to provide for his sister and himself.

As Leo prepared to depart, he saw Peter at the reception desk near the entrance. He waved at Peter, who noticed the gesture and walked over. "Hey, Leo, where are you going?"

Leo replied, "I'm going to look for a job, Peter. Hopefully, I can find something soon and start rebuilding."

Peter nodded understandingly. "Good luck out there, Leo. Be safe, and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."

With that, Leo departed from F.E.A.S.T. and stepped out onto the sunny streets of New York. The bustling city greeted him with its vibrant energy as people hurriedly went about their day.

Leo walked among the pedestrians, and his eyes caught sight of a large screen broadcasting a news report by J. Jonah Jameson, who continued his relentless berating of Spider-Man. Leo only half-listened, his mind preoccupied with finding a job and securing a future for Grace and himself.

Ignoring the news, Leo entered a store and picked up a newspaper, scanning through the classifieds section for job listings. He found a few positions that seemed suitable and noted down the contact information.

With the newspaper in hand, Leo left the store and resumed his walk. As he walked, he felt a growing unease, sensing someone following him. His instincts kicked in, and he quickened his pace, only to hear loud footsteps and a shout calling his name.

Leo dashed forward, parkouring over fences, weaving through alleyways, and leaping over obstacles. The chase was intense, but Leo's agility allowed him to stay one step ahead of his pursuers.

Finally, as he reached a corner, the chase came to a halt. Men with guns surrounded him, trapping him with nowhere to escape. Leo's heart pounded in his chest as he assessed the situation, realizing he was caught.

Just then, a car pulled up—a sleek black limousine. A large man stepped out, towering over the others. It was Wilson Fisk, the man Leo had never encountered before. Fisk menacingly approached him, his voice dripping with malice as he spoke.

"Kid, you cost me that spider, and now it's time to settle the debt. You have no place to run, and I will keep coming after you, over and over again."

Leo protested, insisting that he was innocent and that he had already paid the debt since he already killed his former store owner, who had been like a father to him.

Fisk laughed, a sinister sound that sent shivers down Leo's spine. He threw a punch at Leo, who managed to dodge the blow, instinctively sticking to the nearby wall in a way that felt peculiarly natural.

Fisk growled and ordered his men to open fire. Bullets flew towards Leo, but he quickly climbed up the wall, escaping their reach and scaling the nearby rooftops.

As Leo reached the rooftop, the thugs rushed into the building, chasing him up the stairs. He had no time to waste. Fear and determination surged within him as he leaped from one rooftop to another, desperately trying to put distance between himself and his pursuers.

The chase concluded as Leo jumped into a bustling crowd, seamlessly blending in and disappearing from sight. He quickly made his way into a public toilet, hiding in a stall. From there, he watched as the thugs entered, their guns at the ready, searching for him.

Leo's eyes scanned the surroundings, and he noticed a vent above the ceiling. With a burst of agility, he climbed up and sneaked out through the vent, escaping once again.

He continued to navigate the rooftops until he reached a secluded rooftop, gasping for breath. But to his surprise, Wilson Fisk was already waiting for him, surrounded by his henchmen.

Leo was at a loss, not knowing what to do. In a desperate move, he yelled for help, hoping that someone, anyone, would come to his aid. And just when all seemed lost, Spider-Man swung onto the scene, webbing Leo away from Fisk and his men.

Fisk silently glared at Leo, his expression filled with menace, but he ordered his men to retreat. Leo was safe for the moment, thanks to the timely arrival of the masked vigilante.

After finding a safe spot, Spider-Man questioned Leo about why Fisk was chasing him. Leo explained the encounter with the Spider X-0315 and how it had bitten him. He also revealed the strange abilities he had gained as a result.

Spider-Man paused, contemplating the revelation. "That spider... I was bitten by a similar one too. We have more in common than we thought. But why would Fisk have a spider like that?"

Leo continued, sharing the story of the day Fisk's men had killed his former store owner, who had been like a father figure to him. Spider-Man listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities.

Concerned, Spider-Man asked Leo about his condition and the extent of his newfound powers. Leo explained his ability to climb walls, jump to great heights, and his heightened instincts. He marveled at his own capabilities, realizing that he had become something beyond ordinary.

Then, in a surprising move, Spider-Man unmasked himself, revealing that he was none other than Peter Parker. The same person Leo had met earlier at F.E.A.S.T.

Leo's eyes widened in astonishment as he processed the revelation. The masked hero who had saved him was none other than the friendly man who had welcomed him to F.E.A.S.T.

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