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Chapter 2: Auxiliary 002

Alexander was still confused why Anne hadn't phoned him since a long time ago so he tried checking up on her at her house. But the house was empty; no one was around and it seemed they had moved. What the hell was happening?

Then he picked up his phone and dialed her number again. Immediately, he heard a phone ringing from inside the house. He thought someone was inside, and on the other hand, he knew it was her phone ringing. Could it be she was inside? He walked in gently to the source of the sound, but he found only her phone on the floor.

As he took it up, he sensed something was wrong there. The mark on the floor exhibited some kind of struggle as well as force. He became baffled. What happened in this house? He.....

Just at the moment, he saw a man peeping through the window at him. As their eyes met, the man picked to a race and Alex headed after him faster than the man moved. No matter how he kept on with the chase, the man ran in fear and distress, so he knew he wasn't so suspicious.

Then he stopped chasing, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he disappeared in the twinkle of an eye ; the man also saw he was no more at his back, and he was baffled. But on the other hand, he was pleased that he might not be kidnapped too like his neighbor was some days ago. He then turned forward and in the next second, he saw that guy chasing him down before right infront of him. He screamed..

'Please help me! Help! Please don't kidnap me. Spare me,' and cried afterwards. Alex was confused at the moment and he asked.

'You just saw me today so why do you think I will hurt you?'

'You're strange, that's why,'he cried.'Please don't hurt me.'

Alex took a deep sigh and he said,'You are the one that is acting strange, mister. You were peeping at me in that house and I was thinking something was unusual at the moment so I suspected you.' When the man heard that, he was no more horrified. Then Alex asked, 'Where is the owner of that house?'

'Sh-she was taken away by some men recently. She was kidnapped,' the man shouted.

His head thrilled to his feet and he was sickened immediately. He yelled at the man, as if he was the kidnapper, 'Who are those that took her?!'

The man cried.

'Hey! Did you see their faces?!'

Suddenly, Gene appeared at the place and he threw a question at him quickly,

'Have you found Anne? Where's she?'

'No, she was kidnapped. I think Dark Hole is behind this,' he replied as tears clouded his corneas and it redened.

'She was what? What?' Gene's lips trembled as he mumbled that word. 'Then what's going to happen to her? Why is that rascal hiding and doesn't dare to come out one on one? He's a pretty cool wuzz!'

A restricted number called Alex's phone and he picked up the phone. He asked, myriadly impolite,'Who are you?'

'I see you have finally found out I took her.'

Alex became extremely angry. He mumbled under his breath,' If you dare lay a hand on a slight part on her, I swear I will gradually cut you to pieces. You hellbound rascal.'

He sneered,'It's unnecessary to protect her like that anymore. I told her everything.'


'I have given her the privilege to know the true murderer of her parent and now I am a star in her eyes. Isn't it funny?' He cackled.

He took a deep breath in and his rage escalated. Then Dark Hole said,

'My location is sent to your device Google map so meet me in a jiffy,' and he ended the call.

'What's it? He told her the truth? Alexander, isn't this over? We are done for now that she has found out.'

He nodded,'No, there's still a chance to convince her it was a mistake. I must get to her before Dark Hole tells her more infuriating things.'

'Gene, take this,'he brought out a black pouch and Gene collected it from him, completely dazzled.

'What is this?'

'It is a memory eraser. Mix a little powder into an edible thing, and if taken in, the person would just be like a new born baby.'

'Why are you giving it to me?'

'Find Anne's family and her friend, plus my family and spray it into the air;they will forget about me immediately. I suspect today might be the last day for me.' He smiled a little.

'Then does that mean what the dragon prophesied will come true? Will your bane really stab you in the chest?'

'I am not certain yet until I explain to her. But she won't ever believe that I wasn't myself when I accidentally killed her parent and that I have been repenting for it since twenty five years ago. She won't listen to me...'

'.....Then I think it's better you stop her early. You know she must not have the dagger in hand.'


At Annabelle's condominium....

'What are we going to do now? How are we going to save Anne?' David cried while Jocelyn and Annabelle sat at his two sides. They too looked sad but not as distressed as him.

'Do not worry. She will be fine,'Jocelyn comforted him.

'Yes, I think so,' Annabelle said.

As soon as they heard a knock on the door, all of them picked up sticks at a go. They were ready to fight for their safety, and they thought the person knocking was a bad guy.

'Who are you?' Annabelle exploded as she peeped towards the door and the person replied softly.

'It is Eugene.'

'What? It is Gene. Has he found Anne?' She hurriedly went to the door, while the others followed her, and she opened the door-boom!- excited Anne was there but she saw only Eugene.

'Huh. It is you, Mr Handsome,'she said disappointed. Then they saw him holding a black pouch in his hand so David asked

'What is that?'

''I am sorry,'he opened the pouch.

'For what?'asked the three, simultaneously.

He unleashed the powder into the air, and as soon as each of them inhaled, they passed out.

'I am sorry, guys. Farewell,'he then shut the door closed and left.

Alex's Rolls Royce parked the forest and he hopped out. The area was completely silent and there was no being noticed around. He thought about checking in but at the moment, he noticed numerous flashes and creepy movements around him.

'You are at it now? Show yourself!'

Dark Hole emerged at him,'Ancient forest known as Malachi is where your stupid dragon prophesied you would die, is it not? That means today is your last.'

Alex sneered,' Did you not also say stupid just now? That simply means I may not die.' He asked frankly,'Where's she?'

'Blame yourself for this!'

His dark suits billowed around him as he conjured dark tendrils of magic , crackling with an eerie black energy. With eyes filled with mallice,

he locked his gaze upon his adversary, Alexander whose very presence was ablaze with crimson flames. The enigmatic figure known as Roderick, a master of red magic, stood tall amidst the swaying trees, his aura pulsating with raw power.

As the battle commenced, the forest trembled under the weight of their clash. Malachi unleashed bolts of shadowy energy that hissed through the air, seeking to consume Alex's fiery essence. Yet he deftly dodged each attack, weaving through the trees with agility akin to a wildfire. He retaliated with bursts of red flames, roaring like a furious inferno, scorching the earth beneath his feet.

The forest bore witness to the immense power of both combatants, a battlefield where ancient trees were toppled by the forces of darkness and trails of charred earth marked Alex's path. Their powers clashed in a symphony of destruction, each man driven by an unyielding desire to annihilate the other. Amidst the chaos, they pushed the boundaries of their magic, their bodies vessels for a cataclysmic clash between darkness and an unrelenting blaze.

Their duel continued, the forest becoming a chaotic battleground where light and darkness fought for dominance. Branches splintered, leaves became ashes, and the air crackled with raw energy. The ominous laughter of Malachi echoed through the trees, while their faces remained an unyielding mask of determination. Both men were driven by a twisted conviction, their minds consumed by the desire to eradicate their opponent, no matter the cost.

In the heart of the forest, the struggle raged on, the very fabric of nature trembling under the weight of their immense power. As dark magic clashed with red flames, the outcome remained uncertain. Would Malachi succeed in enveloping the forest in eternal darkness, or would Alex's fiery spirit prove indomitable? The answer lay in the sparks of their conflict, the final outcome etched in the fate of the forest and the men who fought for dominance amidst its ancient trees.

Dark Hole strength ran down immediately and Alex strength doubled, as red fiery fire busted from his body. Red tendrils from the sky enveloped his mysterious enchantment and his eyes started to blaze neon fire.

His face was contorted with rage and determination. His hands glowed with swirling, blazing magic, ready to unleash upon the vile figure before him. Dark Hole cowered, fear etched into his trembling features. But just as the final blow was about to strike, a sudden, searing pain erupted in his chest. He gasped, dropping to his knees, meeting the bewildered gaze of Anne. His heart ached with etching pain.Regret flashed in his eyes as he watched the evil guy seize an opportunity to escape. Disappointment mingled with agony, shattering their once unbreakable bond, while he looked up at Anne.

'An-Anne. I am sorry!,he cried,' please forgive me. I wasn't myself then..'

'What are you saying?'tears rolled down her cheeks and her heart ached,'you killed my mother!' The rage escalated in her and she pushed the dagger in deeper. Alex gushed blood through his mouth and he suffocated.

Amidst the haunting shadows in the forest, she stood frozen, her trembling hand clutching the blood stained knife. Her tears filled eyes stared down at the dying form of the man she once loved, his body sprawled on the hot floor, a crimson pool expanding beneath him.

Silent whispers of regret echoed through her mind, like an ethereal choir lamenting the irreversible tragedy that had unfolded. Her heart, once consumed by a blazing fury, now bore the burden of unspeakable guilt. Every beat reverberated with a desperate plea for forgiveness, for a chance to turn back time and undo the irreversible damage she had inflicted.

She knelt beside him, her trembling fingers tracing the

She knelt beside him, her trembling fingers tracing the contours of his face, the same face that had once elicited a symphony of adoration and stolen her breath away. As her hand traced the lines etched by pain and suffering, her fingertips encountered the remnants of his fading warmth, a stark reminder that the threads of his life were slipping away.

A torrent of memories surged within her, cascading through her mind like a bittersweet montage of happier times. Their laughter, their dreams, and the promises they had whispered in each other's ears—they all blended together, mingling with the anguish of a fractured bond. The weight of the moment pressed heavily upon her, crushing her spirit beneath the burden of her impulsive act.

As her eyes brimmed with tears, she reached out to grasp his hand, desperate to hold on to the last remnants of their shattered love. With each fleeting moment, his essence seemed to dissipate like smoke, slipping through her trembling fingers, leaving behind only a chilling emptiness.

In that solitary moment, amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions, regret washed over her like a tidal wave. She longed to turn back time, to undo the cruel twist of fate that had led them down this tragic path. But the immutable reality remained, etched upon her heart, her soul forever haunted by the choices she had made.

With a shuddering breath, she leaned closer to his fading form, her whisper carried on the weight of remorse, "I'm sorry... I'm deeply sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing. I am sorry!!!" Her words hung heavy in the air, absorbed by the silence that now enveloped the forest And as the last vestiges of his presence was vanishing, he threw the memory eraser into the air and he finally vanished into the ethereal realm, she was left alone, consumed by grief and the profound lesson that love, once corrupted, can unleash the most devastating of consequences. As soon as she inhaled, she passes out while Dark Hole teleported from the place.

But as a very wonderful gift of nature, Alex doesn't die but his soul was sent out of the human realm to demon clan. So the real fight unleash as Dark Hole had teleported to demon clan to become the king, but it would take a long time for Alex to be whole again.

Dungeon_Warrior Dungeon_Warrior

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